Source code for camcops_server.tasks.cisr



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



from enum import Enum
import logging
from typing import List, Optional

from cardinal_pythonlib.classes import classproperty
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from semantic_version import Version
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Boolean, Integer, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_ctvinfo import CTV_INCOMPLETE, CtvInfo
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_summaryelement import SummaryElement
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import Task, TaskHasPatientMixin

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================



# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comments for fields
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS = "(Demographics) "
CMT_1_NO_2_YES = " (1 no, 2 yes)"
CMT_1_YES_2_NO = " (1 yes, 2 no)"
    " (1: <2 weeks; 2: 2 weeks–6 months; 3: 6 months–1 year; "
    "4: 1–2 years; 5: >2 years)"
CMT_NEVER_SOMETIMES_ALWAYS = " (1 never, 2 sometimes, 3 always)"
CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK = " (1: none, 2: one to three, 3: four or more)"
    " (1 not at all, 2 a little unpleasant, 3 unpleasant, "
    "4 very unpleasant)"
CMT_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN = " (1 no, 2 sometimes, 3 often)"
    " (1 no, 2 yes, 3 haven't done anything " "interesting)"
CMT_DURING_ENJOYABLE = " (1 no, 2 yes, 3 haven't done anything enjoyable)"
    " (1 problems with sleep; 2 medication; 3 physical illness; 4 working too "
    "hard inc. childcare; 5 stress/worry/other psychological; 6 physical "
    "exercise; 7 other; 8 don't know)"
    " (1 family members; 2 relationships with friends/colleagues; 3 housing; "
    "4 money/bills; 5 own physical health; 6 own mental health; 7 work/lack "
    "of work; 8 legal; 9 political/news)"
CMT_SLEEP_CHANGE = " (1: <15min, 2: 15–60min, 3: 1–3h, 4: >=3h)"
    " (1 yes; 2 no, less enjoyment than usual; " "3 no, don't enjoy anything)"
CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM = "Panic symptom in past week: "

# ... and results:
DESC_DEPCRIT1 = "Depressive criterion 1 (mood, anhedonia, energy; max. 3)"
    "Depressive criterion 2 (appetite/weight, concentration, "
    "sleep, motor, guilt, self-worth, suicidality; max. 7)"
    "Depressive criterion 3: somatic syndrome (anhedonia, lack of emotional "
    "reactivity, early-morning waking, depression worse in the morning, "
    "psychomotor retardation/agitation, loss of appetite, weight loss, loss "
    "of libido; max. 8)"
DESC_DEPCRIT3_MET = "Somatic syndrome criterion met (≥4)?"
DESC_NEURASTHENIA_SCORE = "Neurasthenia score (max. 3)"

DISORDER_OCD = "Obsessive–compulsive disorder"
DISORDER_DEPR_MILD = "Depressive episode: at least mild"
DISORDER_DEPR_MOD = "Depressive episode: at least moderate"
DISORDER_DEPR_SEV = "Depressive episode: severe"
DISORDER_CFS = "Chronic fatigue syndrome"
DISORDER_GAD = "Generalized anxiety disorder"
DISORDER_PANIC = "Panic disorder"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Number of response values (numbered from 1 to N)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

NUM_PANIC_SYMPTOMS = 13  # from a to m

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Actual response values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# For e.g. SOMATIC_DUR, etc.: "How long have you..."

# For quite a few: "on how many days in the past week...?"





V_NSO_NO = 1



# Specific other question values:

V_EMPSTAT_FT = 1  # unused
V_EMPSTAT_PT = 2  # unused
V_EMPSTAT_STUDENT = 3  # unused
V_EMPSTAT_RETIRED = 4  # unused

V_EMPTYPE_EMPLOYEE = 3  # unused
V_EMPTYPE_MANAGER = 5  # unused
# ... the last one: added by RNC, in case pt never employed. (Mentioned to
# Glyn Lewis 2017-12-04. Not, in any case, part of the important bits of the
# CIS-R.)

V_HOME_OWNER = 1  # unused
V_HOME_TENANT = 2  # unused
V_HOME_HOMELESS = 5  # unused
V_HOME_OTHER = 6  # unused





V_GPYEAR_1_2 = 1
V_GPYEAR_3_5 = 2
V_GPYEAR_6_10 = 3
V_GPYEAR_GT_10 = 4































# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal coding, NOT answer values:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Magic numbers from the original:
# ... I'm not entirely sure why this labelling system is used!

    "Weight change "
    f"({WTCHANGE_NONE_OR_APPETITE_INCREASE}: none or appetite increase; "
    f"{WTCHANGE_APPETITE_LOSS}: appetite loss without weight loss; "
    "non-deliberate weight loss or gain <0.5 st; "
    f"{WTCHANGE_WTLOSS_GE_HALF_STONE}: weight loss ≥0.5 st; "
    f"{WTCHANGE_WTGAIN_GE_HALF_STONE}: weight gain ≥0.5 st)"

# ... some of these are not really used, but I've followed the original CIS-R
# for clarity

# One smaller than the answer codes:

# Again, we're following this coding structure primarily for compatibility:



    f"Sleep change ({SLEEPCHANGE_NONE}: none; "
    f"{SLEEPCHANGE_EMW}: early-morning waking; "
    f"{SLEEPCHANGE_INSOMNIA_NOT_EMW}: insomnia without early-morning waking; "
    f"{SLEEPCHANGE_INCREASE}: sleep increase)"



# Answer values or pseudo-values:

V_MISSING = 0  # Integer value of a missing answer
V_UNKNOWN = -1  # Dummy value, never used for answers


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scoring constants:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------



SOMATIC_SYNDROME_CRITERION = 4  # number of symptoms

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Question numbers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Not quite sure to do an autonumbering enum that also can have synonyms, like
# C++. The AutoNumberEnum (q.v.) is close, but won't do the synonyms. So:

_nasty_hack_next_enum = 1  # start with 1

def next_enum() -> int:
    global _nasty_hack_next_enum
    v = _nasty_hack_next_enum
    _nasty_hack_next_enum += 1
    return v

