15.2.258. server/camcops_server/extra_strings/cecaq3.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <task name="cecaq3">
    <!-- Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire (CECA-Q3) -->

    <string name="title">Family relationships in childhood</string>
    <string name="instruction1">This questionnaire concerns aspects of childhood. We are equally interested in people with TYPICAL OR ATYPICAL experience.</string>
    <string name="instruction2">We would be very grateful if you could fill in ALL of the following questions about yourself.</string>
    <string name="1a_q">Who brought you up before age 17?</string>
    <string name="1a_instruction">List the PARENT FIGURES who brought you up in childhood for at least a year or longer. Tick any of those that apply:</string>
    <string name="1a_motherfigures">Mother figure(s)</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_birthmother">Birth mother</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_stepmother">Stepmother</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_femalerelative">Female relative</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_familyfriend">Family friend (incl. godparent)</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_fostermother">Foster mother</string>
    <string name="1a_mf_adoptivemother">Adoptive mother</string>
    <string name="other">Other</string>
    <string name="1a_fatherfigures">Father figure(s)</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_birthfather">Birth father</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_stepfather">Stepfather</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_malerelative">Male relative</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_familyfriend">Family friend (incl. godparent)</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_fosterfather">Foster father</string>
    <string name="1a_ff_adoptivefather">Adoptive father</string>
    <string name="rnc_1a_femalerelative_or_other">(*) If you ticked “female relative” or “other”, please give details:</string>
    <string name="rnc_1a_malerelative_or_other">(*) If you ticked “male relative” or “other”, please give details:</string>
    <string name="1b_q">Were you ever in a children’s home or institution prior to age 17?</string>
    <string name="1b_q_how_long">IF YES: What was the total length of time in the children’s home, in years?</string>
    <string name="1b_how_long_prompt">Time (years)</string>
    <string name="1c_heading">Loss of parent before age 17</string>
    <string name="mother">Mother</string>
    <string name="father">Father</string>
    <string name="1c_parentdied">Did either parent die before you were age 17?</string>
    <string name="1c_parentdiedage">IF YES: What age were you?</string>
    <string name="age_years">Age (years)</string>
    <string name="1c_separated">Have you ever been separated from your parent for one year or more before age 17?</string>
    <string name="1c_if_separated">IF SEPARATED:</string>
    <string name="1c_age_first_separated">At what age were you first separated?</string>
    <string name="1c_how_long_separation">How long was this separation (in years)?</string>
    <string name="1c_years">Years</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason">What was the reason for separation?</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason1">Illness</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason2">Work</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason3">Divorce/separation</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason4">Never knew parent</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason5">Abandoned</string>
    <string name="1c_separation_reason6">Other reason</string>
    <string name="please_describe_experience">Please describe your experience</string>
    <string name="2a_heading">As you remember your mother figure in the first 17 years:</string>
    <string name="2a_instruction">Please choose the appropriate option. If you had more than one mother figure, choose the one you were with LONGEST, or the one you found most DIFFICULT to live with.</string>
    <string name="2a_which">Which mother figure are you describing below?</string>
    <string name="2a_which_option0">None, skip this section</string> <!-- RNC -->
    <string name="2a_which_option1">Birth mother</string>
    <string name="2a_which_option2">Stepmother/father’s live-in partner</string>
    <string name="2a_which_option3">Other relative, e.g. aunty, grandmother</string>
    <string name="2a_which_option4">Other non-relative, e.g. foster mother, godmother</string>
    <string name="2a_which_option5">Other (*)</string>
    <string name="rnc_if_other_describe">(*) If you chose “other”, please describe:</string>
    <string name="options5way_notoyes_1">No, not at all</string>
    <string name="options5way_notoyes_3">Unsure</string>
    <string name="options5way_notoyes_5">Yes, definitely</string>
    <string name="2a_q1">She was very difficult to please</string>
    <string name="2a_q2">She was concerned about my worries</string>
