Source code for camcops_server.tasks.ided3d



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type

import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Boolean, Float, Integer, Text

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_db import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import Base
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import Task, TaskHasPatientMixin
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_text import SS

# =============================================================================
# Helper functions
# =============================================================================

[docs]def a(x: Any) -> str: """ Answer formatting for this task. """ return answer(x, formatter_answer=identity, default="")
# ============================================================================= # IDED3D # =============================================================================
[docs]class IDED3DTrial(GenericTabletRecordMixin, TaskDescendant, Base): __tablename__ = "ided3d_trials" ided3d_id = Column( "ided3d_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment="FK to ided3d" ) trial = Column( "trial", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Trial number (1-based)" ) stage = Column("stage", Integer, comment="Stage number (1-based)") # Locations correct_location = Column( "correct_location", Integer, comment="Location of correct stimulus " "(0 top, 1 right, 2 bottom, 3 left)", ) incorrect_location = Column( "incorrect_location", Integer, comment="Location of incorrect stimulus " "(0 top, 1 right, 2 bottom, 3 left)", ) # Stimuli correct_shape = Column( "correct_shape", Integer, comment="Shape# of correct stimulus" ) correct_colour = CamcopsColumn( "correct_colour", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="HTML colour of correct stimulus", ) correct_number = Column( "correct_number", Integer, comment="Number of copies of correct stimulus", ) incorrect_shape = Column( "incorrect_shape", Integer, comment="Shape# of incorrect stimulus" ) incorrect_colour = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect_colour", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="HTML colour of incorrect stimulus", ) incorrect_number = Column( "incorrect_number", Integer, comment="Number of copies of incorrect stimulus", ) # Trial trial_start_time = Column( "trial_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Trial start time / stimuli presented at (ISO-8601)", ) # Response responded = CamcopsColumn( "responded", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Did the subject respond?", ) response_time = Column( "response_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Time of response (ISO-8601)", ) response_latency_ms = Column( "response_latency_ms", Integer, comment="Response latency (ms)" ) correct = CamcopsColumn( "correct", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Response was correct", ) incorrect = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Response was incorrect", ) @classmethod def get_html_table_header(cls) -> str: return f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Trial#</th> <th>Stage#</th> <th>Correct location</th> <th>Incorrect location</th> <th>Correct shape</th> <th>Correct colour</th> <th>Correct number</th> <th>Incorrect shape</th> <th>Incorrect colour</th> <th>Incorrect number</th> <th>Trial start time</th> <th>Responded?</th> <th>Response time</th> <th>Response latency (ms)</th> <th>Correct?</th> <th>Incorrect?</th> </tr> """ def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return tr( a(self.trial), a(self.stage), a(self.correct_location), a(self.incorrect_location), a(self.correct_shape), a(self.correct_colour), a(self.correct_number), a(self.incorrect_shape), a(self.incorrect_colour), a(self.incorrect_number), a(self.trial_start_time), a(self.responded), a(self.response_time), a(self.response_latency_ms), a(self.correct), a(self.incorrect), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return IDED3D
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["IDED3D"]: return IDED3D.get_linked(self.ided3d_id, self)
