15.2.173. camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators


Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).

This file is part of CamCOPS.

CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

String validators and the like.

All functions starting validate_ do nothing if the input is good, and raise ValueError if it’s bad, with a descriptive error (you can use str() on the exception).

All validators take a camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest parameter, for internationalized error messages.

WARNING: even the error messages shouldn’t contain the error-producing strings.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.anchor(expression: str, anchor_start: bool = True, anchor_end: bool = True) str[source]

Adds start/end anchors.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.describe_regex_permitted_char(expression: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None, invalid_prefix: bool = True) str[source]

Describes the characters permitted in a regular expression character selector – as long as it’s simple! This won’t handle arbitrary regexes.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.describe_regex_permitted_char_length(expression: str, max_length: int, min_length: int = 1, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) str[source]

Describes a valid string by permitted characters and length.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.dummy_gettext(x: str) str[source]

Returns the input directly.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.min_max_copies(expression: str, max_count: int, min_count: int = 1) str[source]

Given a regex expression, permit it a minimum/maximum number of times. For example, for a regex group x, produce x{min,max}.

Be very careful if you use min_count == 0 – without other restrictions, your regex may match an empty string.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.one_or_more(expression: str) str[source]

Regex for one or more copies.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_alphanum(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates a generic alphanumeric string.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_alphanum_underscore(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates a string that can be alphanumeric or contain an underscore.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_any_url(url: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates a URL. If valid, returns the URL; if not, returns default. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22238090/validating-urls-in-python

However, avoid this one. For example, a URL such as xxhttps:// can trigger Chrome to launch xdg-open.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_anything(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Lets anything through. May be unwise.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_by_char_and_length(x: str, permitted_char_expression: str, max_length: int, min_length: int = 1, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None, flags: int = 0) None[source]

Validate a string based on permitted characters and length.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_device_name(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate a client device name – the computer-oriented one, not the friendly one.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_download_filename(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate a file for user download.

  • Permit e.g. CamCOPS_dump_2021-06-04T100622.zip.

  • Prohibit silly things (like directory/drive delimiters).

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_email(email: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate an e-mail address.

Is this a valid e-mail address?

We use the same validation system as our web form (which uses Colander’s method plus a length constraint).

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_group_name(name: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Is the string a valid group name?

Group descriptions can be anything, but group names shouldn’t have odd characters in – this greatly facilitates config file handling etc. (for example: no spaces, no commas).

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_hl7_aa(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate HL7 Assigning Authority.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_hl7_id_type(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate HL7 Identifier Type.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_human_name(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None, min_length: int = 0, max_length: int = 255) None[source]

Accepts spaces, accents, etc.

This is hard. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/888838/regular-expression-for-validating-names-and-surnames

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_ip_address(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates an IP address.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_new_password(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validate a proposed new password. Enforce our password policy.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_redirect_url(url: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates a URL. If valid, returns the URL; if not, returns default. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22238090/validating-urls-in-python

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_restricted_sql_search_literal(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None, min_length: int = 0, max_length: int = 255) None[source]

Validates a string that can be fairly broad, and can do SQL finding via wildcards such as % and _, but should be syntactically safe in terms of HTML etc. It does not permit arbitrary strings; it’s a subset of what might be possible in SQL.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_task_tablename(x: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Validates a string that could be a task tablename.

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.validate_username(name: str, req: Optional[CamcopsRequest] = None) None[source]

Is the string a valid user name?

camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators.zero_or_more(expression: str) str[source]

Regex for zero or more copies.