Source code for camcops_server.tasks.diagnosis



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



from abc import ABC
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING

from cardinal_pythonlib.classes import classproperty
from cardinal_pythonlib.colander_utils import get_child_node, OptionalIntNode
from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import pendulum_date_to_datetime_date
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump import get_literal_query
from colander import Invalid, SchemaNode, SequenceSchema, String
from fhirclient.models.annotation import Annotation
from fhirclient.models.codeableconcept import CodeableConcept
from fhirclient.models.coding import Coding
from fhirclient.models.condition import Condition
import hl7
from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response
from pyramid.response import Response
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import (
from sqlalchemy.sql.selectable import SelectBase
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Date, Integer, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass, FHIRConst as Fc
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_ctvinfo import CtvInfo
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_db import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_fhir import make_fhir_bundle_entry
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_hl7 import make_dg1_segment
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import answer, tr
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_nlp import guess_name_components
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patient import Patient
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum import PatientIdNum
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_pyramid import CamcopsPage, ViewParam
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_exportrecipient import ExportRecipient
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_report import Report
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_snomed import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import Base, DeclarativeAndABCMeta
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_validators import (

    from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import ColumnElement

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Helpers
# =============================================================================

FK_COMMENT = "FK to parent table"

# =============================================================================
# DiagnosisBase
# =============================================================================

[docs]class DiagnosisItemBase(GenericTabletRecordMixin, Base): __abstract__ = True # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def seqnum(cls) -> Column: return Column( "seqnum", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Sequence number (consistently 1-based as of 2018-12-01)", ) # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def code(cls) -> Column: return Column("code", DiagnosticCodeColType, comment="Diagnostic code") # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def description(cls) -> Column: return CamcopsColumn( "description", UnicodeText, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Description of the diagnostic code", ) # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def comment(cls) -> Column: return Column( # new in v2.0.0 "comment", UnicodeText, comment="Clinician's comment" ) def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return tr( self.seqnum, answer(ws.webify(self.code)), answer(ws.webify(self.description)), answer(ws.webify(self.comment)), ) def get_code_for_hl7(self) -> str: # Normal format is to strip out periods, e.g. "F20.0" becomes "F200" if not self.code: return "" return self.code.replace(".", "").upper() def get_text_for_hl7(self) -> str: return self.description or "" def is_empty(self) -> bool: return not bool(self.code) def human(self) -> str: suffix = f" [{self.comment}]" if self.comment else "" return f"{self.code}: {self.description}{suffix}"
[docs]class DiagnosisBase( TaskHasClinicianMixin, TaskHasPatientMixin, Task, ABC, metaclass=DeclarativeAndABCMeta, ): __abstract__ = True # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def relates_to_date(cls) -> Column: return Column( # new in v2.0.0 "relates_to_date", Date, comment="Date that diagnoses relate to" ) items = None # type: List[DiagnosisItemBase] # ... must be overridden by a relationship hl7_coding_system = "?" def get_num_items(self) -> int: return len(self.items)