[docs]class IDED3DStage(GenericTabletRecordMixin, TaskDescendant, Base): __tablename__ = "ided3d_stages" ided3d_id = Column( "ided3d_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment="FK to ided3d" ) stage = Column( "stage", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Stage number (1-based)" ) # Config stage_name = CamcopsColumn( "stage_name", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Name of the stage (e.g. SD, EDr)", ) relevant_dimension = CamcopsColumn( "relevant_dimension", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Relevant dimension (e.g. shape, colour, number)", ) correct_exemplar = CamcopsColumn( "correct_exemplar", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Correct exemplar (from relevant dimension)", ) incorrect_exemplar = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect_exemplar", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Incorrect exemplar (from relevant dimension)", ) correct_stimulus_shapes = CamcopsColumn( "correct_stimulus_shapes", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible shapes for correct stimulus " "(CSV list of shape numbers)", ) correct_stimulus_colours = CamcopsColumn( "correct_stimulus_colours", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible colours for correct stimulus " "(CSV list of HTML colours)", ) correct_stimulus_numbers = CamcopsColumn( "correct_stimulus_numbers", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible numbers for correct stimulus " "(CSV list of numbers)", ) incorrect_stimulus_shapes = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect_stimulus_shapes", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible shapes for incorrect stimulus " "(CSV list of shape numbers)", ) incorrect_stimulus_colours = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect_stimulus_colours", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible colours for incorrect stimulus " "(CSV list of HTML colours)", ) incorrect_stimulus_numbers = CamcopsColumn( "incorrect_stimulus_numbers", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Possible numbers for incorrect stimulus " "(CSV list of numbers)", ) # Results first_trial_num = Column( "first_trial_num", Integer, comment="Number of the first trial of the stage (1-based)", ) n_completed_trials = Column( "n_completed_trials", Integer, comment="Number of trials completed" ) n_correct = Column( "n_correct", Integer, comment="Number of trials performed correctly" ) n_incorrect = Column( "n_incorrect", Integer, comment="Number of trials performed incorrectly", ) stage_passed = CamcopsColumn( "stage_passed", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Subject met criterion and passed stage", ) stage_failed = CamcopsColumn( "stage_failed", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Subject took too many trials and failed stage", ) @classmethod def get_html_table_header(cls) -> str: return f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Stage#</th> <th>Stage name</th> <th>Relevant dimension</th> <th>Correct exemplar</th> <th>Incorrect exemplar</th> <th>Shapes for correct</th> <th>Colours for correct</th> <th>Numbers for correct</th> <th>Shapes for incorrect</th> <th>Colours for incorrect</th> <th>Numbers for incorrect</th> <th>First trial#</th> <th>#completed trials</th> <th>#correct</th> <th>#incorrect</th> <th>Passed?</th> <th>Failed?</th> </tr> """ def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return tr( a(self.stage), a(self.stage_name), a(self.relevant_dimension), a(self.correct_exemplar), a(self.incorrect_exemplar), a(self.correct_stimulus_shapes), a(self.correct_stimulus_colours), a(self.correct_stimulus_numbers), a(self.incorrect_stimulus_shapes), a(self.incorrect_stimulus_colours), a(self.incorrect_stimulus_numbers), a(self.first_trial_num), a(self.n_completed_trials), a(self.n_correct), a(self.n_incorrect), a(self.stage_passed), a(self.stage_failed), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return IDED3D
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["IDED3D"]: return IDED3D.get_linked(self.ided3d_id, self)
[docs]class IDED3D(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the ID/ED-3D task. """ __tablename__ = "ided3d" shortname = "ID/ED-3D" # Config last_stage = Column( "last_stage", Integer, comment="Last stage to offer (1 [SD] - 8 [EDR])" ) max_trials_per_stage = Column( "max_trials_per_stage", Integer, comment="Maximum number of trials allowed per stage before " "the task aborts", ) progress_criterion_x = Column( "progress_criterion_x", Integer, comment="Criterion to proceed to next stage: X correct out of" " the last Y trials, where this is X", ) progress_criterion_y = Column( "progress_criterion_y", Integer, comment="Criterion to proceed to next stage: X correct out of" " the last Y trials, where this is Y", ) min_number = Column( "min_number", Integer, comment="Minimum number of stimulus element to use", ) max_number = Column( "max_number", Integer, comment="Maximum number of stimulus element to use", ) pause_after_beep_ms = Column( "pause_after_beep_ms", Integer, comment="Time to continue visual feedback after auditory " "feedback finished (ms)", ) iti_ms = Column("iti_ms", Integer, comment="Intertrial interval (ms)") counterbalance_dimensions = Column( "counterbalance_dimensions", Integer, comment="Dimensional counterbalancing condition (0-5)", ) volume = Column("volume", Float, comment="Sound