15.1.812. tablet_qt/tasks/phq8.cpp

    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "phq8.h"
#include "common/textconst.h"
#include "maths/mathfunc.h"
#include "lib/stringfunc.h"
#include "lib/uifunc.h"
#include "questionnairelib/questionnaire.h"
#include "questionnairelib/qumcqgrid.h"
#include "questionnairelib/qutext.h"
#include "tasklib/taskfactory.h"
#include "tasklib/taskregistrar.h"
using mathfunc::anyNull;
using mathfunc::sumInt;
using mathfunc::totalScorePhrase;
using stringfunc::strnum;
using stringfunc::strseq;

const int FIRST_Q = 1;
const int N_QUESTIONS = 8;
const int MAX_QUESTION_SCORE = 24;  // 8 * 3
const QString QPREFIX(QStringLiteral("q"));

const QString Phq8::PHQ8_TABLENAME(QStringLiteral("phq8"));

void initializePhq8(TaskFactory& factory)
    static TaskRegistrar<Phq8> registered(factory);

Phq8::Phq8(CamcopsApp& app, DatabaseManager& db, const int load_pk,
           QObject* parent) :
    Task(app, db, PHQ8_TABLENAME, false, false, false, parent),  // ... anon, clin, resp
    addFields(strseq(QPREFIX, FIRST_Q, N_QUESTIONS), QMetaType::fromType<int>());

    load(load_pk);  // MUST ALWAYS CALL from derived Task constructor.

// ============================================================================
// Class info
// ============================================================================

QString Phq8::shortname() const
    return QStringLiteral("PHQ-8");

QString Phq8::longname() const
    return tr("Patient Health Questionnaire 8-item depression scale");

QString Phq8::description() const
    return tr("Self-scoring of 8 depressive symptoms from DSM-IV.");

// ============================================================================
// Instance info
// ============================================================================

bool Phq8::isComplete() const
    if (anyNull(values(strseq(QPREFIX, FIRST_Q, N_QUESTIONS)))) {
        return false;
    return true;

QStringList Phq8::summary() const
    return QStringList{totalScorePhrase(totalScore(), MAX_QUESTION_SCORE)};

QStringList Phq8::detail() const
    using stringfunc::bold;
    using uifunc::yesNo;

    const int totalscore = totalScore();
    const QString sev = severity(totalscore);
    const int ncore = nCoreSymptoms();
    const int nother = nOtherSymptoms();
    const int ntotal = ncore + nother;

    // Kroenke et al. (2009) PMID 18752852, p166 [annotations in square
    // brackets]:
    // 'Current depression was defined in two ways: 1) a PHQ-8 algorithm
    // diagnosis of major depression (this requires either the first or second
    // item (depressed mood or anhedonia) [CORE SYMPTOMS] to be present “more
    // than half the days” [SCORE >=2] and at least 5 of the 8 symptoms [TOTAL
    // SYMPTOMS] to be present “more than half the days” [SCORE >=2])...'

    const bool mds = (ncore >= 1) && (ntotal >= 5);

    // '... or other depression (2 to 4 [TOTAL] symptoms, including depressed
    // mood or anhedonia [AT LEAST ONE CORE], are required to be present “more
    // than half the days” [SCORE >=2])..."

    const bool ods = (ncore >= 1) && (ntotal >= 2) && (ntotal <= 4);

    const QString spacer(QStringLiteral(" "));
    QStringList lines = completenessInfo();
    lines += fieldSummaries(
    lines += summary();
    lines.append(xstring(QStringLiteral("mds")) + spacer + bold(yesNo(mds)));
    lines.append(xstring(QStringLiteral("ods")) + spacer + bold(yesNo(ods)));
    lines.append(xstring(QStringLiteral("depression_severity")) + spacer + bold(sev));
    return lines;

OpenableWidget* Phq8::editor(const bool read_only)
    const NameValueOptions options_q1_9{
        {xstring(QStringLiteral("a0")), 0},
        {xstring(QStringLiteral("a1")), 1},
        {xstring(QStringLiteral("a2")), 2},
        {xstring(QStringLiteral("a3")), 3},

    QuPagePtr page((new QuPage{
        (new QuText(xstring(QStringLiteral("stem"))))->setBold(true),
        new QuMcqGrid(
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q1")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q1"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q2")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q2"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q3")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q3"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q4")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q4"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q5")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q5"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q6")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q6"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q7")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q7"))),
                QuestionWithOneField(xstring(QStringLiteral("q8")), fieldRef(QStringLiteral("q8"))),

    m_questionnaire = new Questionnaire(m_app, {page});

    return m_questionnaire;

// ============================================================================
// Task-specific calculations
// ============================================================================

int Phq8::totalScore() const
    return sumInt(values(strseq(QPREFIX, FIRST_Q, N_QUESTIONS)));

int Phq8::nCoreSymptoms() const
    int n = 0;
    const QStringList fieldnames = strseq(QPREFIX, 1, 2);
    for (const QString& fieldname : fieldnames) {
        if (valueInt(fieldname) >= 2) {
            n += 1;
    return n;

int Phq8::nOtherSymptoms() const
    int n = 0;
    const QStringList fieldnames = strseq(QPREFIX, 3, 8);
    for (const QString& fieldname : fieldnames) {
        if (valueInt(fieldname) >= 2) {
            n += 1;
    return n;

QString Phq8::severity(const int score)
    // Kroenke et al. (2009) PMID 18752852, p166:
    // "The frequency distribution of major depression and other depression by
    // standard PHQ-8 severity intervals (0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, and
    // 20–24)..."

    if (score >= 20) return TextConst::severe();
    if (score >= 15) return TextConst::moderatelySevere();
    if (score >= 10) return TextConst::moderate();
    if (score >=  5) return TextConst::mild();
    return TextConst::none();