    <string name="2a_q3">She was interested in how I did at school</string>
    <string name="2a_q4">She made me feel unwanted</string>
    <string name="2a_q5">She tried to make me feel better when I was upset</string>
    <string name="2a_q6">She was very critical of me</string>
    <string name="2a_q7">She would leave me unsupervised before I was 10 years old</string>
    <string name="2a_q8">She would usually have time to talk to me</string>
    <string name="2a_q9">At times she made me feel I was a nuisance</string>
    <string name="2a_q10">She often picked on me unfairly</string>
    <string name="2a_q11">She was there if I needed her</string>
    <string name="2a_q12">She was interested in who my friends were</string>
    <string name="2a_q13">She was concerned about my whereabouts</string>
    <string name="2a_q14">She cared for me when I was ill</string>
    <string name="2a_q15">She neglected my basic needs (e.g. food and clothes)</string>
    <string name="2a_q16">She did not like me as much as my brothers and sisters (leave blank if no siblings)</string>
    <string name="2a_add_anything">Do you want to add anything else about your mother?</string>
    <string name="2b_heading">The following items describe some behaviours that can occur from parents. Did your mother/mother figure ever act like this towards you?</string>
    <string name="2b_instruction">(Please choose the appropriate responses.)</string>
    <string name="options3way_noto_yes_0">No</string>
    <string name="options3way_noto_yes_1">Unsure</string>
    <string name="options3way_noto_yes_2">Yes</string>
    <string name="how_frequent">How frequently?</string>
    <string name="optionsfrequency0">Never</string>
    <string name="optionsfrequency1">Once</string>
    <string name="optionsfrequency2">Rarely</string>
    <string name="optionsfrequency3">Often</string>
    <string name="2b_q1">She would tease me</string>
    <string name="2b_q2">She made me keep secrets</string>
    <string name="2b_q3">She undermined my confidence</string>
    <string name="2b_q4">She would confuse me by telling me to do contradictory things</string>
    <string name="2b_q5">She played on my fears</string>
    <string name="2b_q6">She liked to see me suffer</string>
    <string name="2b_q7">She humiliated me, put me down</string>
    <string name="2b_q8">She would shame me in front of others</string>
    <string name="2b_q9">She was very rejecting</string>
    <string name="2b_q10">She took away the things I cherished</string>
    <string name="2b_q11">She would make me eat things I didn’t like until I was sick</string>
    <string name="2b_q12">She would deliberately deprive me of light, food or company</string>
    <string name="2b_q13">She would not let me mix with people I wanted to see</string>
    <string name="2b_q14">She would make me feel guilty so I would do what I was told</string>
    <string name="2b_q15">She threatened to hurt the people dear to me to get what she wanted</string>
    <string name="2b_q16">She forced me to steal or break the law for her</string>
    <string name="2b_q17">She said she wanted me dead</string>
    <string name="if_any_what_age">If any of these occurred: What age were you when it started (in years)?</string>
    <string name="is_there_more_you_want_to_say">Is there any more you want to say about these experiences?</string>
    <string name="3a_heading">As you remember your father figure in the first 17 years:</string>
    <string name="3a_instruction">Please choose the appropriate option. If you had more than one father figure, choose the one you were with LONGEST, or the one you found most DIFFICULT to live with. If you had no father in the household then leave out this section.</string>
    <string name="3a_which">Which father figure are you describing below?</string>
    <string name="3a_which_option0">None, skip this section</string> <!-- RNC -->
    <string name="3a_which_option1">Birth father</string>
    <string name="3a_which_option2">Stepfather/mother’s live-in partner</string>
    <string name="3a_which_option3">Other relative, e.g. uncle, grandfather</string>
    <string name="3a_which_option4">Other non-relative, e.g. foster father, godfather</string> <!-- CHECK INTENT: original said "adoptive father" but that seems much closer than "mother’s live-in partner" and the female version has "godmother", so changed to "godfather" here -->
    <string name="3a_which_option5">Other (*)</string>
    <string name="3a_q1">He was very difficult to please</string>
    <string name="3a_q2">He was concerned about my worries</string>
    <string name="3a_q3">He was interested in how I did at school</string>
    <string name="3a_q4">He made me feel unwanted</string>
    <string name="3a_q5">He tried to make me feel better when I was upset</string>
    <string name="3a_q6">He was very critical of me</string>
    <string name="3a_q7">He would leave me unsupervised before I was 10 years old</string>
    <string name="3a_q8">He would usually have time to talk to me</string>
    <string name="3a_q9">At times he made me feel I was a nuisance</string>