[docs]class CisrQuestion(Enum): # The values below look like integers, but they aren't; they are of type # CisrQuestion, and have attributes like ".value". START_MARKER = next_enum() INTRO_1 = START_MARKER INTRO_2 = next_enum() INTRO_DEMOGRAPHICS = next_enum() ETHNIC = next_enum() MARRIED = next_enum() EMPSTAT = next_enum() EMPTYPE = next_enum() HOME = next_enum() HEALTH_WELLBEING = next_enum() APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() WEIGHT1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() WEIGHT2_TRYING_TO_LOSE = next_enum() WEIGHT3_LOST_LOTS = next_enum() APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() WEIGHT4_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() # WEIGHT4A = WEIGHT4 with pregnancy question; blended WEIGHT5_GAINED_LOTS = next_enum() GP_YEAR = next_enum() DISABLE = next_enum() ILLNESS = next_enum() SOMATIC_MAND1_PAIN_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() SOMATIC_PAIN1_PSYCHOL_EXAC = next_enum() SOMATIC_PAIN2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SOMATIC_PAIN3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() SOMATIC_PAIN4_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() SOMATIC_PAIN5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING = next_enum() SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT = next_enum() SOMATIC_DIS1_PSYCHOL_EXAC = next_enum() SOMATIC_DIS2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SOMATIC_DIS3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() SOMATIC_DIS4_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() SOMATIC_DIS5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING = next_enum() SOMATIC_DUR = next_enum() FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() FATIGUE_CAUSE1_TIRED = next_enum() FATIGUE_TIRED1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() FATIGUE_TIRED2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() FATIGUE_TIRED3_HAD_TO_PUSH = next_enum() FATIGUE_TIRED4_DURING_ENJOYABLE = next_enum() FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() FATIGUE_CAUSE2_LACK_ENERGY = next_enum() FATIGUE_ENERGY1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() FATIGUE_ENERGY2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() FATIGUE_ENERGY3_HAD_TO_PUSH = next_enum() FATIGUE_ENERGY4_DURING_ENJOYABLE = next_enum() FATIGUE_DUR = next_enum() CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() CONC1_CONC_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() CONC2_CONC_FOR_TV_READING_CONVERSATION = next_enum() CONC3_CONC_PREVENTED_ACTIVITIES = next_enum() CONC_DUR = next_enum() CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT = next_enum() FORGET_DUR = next_enum() SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() SLEEP_LOSE1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SLEEP_LOSE2_DIS_WORST_DURATION = ( next_enum() ) # DIS = delayed initiation of sleep SLEEP_LOSE3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_DIS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SLEEP_EMW_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() # EMW = early-morning waking SLEEP_CAUSE = next_enum() SLEEP_MAND2_GAIN_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() SLEEP_GAIN1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SLEEP_GAIN2_EXTRA_ON_LONGEST_NIGHT = next_enum() SLEEP_GAIN3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_EXTRA_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() SLEEP_DUR = next_enum() IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() IRRIT_MAND2_THINGS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() IRRIT1_DAYS_PER_WEEK = next_enum() IRRIT2_GT_1H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() IRRIT3_WANTED_TO_SHOUT = next_enum() IRRIT4_ARGUMENTS = next_enum() IRRIT_DUR = next_enum() HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() HYPO_MAND2_WORRIED_RE_SERIOUS_ILLNESS = next_enum() HYPO1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() HYPO2_WORRY_TOO_MUCH = next_enum() HYPO3_HOW_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() HYPO4_CAN_DISTRACT = next_enum() HYPO_DUR = next_enum() DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() DEPR_MAND2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() DEPR2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() DEPR3_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() DEPR4_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() DEPR_CONTENT = next_enum() DEPR5_COULD_CHEER_UP = next_enum() DEPR_DUR = next_enum() DEPTH1_DIURNAL_VARIATION = next_enum() # "depth" = depressive thoughts? DEPTH2_LIBIDO = next_enum() DEPTH3_RESTLESS = next_enum() DEPTH4_SLOWED = next_enum() DEPTH5_GUILT = next_enum() DEPTH6_WORSE_THAN_OTHERS = next_enum() DEPTH7_HOPELESS = next_enum() DEPTH8_LNWL = next_enum() # life not worth living DEPTH9_SUICIDE_THOUGHTS = next_enum() DEPTH10_SUICIDE_METHOD = next_enum() DOCTOR = next_enum() DOCTOR2_PLEASE_TALK_TO = next_enum() DEPR_OUTRO = next_enum() WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() WORRY_MAND2_ANY_WORRIES_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() WORRY_CONT1 = next_enum() WORRY1_INFO_ONLY = next_enum() WORRY2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() WORRY3_TOO_MUCH = next_enum() WORRY4_HOW_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() WORRY5_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() WORRY_DUR = next_enum() ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() ANX_MAND2_TENSION_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() ANX_PHOBIA2_SPECIFIC_OR_GENERAL = next_enum() ANX1_INFO_ONLY = next_enum() ANX2_GENERAL_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() ANX3_GENERAL_HOW_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() ANX4_GENERAL_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS = next_enum() ANX5_GENERAL_GT_3H_ANY_DAY = next_enum() ANX_DUR_GENERAL = next_enum() PHOBIAS_MAND_AVOIDANCE_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() PHOBIAS_TYPE1 = next_enum() PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() PHOBIAS2_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS = next_enum() PHOBIAS3_AVOIDANCE = next_enum() PHOBIAS4_AVOIDANCE_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() PHOBIAS_DUR = next_enum() PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() PANIC1_NUM_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() PANIC2_HOW_UNPLEASANT = next_enum() PANIC3_PANIC_GE_10_MIN = next_enum() PANIC4_RAPID_ONSET = next_enum() PANSYM = next_enum() # questions about each of several symptoms PANIC5_ALWAYS_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER = next_enum() PANIC_DUR = next_enum() ANX_OUTRO = next_enum() COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() COMP1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() COMP2_TRIED_TO_STOP = next_enum() COMP3_UPSETTING = next_enum() COMP4_MAX_N_REPETITIONS = next_enum() COMP_DUR = next_enum() OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH = next_enum() OBSESS_MAND2_SAME_THOUGHTS_OR_GENERAL = next_enum() OBSESS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() OBSESS2_TRIED_TO_STOP = next_enum() OBSESS3_UPSETTING = next_enum() OBSESS4_MAX_DURATION = next_enum() OBSESS_DUR = next_enum() OVERALL1_INFO_ONLY = next_enum() OVERALL2_IMPACT_PAST_WEEK = next_enum() THANKS_FINISHED = next_enum() END_MARKER = next_enum() # not a real page
CQ = CisrQuestion # shorthand # Demographics section FN_ETHNIC = "ethnic" FN_MARRIED = "married" FN_EMPSTAT = "empstat" FN_EMPTYPE = "emptype" FN_HOME = "home" FN_APPETITE1 = "appetite1" FN_WEIGHT1 = "weight1" FN_WEIGHT2 = "weight2" FN_WEIGHT3 = "weight3" FN_APPETITE2 = "appetite2" FN_WEIGHT4 = "weight4" # male/female responses unified (no "weight4a" FN_WEIGHT5 = "weight5" FN_GP_YEAR = "gp_year" FN_DISABLE = "disable" FN_ILLNESS = "illness" FN_SOMATIC_MAND1 = "somatic_mand1" FN_SOMATIC_PAIN1 = "somatic_pain1" FN_SOMATIC_PAIN2 = "somatic_pain2" FN_SOMATIC_PAIN3 = "somatic_pain3" FN_SOMATIC_PAIN4 = "somatic_pain4" FN_SOMATIC_PAIN5 = "somatic_pain5" FN_SOMATIC_MAND2 = "somatic_mand2" FN_SOMATIC_DIS1 = "somatic_dis1" FN_SOMATIC_DIS2 = "somatic_dis2" FN_SOMATIC_DIS3 = "somatic_dis3" FN_SOMATIC_DIS4 = "somatic_dis4" FN_SOMATIC_DIS5 = "somatic_dis5" FN_SOMATIC_DUR = "somatic_dur" FN_FATIGUE_MAND1 = "fatigue_mand1" FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE1 = "fatigue_cause1" FN_FATIGUE_TIRED1 = "fatigue_tired1" FN_FATIGUE_TIRED2 = "fatigue_tired2" FN_FATIGUE_TIRED3 = "fatigue_tired3" FN_FATIGUE_TIRED4 = "fatigue_tired4" FN_FATIGUE_MAND2 = "fatigue_mand2" FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE2 = "fatigue_cause2" FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY1 = "fatigue_energy1" FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY2 = "fatigue_energy2" FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY3 = "fatigue_energy3" FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY4 = "fatigue_energy4" FN_FATIGUE_DUR = "fatigue_dur" FN_CONC_MAND1 = "conc_mand1" FN_CONC_MAND2 = "conc_mand2" FN_CONC1 = "conc1" FN_CONC2 = "conc2" FN_CONC3 = "conc3" FN_CONC_DUR = "conc_dur" FN_CONC4 = "conc4" FN_FORGET_DUR = "forget_dur" FN_SLEEP_MAND1 = "sleep_mand1" FN_SLEEP_LOSE1 = "sleep_lose1" FN_SLEEP_LOSE2 = "sleep_lose2" FN_SLEEP_LOSE3 = "sleep_lose3" FN_SLEEP_EMW = "sleep_emw" FN_SLEEP_CAUSE = "sleep_cause" FN_SLEEP_MAND2 = "sleep_mand2" FN_SLEEP_GAIN1 = "sleep_gain1" FN_SLEEP_GAIN2 = "sleep_gain2" FN_SLEEP_GAIN3 = "sleep_gain3" FN_SLEEP_DUR = "sleep_dur" FN_IRRIT_MAND1 = "irrit_mand1" FN_IRRIT_MAND2 = "irrit_mand2" FN_IRRIT1 = "irrit1" FN_IRRIT2 = "irrit2" FN_IRRIT3 = "irrit3" FN_IRRIT4 = "irrit4" FN_IRRIT_DUR = "irrit_dur" FN_HYPO_MAND1 = "hypo_mand1" FN_HYPO_MAND2 = "hypo_mand2" FN_HYPO1 = "hypo1" FN_HYPO2 = "hypo2" FN_HYPO3 = "hypo3" FN_HYPO4 = "hypo4" FN_HYPO_DUR = "hypo_dur" FN_DEPR_MAND1 = "depr_mand1" FN_DEPR1 = "depr1" FN_DEPR_MAND2 = "depr_mand2" FN_DEPR2 = "depr2" FN_DEPR3 = "depr3" FN_DEPR4 = "depr4" FN_DEPR_CONTENT = "depr_content" FN_DEPR5 = "depr5" FN_DEPR_DUR = "depr_dur" FN_DEPTH1 = "depth1" FN_DEPTH2 = "depth2" FN_DEPTH3 = "depth3" FN_DEPTH4 = "depth4" FN_DEPTH5 = "depth5" FN_DEPTH6 = "depth6" FN_DEPTH7 = "depth7" FN_DEPTH8 = "depth8" FN_DEPTH9 = "depth9" FN_DEPTH10 = "depth10" FN_DOCTOR = "doctor" FN_WORRY_MAND1 = "worry_mand1" FN_WORRY_MAND2 = "worry_mand2" FN_WORRY_CONT1 = "worry_cont1" FN_WORRY2 = "worry2" FN_WORRY3 = "worry3" FN_WORRY4 = "worry4" FN_WORRY5 = "worry5" FN_WORRY_DUR = "worry_dur" FN_ANX_MAND1 = "anx_mand1" FN_ANX_MAND2 = "anx_mand2" FN_ANX_PHOBIA1 = "anx_phobia1" FN_ANX_PHOBIA2 = "anx_phobia2" FN_ANX2 = "anx2" FN_ANX3 = "anx3" FN_ANX4 = "anx4" FN_ANX5 = "anx5" FN_ANX_DUR = "anx_dur" FN_PHOBIAS_MAND = "phobias_mand" FN_PHOBIAS_TYPE1 = "phobias_type1" FN_PHOBIAS1 = "phobias1" FN_PHOBIAS2 = "phobias2" FN_PHOBIAS3 = "phobias3" FN_PHOBIAS4 = "phobias4" FN_PHOBIAS_DUR = "phobias_dur" FN_PANIC_MAND = "panic_mand" FN_PANIC1 = "panic1" FN_PANIC2 = "panic2" FN_PANIC3 = "panic3" FN_PANIC4 = "panic4" FN_PANSYM_A = "pansym_a" FN_PANSYM_B = "pansym_b" FN_PANSYM_C = "pansym_c" FN_PANSYM_D = "pansym_d" FN_PANSYM_E = "pansym_e" FN_PANSYM_F = "pansym_f" FN_PANSYM_G = "pansym_g" FN_PANSYM_H = "pansym_h" FN_PANSYM_I = "pansym_i" FN_PANSYM_J = "pansym_j" FN_PANSYM_K = "pansym_k" FN_PANSYM_L = "pansym_l" FN_PANSYM_M = "pansym_m" FN_PANIC5 = "panic5" FN_PANIC_DUR = "panic_dur" FN_COMP_MAND1 = "comp_mand1" FN_COMP1 = "comp1" FN_COMP2 = "comp2" FN_COMP3 = "comp3" FN_COMP4 = "comp4" FN_COMP_DUR = "comp_dur" FN_OBSESS_MAND1 = "obsess_mand1" FN_OBSESS_MAND2 = "obsess_mand2" FN_OBSESS1 = "obsess1" FN_OBSESS2 = "obsess2" FN_OBSESS3 = "obsess3" FN_OBSESS4 = "obsess4" FN_OBSESS_DUR = "obsess_dur" FN_OVERALL2 = "overall2" PANIC_SYMPTOM_FIELDNAMES = [ FN_PANSYM_A, FN_PANSYM_B, FN_PANSYM_C, FN_PANSYM_D, FN_PANSYM_E, FN_PANSYM_F, FN_PANSYM_G, FN_PANSYM_H, FN_PANSYM_I, FN_PANSYM_J, FN_PANSYM_K, FN_PANSYM_L, FN_PANSYM_M, ] FIELDNAME_FOR_QUESTION = { # CQ.INTRO_1: # information only # CQ.INTRO_2: # information only # CQ.INTRO_DEMOGRAPHICS: # information only CQ.ETHNIC: FN_ETHNIC, CQ.MARRIED: FN_MARRIED, CQ.EMPSTAT: FN_EMPSTAT, CQ.EMPTYPE: FN_EMPTYPE, CQ.HOME: FN_HOME, # CQ.HEALTH_WELLBEING: # information only CQ.APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: FN_APPETITE1, CQ.WEIGHT1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: FN_WEIGHT1, CQ.WEIGHT2_TRYING_TO_LOSE: FN_WEIGHT2, CQ.WEIGHT3_LOST_LOTS: FN_WEIGHT3, CQ.APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH: FN_APPETITE2, CQ.WEIGHT4_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH: FN_WEIGHT4, # CQ.WEIGHT4A: not used (= WEIGHT4 + pregnancy option) CQ.WEIGHT5_GAINED_LOTS: FN_WEIGHT5, CQ.GP_YEAR: FN_GP_YEAR, CQ.DISABLE: FN_DISABLE, CQ.ILLNESS: FN_ILLNESS, CQ.SOMATIC_MAND1_PAIN_PAST_MONTH: FN_SOMATIC_MAND1, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: FN_SOMATIC_PAIN1, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_SOMATIC_PAIN2, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_SOMATIC_PAIN3, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN4_UNPLEASANT: FN_SOMATIC_PAIN4, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: FN_SOMATIC_PAIN5, CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT: FN_SOMATIC_MAND2, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: FN_SOMATIC_DIS1, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_SOMATIC_DIS2, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_SOMATIC_DIS3, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS4_UNPLEASANT: FN_SOMATIC_DIS4, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: FN_SOMATIC_DIS5, CQ.SOMATIC_DUR: FN_SOMATIC_DUR, CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH: FN_FATIGUE_MAND1, CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE1_TIRED: FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE1, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_FATIGUE_TIRED1, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_FATIGUE_TIRED2, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED3_HAD_TO_PUSH: FN_FATIGUE_TIRED3, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: FN_FATIGUE_TIRED4, CQ.FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH: FN_FATIGUE_MAND2, CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE2_LACK_ENERGY: FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE2, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY1, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY2, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY3_HAD_TO_PUSH: FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY3, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY4, CQ.FATIGUE_DUR: FN_FATIGUE_DUR, CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH: FN_CONC_MAND1, CQ.CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH: FN_CONC_MAND2, CQ.CONC1_CONC_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_CONC1, CQ.CONC2_CONC_FOR_TV_READING_CONVERSATION: FN_CONC2, CQ.CONC3_CONC_PREVENTED_ACTIVITIES: FN_CONC3, CQ.CONC_DUR: FN_CONC_DUR, CQ.CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT: FN_CONC4, CQ.FORGET_DUR: FN_FORGET_DUR, CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: FN_SLEEP_MAND1, CQ.SLEEP_LOSE1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK: FN_SLEEP_LOSE1, CQ.SLEEP_LOSE2_DIS_WORST_DURATION: FN_SLEEP_LOSE2, CQ.SLEEP_LOSE3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_DIS_PAST_WEEK: FN_SLEEP_LOSE3, CQ.SLEEP_EMW_PAST_WEEK: FN_SLEEP_EMW, CQ.SLEEP_CAUSE: FN_SLEEP_CAUSE, CQ.SLEEP_MAND2_GAIN_PAST_MONTH: FN_SLEEP_MAND2, CQ.SLEEP_GAIN1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK: FN_SLEEP_GAIN1, CQ.SLEEP_GAIN2_EXTRA_ON_LONGEST_NIGHT: FN_SLEEP_GAIN2, CQ.SLEEP_GAIN3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_EXTRA_PAST_WEEK: FN_SLEEP_GAIN3, CQ.SLEEP_DUR: FN_SLEEP_DUR, CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH: FN_IRRIT_MAND1, CQ.IRRIT_MAND2_THINGS_PAST_MONTH: FN_IRRIT_MAND2, CQ.IRRIT1_DAYS_PER_WEEK: FN_IRRIT1, CQ.IRRIT2_GT_1H_ANY_DAY: FN_IRRIT2, CQ.IRRIT3_WANTED_TO_SHOUT: FN_IRRIT3, CQ.IRRIT4_ARGUMENTS: FN_IRRIT4, CQ.IRRIT_DUR: FN_IRRIT_DUR, CQ.HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH: FN_HYPO_MAND1, CQ.HYPO_MAND2_WORRIED_RE_SERIOUS_ILLNESS: FN_HYPO_MAND2, CQ.HYPO1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_HYPO1, CQ.HYPO2_WORRY_TOO_MUCH: FN_HYPO2, CQ.HYPO3_HOW_UNPLEASANT: FN_HYPO3, CQ.HYPO4_CAN_DISTRACT: FN_HYPO4, CQ.HYPO_DUR: FN_HYPO_DUR, CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH: FN_DEPR_MAND1, CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK: FN_DEPR1, CQ.DEPR_MAND2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_MONTH: FN_DEPR_MAND2, CQ.DEPR2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_WEEK: FN_DEPR2, CQ.DEPR3_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_DEPR3, CQ.DEPR4_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_DEPR4, CQ.DEPR_CONTENT: FN_DEPR_CONTENT, CQ.DEPR5_COULD_CHEER_UP: FN_DEPR5, CQ.DEPR_DUR: FN_DEPR_DUR, CQ.DEPTH1_DIURNAL_VARIATION: FN_DEPTH1, CQ.DEPTH2_LIBIDO: FN_DEPTH2, CQ.DEPTH3_RESTLESS: FN_DEPTH3, CQ.DEPTH4_SLOWED: FN_DEPTH4, CQ.DEPTH5_GUILT: FN_DEPTH5, CQ.DEPTH6_WORSE_THAN_OTHERS: FN_DEPTH6, CQ.DEPTH7_HOPELESS: FN_DEPTH7, CQ.DEPTH8_LNWL: FN_DEPTH8, CQ.DEPTH9_SUICIDE_THOUGHTS: FN_DEPTH9, CQ.DEPTH10_SUICIDE_METHOD: FN_DEPTH10, CQ.DOCTOR: FN_DOCTOR, # CQ.DOCTOR2_PLEASE_TALK_TO: # info only # CQ.DEPR_OUTRO: # info only CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH: FN_WORRY_MAND1, CQ.WORRY_MAND2_ANY_WORRIES_PAST_MONTH: FN_WORRY_MAND2, CQ.WORRY_CONT1: FN_WORRY_CONT1, # CQ.WORRY1_INFO_ONLY: # info only CQ.WORRY2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_WORRY2, CQ.WORRY3_TOO_MUCH: FN_WORRY3, CQ.WORRY4_HOW_UNPLEASANT: FN_WORRY4, CQ.WORRY5_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_WORRY5, CQ.WORRY_DUR: FN_WORRY_DUR, CQ.ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH: FN_ANX_MAND1, CQ.ANX_MAND2_TENSION_PAST_MONTH: FN_ANX_MAND2, CQ.ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH: FN_ANX_PHOBIA1, CQ.ANX_PHOBIA2_SPECIFIC_OR_GENERAL: FN_ANX_PHOBIA2, # CQ.ANX1_INFO_ONLY: # info only CQ.ANX2_GENERAL_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_ANX2, CQ.ANX3_GENERAL_HOW_UNPLEASANT: FN_ANX3, CQ.ANX4_GENERAL_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS: FN_ANX4, CQ.ANX5_GENERAL_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: FN_ANX5, CQ.ANX_DUR_GENERAL: FN_ANX_DUR, CQ.PHOBIAS_MAND_AVOIDANCE_PAST_MONTH: FN_PHOBIAS_MAND, CQ.PHOBIAS_TYPE1: FN_PHOBIAS_TYPE1, CQ.PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_PHOBIAS1, CQ.PHOBIAS2_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS: FN_PHOBIAS2, CQ.PHOBIAS3_AVOIDANCE: FN_PHOBIAS3, CQ.PHOBIAS4_AVOIDANCE_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_PHOBIAS4, CQ.PHOBIAS_DUR: FN_PHOBIAS_DUR, CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH: FN_PANIC_MAND, CQ.PANIC1_NUM_PAST_WEEK: FN_PANIC1, CQ.PANIC2_HOW_UNPLEASANT: FN_PANIC2, CQ.PANIC3_PANIC_GE_10_MIN: FN_PANIC3, CQ.PANIC4_RAPID_ONSET: FN_PANIC4, # CQ.PANSYM: # multiple stems CQ.PANIC5_ALWAYS_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER: FN_PANIC5, CQ.PANIC_DUR: FN_PANIC_DUR, # CQ.ANX_OUTRO: # info only CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH: FN_COMP_MAND1, CQ.COMP1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_COMP1, CQ.COMP2_TRIED_TO_STOP: FN_COMP2, CQ.COMP3_UPSETTING: FN_COMP3, CQ.COMP4_MAX_N_REPETITIONS: FN_COMP4, CQ.COMP_DUR: FN_COMP_DUR, CQ.OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH: FN_OBSESS_MAND1, CQ.OBSESS_MAND2_SAME_THOUGHTS_OR_GENERAL: FN_OBSESS_MAND2, CQ.OBSESS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: FN_OBSESS1, CQ.OBSESS2_TRIED_TO_STOP: FN_OBSESS2, CQ.OBSESS3_UPSETTING: FN_OBSESS3, CQ.OBSESS4_MAX_DURATION: FN_OBSESS4, CQ.OBSESS_DUR: FN_OBSESS_DUR, # CQ.OVERALL1: # info only CQ.OVERALL2_IMPACT_PAST_WEEK: FN_OVERALL2, } # Questions for which 1 = no, 2 = yes (+/- other options) QUESTIONS_1_NO_2_YES = [ CQ.APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH, CQ.WEIGHT1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH, CQ.WEIGHT2_TRYING_TO_LOSE, CQ.APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH, CQ.WEIGHT4_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH, # may also offer "yes but pregnant" # noqa CQ.SOMATIC_MAND1_PAIN_PAST_MONTH, CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING, # also has other options CQ.SOMATIC_DIS3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING, # also has other options CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED3_HAD_TO_PUSH, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED4_DURING_ENJOYABLE, # also has other options CQ.FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY3_HAD_TO_PUSH, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY4_DURING_ENJOYABLE, # also has other options CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH, CQ.CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH, CQ.CONC3_CONC_PREVENTED_ACTIVITIES, CQ.CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT, CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH, CQ.SLEEP_EMW_PAST_WEEK, CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH, CQ.IRRIT2_GT_1H_ANY_DAY, CQ.HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH, CQ.HYPO_MAND2_WORRIED_RE_SERIOUS_ILLNESS, CQ.HYPO2_WORRY_TOO_MUCH, CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH, CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK, CQ.DEPR4_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.DEPTH3_RESTLESS, CQ.DEPTH4_SLOWED, CQ.DEPTH6_WORSE_THAN_OTHERS, CQ.DEPTH7_HOPELESS, CQ.DEPTH10_SUICIDE_METHOD, CQ.WORRY_MAND2_ANY_WORRIES_PAST_MONTH, CQ.WORRY3_TOO_MUCH, CQ.WORRY5_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH, CQ.ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH, CQ.ANX4_GENERAL_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS, CQ.ANX5_GENERAL_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.PHOBIAS_MAND_AVOIDANCE_PAST_MONTH, CQ.PHOBIAS2_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS, CQ.PHOBIAS3_AVOIDANCE, CQ.PANIC4_RAPID_ONSET, CQ.PANIC5_ALWAYS_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER, CQ.COMP2_TRIED_TO_STOP, CQ.COMP3_UPSETTING, CQ.OBSESS2_TRIED_TO_STOP, CQ.OBSESS3_UPSETTING, ] # Questions for which 1 = yes, 2 = no (+/- other options) QUESTIONS_1_YES_2_NO = [ CQ.DISABLE, CQ.CONC2_CONC_FOR_TV_READING_CONVERSATION, CQ.HYPO4_CAN_DISTRACT, ] # Yes-no (or no-yes) questions but with specific text QUESTIONS_YN_SPECIFIC_TEXT = [ CQ.WEIGHT2_TRYING_TO_LOSE, CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED3_HAD_TO_PUSH, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY3_HAD_TO_PUSH, CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH, CQ.CONC2_CONC_FOR_TV_READING_CONVERSATION, CQ.CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT, CQ.SLEEP_EMW_PAST_WEEK, CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH, CQ.IRRIT2_GT_1H_ANY_DAY, CQ.HYPO2_WORRY_TOO_MUCH, CQ.HYPO4_CAN_DISTRACT, CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK, CQ.DEPR4_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.DEPTH6_WORSE_THAN_OTHERS, CQ.DEPTH7_HOPELESS, CQ.WORRY3_TOO_MUCH, CQ.WORRY5_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.ANX4_GENERAL_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS, CQ.ANX5_GENERAL_GT_3H_ANY_DAY, CQ.PHOBIAS2_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS, CQ.PHOBIAS3_AVOIDANCE, CQ.COMP2_TRIED_TO_STOP, CQ.COMP3_UPSETTING, CQ.OBSESS2_TRIED_TO_STOP, CQ.OBSESS3_UPSETTING, ] # Demographics questions (optional for diagnosis) QUESTIONS_DEMOGRAPHICS = [ CQ.ETHNIC, CQ.MARRIED, CQ.EMPSTAT, CQ.EMPTYPE, CQ.HOME, ] # "Questions" that are just a prompt screen QUESTIONS_PROMPT_ONLY = { # Maps questions to their prompt's xstring name CQ.INTRO_1: "intro_1", CQ.INTRO_2: "intro_2", CQ.INTRO_DEMOGRAPHICS: "intro_demographics_statement", CQ.HEALTH_WELLBEING: "health_wellbeing_statement", CQ.DOCTOR2_PLEASE_TALK_TO: "doctor2", CQ.DEPR_OUTRO: "depr_outro", CQ.WORRY1_INFO_ONLY: "worry1", CQ.ANX1_INFO_ONLY: "anx1", CQ.ANX_OUTRO: "anx_outro", CQ.OVERALL1_INFO_ONLY: "overall1", CQ.THANKS_FINISHED: "end", } # "How many days per week" questions # "Overall duration" questions QUESTIONS_OVERALL_DURATION = [ CQ.SOMATIC_DUR, CQ.FATIGUE_DUR, CQ.CONC_DUR, CQ.FORGET_DUR, CQ.SLEEP_DUR, CQ.IRRIT_DUR, CQ.HYPO_DUR, CQ.DEPR_DUR, CQ.WORRY_DUR, CQ.ANX_DUR_GENERAL, CQ.PHOBIAS_DUR, CQ.PANIC_DUR, CQ.COMP_DUR, CQ.OBSESS_DUR, ] # Multi-way questions, other than yes/no ones. QUESTIONS_MULTIWAY = { # Maps questions to first and last number of answers. CQ.WEIGHT3_LOST_LOTS: (1, 2), CQ.WEIGHT4_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH: (1, 