Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <QSize>
#include "db/fieldref.h"
#include "questionnairelib/quelement.h"
class AspectRatioPixmap;
class BooleanWidget;
class ClickableLabelWordWrapWide;
class LabelWordWrapWide;
class QuBoolean : public QuElement
// Element to control a single Boolean field.
// Displays one of the following formats:
// - text button
// +------+ QuBoolean("", fieldref);
// | text | setAsTextButton(true);
// +------+
// - response widget ("indicator") and text
// +-+ QuBoolean("text", fieldref);
// |✓| text
// +-+
// - response widget ("indicator") and icon
// +-+ QuBoolean(iconfilename, QSize(), fieldref);
// |×| icon
// +-+
// The formats can be customized further.
// Protected constructor
const QString& text,
const QString& filename,
const QSize& size,
FieldRefPtr fieldref,
QObject* parent = nullptr
// Construct with: text to display; fieldref
const QString& text, FieldRefPtr fieldref, QObject* parent = nullptr
// Construct with: icon filename, icon size, fieldref.
// If size == QSize(), that means "the file's intrinsic image size"
const QString& filename,
const QSize& size,
FieldRefPtr fieldref,
QObject* parent = nullptr
// Alter the text (but currently does not set it to text mode if a widget
// had already been created in image mode).
QuBoolean* setText(const QString& text);
// Alter the image (but currently does not set it to image mode if a
// widget had already been created in text mode).
QuBoolean* setImage(const QString& filename, const QSize& size);
// Is the content (text or image) clickable, as well as the response
// widget?
QuBoolean* setContentClickable(bool clickable = true);
// Should the indicator (response widget) be on the left of the content
// (text or image) or not ("not" meaning: put it on the right instead).
QuBoolean* setIndicatorOnLeft(bool indicator_on_left = true);
// Should the indicator be bigger than usual? See BooleanWidget::setSize().
QuBoolean* setBigIndicator(bool big = true);
// Should the text be bigger than usual (uiconst::FontSize::Big rather than
// uiconst::FontSize::Normal)?
QuBoolean* setBigText(bool big = true);
// Should the text be bold?
QuBoolean* setBold(bool bold = true);
// Should the text be italic?
QuBoolean* setItalic(bool italic = true);
// If you call setAllowUnset(true), cycle NULL -> true -> false -> NULL.
// Otherwise (the default), cycle NULL -> true -> false -> true.
QuBoolean* setAllowUnset(bool allow_unset = true);
// Puts the widget into "text button" mode (see above).
QuBoolean* setAsTextButton(bool as_text_button = true);
// Adjust the image for the current DPI setting, so it appears a standard
// physical size?
QuBoolean* setAdjustImageForDpi(bool adjust_image_for_dpi = true);
// This is a bit unusual. If set to true, the "false" state appears blank.
// This allows you to make a tick appear/disappear (not be replaced by
// a cross).
// You almost certainly do not want to combine it with setAllowUnset(true),
// because it may become visually hard to distinguish NULL from false. (If
// the field is also mandatory, it will be visually possible, but still
// confusing.)
QuBoolean* setFalseAppearsBlank(bool false_appears_blank = true);
// Sets the widget state from our fieldref.
void setFromField();
// Get the pixmap, if applicable (scaled, if that's applicable).
QPixmap getPixmap() const;
virtual QPointer<QWidget> makeWidget(Questionnaire* questionnaire
) override;
virtual FieldRefPtrList fieldrefs() const override;
protected slots:
// "Our internal widget was clicked."
void clicked();
// "Fieldref reports that the field's data has changed."
void fieldValueChanged(const FieldRef* fieldref);
QString m_text; // text (label)
QString m_image_filename; // filename for icon
QSize m_image_size; // size of icon
bool m_adjust_image_for_dpi; // rescale the image?
FieldRefPtr m_fieldref; // our fieldref
bool m_content_clickable; // is the text or icon clickable?
bool m_indicator_on_left; // "indicator widget" not "widget indicator"?
bool m_big_indicator; // big indicator?
bool m_big_text; // big text?
bool m_bold; // bold text?
bool m_italic; // italic text?
bool m_allow_unset; // allow setting back to NULL?
bool m_as_text_button; // text button, not tickbox indicator?
bool m_false_appears_blank; // false appears unticked?
QPointer<BooleanWidget> m_indicator; // tickbox indicator
QPointer<ClickableLabelWordWrapWide> m_text_widget_clickable;
// ... used to change text
QPointer<LabelWordWrapWide> m_text_widget_plain; // used to change text
QPointer<AspectRatioPixmap> m_image_widget; // used to change an image