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: if self.relates_to_date is None: return False if self.get_num_items() == 0: return False for item in self.items: # type: DiagnosisItemBase if item.is_empty(): return False return True
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: html = f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} </table> </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr> <th width="10%">Diagnosis #</th> <th width="10%">Code</th> <th width="40%">Description</th> <th width="40%">Comment</th> </tr> """ for item in self.items: html += item.get_html_table_row() html += """ </table> """ return html
[docs] def get_clinical_text(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[CtvInfo]: infolist = [] for item in self.items: infolist.append( CtvInfo( content=( f"<b>{ws.webify(item.code)}</b>: " f"{ws.webify(item.description)}" ) ) ) return infolist
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def get_hl7_extra_data_segments( self, recipient_def: ExportRecipient ) -> List[hl7.Segment]: segments = [] clinician = guess_name_components(self.clinician_name) for i in range(len(self.items)): set_id = i + 1 # make it 1-based, not 0-based item = self.items[i] segments.append( make_dg1_segment( set_id=set_id, diagnosis_datetime=self.get_creation_datetime(), coding_system=self.hl7_coding_system, diagnosis_identifier=item.get_code_for_hl7(), diagnosis_text=item.get_text_for_hl7(), clinician_surname=clinician.get("surname") or "", clinician_forename=clinician.get("forename") or "", clinician_prefix=clinician.get("prefix") or "", attestation_datetime=self.get_creation_datetime(), ) ) return segments
def _get_fhir_extra_bundle_entries_for_system( self, req: CamcopsRequest, recipient: ExportRecipient, system: str ) -> List[Dict]: bundle_entries = [] # type: List[Dict] for item in self.items: display = item.human() condition_dict = { Fc.CODE: CodeableConcept( jsondict={ Fc.CODING: [ Coding( jsondict={ Fc.SYSTEM: system, Fc.CODE: item.code, Fc.DISPLAY: display, Fc.USER_SELECTED: True, } ).as_json() ], Fc.TEXT: display, } ).as_json(), Fc.SUBJECT: self._get_fhir_subject_ref(req, recipient), Fc.RECORDER: self._get_fhir_practitioner_ref(req), } if item.comment: condition_dict[Fc.NOTE] = [ Annotation( jsondict={ Fc.AUTHOR_REFERENCE: self._get_fhir_practitioner_ref( # noqa req ), Fc.AUTHOR_STRING: self.get_clinician_name(), Fc.TEXT: item.comment, Fc.TIME: self.fhir_when_task_created, } ).as_json() ] bundle_entry = make_fhir_bundle_entry( resource_type_url=Fc.RESOURCE_TYPE_CONDITION, identifier=self._get_fhir_condition_id(req, item.seqnum), resource=Condition(jsondict=condition_dict).as_json(), ) bundle_entries.append(bundle_entry) return bundle_entries
# ============================================================================= # DiagnosisIcd10 # =============================================================================
[docs]class DiagnosisIcd10Item(DiagnosisItemBase, TaskDescendant): __tablename__ = "diagnosis_icd10_item" diagnosis_icd10_id = Column( "diagnosis_icd10_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment=FK_COMMENT ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return DiagnosisIcd10
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["DiagnosisIcd10"]: return DiagnosisIcd10.get_linked(self.diagnosis_icd10_id, self)
[docs]class DiagnosisIcd10(DiagnosisBase): """ Server implementation of the Diagnosis/ICD-10 task. """ __tablename__ = "diagnosis_icd10" info_filename_stem = "icd" items = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="DiagnosisIcd10", ancillary_class_name="DiagnosisIcd10Item", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="diagnosis_icd10_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="seqnum", ) # type: List[DiagnosisIcd10Item] shortname = "Diagnosis_ICD10" dependent_classes = [DiagnosisIcd10Item] hl7_coding_system = "I10" # Page A-129 of #
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Diagnostic codes, ICD-10")