2), # may be modified to 3 if female CQ.WEIGHT5_GAINED_LOTS: (1, 2), CQ.GP_YEAR: (0, 4), # unusual; starts at 0 CQ.ILLNESS: (1, 8), CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: (1, 3), CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: (1, 3), CQ.SOMATIC_DIS1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: (1, 3), CQ.SOMATIC_DIS5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: (1, 3), CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: (1, 3), CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: (1, 3), CQ.SLEEP_LOSE2_DIS_WORST_DURATION: (1, 4), CQ.SLEEP_CAUSE: (1, 6), CQ.SLEEP_MAND2_GAIN_PAST_MONTH: (1, 3), CQ.SLEEP_GAIN2_EXTRA_ON_LONGEST_NIGHT: (1, 4), CQ.IRRIT_MAND2_THINGS_PAST_MONTH: (1, 3), CQ.IRRIT3_WANTED_TO_SHOUT: (1, 3), CQ.IRRIT4_ARGUMENTS: (1, 3), CQ.DEPR_MAND2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_MONTH: (1, 3), CQ.DEPR2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_WEEK: (1, 3), CQ.DEPR5_COULD_CHEER_UP: (1, 3), CQ.DEPTH1_DIURNAL_VARIATION: (1, 4), CQ.DEPTH2_LIBIDO: (1, 4), CQ.DEPTH5_GUILT: (1, 4), CQ.DEPTH8_LNWL: (1, 3), CQ.DEPTH9_SUICIDE_THOUGHTS: (1, 3), CQ.DOCTOR: (1, 3), CQ.ANX_PHOBIA2_SPECIFIC_OR_GENERAL: (1, 2), CQ.PHOBIAS_TYPE1: (1, 9), CQ.PHOBIAS4_AVOIDANCE_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: (1, 3), CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH: (1, 3), CQ.PANIC1_NUM_PAST_WEEK: (1, 3), CQ.PANIC2_HOW_UNPLEASANT: (1, 3), CQ.PANIC3_PANIC_GE_10_MIN: (1, 2), CQ.COMP4_MAX_N_REPETITIONS: (1, 3), CQ.OBSESS_MAND2_SAME_THOUGHTS_OR_GENERAL: (1, 2), CQ.OBSESS4_MAX_DURATION: (1, 2), CQ.OVERALL2_IMPACT_PAST_WEEK: (1, 4), } QUESTIONS_MULTIWAY_WITH_EXTRA_STEM = { # Maps questions to first and last number of answers. CQ.ETHNIC: (1, 7), # 7 includes our additional "prefer not to say" CQ.MARRIED: (1, 6), # 6 includes our additional "prefer not to say" CQ.EMPSTAT: (1, 8), # 8 includes our additional "prefer not to say" CQ.EMPTYPE: ( 1, 7, ), # 7 includes our additional "not applicable" + "prefer not to say" # noqa CQ.HOME: (1, 7), # 7 includes our additional "prefer not to say" } QUESTIONS_DAYS_PER_WEEK = [ CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.CONC1_CONC_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.IRRIT1_DAYS_PER_WEEK, CQ.HYPO1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.DEPR3_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.WORRY2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.ANX2_GENERAL_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, # not this: CQ.PHOBIAS4_AVOIDANCE_FREQUENCY -- different phrasing # not this: CQ.PANIC1_FREQUENCY CQ.COMP1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.OBSESS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK, ] QUESTIONS_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK = [ CQ.SLEEP_LOSE1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.SLEEP_LOSE3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_DIS_PAST_WEEK, CQ.SLEEP_GAIN1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK, # (*) see below # (*) Probably an error in the original: # "On how many nights in the PAST SEVEN NIGHTS did you have problems # with your sleep? (1) None. (2) Between one and three days. (3) Four # days or more." Note day/night confusion. Altered to "nights". CQ.SLEEP_GAIN3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_EXTRA_PAST_WEEK, ] QUESTIONS_HOW_UNPLEASANT_STANDARD = [ CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN4_UNPLEASANT, CQ.SOMATIC_DIS4_UNPLEASANT, CQ.HYPO3_HOW_UNPLEASANT, CQ.WORRY4_HOW_UNPLEASANT, CQ.ANX3_GENERAL_HOW_UNPLEASANT, ] QUESTIONS_FATIGUE_CAUSES = [ CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE1_TIRED, CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE2_LACK_ENERGY, ] QUESTIONS_STRESSORS = [CQ.DEPR_CONTENT, CQ.WORRY_CONT1] QUESTIONS_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN = [ CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH, CQ.ANX_MAND2_TENSION_PAST_MONTH, CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH, CQ.OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH, # and no-sometimes-often values also used by: # CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH # ... but with variations on the text. ] # ============================================================================= # Ancillary functions # ============================================================================= def fieldname_for_q(q: CisrQuestion) -> str: return FIELDNAME_FOR_QUESTION.get(q, "") def enum_to_int(qe: CisrQuestion) -> int: return qe.value def int_to_enum(qi: int) -> CisrQuestion: # # noqa return CisrQuestion(qi) # ============================================================================= # CisrResult # ============================================================================= class CisrResult(object): def __init__(self, record_decisions: bool = False) -> None: self.incomplete = False self.record_decisions = record_decisions self.decisions = [] # type: List[str] # Symptom scoring self.depression = 0 # DEPR in original self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy = 0 # DEPCRIT1 self.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui = 0 # DEPCRIT2 self.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd = 0 # DEPCRIT3 # ... looks to me like the ICD-10 criteria for somatic syndrome # (e.g. F32.01, F32.11, F33.01, F33.11), with the "do you cheer up # when..." question (DEPR5) being the one for "lack of emotional # reactions to events or activities that normally produce an # emotional response". self.weight_change = ( WTCHANGE_NONE_OR_APPETITE_INCREASE # WTCHANGE IN original ) self.somatic_symptoms = 0 # SOMATIC in original self.fatigue = 0 # FATIGUE in original self.neurasthenia = 0 # NEURAS in original self.concentration_poor = 0 # CONC in original self.sleep_problems = 0 # SLEEP in original self.sleep_change = SLEEPCHANGE_NONE # SLEEPCH in original self.depressive_thoughts = 0 # DEPTHTS in original self.irritability = 0 # IRRIT in original self.diurnal_mood_variation = DIURNAL_MOOD_VAR_NONE # DVM in original self.libido_decreased = False # LIBID in original self.psychomotor_changes = PSYCHOMOTOR_NONE # PSYCHMOT in original self.suicidality = ( SUICIDE_INTENT_NONE ) # type: int # SUICID in original self.depression_at_least_2_weeks = False # DEPR_DUR >= 2 in original self.hypochondria = 0 # HYPO in original self.worry = 0 # WORRY in original self.anxiety = 0 # ANX in original self.anxiety_physical_symptoms = False # AN4 == 2 in original self.anxiety_at_least_2_weeks = False # ANX_DUR >= 2 in original self.phobias_flag = False # PHOBIAS_FLAG in original self.phobias_score = 0 # PHOBIAS in original self.phobias_type = 0 # PHOBIAS_TYPE in original self.phobic_avoidance = False # PHOBIAS3 == 2 in original self.panic = 0 # PANIC in original self.panic_rapid_onset = False # PANIC4 == 2 in original self.panic_symptoms_total = 0 # PANSYTOT in original self.compulsions = 0 # COMP in original self.compulsions_tried_to_stop = False # COMP2 == 2 in original self.compulsions_at_least_2_weeks = False # COMP_DUR >= 2 in original self.obsessions = 0 # OBSESS in original self.obsessions_tried_to_stop = False # OBSESS2 == 2 in original self.obsessions_at_least_2_weeks = False # OBSESS_DUR >= 2 in original self.functional_impairment = 0 # IMPAIR in original # Disorder flags self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder = False # OBCOMP in original self.depression_mild = False # DEPRMILD in original self.depression_moderate = False # DEPRMOD in original self.depression_severe = False # DEPRSEV in original self.chronic_fatigue_syndrome = False # CFS in original self.generalized_anxiety_disorder = False # GAD in original self.phobia_agoraphobia = False # PHOBAG in original self.phobia_social = False # PHOBSOC in original self.phobia_specific = False # PHOBSPEC in original self.panic_disorder = False # PANICD in original # Final diagnoses self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_0_NO_DIAGNOSIS # DIAG1 in original self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_0_NO_DIAGNOSIS # DIAG2 in original # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overall scoring # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_score(self) -> int: # SCORE in original return ( self.somatic_symptoms + self.fatigue + self.concentration_poor + self.sleep_problems + self.irritability + self.hypochondria + self.depression + self.depressive_thoughts + self.worry + self.anxiety + self.phobias_score + self.panic + self.compulsions + self.obsessions ) def needs_impairment_question(self) -> bool: # code in OVERALL1 in original threshold = 2 # for all symptoms return ( self.somatic_symptoms >= threshold or self.hypochondria >= threshold or self.fatigue >= threshold or self.sleep_problems >= threshold or self.irritability >= threshold or self.concentration_poor >= threshold or self.depression >= threshold or self.depressive_thoughts >= threshold or self.phobias_score >= threshold or self.worry >= threshold or self.anxiety >= threshold or self.panic >= threshold or self.compulsions >= threshold or self.obsessions >= threshold ) def has_somatic_syndrome(self) -> bool: return self.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd >= SOMATIC_SYNDROME_CRITERION def get_final_page(self) -> CisrQuestion: # see chooseFinalPage() in the C++ version return ( CQ.OVERALL1_INFO_ONLY if self.needs_impairment_question() else CQ.THANKS_FINISHED ) def decide(self, decision: str) -> None: if self.record_decisions: self.decisions.append(decision) def _showint(self, name: str, value: int) -> None: self.decide(f"{SCORE_PREFIX}{name}: {value}") def _showbool(self, name: str, value: bool) -> None: self.decide(f"{SCORE_PREFIX}{name}: {'true' if value else 'false'}") def diagnosis_name(self, diagnosis_code: int) -> str: if self.incomplete: # Do NOT offer diagnostic information based on partial data. # Might be dangerous (e.g. say "mild depressive episode" when it's # severe + incomplete information). return "INFORMATION INCOMPLETE" if diagnosis_code == DIAG_0_NO_DIAGNOSIS: return "No diagnosis identified" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD: return "Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder (mild)" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD: return "Generalized anxiety disorder (mild)" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS: return "Obsessive–compulsive disorder" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS: return "Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA: return "Specific (isolated) phobia" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA: return "Social phobia" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA: return "Agoraphobia" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS: return "Generalized anxiety disorder" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS: return "Panic disorder" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_10_MILD_DEPR_EPISODE: return "Mild depressive episode" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_11_MOD_DEPR_EPISODE: return "Moderate depressive episode" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_12_SEVERE_DEPR_EPISODE: return "Severe depressive episode" else: return "[INTERNAL ERROR: BAD DIAGNOSIS CODE]" def diagnosis_icd10_code(self, diagnosis_code: int) -> str: if self.incomplete: return "" if diagnosis_code == DIAG_0_NO_DIAGNOSIS: return "" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD: return "F41.2" # no sub-code for "mild" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD: return "F41.1" # no sub-code for "mild" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS: return "Obsessive–compulsive disorder" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS: return "F41.2" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA: return "F40.2" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA: return "F40.1" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA: return "F40.0" # not clear whether F40.00/F40.01 are distinguished elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS: return "F41.1" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS: return "F41.0" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_10_MILD_DEPR_EPISODE: if self.has_somatic_syndrome(): return "F32.01" else: return "F32.00" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_11_MOD_DEPR_EPISODE: if self.has_somatic_syndrome(): return "F32.11" else: return "F32.10" elif diagnosis_code == DIAG_12_SEVERE_DEPR_EPISODE: return "F32.2 or F32.3" else: return "[INTERNAL ERROR: BAD DIAGNOSIS CODE]" def has_diagnosis(self, diagnosis_code: int) -> bool: return not self.incomplete and diagnosis_code != DIAG_0_NO_DIAGNOSIS def has_diagnosis_1(self) -> bool: return self.has_diagnosis(self.diagnosis_1) def has_diagnosis_2(self) -> bool: return self.has_diagnosis(self.diagnosis_1) def diagnosis_1_name(self) -> str: return self.diagnosis_name(self.diagnosis_1) def diagnosis_1_icd10_code(self) -> str: return self.diagnosis_icd10_code(self.diagnosis_1) def diagnosis_2_name(self) -> str: return self.diagnosis_name(self.diagnosis_2) def diagnosis_2_icd10_code(self) -> str: return self.diagnosis_icd10_code(self.diagnosis_2) def finalize(self) -> None: at_least_1_activity_impaired = ( self.functional_impairment >= OVERALL_IMPAIRMENT_STOP_1_ACTIVITY ) score = self.get_score() # GAD if ( self.anxiety >= 2 and self.anxiety_physical_symptoms and self.anxiety_at_least_2_weeks ): self.decide( "Anxiety score >= 2 AND physical symptoms of anxiety AND " "anxiety for at least 2 weeks. " "Setting generalized_anxiety_disorder." ) self.generalized_anxiety_disorder = True # Panic if self.panic >= 3 and self.panic_rapid_onset: self.decide( "Panic score >= 3 AND panic_rapid_onset. " "Setting panic_disorder." ) self.panic_disorder = True # Phobias if ( self.phobias_type == PHOBIATYPES_AGORAPHOBIA and self.phobic_avoidance and self.phobias_score >= 2 ): self.decide( "Phobia type is agoraphobia AND phobic avoidance AND" "phobia score >= 2. Setting phobia_agoraphobia." ) self.phobia_agoraphobia = True if ( self.phobias_type == PHOBIATYPES_SOCIAL and self.phobic_avoidance and self.phobias_score >= 2 ): self.decide( "Phobia type is social AND phobic avoidance AND" "phobia score >= 2. Setting phobia_social." ) self.phobia_social = True if ( self.phobias_type == PHOBIATYPES_SOCIAL and self.phobic_avoidance and self.phobias_score >= 2 ): self.decide( "Phobia type is (animals/enclosed/heights OR other) AND " "phobic avoidance AND phobia score >= 2. " "Setting phobia_specific." ) self.phobia_specific = True # OCD if ( self.obsessions + self.compulsions >= 6 and self.obsessions_tried_to_stop and self.obsessions_at_least_2_weeks and at_least_1_activity_impaired ): self.decide( "obsessions + compulsions >= 6 AND " "tried to stop obsessions AND " "obsessions for at least 2 weeks AND " "at least 1 activity impaired. " "Setting obsessive_compulsive_disorder." ) self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder = True if ( self.obsessions + self.compulsions >= 6 and self.compulsions_tried_to_stop and self.compulsions_at_least_2_weeks and at_least_1_activity_impaired ): self.decide( "obsessions + compulsions >= 6 AND " "tried to stop compulsions AND " "compulsions for at least 2 weeks AND " "at least 1 activity impaired. " "Setting obsessive_compulsive_disorder." ) self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder = True if ( self.obsessions == 4 and self.obsessions_tried_to_stop and self.obsessions_at_least_2_weeks and at_least_1_activity_impaired ): # NOTE: 4 is the maximum for obsessions self.decide( "obsessions == 4 AND " "tried to stop obsessions AND " "obsessions for at least 2 weeks AND " "at least 1 activity impaired. " "Setting obsessive_compulsive_disorder." ) self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder = True if ( self.compulsions == 4 and self.compulsions_tried_to_stop and self.compulsions_at_least_2_weeks and at_least_1_activity_impaired ): # NOTE: 4 is the maximum for compulsions self.decide( "compulsions == 4 AND " "tried to stop compulsions AND " "compulsions for at least 2 weeks AND " "at least 1 activity impaired. " "Setting obsessive_compulsive_disorder." ) self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder = True # Depression if ( self.depression_at_least_2_weeks and self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy > 1 and self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy + self.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui > 3 ): self.decide( "Depressive symptoms >=2 weeks AND " "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy > 1 AND " "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy + " "depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui > 3. " "Setting depression_mild." ) self.depression_mild = True if ( self.depression_at_least_2_weeks and self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy > 1 and ( self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy + self.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui ) > 5 ): self.decide( "Depressive symptoms >=2 weeks AND " "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy > 1 AND " "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy + " "depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui > 5. " "Setting depression_moderate." ) self.depression_moderate = True if ( self.depression_at_least_2_weeks and self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy == 3 and self.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui > 4 ): self.decide( "Depressive symptoms >=2 weeks AND " "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy == 3 AND " "depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui > 4. " "Setting depression_severe." ) self.depression_severe = True # CFS if self.neurasthenia >= 2: # The original had a pointless check for "DIAG1 == 0" too, but that # was always true. self.decide("neurasthenia >= 2. Setting chronic_fatigue_syndrome.") self.chronic_fatigue_syndrome = True # Final diagnostic hierarchy # ... primary diagnosis if score >= 12: self.decide( "Total score >= 12. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD if self.generalized_anxiety_disorder: self.decide( "generalized_anxiety_disorder is true. Setting " "diagnosis_1 to DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD if self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder: self.decide( "obsessive_compulsive_disorder is true. Setting " "diagnosis_1 to DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS if score >= 20: self.decide( "Total score >= 20. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS if self.phobia_specific: self.decide( "phobia_specific is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA if self.phobia_social: self.decide( "phobia_social is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA if self.phobia_agoraphobia: self.decide( "phobia_agoraphobia is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA if self.generalized_anxiety_disorder and score >= 20: self.decide( "generalized_anxiety_disorder is true AND " "score >= 20. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS if self.panic_disorder: self.decide( "panic_disorder is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS if self.depression_mild: self.decide( "depression_mild is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_10_MILD_DEPR_EPISODE." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_10_MILD_DEPR_EPISODE if self.depression_moderate: self.decide( "depression_moderate is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_11_MOD_DEPR_EPISODE." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_11_MOD_DEPR_EPISODE if self.depression_severe: self.decide( "depression_severe is true. Setting diagnosis_1 to " "DIAG_12_SEVERE_DEPR_EPISODE." ) self.diagnosis_1 = DIAG_12_SEVERE_DEPR_EPISODE # ... secondary diagnosis if score >= 12 and self.diagnosis_1 >= 2: self.decide( "score >= 12 AND diagnosis_1 >= 2. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_1_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS_MILD if self.generalized_anxiety_disorder and self.diagnosis_1 >= 3: self.decide( "generalized_anxiety_disorder is true AND " "diagnosis_1 >= 3. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_2_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS_MILD if self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder and self.diagnosis_1 >= 4: self.decide( "obsessive_compulsive_disorder is true AND " "diagnosis_1 >= 4. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_3_OBSESSIVE_COMPULSIVE_DIS if score >= 20 and self.diagnosis_1 >= 5: self.decide( "score >= 20 AND diagnosis_1 >= 5. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_4_MIXED_ANX_DEPR_DIS if self.phobia_specific and self.diagnosis_1 >= 6: self.decide( "phobia_specific is true AND diagnosis_1 >= 6. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_5_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA if self.phobia_social and self.diagnosis_1 >= 7: self.decide( "phobia_social is true AND diagnosis_1 >= 7. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_6_SOCIAL_PHOBIA if self.phobia_agoraphobia and self.diagnosis_1 >= 8: self.decide( "phobia_agoraphobia is true AND diagnosis_1 >= 8. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_7_AGORAPHOBIA if ( self.generalized_anxiety_disorder and score >= 20 and self.diagnosis_1 >= 9 ): self.decide( "generalized_anxiety_disorder is true AND " "score >= 20 AND " "diagnosis_1 >= 9. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_8_GENERALIZED_ANX_DIS if self.panic_disorder and self.diagnosis_1 >= 9: self.decide( "panic_disorder is true AND diagnosis_1 >= 9. " "Setting diagnosis_2 to DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS." ) self.diagnosis_2 = DIAG_9_PANIC_DIS # In summary: self.decide("FINISHED.") self.decide("--- Final scores:") self._showint("depression", self.depression) self._showint( "depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy", self.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy, ) self._showint( "depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui", self.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui, ) self._showint( "depr_crit_3_somatic_synd", self.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd ) self._showint("weight_change", self.weight_change) self._showint("somatic_symptoms", self.somatic_symptoms) self._showint("fatigue", self.fatigue) self._showint("neurasthenia", self.neurasthenia) self._showint("concentration_poor", self.concentration_poor) self._showint("sleep_problems", self.sleep_problems) self._showint("sleep_change", self.sleep_change) self._showint("depressive_thoughts", self.depressive_thoughts) self._showint("irritability", self.irritability) self._showint("diurnal_mood_variation", self.diurnal_mood_variation) self._showbool("libido_decreased", self.libido_decreased) self._showint("psychomotor_changes", self.psychomotor_changes) self._showint("suicidality", self.suicidality) self._showbool( "depression_at_least_2_weeks", self.depression_at_least_2_weeks ) self._showint("hypochondria", self.hypochondria) self._showint("worry", self.worry) self._showint("anxiety", self.anxiety) self._showbool( "anxiety_physical_symptoms", self.anxiety_physical_symptoms ) self._showbool( "anxiety_at_least_2_weeks", self.anxiety_at_least_2_weeks ) self._showbool("phobias_flag", self.phobias_flag) self._showint("phobias_score", self.phobias_score) self._showint("phobias_type", self.phobias_type) self._showbool("phobic_avoidance", self.phobic_avoidance) self._showint("panic", self.panic) self._showbool("panic_rapid_onset", self.panic_rapid_onset) self._showint("panic_symptoms_total", self.panic_symptoms_total) self._showint("compulsions", self.compulsions) self._showbool( "compulsions_tried_to_stop", self.compulsions_tried_to_stop ) self._showbool( "compulsions_at_least_2_weeks", self.compulsions_at_least_2_weeks ) self._showint("obsessions", self.obsessions) self._showbool( "obsessions_tried_to_stop", self.obsessions_tried_to_stop ) self._showbool( "obsessions_at_least_2_weeks", self.obsessions_at_least_2_weeks ) self._showint("functional_impairment", self.functional_impairment) # Disorder flags self._showbool( "obsessive_compulsive_disorder", self.obsessive_compulsive_disorder ) self._showbool("depression_mild", self.depression_mild) self._showbool("depression_moderate", self.depression_moderate) self._showbool("depression_severe", self.depression_severe) self._showbool( "chronic_fatigue_syndrome", self.chronic_fatigue_syndrome ) self._showbool( "generalized_anxiety_disorder", self.generalized_anxiety_disorder ) self._showbool("phobia_agoraphobia", self.phobia_agoraphobia) self._showbool("phobia_social", self.phobia_social) self._showbool("phobia_specific", self.phobia_specific) self._showbool("panic_disorder", self.panic_disorder) self.decide("--- Final diagnoses:") self.decide( "Probable primary diagnosis: " + self.diagnosis_name(self.diagnosis_1) ) self.decide( "Probable secondary diagnosis: " + self.diagnosis_name(self.diagnosis_2) ) # ============================================================================= # CISR # =============================================================================