    <string name="3a_q10">He often picked on me unfairly</string>
    <string name="3a_q11">He was there if I needed him</string>
    <string name="3a_q12">He was interested in who my friends were</string>
    <string name="3a_q13">He was concerned about my whereabouts</string>
    <string name="3a_q14">He cared for me when I was ill</string>
    <string name="3a_q15">He neglected my basic needs (e.g. food and clothes)</string>
    <string name="3a_q16">He did not like me as much as my brothers and sisters (leave blank if no siblings)</string>
    <string name="3a_add_anything">Do you want to add anything else about your father?</string>
    <string name="3b_heading">The following items describe some behaviours that can occur from parents. Did your father/father figure ever act like this towards you?</string>
    <string name="3b_instruction">(Please choose the appropriate responses.)</string>
    <string name="3b_rnc_nofather">If you had no father in the household then leave out this section.</string>
    <string name="3b_q1">He would tease me</string>
    <string name="3b_q2">He made me keep secrets</string>
    <string name="3b_q3">He undermined my confidence</string>
    <string name="3b_q4">He would confuse me by telling me to do contradictory things</string>
    <string name="3b_q5">He played on my fears</string>
    <string name="3b_q6">He liked to see me suffer</string>
    <string name="3b_q7">He humiliated me, put me down</string>
    <string name="3b_q8">He would shame me in front of others</string>
    <string name="3b_q9">He was very rejecting</string>
    <string name="3b_q10">He took away the things I cherished</string>
    <string name="3b_q11">He would make me eat things I didn’t like until I was sick</string>
    <string name="3b_q12">He would stop me having light, food or company</string> <!-- slight asymmetry -->
    <string name="3b_q13">He would not let me mix with people I wanted to see</string>
    <string name="3b_q14">He would make me feel guilty so I would do what I was told</string>
    <string name="3b_q15">He threatened to hurt the people dear to me to get what he wanted</string> <!-- typo in original ("she") -->
    <string name="3b_q16">He forced me to steal or break the law for him</string>
    <string name="3b_q17">He said he wanted me dead</string>
    <string name="3c_heading">Did you do the following as a child or young person before age 17?</string>
    <string name="3c_q1">Did you have a lot of responsibility in the home as a child, more than other children your age?</string>
    <string name="3c_q2">Were you expected to do a lot of housework, more than other children your age?</string>
    <string name="3c_q3">Did you have to look after younger siblings, more than other children your age?</string>
    <string name="3c_q4">Were you responsible for cooking, and cleaning the home?</string> <!-- comma added -->
    <string name="3c_q5">Did you ever miss school because of responsibilities at home?</string>
    <string name="3c_q6">Did you ever miss out on seeing friends because of responsibilities at home?</string>
    <string name="3c_q7">Did your parent/s ever say they couldn’t cope with looking after you when you were a child?</string>
    <string name="3c_q8">Did your parent/s look to you for help as a child?</string>
    <string name="3c_q9">Could your parent/s cope if you hurt yourself or were ill?</string>
    <string name="3c_q10">Did your parent ever confide their problems in you?</string>
    <string name="3c_q11">Did your parent/s rely you for emotional support when you were a child?</string>
    <string name="3c_q12">Would your parent cry in front of you?</string>
    <string name="3c_q13">Did you feel concerned and worried about your parent when you were a child?</string>
    <string name="3c_q14">Did you try to support and care for your parent?</string>
    <string name="3c_q15">Did you try to make your parent smile or laugh when s/he was upset?</string>
    <string name="3c_q16">Did your parent try to make you feel guilty about the sacrifices they had made for you?</string>
    <string name="3c_q17">Did you ever have to keep secrets for your parent/s?</string>
    <string name="3c_which_parent_cared_for">Which parent did you have to provide care for?</string>
    <string name="3c_whichparentcaredfor_option1">Mother figure</string>
    <string name="3c_whichparentcaredfor_option2">Father figure</string>
    <string name="3c_whichparentcaredfor_option3">Both</string>
    <string name="3c_whichparentcaredfor_option4">Other</string>
    <string name="3c_whichparentcaredfor_option0">None</string> <!-- added -->
    <string name="3c_parent_mental_problem">Did your parent/s have emotional or mental health problems?</string>
    <string name="3c_parent_physical_problem">Did your parent/s have disability or physical illness?</string>
    <string name="4_heading">Close relationships in childhood</string>
    <string name="4a_q">When you were a child or teenager, were there any ADULTS you could go to with your problems or to discuss your feelings?</string>