[docs] def get_snomed_codes( self, req: CamcopsRequest, fallback: bool = True ) -> List[SnomedExpression]: """ Returns all SNOMED-CT codes for this task. Args: req: the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` fallback: for example, if F32.10 is unknown, should we fall back to F32.1? Returns: a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_snomed.SnomedExpression` objects """ if not req.icd10_snomed_supported: return [] snomed_codes = [] # type: List[SnomedExpression] for item in self.items: concepts = self._get_snomed_concepts(item.code, req, fallback) if not concepts: continue focusconcept = SnomedFocusConcept(concepts) snomed_codes.append(SnomedExpression(focusconcept)) return snomed_codes
@staticmethod def _get_snomed_concepts( icd10_code: str, req: CamcopsRequest, fallback: bool = True ) -> List[SnomedConcept]: """ Internal function to return :class:`SnomedConcept` objects for an ICD-10 code. Args: icd10_code: the ICD-10 code req: the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` fallback: for example, if F32.10 is unknown, should we fall back to F32.1? Returns: list: of :class:`SnomedConcept` objects """ concepts = [] # type: List[SnomedConcept] while icd10_code: try: concepts = req.icd10_snomed(icd10_code) except KeyError: # no known code pass if concepts or not fallback: return concepts # Now fall back icd10_code = icd10_code[:-1] # Run out of code return concepts
[docs] def get_fhir_extra_bundle_entries( self, req: CamcopsRequest, recipient: ExportRecipient ) -> List[Dict]: return self._get_fhir_extra_bundle_entries_for_system( req, recipient, Fc.CODE_SYSTEM_ICD10 )
# ============================================================================= # DiagnosisIcd9CM # =============================================================================
[docs]class DiagnosisIcd9CMItem(DiagnosisItemBase, TaskDescendant): __tablename__ = "diagnosis_icd9cm_item" diagnosis_icd9cm_id = Column( "diagnosis_icd9cm_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment=FK_COMMENT ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return DiagnosisIcd9CM
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["DiagnosisIcd9CM"]: return DiagnosisIcd9CM.get_linked(self.diagnosis_icd9cm_id, self)
[docs]class DiagnosisIcd9CM(DiagnosisBase): """ Server implementation of the Diagnosis/ICD-9-CM task. """ __tablename__ = "diagnosis_icd9cm" info_filename_stem = "icd" items = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="DiagnosisIcd9CM", ancillary_class_name="DiagnosisIcd9CMItem", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="diagnosis_icd9cm_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="seqnum", ) # type: List[DiagnosisIcd9CMItem] shortname = "Diagnosis_ICD9CM" dependent_classes = [DiagnosisIcd9CMItem] hl7_coding_system = "I9CM" # Page A-129 of #
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Diagnostic codes, ICD-9-CM (DSM-IV-TR)")
[docs] def get_snomed_codes(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[SnomedExpression]: if not req.icd9cm_snomed_supported: return [] snomed_codes = [] # type: List[SnomedExpression] # noinspection PyTypeChecker for item in self.items: try: concepts = req.icd9cm_snomed(item.code) except KeyError: # no known code continue if not concepts: continue focusconcept = SnomedFocusConcept(concepts) snomed_codes.append(SnomedExpression(focusconcept)) return snomed_codes
[docs] def get_fhir_extra_bundle_entries( self, req: CamcopsRequest, recipient: ExportRecipient ) -> List[Dict]: return self._get_fhir_extra_bundle_entries_for_system( req, recipient, Fc.CODE_SYSTEM_ICD9_CM )
# ============================================================================= # Reports # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER_BY = [ "surname", "forename", "dob", "sex", "when_created", "system", "code", ] # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences def get_diagnosis_report_query( req: CamcopsRequest, diagnosis_class: Type[DiagnosisBase], item_class: Type[DiagnosisItemBase], item_fk_fieldname: str, system: str, ) -> SelectBase: # SELECT surname, forename, dob, sex, ... select_fields = [ Patient.surname.label("surname"), Patient.forename.label("forename"), Patient.dob.label("dob"),"sex"), ] from_clause = ( # FROM patient Patient.__table__ # INNER JOIN dxset ON (dxtable.patient_id == AND ...) .join( diagnosis_class.__table__, and_( diagnosis_class.patient_id ==, diagnosis_class._device_id == Patient._device_id, diagnosis_class._era == Patient._era, ), ) # INNER JOIN dxrow ON (dxrow.fk_dxset = AND ...) .join( item_class.