[docs]class Cisr(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the CIS-R task. """ __tablename__ = "cisr" shortname = "CIS-R" provides_trackers = False # Demographics ethnic = CamcopsColumn( FN_ETHNIC, Integer, comment=( CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS + "Ethnicity (1 white, 2 mixed, 3 Asian/British Asian, " "4 Black/Black British, 5 Chinese, 6 other, 7 prefer not to say)" ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_SEVEN_CHECKER, ) married = CamcopsColumn( FN_MARRIED, Integer, comment=( CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS + "Marital status (1 married/living as married, 2 single, " "3 separated, 4 divorced, 5 widowed, 6 prefer not to say)" ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_SIX_CHECKER, ) empstat = CamcopsColumn( FN_EMPSTAT, Integer, comment=( CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS + "Current employment status (1 working full time, " "2 working part time, 3 student, 4 retired, 5 houseperson, " "6 unemployed job seeker, 7 unemployed due to ill health," "8 prefer not to say)" ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER, ) emptype = CamcopsColumn( FN_EMPTYPE, Integer, comment=( CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS + "Current/last paid employment " "(1 self-employed with paid employees, " "2 self-employed with no paid employees, 3 employee, " "4 foreman/supervisor, 5 manager, 6 not applicable," "7 prefer not to say)" ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_SEVEN_CHECKER, ) home = CamcopsColumn( FN_HOME, Integer, comment=( CMT_DEMOGRAPHICS + "Housing situation (1 home owner, 2 tenant, 3 living with " "relative/friend, 4 hostel/care home, 5 homeless, 6 other," "7 prefer not to say)" ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_SEVEN_CHECKER, ) # Appetite/weight appetite1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_APPETITE1, Integer, comment="Marked appetite loss in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) weight1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WEIGHT1, Integer, comment="Weight loss in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) weight2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WEIGHT2, Integer, comment="Weight loss: trying to lose weight?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) weight3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WEIGHT3, Integer, comment="Weight loss amount (1: ≥0.5 stones; 2: <0.5 stones)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) appetite2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_APPETITE2, Integer, comment="Marked increase in appetite in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) weight4 = CamcopsColumn( # male/female responses unified (no "weight4a") FN_WEIGHT4, Integer, comment="Weight gain in past month (1 yes, 2 no, 3 yes but pregnant)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) weight5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WEIGHT5, Integer, comment="Weight gain amount (1: ≥0.5 stones; 2: <0.5 stones)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) # Somatic problems gp_year = CamcopsColumn( FN_GP_YEAR, Integer, comment="Consultations with GP in past year (0: none, 1: 1–2, 2: 3–4, " "3: 6–10; 4: >10", permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) disable = CamcopsColumn( FN_DISABLE, Integer, comment="Longstanding illness/disability/infirmity" + CMT_1_YES_2_NO, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) illness = CamcopsColumn( FN_ILLNESS, Integer, comment="Conditions (1 diabetes, 2 asthma, 3 arthritis, 4 heart " "disease, 5 high blood pressure, 6 lung disease, 7 more than " "one of the above, 8 none of the above)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER, ) somatic_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_MAND1, Integer, comment="Any aches/pains in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) somatic_pain1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_PAIN1, Integer, comment="Pain/ache brought on or made worse because low/anxious/" "stressed" + CMT_NEVER_SOMETIMES_ALWAYS, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_pain2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_PAIN2, Integer, comment="Pain: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_pain3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_PAIN3, Integer, comment="Pain: lasted >3h on any day in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) somatic_pain4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_PAIN4, Integer, comment="Pain: unpleasant in past week?" + CMT_UNPLEASANT, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) somatic_pain5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_PAIN5, Integer, comment="Pain: bothersome whilst doing something interesting in past " "week?" + CMT_BOTHERSOME_INTERESTING, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_MAND2, Integer, comment="Bodily discomfort in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) somatic_dis1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DIS1, Integer, comment="Discomfort brought on or made worse because low/anxious/" "stressed" + CMT_NEVER_SOMETIMES_ALWAYS, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_dis2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DIS2, Integer, comment="Discomfort: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_dis3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DIS3, Integer, comment="Discomfort: lasted >3h on any day in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) somatic_dis4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DIS4, Integer, comment="Discomfort: unpleasant in past week?" + CMT_UNPLEASANT, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) somatic_dis5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DIS5, Integer, comment="Discomfort: bothersome whilst doing something interesting in " "past week?" + CMT_BOTHERSOME_INTERESTING, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) somatic_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_SOMATIC_DUR, Integer, comment="Duration of ache/pain/discomfort" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Fatigue/lacking energy fatigue_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_MAND1, Integer, comment="Tired in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_cause1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE1, Integer, comment="Main reason for feeling tired" + CMT_FATIGUE_CAUSE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER, ) fatigue_tired1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_TIRED1, Integer, comment="Tired: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) fatigue_tired2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_TIRED2, Integer, comment="Tired: >3h on any one day in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_tired3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_TIRED3, Integer, comment="So tired you've had to push yourself to get things done in " "past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_tired4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_TIRED4, Integer, comment="Tired during an enjoyable activity" + CMT_DURING_ENJOYABLE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) fatigue_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_MAND2, Integer, comment="Lacking in energy in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_cause2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_CAUSE2, Integer, comment="Main reason for lacking energy" + CMT_FATIGUE_CAUSE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER, ) fatigue_energy1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY1, Integer, comment="Lacking energy: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) fatigue_energy2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY2, Integer, comment="Lacking energy: for >3h on any one day in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_energy3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY3, Integer, comment="So lacking in energy you've had to push yourself to get " "things done in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) fatigue_energy4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_ENERGY4, Integer, comment="Lacking energy during an enjoyable activity" + CMT_DURING_ENJOYABLE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) fatigue_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_FATIGUE_DUR, Integer, comment="Feeling tired/lacking energy for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Concentration/memory conc_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC_MAND1, Integer, comment="Problems in concentrating during past monnth?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) conc_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC_MAND2, Integer, comment="Problems with forgetting things during past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) conc1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC1, Integer, comment="Concentration/memory problems: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) conc2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC2, Integer, comment="In past week, could concentrate on all of: TV, newspaper, " "conversation" + CMT_1_YES_2_NO, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) conc3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC3, Integer, comment="Problems with concentration have stopped you from getting on " "with things in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) conc_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC_DUR, Integer, comment="Problems with concentration: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) conc4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_CONC4, Integer, comment="Forgotten anything important in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) forget_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_FORGET_DUR, Integer, comment="Problems with memory: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Sleep sleep_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_MAND1, Integer, comment="Problems with sleep loss in past month" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) sleep_lose1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_LOSE1, Integer, comment="Sleep loss: nights in past week with problems" + CMT_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) sleep_lose2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_LOSE2, Integer, comment="On night with least sleep in past week, how long trying to " "get to sleep?" + CMT_SLEEP_CHANGE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) sleep_lose3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_LOSE3, Integer, comment="On how many nights in past week did you spend >=3h trying to " "get to sleep?" + CMT_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) sleep_emw = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_EMW, Integer, comment="Woken >2h earlier (and couldn't return to sleep) in past " "week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) sleep_cause = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_CAUSE, Integer, comment="What are your sleep difficulties caused by? (1 noise, " "2 shift work, 3 pain/illness, 4 worries, 5 unknown, 6 other", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_SIX_CHECKER, ) sleep_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_MAND2, Integer, comment="Problems with excess sleep in past month (1 no, 2 slept more " "than usual but not a problem, 3 yes)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) sleep_gain1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_GAIN1, Integer, comment="Sleep gain: how many nights in past week" + CMT_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) sleep_gain2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_GAIN2, Integer, comment="On night with most sleep in past week, how much more than " "usual?" + CMT_SLEEP_CHANGE, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) sleep_gain3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_GAIN3, Integer, comment="On how many nights in past week did you sleep >3h longer " "than usual?" + CMT_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) sleep_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_SLEEP_DUR, Integer, comment="How long have you had these problems with sleep?