Source code for camcops_server.tasks.frs



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from cardinal_pythonlib.betweendict import BetweenDict
from cardinal_pythonlib.stringfunc import strseq
import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Float, Integer, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_ctvinfo import CTV_INCOMPLETE, CtvInfo
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import tr_qa
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_summaryelement import SummaryElement
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_text import SS

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================


Confirmed by Eneida Mioshi 2015-01-20; "sometimes" and "always" score the same.


Quick R definitions:
    logit <- function(x) log(x / (1 - x))
    invlogit <- function(x) exp(x) / (exp(x) + 1)

See comparison file published_calculated_FRS_scoring.ods
and correspondence with Eneida 2015-01-20.


NA = -99
NA_QUESTIONS = [9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27]
    "behaviour / lacks interest",  # 1
    "behaviour / lacks affection",
    "behaviour / uncooperative",
    "behaviour / confused/muddled in unusual surroundings",
    "behaviour / restless",  # 5
    "behaviour / impulsive",
    "behaviour / forgets day",
    "outings / transportation",
    "outings / shopping",
    "household / lacks interest/motivation",  # 10
    "household / difficulty completing chores",
    "household / telephoning",
    "finances / lacks interest",
    "finances / problems organizing finances",
    "finances / problems organizing correspondence",  # 15
    "finances / difficulty with cash",
    "medication / problems taking medication at correct time",
    "medication / problems taking medication as prescribed",
    "mealprep / lacks interest/motivation",
    "mealprep / difficulty organizing meal prep",  # 20
    "mealprep / problems preparing meal on own",
    "mealprep / lacks initiative to eat",
    "mealprep / difficulty choosing utensils/seasoning",
    "mealprep / problems eating",
    "mealprep / wants to eat same foods repeatedly",  # 25
    "mealprep / prefers sweet foods more",
    "selfcare / problems choosing appropriate clothing",
    "selfcare / incontinent",
    "selfcare / cannot be left at home safely",
    "selfcare / bedbound",  # 30
DP = 3

        # tests a <= x < b
        (100, float("inf")): 5.39,  # from Python 3.5, can use math.inf
        (97, 100): 4.12,
        (93, 97): 3.35,
        (90, 93): 2.86,
        (87, 90): 2.49,
        (83, 87): 2.19,
        (80, 83): 1.92,
        (77, 80): 1.68,
        (73, 77): 1.47,
        (70, 73): 1.26,
        (67, 70): 1.07,
        (63, 67): 0.88,
        (60, 63): 0.7,
        (57, 60): 0.52,
        (53, 57): 0.34,
        (50, 53): 0.16,
        (47, 50): -0.02,
        (43, 47): -0.2,
        (40, 43): -0.4,
        (37, 40): -0.59,
        (33, 37): -0.8,
        (30, 33): -1.03,
        (27, 30): -1.27,
        (23, 27): -1.54,
        (20, 23): -1.84,
        (17, 20): -2.18,
        (13, 17): -2.58,
        (10, 13): -3.09,
        (6, 10): -3.8,
        (3, 6): -4.99,
        (0, 3): -6.66,

def get_severity(logit: float) -> str:
    # p1593 of Mioshi et al. (2010)
    # Copes with Infinity comparisons
    if logit >= 4.12:
        return "very mild"
    if logit >= 1.92:
        return "mild"
    if logit >= -0.40:
        return "moderate"
    if logit >= -2.58:
        return "severe"
    if logit >= -4.99:
        return "very severe"
    return "profound"

