15.1.364. tablet_qt/menulib/menuwindow.h¶
Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
// ... bad; window contains scroll area, which gets too short
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QVector>
#include "common/aliases_camcops.h"
#include "core/camcopsapp.h" // for LockState
#include "layouts/layouts.h"
#include "menulib/menuitem.h"
#include "widgets/heightforwidthlistwidget.h"
#include "widgets/openablewidget.h"
class MenuHeader;
class Questionnaire;
class QLineEdit;
class QListWidget;
class QListWidgetItem;
// A CamCOPS menu.
class MenuWindow : public OpenableWidget
CamcopsApp& app,
const QString& icon = "",
bool top = false,
bool offer_search = false
// Derived constructors should be LIGHTWEIGHT, as
// MenuItem::MenuItem(MenuProxyPtr, CamcopsApp&) will create an INSTANCE
// to get the title/subtitle.
// ... note that we can't have a virtual static function (as we would in
// Python: a classmethod that can be overridden), so title etc.
// can't be static.
// ... Note also that destroying and recreating the menu header etc.
// seem to lead to dangers and loose signals (well, doubled signals --
// possibly because we were connecting signals during a signal call), so we
// do need to create those.
// If it's cheap, populate m_items in the constructor.
// If it's expensive (e.g. task lists), override build() to do:
// (a) populate m_items;
// (b) call MenuWindow::build();
// (c) +/- any additional work (e.g. signals/slots).
// Set the menu's icon (displayed on other menus leading to it, and at the
// top of the menu itself. The parameter is a CamCOPS icon filename stub.
void setIcon(const QString& icon);
QString icon() const;
// Menu title. Dynamic, so that the language can be changed dynamically.
virtual QString title() const = 0;
// Menu subtitle.
virtual QString subtitle() const;
// Returns the zero-based index of the currently selected item.
int currentIndex() const;
// Returns the task instance represented by the currently selected item.
TaskPtr currentTask() const;
// Returns the patient instance represented by the currently selected item.
PatientPtr currentPatient() const;
// Catch generic events
virtual bool event(QEvent* e) override;
// Complain that the task isn't offering an editor, so can't be
// viewed or edited.
static void complainTaskNotOfferingEditor();
// Connect Questionnaire::editStarted -> Task::editStarted
// and Questionnaire::editFinished -> Task::editFinished
static void connectQuestionnaireToTask(OpenableWidget* widget, Task* task);
// Ensures items are recreated in full
void rebuild(bool rebuild_header = true);
// Make the Qt widget layout. Calls extraLayoutCreation().
void makeLayout();
// Additional function that subclasses can override to specialize layout.
virtual void extraLayoutCreation()
// Called by the default implementation of build(), for simplicity
virtual void makeItems()
// Create widgets. Called by the OpenableWidget framework prior to opening.
void build() override;
// Called by build() as it finishes. Allows subclasses to do extra
// processing, e.g. emitting signals.
virtual void afterBuild()
// Load or reload the stylesheet on our widget.
void reloadStyleSheet();
void loadStyleSheet();
// "The menu header should offer the 'add' button (or not).'
void offerAdd(bool offer_add);
// "The menu header should offer the 'view' button (or not).'
void offerView(bool offer_view);
// "The menu header should offer the 'edit'/'delete' buttons (or not).'
void offerEditDelete(bool offer_edit, bool offer_delete);
// "The menu header should offer the 'finish' flag (or not).'
void offerFinishFlag(bool offer_finish_flag);
public slots:
// "The menu selection has changed."
void menuItemSelectionChanged();
// "A menu item has been clicked."
void menuItemClicked(QListWidgetItem* item);
// "The application's lock state has changed."
void lockStateChanged(CamcopsApp::LockState lockstate);
// "View the current item."
virtual void viewItem();
// "Edit the current item."
virtual void editItem();
// "Delete the current item."
virtual void deleteItem();
// "Print the menu layout to the debugging stream."
void debugLayout();
protected slots:
// "The search text has changed; re-filter the list of menu items."
void searchTextChanged(const QString& text);
// View a task, if one is selected.
void viewTask();
// Edit a task, if one is selected and editable. Check first.
void editTask();
// Edit a task, if one is selected and editable. Do it now.
void editTaskConfirmed(const TaskPtr& task);
// Delete a task, if one is selected
void deleteTask();
// Toggle the finish flag of the currently selected task/patient.
void toggleFinishFlag();
CamcopsApp& m_app;
QString m_icon;
bool m_top;
bool m_offer_search;
QVector<MenuItem> m_items;
QPointer<VBoxLayout> m_mainlayout;
QPointer<QVBoxLayout> m_mainlayout;
QPointer<MenuHeader> m_p_header;
QPointer<QLineEdit> m_search_box;
QPointer<HeightForWidthListWidget> m_p_listwidget;
QPointer<QListWidget> m_p_listwidget;