__table__, and_( getattr(item_class, item_fk_fieldname) ==, item_class._device_id == diagnosis_class._device_id, item_class._era == diagnosis_class._era, ), ) ) for iddef in req.idnum_definitions: n = iddef.which_idnum desc = iddef.short_description aliased_table = PatientIdNum.__table__.alias(f"i{n}") # ... [also] SELECT i1.idnum_value AS 'NHS' (etc.) select_fields.append(aliased_table.c.idnum_value.label(desc)) # ... [from] OUTER JOIN patientidnum AS i1 ON (...) from_clause = from_clause.outerjoin( aliased_table, and_( aliased_table.c.patient_id ==, aliased_table.c._device_id == Patient._device_id, aliased_table.c._era == Patient._era, # Note: the following are part of the JOIN, not the WHERE: # (or failure to match a row will wipe out the Patient from the # OUTER JOIN): aliased_table.c._current == True, # noqa: E712 aliased_table.c.which_idnum == n, ), ) select_fields += [ diagnosis_class.when_created.label("when_created"), literal(system).label("system"), item_class.code.label("code"), item_class.description.label("description"), ] # WHERE... wheres = [ Patient._current == True, # noqa: E712 diagnosis_class._current == True, # noqa: E712 item_class._current == True, # noqa: E712 ] if not req.user.superuser: # Restrict to accessible groups group_ids = req.user.ids_of_groups_user_may_report_on wheres.append(diagnosis_class._group_id.in_(group_ids)) # Helpfully, SQLAlchemy will render this as "... AND 1 != 1" if we # pass an empty list to in_(). query = select(select_fields).select_from(from_clause).where(and_(*wheres)) return query def get_diagnosis_report( req: CamcopsRequest, diagnosis_class: Type[DiagnosisBase], item_class: Type[DiagnosisItemBase], item_fk_fieldname: str, system: str, ) -> SelectBase: query = get_diagnosis_report_query( req, diagnosis_class, item_class, item_fk_fieldname, system ) query = query.order_by(*ORDER_BY) return query # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plain "all diagnoses" reports # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DiagnosisICD9CMReport(Report): """Report to show ICD-9-CM (DSM-IV-TR) diagnoses.""" # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def report_id(cls) -> str: return "diagnoses_icd9cm" @classmethod def title(cls, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _( "Diagnosis – ICD-9-CM (DSM-IV-TR) diagnoses for all " "patients" ) # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def superuser_only(cls) -> bool: return False
[docs] def get_query(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> SelectBase: return get_diagnosis_report( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd9CM, item_class=DiagnosisIcd9CMItem, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd9cm_id", system="ICD-9-CM", )
[docs]class DiagnosisICD10Report(Report): """Report to show ICD-10 diagnoses.""" # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def report_id(cls) -> str: return "diagnoses_icd10" @classmethod def title(cls, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Diagnosis – ICD-10 diagnoses for all patients") # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def superuser_only(cls) -> bool: return False
[docs] def get_query(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> SelectBase: return get_diagnosis_report( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd10, item_class=DiagnosisIcd10Item, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd10_id", system="ICD-10", )
[docs]class DiagnosisAllReport(Report): """Report to show all diagnoses.""" # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def report_id(cls) -> str: return "diagnoses_all" @classmethod def title(cls, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Diagnosis – All diagnoses for all patients") # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def superuser_only(cls) -> bool: return False
[docs] def get_query(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> SelectBase: sql_icd9cm = get_diagnosis_report_query( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd9CM, item_class=DiagnosisIcd9CMItem, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd9cm_id", system="ICD-9-CM", ) sql_icd10 = get_diagnosis_report_query( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd10, item_class=DiagnosisIcd10Item, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd10_id", system="ICD-10", ) query = union(sql_icd9cm, sql_icd10) query = query.order_by(*ORDER_BY) return query
