Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
#include <QWaitCondition>
#include "whisker/whiskerconnectionstate.h"
#include "whisker/whiskerconstants.h"
#include "whisker/whiskerinboundmessage.h"
#include "whisker/whiskeroutboundcommand.h"
class QTcpSocket;
class WhiskerWorker : public QObject
// Object to manage communication with a Whisker server via TCP/IP.
// Once created, this object is moved (by WhiskerManager) into a NEW
// THREAD. Its functionality is then driven by Qt events.
// Constructor.
// Wait for an immediate reply to arrive, then return it.
// Called from OTHER THREADS.
WhiskerInboundMessage getPendingImmediateReply();
// Is the main socket connected?
bool isMainConnected() const;
// Is the immediate socket connected?
bool isImmediateConnected() const;
// Are both sockets connected?
bool isFullyConnected() const;
// Are both sockets disconnected?
bool isFullyDisconnected() const;
// "The connection state has changed." (See WhiskerConnectionState.)
void connectionStateChanged(WhiskerConnectionState state);
// "We are now fully connected."
void onFullyConnected();
// "Message received on main socket."
// (Will be connected to WhiskerManager.)
void receivedFromServerMainSocket(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "A socket error has occurred."
void socketError(const QString& msg);
public slots:
// "Please connect to the specified Whisker server."
void connectToServer(
const QString& host,
quint16 main_port = whiskerconstants::WHISKER_DEFAULT_PORT
// "Disconnect from the Whisker server."
void disconnectFromServer();
// "Send this message to the server." (See WhiskerOutboundCommand.)
void sendToServer(const WhiskerOutboundCommand& cmd);
// ... from WhiskerManager
protected slots:
// "The main socket is connected."
void onMainSocketConnected();
// "The immediate socket is connected."
void onImmSocketConnected();
// "One of our sockets has been disconnected."
void onAnySocketDisconnected();
// "Data is ready to be read from the main socket."
void onDataReadyFromMainSocket();
// "Data is ready to be read from the immediate socket."
void onDataReadyFromImmediateSocket();
// "An error has occurred on the main socket."
void onMainSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error);
// "An error has occurred on the immediate socket."
void onImmSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error);
// Set the connection state. If we're fully connected, emit
// onFullyConnected().
void setConnectionState(WhiskerConnectionState state);
// Returns all inbound messages currently available for a given socket.
getIncomingMessagesFromSocket(bool via_immediate_socket);
// Returns all inbound messages currently available for a given socket.
// Lower-level function than the other one with the same name.
QVector<WhiskerInboundMessage> getIncomingMessagesFromBuffer(
QString& buffer, bool via_immediate_socket, const QDateTime& timestamp
// Handle the low-level connection messages, and pass anything else on
// via our signals.
void processMainSocketMessage(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// Push a reply, received from the immediate socket, into our "replies
// awaiting collection" queue.
void pushImmediateReply(WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
quint16 m_main_port; // main port number
quint16 m_imm_port; // immediate port number
QString m_host; // hostname
QString m_code; // security code given to us by the server
QTcpSocket* m_main_socket; // main socket
QTcpSocket* m_immediate_socket; // immediate socket
WhiskerConnectionState m_connection_state; // overall connection status
QString m_inbound_buffer_main; // inbound message buffer for main socket
QString m_inbound_buffer_imm;
// ... inbound message buffer for immediate socket
QVector<WhiskerOutboundCommand> m_imm_commands_awaiting_reply;
// ... outbound commands waiting to be matched to a reply
QVector<WhiskerInboundMessage> m_imm_replies_awaiting_collection;
// ... inbound replies, already matched with the outbound command that
// triggered them, now awaiting collection
QMutex m_mutex_imm;
// ... mutex for m_imm_replies_awaiting_collection AND
// m_imm_commands_awaiting_reply
QWaitCondition m_immediate_reply_arrived;
// ... "a reply has arrived"