    <string name="4_if_so_who">IF YES: Who was that?</string>
    <string name="4a_option_mother">Mother/mother figure</string>
    <string name="4a_option_father">Father/father figure</string>
    <string name="4a_option_relative">Other relative</string>
    <string name="4a_option_friend">Family friend</string>
    <string name="4a_option_responsibleadult">Teacher, vicar, etc.</string>
    <string name="4a_option_other">Other (*)</string>
    <string name="4_note_anything">Do you want to note anything about the relationship?</string>
    <string name="4b_q">Were there other CHILDREN/TEENAGERS your age that you could discuss your problems and feelings with?</string>
    <string name="4b_option_sister">Sister</string>
    <string name="4b_option_brother">Brother</string>
    <string name="4b_option_relative">Other relative</string>
    <string name="4b_option_closefriend">Close friend</string>
    <string name="4b_option_otherfriend">Other less close friend(s)</string>
    <string name="4b_option_other">Other person (*)</string>
    <string name="4c_q">Who would you describe as the TWO CLOSEST people to you as a child/teenager?</string>
    <string name="4c_option_mother">Mother/mother figure</string>
    <string name="4c_option_father">Father/father figure</string>
    <string name="4c_option_sibling">Sister or brother</string>
    <string name="4c_option_relative">Other relative</string>
    <string name="4c_option_adultfriend">Family friend (adult)</string>
    <string name="4c_option_youngfriend">Friend your age</string>
    <string name="4c_option_other">Other (*)</string>
    <string name="5_heading">Physical punishment before age 17 by parent figure or other household member</string>
    <string name="5_mainq">When you were a child or teenager were you ever hit repeatedly with an implement (such as a belt or stick) or punched, kicked or burnt by someone in the household?</string>
    <string name="if_no_move_on">If NO, then move to the next page.</string>
    <string name="if_yes">If YES:</string>
    <string name="5_motherfigure">Mother figure</string>
    <string name="5_fatherfigure">Father figure</string>
    <string name="5_did_this_person_hurt_you">Did you experience it from this person?</string> <!-- RNC extra -->
    <string name="5_how_old">How old were you when it began?</string>
    <string name="5_hit_more_than_once">Did the hitting happen on more than one occasion?</string>
    <string name="5_how_hit">How were you hit?</string>
    <string name="5_hit_option_1">Belt or stick</string>
    <string name="5_hit_option_2">Punched/kicked</string>
    <string name="5_hit_option_3">Hit with hand</string>
    <string name="5_hit_option_4">Other</string>
    <string name="5_injured">Were you ever injured (e.g. bruises, black eyes, broken limbs)?</string>
    <string name="5_outofcontrol">Was this person so angry they seemed out of control?</string>
    <string name="5_can_you_describe_1">Can you describe these experiences?</string>
    <string name="5_anyone_else">Did you experience this from anyone else in the household?</string>
    <string name="5_can_you_describe_2">If YES, please describe below:</string>
    <string name="6_heading">Unwanted sexual experiences before age 17</string>
    <string name="6_any_unwanted">When you were a child or teenager did you ever have any unwanted sexual experiences?</string>
    <string name="6_intercourse">Did anyone force you or persuade you have sexual intercourse against your wishes before age 17?</string>
    <string name="6_upset_adult_authority">Can you think of any upsetting sexual experiences before age 17 with a related adult or someone in authority e.g. teacher?</string>
    <string name="6_if_none_move_on">If NONE then move on to the end.</string>
    <string name="6_if_yes_or_unsure">If YES or UNSURE to any of the above then complete the following:</string>
    <string name="6_first_experience">First experience</string>
    <string name="6_other_experience">Other experience</string>
    <string name="6_q1">How old were you when it began?</string>
    <string name="6_q2">Was the other person someone you knew?</string>
    <string name="6_q3">Was the other person a relative?</string>
    <string name="6_q4">Did the other person live in your household?</string>
    <string name="6_q5">Did this person do it to you on more than one occasion?</string>
    <string name="6_q6">Did it involve touching private parts of your body?</string>
    <string name="6_q7">Did it involve touching private parts of the other person’s body?</string>
    <string name="6_q8">Did it involve sexual intercourse?</string>
    <string name="final_1">Thank you for your help with this questionnaire. We realise that it is difficult to give a true picture of your true childhood experience in a questionnaire, so if you have any comments you would like to add, please write them below.</string>
    <string name="final_2">Your response will be treated in the strictest confidence.</string>
    <string name="any_other_comments">Any other comments:</string>
    <string name="hint_description">Description</string>