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Find me patients matching certain diagnostic criteria" # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DiagnosisNode(SchemaNode, RequestAwareMixin): schema_type = String
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.title = "" # for type checker self.description = "" # for type checker super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def after_bind(self, node: SchemaNode, kw: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: _ = self.gettext self.title = _("Diagnostic code") self.description = _( "Type in a diagnostic code; you may use SQL 'LIKE' syntax for " "wildcards, i.e. _ for one character and % for zero/one/lots" ) def validator(self, node: SchemaNode, value: str) -> None: try: validate_restricted_sql_search_literal(value, self.request) except ValueError as e: raise Invalid(node, str(e))
[docs]class DiagnosesSequence(SequenceSchema, RequestAwareMixin): diagnoses = DiagnosisNode()
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, minimum_number: int = 0, **kwargs) -> None: self.minimum_number = minimum_number self.title = "" # for type checker self.description = "" # for type checker super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def after_bind(self, node: SchemaNode, kw: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: request = self.request _ = request.gettext self.title = _("Diagnostic codes") self.description = ( _( "Use % as a wildcard (e.g. F32 matches only F32, but F32% " "matches F32, F32.1, F32.2...)." ) + " " + or_join_description(request) ) def validator(self, node: SchemaNode, value: List[str]) -> None: assert isinstance(value, list) _ = self.gettext if len(value) < self.minimum_number: raise Invalid( node, _("You must specify at least") + f" {self.minimum_number}", ) if len(value) != len(set(value)): raise Invalid(node, _("You have specified duplicate diagnoses"))
[docs]class DiagnosisFinderReportSchema(ReportParamSchema): which_idnum = LinkingIdNumSelector() # must match ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM diagnoses_inclusion = DiagnosesSequence( minimum_number=1 ) # must match ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION diagnoses_exclusion = ( DiagnosesSequence() ) # must match ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION age_minimum = OptionalIntNode() # must match ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM age_maximum = OptionalIntNode() # must match ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def after_bind(self, node: SchemaNode, kw: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: _ = self.gettext diagnoses_inclusion = get_child_node(self, "diagnoses_inclusion") diagnoses_inclusion.title = _("Inclusion diagnoses (lifetime)") diagnoses_exclusion = get_child_node(self, "diagnoses_exclusion") diagnoses_exclusion.title = _("Exclusion diagnoses (lifetime)") age_minimum = get_child_node(self, "age_minimum") age_minimum.title = _("Minimum age (years) (optional)") age_maximum = get_child_node(self, "age_maximum") age_maximum.title = _("Maximum age (years) (optional)")
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs]def get_diagnosis_inc_exc_report_query( req: CamcopsRequest, diagnosis_class: Type[DiagnosisBase], item_class: Type[DiagnosisItemBase], item_fk_fieldname: str, system: str, which_idnum: int, inclusion_dx: List[str], exclusion_dx: List[str], age_minimum_y: int, age_maximum_y: int, ) -> SelectBase: """ As for get_diagnosis_report_query, but this makes some modifications to do inclusion and exclusion criteria. - We need a linking number to perform exclusion criteria. - Therefore, we use a single ID number, which must not be NULL. """ # The basics: desc = req.get_id_desc(which_idnum) or "BAD_IDNUM" # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences select_fields = [ Patient.surname.label("surname"), Patient.forename.label("forename"), Patient.dob.label("dob"),"sex"), PatientIdNum.idnum_value.label(desc), diagnosis_class.when_created.label("when_created"), literal(system).label("system"), item_class.code.label("code"), item_class.description.label("description"), ] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences select_from = ( Patient.__table__.join( diagnosis_class.__table__, and_( diagnosis_class.patient_id ==, diagnosis_class._device_id == Patient._device_id, diagnosis_class._era == Patient._era, diagnosis_class._current == True, # noqa: E712 ), ) .join( item_class.