[docs]def get_tabular_logit(score: float) -> float: """ Implements the scoring table accompanying Mioshi et al. (2010). Converts a score (in the table, a percentage; here, a number in the range 0-1) to a logit score of some description, whose true basis (in a Rasch analysis) is a bit obscure. """ pct_score = 100 * score return TABULAR_LOGIT_BETWEENDICT[pct_score]
# for x in range(100, 0 - 1, -1): # score = x / 100 # logit = get_tabular_logit(score) # severity = get_severity(logit) # print(",".join(str(q) for q in (x, logit, severity))) class FrsMetaclass(DeclarativeMeta): # noinspection PyInitNewSignature def __init__( cls: Type["Frs"], name: str, bases: Tuple[Type, ...], classdict: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: for n in range(1, NQUESTIONS + 1): pv = [NEVER, ALWAYS] pc = [f"{NEVER} = never", f"{ALWAYS} = always"] if n not in NO_SOMETIMES_QUESTIONS: pv.append(SOMETIMES) pc.append(f"{SOMETIMES} = sometimes") if n in NA_QUESTIONS: pv.append(NA) pc.append(f"{NA} = N/A") comment = f"Q{n}, {QUESTION_SNIPPETS[n - 1]} ({', '.join(pc)})" colname = f"q{n}" setattr( cls, colname, CamcopsColumn( colname, Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker( permitted_values=pv ), comment=comment, ), ) super().__init__(name, bases, classdict)
[docs]class Frs( TaskHasPatientMixin, TaskHasRespondentMixin, TaskHasClinicianMixin, Task, metaclass=FrsMetaclass, ): """ Server implementation of the FRS task. """ __tablename__ = "frs" shortname = "FRS" comments = Column("comments", UnicodeText, comment="Clinician's comments") TASK_FIELDS = strseq("q", 1, NQUESTIONS)
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Frontotemporal Dementia Rating Scale")
[docs] def get_summaries(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[SummaryElement]: scoredict = self.get_score() return self.standard_task_summary_fields() + [ SummaryElement( name="total", coltype=Integer(), value=scoredict["total"], comment="Total (0-n, higher better)", ), SummaryElement( name="n", coltype=Integer(), value=scoredict["n"], comment="Number of applicable questions", ), SummaryElement( name="score", coltype=Float(), value=scoredict["score"], comment="tcore / n", ), SummaryElement( name="logit", coltype=Float(), value=scoredict["logit"], comment="log(score / (1 - score))", ), SummaryElement( name="severity", coltype=SummaryCategoryColType, value=scoredict["severity"], comment="Severity", ), ]
[docs] def get_clinical_text(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[CtvInfo]: if not self.is_complete(): return CTV_INCOMPLETE scoredict = self.get_score() return [ CtvInfo( content=( "Total {total}/n, n = {n}, score = {score}, " "logit score = {logit}, severity = {severity}".format( total=scoredict["total"], n=scoredict["n"], score=ws.number_to_dp(scoredict["score"], DP), logit=ws.number_to_dp(scoredict["logit"], DP), severity=scoredict["severity"], ) ) ) ]
def get_score(self) -> Dict: total = 0 n = 0 for q in range(1, NQUESTIONS + 1): value = getattr(self, "q" + str(q)) if value is not None and value != NA: n += 1 total += SCORE.get(value, 0) if n > 0: score = total / n # logit = safe_logit(score) logit = get_tabular_logit(score) severity = get_severity(logit) else: score = None logit = None severity = "" return dict( total=total, n=n, score=score, logit=logit, severity=severity )
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return ( self.field_contents_valid() and self.is_respondent_complete() and self.all_fields_not_none(self.TASK_FIELDS) )
def get_answer(self, req: CamcopsRequest, q: int) -> Optional[str]: qstr = str(q) value = getattr(self, "q" + qstr) if value is None: return None prefix = "q" + qstr + "_a_" if value == ALWAYS: return self.wxstring(req, prefix + "always") if value == SOMETIMES: return self.wxstring(req, prefix + "sometimes") if value == NEVER: return self.wxstring(req, prefix + "never") if value == NA: if q in SPECIAL_NA_TEXT_QUESTIONS: return self.wxstring(req, prefix + "na") return req.sstring(SS.NA) return None
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: scoredict = self.get_score() q_a = "" for q in range(1, NQUESTIONS + 1): qtext = self.wxstring(req, "q" + str(q) + "_q") atext = self.get_answer(req, q) q_a += tr_qa(qtext, atext) return f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} <tr> <td>Total (0–n, higher better) <sup>1</sup></td> <td>{scoredict['total']}</td> </td> <tr> <td>n (applicable questions)</td> <td>{scoredict['n']}</td> </td> <tr> <td>Score (total / n; 0–1)</td> <td>{ws.number_to_dp(scoredict['score'], DP)}</td> </td> <tr> <td>logit score <sup>2</sup></td> <td>{ws.number_to_dp(scoredict['logit'], DP)}</td> </td> <tr> <td>Severity <sup>3</sup></td> <td>{scoredict['severity']}</td> </td> </table> </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr> <th width="50%">Question</th> <th width="50%">Answer</th> </tr> {q_a} </table> <div class="{CssClass.FOOTNOTES}"> [1] ‘Never’ scores 1 and ‘sometimes’/‘always’ both score 0, i.e. there is no scoring difference between ‘sometimes’ and ‘always’. [2] This is not the simple logit, log(score/[1 – score]). Instead, it is determined by a lookup table, as per <a href=""></a>. The logit score that is looked up is very close to the logit of the raw score (on a 0–1 scale); however, it differs in that firstly it is banded rather than continuous, and secondly it is subtly different near the lower scores and at the extremes. The original is based on a Rasch analysis but the raw method of converting the score to the tabulated logit is not given. [3] Where <i>x</i> is the logit score, severity is determined as follows (after Mioshi et al. 2010, Neurology 74: 1591, PMID 20479357, with sharp cutoffs). <i>Very mild:</i> <i>x</i> ≥ 4.12. <i>Mild:</i> 1.92 ≤ <i>x</i> &lt; 4.12. <i>Moderate:</i> –0.40 ≤ <i>x</i> &lt; 1.92. <i>Severe:</i> –2.58 ≤ <i>x</i> &lt; –0.40. <i>Very severe:</i> –4.99 ≤ <i>x</i> &lt; –2.58. <i>Profound:</i> <i>x</i> &lt; –4.99. </div> """ # noqa