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Irritability irrit_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT_MAND1, Integer, comment="Irritable with those around you in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) irrit_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT_MAND2, Integer, comment="Short-tempered/angry over trivial things in past month? " "(1 no, 2 sometimes, 3 yes)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) irrit1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT1, Integer, comment="Irritable/short-tempered/angry: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) irrit2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT2, Integer, comment="Irritable/short-tempered/angry: for >1h on any day in past " "week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) irrit3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT3, Integer, comment="Irritable/short-tempered/angry: wanted to shout at someone? " "(1 no; yes but didn't shout; 3 yes and did shout)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) irrit4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT4, Integer, comment="In past week, have you had arguments/rows/lost temper? " "(1 no; 2 yes but justified; 3 yes)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) irrit_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_IRRIT_DUR, Integer, comment="Irritable/short-tempered/angry: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Hypochondriasis hypo_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO_MAND1, Integer, comment="Worried about physical health in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) hypo_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO_MAND2, Integer, comment="Do you worry you have a serious illness?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) hypo1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO1, Integer, comment="Worrying about health/having a serious illness: how many " "days in past week?" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) hypo2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO2, Integer, comment="Worrying too much about physical health?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) hypo3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO3, Integer, comment="Worrying about health: how unpleasant?" + CMT_UNPLEASANT, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) hypo4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO4, Integer, comment="Able to take mind off health worries in past week?" + CMT_1_YES_2_NO, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) hypo_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_HYPO_DUR, Integer, comment="Worrying about physical health: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Depression depr_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR_MAND1, Integer, comment="Sad/miserable/depressed in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depr1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR1, Integer, comment="Sad/miserable/depressed in past week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depr_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR_MAND2, Integer, comment="In the past month, able to enjoy/take an interest in things " "as much as usual?" + CMT_ANHEDONIA, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depr2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR2, Integer, comment="In the past week, able to enjoy/take an interest in things " "as much as usual?" + CMT_ANHEDONIA, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depr3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR3, Integer, comment="[Depressed mood] or [anhedonia] on how many days in past " "week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depr4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR4, Integer, comment="[Depressed mood] or [anhedonia] for >3h on any day in past " "week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depr_content = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR_CONTENT, Integer, comment="Main reason for [depressed mood] or [anhedonia]?" + CMT_STRESSORS, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_NINE_CHECKER, ) depr5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR5, Integer, comment="In past week, during [depressed mood] or [anhedonia], did " "nice things/company make you happier? " "(1 always, 2 sometimes, 3 no)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depr_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPR_DUR, Integer, comment="Depressed mood/anhedonia: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) depth1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH1, Integer, comment="Diurnal mood variation in past week (1 worse in the morning, " "2 worse in the evening, 3 varies, 4 no difference)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) depth2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH2, Integer, comment="Libido in past month (1 not applicable, 2 no change, " "3 increased, 4 decreased)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) depth3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH3, Integer, comment="Restlessness in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depth4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH4, Integer, comment="Psychomotor retardation in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depth5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH5, Integer, comment="Guilt/blamed self in past week (1 never, 2 only when it was " "my fault, 3 sometimes, 4 often)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) depth6 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH6, Integer, comment="Feeling not as good as other people in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depth7 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH7, Integer, comment="Hopeless in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) depth8 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH8, Integer, comment="Life not worth living in past week (1 no, 2 sometimes, " "3 always)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depth9 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH9, Integer, comment="Thoughts of suicide in past week (1 no; 2 yes, but would " "never commit suicide; 3 yes)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) depth10 = CamcopsColumn( FN_DEPTH10, Integer, comment="Thoughts of way to kill self in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) doctor = CamcopsColumn( FN_DOCTOR, Integer, comment="Have you spoken to your doctor about these thoughts of " "killing yourself (1 yes; 2 no, but have talked to other " "people; 3 no)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) # Worry/generalized anxiety worry_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY_MAND1, Integer, comment="Excessive worry in past month?" + CMT_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) worry_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY_MAND2, Integer, comment="Any worries at all in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) worry_cont1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY_CONT1, Integer, comment="Main source of worry in past week?" + CMT_STRESSORS, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_NINE_CHECKER, ) worry2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY2, Integer, comment="Worries (about things other than physical health) on how " "many days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) worry3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY3, Integer, comment="Worrying too much?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) worry4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY4, Integer, comment="How unpleasant is worry (about things other than physical " "health)" + CMT_UNPLEASANT, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) worry5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY5, Integer, comment="Worry (about things other than physical health) for >3h on " "any day in past week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) worry_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_WORRY_DUR, Integer, comment="Worry (about things other than physical health): for how " "long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) anx_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX_MAND1, Integer, comment="Anxious/nervous in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) anx_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX_MAND2, Integer, comment="Muscle tension/couldn't relax in past month?" + CMT_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) anx_phobia1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX_PHOBIA1, Integer, comment="Phobic anxiety in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) anx_phobia2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX_PHOBIA2, Integer, comment="Phobic anxiety: always specific? (1 always specific, " "2 sometimes general)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) anx2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX2, Integer, comment="Anxiety/nervousness/tension: how many days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) anx3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX3, Integer, comment="Anxiety/nervousness/tension: how unpleasant in past week" + CMT_UNPLEASANT, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) anx4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX4, Integer, comment="Anxiety/nervousness/tension: physical symptoms in past " "week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) anx5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX5, Integer, comment="Anxiety/nervousness/tension: for >3h on any day in past " "week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) anx_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_ANX_DUR, Integer, comment="Anxiety/nervousness/tension: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Specific phobias phobias_mand = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS_MAND, Integer, comment="Phobic avoidance in past month?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) phobias_type1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS_TYPE1, Integer, comment="Which phobia? (1 travelling alone by bus/train; 2 being far " "from home; 3 public eating/speaking; 4 sight of blood; " "5 crowded shops; 6 insects/spiders/animals; 7 being watched; " "8 enclosed spaces or heights; 9 something else)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_NINE_CHECKER, ) phobias1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS1, Integer, comment="Phobic anxiety: days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) phobias2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS2, Integer, comment="Phobic anxiety: physical symptoms in past week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) phobias3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS3, Integer, comment="Phobic avoidance in past week?