__table__, and_( getattr(item_class, item_fk_fieldname) ==, item_class._device_id == diagnosis_class._device_id, item_class._era == diagnosis_class._era, item_class._current == True, # noqa: E712 ), ) .join( PatientIdNum.__table__, and_( PatientIdNum.patient_id ==, PatientIdNum._device_id == Patient._device_id, PatientIdNum._era == Patient._era, PatientIdNum._current == True, # noqa: E712 PatientIdNum.which_idnum == which_idnum, PatientIdNum.idnum_value.isnot(None), # NOT NULL ), ) ) wheres = [Patient._current == True] # noqa: E712 if not req.user.superuser: # Restrict to accessible groups group_ids = req.user.ids_of_groups_user_may_report_on wheres.append(diagnosis_class._group_id.in_(group_ids)) else: group_ids = [] # type: List[int] # to stop type-checker moaning below # Age limits are simple, as the same patient has the same age for # all diagnosis rows. today = if age_maximum_y is not None: # Example: max age is 40; earliest (oldest) DOB is therefore 41 # years ago plus one day (e.g. if it's 15 June 2010, then earliest # DOB is 16 June 1969; a person born then will be 41 tomorrow). earliest_dob = pendulum_date_to_datetime_date( today.subtract(years=age_maximum_y + 1).add(days=1) ) wheres.append(Patient.dob >= earliest_dob) if age_minimum_y is not None: # Example: min age is 20; latest (youngest) DOB is therefore 20 # years ago (e.g. if it's 15 June 2010, latest DOB is 15 June 1990; # if you're born after that, you're not 20 yet). latest_dob = pendulum_date_to_datetime_date( today.subtract(years=age_minimum_y) ) wheres.append(Patient.dob <= latest_dob) # Diagnosis criteria are a little bit more complex. # # We can reasonably do inclusion criteria as "show the diagnoses # matching the inclusion criteria" (not the more complex "show all # diagnoses for patients having at least one inclusion diagnosis", # which is likely to be too verbose for patient finding). inclusion_criteria = [] # type: List[ColumnElement] for idx in inclusion_dx: inclusion_criteria.append( wheres.append(or_(*inclusion_criteria)) # Exclusion criteria are the trickier: we need to be able to link # multiple diagnoses for the same patient, so we need to use a linking # ID number. if exclusion_dx: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences edx_items = item_class.__table__.alias("edx_items") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences edx_sets = diagnosis_class.__table__.alias("edx_sets") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences edx_patient = Patient.__table__.alias("edx_patient") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences edx_idnum = PatientIdNum.__table__.alias("edx_idnum") edx_joined = ( edx_items.join( edx_sets, and_( getattr(edx_items.c, item_fk_fieldname) ==, edx_items.c._device_id == edx_sets.c._device_id, edx_items.c._era == edx_sets.c._era, edx_items.c._current == True, # noqa: E712 ), ) .join( edx_patient, and_( edx_sets.c.patient_id ==, edx_sets.c._device_id == edx_patient.c._device_id, edx_sets.c._era == edx_patient.c._era, edx_sets.c._current == True, # noqa: E712 ), ) .join( edx_idnum, and_( edx_idnum.c.patient_id ==, edx_idnum.c._device_id == edx_patient.c._device_id, edx_idnum.c._era == edx_patient.c._era, edx_idnum.c._current == True, # noqa: E712 edx_idnum.c.which_idnum == which_idnum, ), ) ) exclusion_criteria = [] # type: List[ColumnElement] for edx in exclusion_dx: exclusion_criteria.append( edx_wheres = [ edx_items.c._current == True, # noqa: E712 edx_idnum.c.idnum_value == PatientIdNum.idnum_value, or_(*exclusion_criteria), ] # Note the join above between the main and the EXISTS clauses. # We don't use an alias for the main copy of the PatientIdNum table, # and we do for the EXISTS version. This is fine; e.g. # example: # SELECT, # FROM employee # INNER JOIN employee boss ON employee.manager_id = boss.emp_id; if not req.user.superuser: # Restrict to accessible groups # group_ids already defined from above edx_wheres.append(edx_sets.c._group_id.in_(group_ids)) # ... bugfix 2018-06-19: "wheres" -> "edx_wheres" exclusion_select = ( select(["*"]).select_from(edx_joined).where(and_(*edx_wheres)) ) wheres.append(not_(exists(exclusion_select))) query = select(select_fields).select_from(select_from).where(and_(*wheres)) return query
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class DiagnosisFinderReportBase(Report): """Report to show all diagnoses.""" # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def superuser_only(cls) -> bool: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_paramform_schema_class() -> Type["ReportParamSchema"]: return DiagnosisFinderReportSchema