volume (0.0-1.0)") offer_abort = CamcopsColumn( "offer_abort", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Offer an abort button?", ) debug_display_stimuli_only = CamcopsColumn( "debug_display_stimuli_only", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="DEBUG: show stimuli only, don't run task", ) # Intrinsic config shape_definitions_svg = CamcopsColumn( "shape_definitions_svg", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="JSON-encoded version of shape definition" " array in SVG format (with arbitrary scale of -60 to" " +60 in both X and Y dimensions)", ) colour_definitions_rgb = CamcopsColumn( # v2.0.0 "colour_definitions_rgb", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="JSON-encoded version of colour RGB definitions", ) # Results aborted = Column( "aborted", Integer, comment="Was the task aborted? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) finished = Column( "finished", Integer, comment="Was the task finished? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) last_trial_completed = Column( "last_trial_completed", Integer, comment="Number of last trial completed", ) # Relationships trials = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="IDED3D", ancillary_class_name="IDED3DTrial", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="ided3d_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="trial", ) # type: List[IDED3DTrial] stages = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="IDED3D", ancillary_class_name="IDED3DStage", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="ided3d_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="stage", ) # type: List[IDED3DStage]
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Three-dimensional ID/ED task")
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return bool(self.debug_display_stimuli_only) or bool(self.finished)
def get_stage_html(self) -> str: html = IDED3DStage.get_html_table_header() # noinspection PyTypeChecker for s in self.stages: html += s.get_html_table_row() html += """</table>""" return html def get_trial_html(self) -> str: html = IDED3DTrial.get_html_table_header() # noinspection PyTypeChecker for t in self.trials: html += t.get_html_table_row() html += """</table>""" return html
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: h = f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} </table> </div> <div class="{CssClass.EXPLANATION}"> 1. Simple discrimination (SD), and 2. reversal (SDr); 3. compound discrimination (CD), and 4. reversal (CDr); 5. intradimensional shift (ID), and 6. reversal (IDr); 7. extradimensional shift (ED), and 8. reversal (EDr). </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKCONFIG}"> <tr> <th width="50%">Configuration variable</th> <th width="50%">Value</th> </tr> """ h += tr_qa(self.wxstring(req, "last_stage"), self.last_stage) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "max_trials_per_stage"), self.max_trials_per_stage, ) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "progress_criterion_x"), self.progress_criterion_x, ) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "progress_criterion_y"), self.progress_criterion_y, ) h += tr_qa(self.wxstring(req, "min_number"), self.min_number) h += tr_qa(self.wxstring(req, "max_number"), self.max_number) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "pause_after_beep_ms"), self.pause_after_beep_ms ) h += tr_qa(self.wxstring(req, "iti_ms"), self.iti_ms) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "counterbalance_dimensions") + "<sup>[1]</sup>", self.counterbalance_dimensions, ) h += tr_qa(req.sstring(SS.VOLUME_0_TO_1), self.volume) h += tr_qa(self.wxstring(req, "offer_abort"), self.offer_abort) h += tr_qa( self.wxstring(req, "debug_display_stimuli_only"), self.debug_display_stimuli_only, ) h += tr_qa( "Shapes (as a JSON-encoded array of SVG " "definitions; X and Y range both –60 to +60)", ws.webify(self.shape_definitions_svg), ) h += f""" </table> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr><th width="50%">Measure</th><th width="50%">Value</th></tr> """ h += tr_qa("Aborted?", get_yes_no_none(req, self.aborted)) h += tr_qa("Finished?", get_yes_no_none(req, self.finished)) h += tr_qa("Last trial completed", self.last_trial_completed) h += ( """ </table> <div>Stage specifications and results:</div> """ + self.get_stage_html() + "<div>Trial-by-trial results:</div>" + self.get_trial_html() + f""" <div class="{CssClass.FOOTNOTES}"> [1] Counterbalancing of dimensions is as follows, with notation X/Y indicating that X is the first relevant dimension (for stages SD–IDr) and Y is the second relevant dimension (for stages ED–EDr). 0: shape/colour. 1: colour/number. 2: number/shape. 3: shape/number. 4: colour/shape. 5: number/colour. </div> """ ) return h