@classmethod def get_specific_http_query_keys(cls) -> List[str]: return [ ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM, ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION, ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION, ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM, ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM, ]
[docs] def render_single_page_html( self, req: "CamcopsRequest", column_names: List[str], page: CamcopsPage ) -> Response: which_idnum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM) inclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) exclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) age_minimum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM) age_maximum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM) idnum_desc = req.get_id_desc(which_idnum) or "BAD_IDNUM" query = self.get_query(req) sql = get_literal_query(query, bind=req.engine) return render_to_response( "diagnosis_finder_report.mako", dict( title=self.title(req), page=page, column_names=column_names, report_id=self.report_id, idnum_desc=idnum_desc, inclusion_dx=inclusion_dx, exclusion_dx=exclusion_dx, age_minimum=age_minimum, age_maximum=age_maximum, sql=sql, ), request=req, )
[docs]class DiagnosisICD10FinderReport(DiagnosisFinderReportBase): # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def report_id(cls) -> str: return "diagnoses_finder_icd10" @classmethod def title(cls, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Diagnosis – Find patients by ICD-10 diagnosis ± age")
[docs] def get_query(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> SelectBase: which_idnum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM) inclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) exclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) age_minimum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM) age_maximum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM) q = get_diagnosis_inc_exc_report_query( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd10, item_class=DiagnosisIcd10Item, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd10_id", system="ICD-10", which_idnum=which_idnum, inclusion_dx=inclusion_dx, exclusion_dx=exclusion_dx, age_minimum_y=age_minimum, age_maximum_y=age_maximum, ) q = q.order_by(*ORDER_BY) # log.debug("Final query:\n{}", get_literal_query(q, bind=req.engine)) return q
[docs] @staticmethod def get_test_querydict() -> Dict[str, Any]: return { ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM: 1, ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION: ["F32%"], ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION: [], ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM: None, ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM: None, }
[docs]class DiagnosisICD9CMFinderReport(DiagnosisFinderReportBase): # noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def report_id(cls) -> str: return "diagnoses_finder_icd9cm" @classmethod def title(cls, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _( "Diagnosis – Find patients by ICD-9-CM (DSM-IV-TR) diagnosis ± age" )
[docs] def get_query(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> SelectBase: which_idnum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM) inclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) exclusion_dx = req.get_str_list_param( ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION, validator=validate_restricted_sql_search_literal, ) age_minimum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM) age_maximum = req.get_int_param(ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM) q = get_diagnosis_inc_exc_report_query( req, diagnosis_class=DiagnosisIcd9CM, item_class=DiagnosisIcd9CMItem, item_fk_fieldname="diagnosis_icd9cm_id", system="ICD-9-CM", which_idnum=which_idnum, inclusion_dx=inclusion_dx, exclusion_dx=exclusion_dx, age_minimum_y=age_minimum, age_maximum_y=age_maximum, ) q = q.order_by(*ORDER_BY) # log.debug("Final query:\n{}", get_literal_query(q, bind=req.engine)) return q
[docs] @staticmethod def get_test_querydict() -> Dict[str, Any]: return { ViewParam.WHICH_IDNUM: 1, ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_INCLUSION: ["296%"], ViewParam.DIAGNOSES_EXCLUSION: [], ViewParam.AGE_MINIMUM: None, ViewParam.AGE_MAXIMUM: None, }