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) phobias4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS4, Integer, comment="Phobic avoidance: how many times in past week? (1: none, " "2: 1–3, 3: >=4)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) phobias_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_PHOBIAS_DUR, Integer, comment="Phobic anxiety: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Panic panic_mand = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC_MAND, Integer, comment="Panic in past month (1: no, my anxiety never got that bad; " "2: yes, sometimes; 3: yes, often)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) panic1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC1, Integer, comment="Panic: how often in past week (1 not in past seven days, " "2 once, 3 more than once)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) panic2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC2, Integer, comment="Panic: how unpleasant in past week (1 a little " "uncomfortable; 2 unpleasant; 3 unbearable, or very " "unpleasant)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) panic3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC3, Integer, comment="Panic: in the past week, did the worst panic last >10min " "(1: <10min; 2 >=10min)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) panic4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC4, Integer, comment="Do panics start suddenly?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_a = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_A, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "heart racing" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_b = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_B, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "hands sweaty/clammy" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_c = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_C, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "trembling/shaking" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_d = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_D, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "short of breath" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_e = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_E, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "choking sensation" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_f = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_F, Integer, comment=( CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "chest pain/pressure/discomfort" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_g = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_G, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "nausea" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_h = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_H, Integer, comment=( CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "dizzy/unsteady/lightheaded/faint" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_i = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_I, Integer, comment=( CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "derealization/depersonalization" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_j = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_J, Integer, comment=( CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "losing control/going crazy" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES ), permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_k = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_K, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "fear were dying" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_l = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_L, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "tingling/numbness" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) pansym_m = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANSYM_M, Integer, comment=CMT_PANIC_SYMPTOM + "hot flushes/chills" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) panic5 = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC5, Integer, comment="Is panic always brought on by specific things?" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) panic_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_PANIC_DUR, Integer, comment="Panic: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Compulsions comp_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP_MAND1, Integer, comment="Compulsions in past month" + CMT_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) comp1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP1, Integer, comment="Compulsions: how many days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) comp2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP2, Integer, comment="Compulsions: tried to stop in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) comp3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP3, Integer, comment="Compulsions: upsetting/annoying in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) comp4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP4, Integer, comment="Compulsions: greatest number of repeats in past week " "(1: once, i.e. two times altogether; 2: two repeats; " "3: three or more repeats)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) comp_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_COMP_DUR, Integer, comment="Compulsions: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Obsessions obsess_mand1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS_MAND1, Integer, comment="Obsessions in past month" + CMT_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) obsess_mand2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS_MAND2, Integer, comment="Obsessions: same thoughts repeating or general worries (1 " "same thoughts over and over, 2 worrying about something in " "general)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) obsess1 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS1, Integer, comment="Obsessions: how many days in past week" + CMT_DAYS_PER_WEEK, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER, ) obsess2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS2, Integer, comment="Obsessions: tried to stop in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) obsess3 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS3, Integer, comment="Obsessions: upsetting/annoying in past week" + CMT_1_NO_2_YES, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) obsess4 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS4, Integer, comment="Obsessions: longest time spent thinking these thoughts, in " "past week (1: <15min; 2: >=15min)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER, ) obsess_dur = CamcopsColumn( FN_OBSESS_DUR, Integer, comment="Obsessions: for how long?" + CMT_DURATION, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, ) # Overall impact overall2 = CamcopsColumn( FN_OVERALL2, Integer, comment="Overall impact on normal activities in past week (1 not at " "all; 2 they have made things more difficult but I get " "everything done; 3 they have stopped one activity; 4 they " "have stopped >1 activity)", permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Clinical Interview Schedule, Revised")
# noinspection PyMethodParameters @classproperty def minimum_client_version(cls) -> Version: return Version("2.2.0") def value_for_question(self, q: CisrQuestion) -> Optional[int]: fieldname = fieldname_for_q(q) assert fieldname, f"Blank fieldname for question {q}" return getattr(self, fieldname) def int_value_for_question(self, q: CisrQuestion) -> int: value = self.value_for_question(q) return int(value) if value is not None else 0 def answer_is_no(self, q: CisrQuestion, value: int = V_UNKNOWN) -> bool: if value == V_UNKNOWN: # "Please look it up for me" value = self.int_value_for_question(q) if q in QUESTIONS_1_NO_2_YES: return value == 1 elif q in QUESTIONS_1_YES_2_NO: return value == 2 else: raise ValueError( "answer_is_no() called for inappropriate " f"question {q}" ) def answer_is_yes(self, q: CisrQuestion, value: int = V_UNKNOWN) -> bool: if value == V_UNKNOWN: # "Please look it up for me" value = self.int_value_for_question(q) if q in QUESTIONS_1_NO_2_YES: return value == 2 elif q in QUESTIONS_1_YES_2_NO: return value == 1 else: raise ValueError( "answer_is_yes() called for inappropriate " f"question {q}" ) def answered(self, q: CisrQuestion, value: int = V_UNKNOWN) -> bool: if value == V_UNKNOWN: # "Please look it up for me" value = self.int_value_for_question(q) return value != V_MISSING def get_textual_answer( self, req: CamcopsRequest, q: CisrQuestion ) -> Optional[str]: value = self.value_for_question(q) if value is None or value == V_MISSING: return None if q in QUESTIONS_1_NO_2_YES: return get_yes_no(req, value == 2) elif q in QUESTIONS_1_YES_2_NO: return get_yes_no(req, value == 1) elif q in QUESTIONS_PROMPT_ONLY: return NOT_APPLICABLE_TEXT fieldname = fieldname_for_q(q) if ( q in QUESTIONS_YN_SPECIFIC_TEXT or q in QUESTIONS_MULTIWAY or q in QUESTIONS_MULTIWAY_WITH_EXTRA_STEM ): return self.wxstring(req, fieldname + f"_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_OVERALL_DURATION: return self.wxstring(req, f"duration_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_DAYS_PER_WEEK: return self.wxstring(req, f"dpw_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_NIGHTS_PER_WEEK: return self.wxstring(req, f"npw_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_HOW_UNPLEASANT_STANDARD: return self.wxstring(req, f"how_unpleasant_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_FATIGUE_CAUSES: return self.wxstring(req, f"fatigue_causes_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_STRESSORS: return self.wxstring(req, f"stressors_a{value}") elif q in QUESTIONS_NO_SOMETIMES_OFTEN: return self.wxstring(req, f"nso_a{value}") return f"? [value: {value}]" def next_q(self, q: CisrQuestion, r: CisrResult) -> CisrQuestion: # See equivalent in the C++ code. # ANY CHANGES HERE MUST BE REFLECTED IN THE C++ CODE AND VICE VERSA. v = V_MISSING # integer value if DEBUG_SHOW_QUESTIONS_CONSIDERED: r.decide(f"Considering question {q.value}: {}") fieldname = fieldname_for_q(q) if fieldname: # eliminates prompt-only questions var_q = getattr(self, fieldname) # integer-or-NULL value if var_q is None: if q not in QUESTIONS_DEMOGRAPHICS: # From a diagnostic point of view, OK to have missing # demographic information. Otherwise: r.decide("INCOMPLETE INFORMATION. STOPPING.") r.incomplete = True else: v = int(var_q) next_q = -1 def jump_to(qe: CisrQuestion) -> None: nonlocal next_q next_q = enum_to_int(qe) # If there is no special handling for a question, then after the # switch() statement we will move to the next question in sequence. # So only special "skip" situations are handled here. # FOLLOW THE EXACT SEQUENCE of the CIS-R. Don't agglomerate case # statements just because it's shorter (except empty ones when they are # in sequence). Clarity is key. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Demographics/preamble # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if q in QUESTIONS_DEMOGRAPHICS or q in QUESTIONS_PROMPT_ONLY: # Nothing special pass # Note that this makes some of the other prompt-only checks # below redundant! Still, it's quicker. The C++ version uses # switch() instead. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Appetite/weight # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No loss of appetite in past month.") jump_to(CQ.APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH) elif self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Loss of appetite in past month. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 r.weight_change = WTCHANGE_APPETITE_LOSS elif q == CQ.WEIGHT1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No weight loss.") jump_to(CQ.GP_YEAR) elif q == CQ.WEIGHT2_TRYING_TO_LOSE: if v == V_WEIGHT2_WTLOSS_TRYING: # Trying to lose weight. Move on. r.decide("Weight loss but it was deliberate.") elif v == V_WEIGHT2_WTLOSS_NOTTRYING: r.decide("Non-deliberate weight loss.") r.weight_change = WTCHANGE_NONDELIBERATE_WTLOSS_OR_WTGAIN elif q == CQ.WEIGHT3_LOST_LOTS: if v == V_WEIGHT3_WTLOSS_GE_HALF_STONE: r.decide( "Weight loss ≥0.5st in past month. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.weight_change = WTCHANGE_WTLOSS_GE_HALF_STONE r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 r.decide( "Loss of weight, so skipping appetite/weight gain " "questions." ) jump_to(CQ.GP_YEAR) elif q == CQ.APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No increase in appetite in past month.") jump_to(CQ.GP_YEAR) elif q == CQ.WEIGHT4_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide("Weight gain.") r.weight_change = WTCHANGE_NONDELIBERATE_WTLOSS_OR_WTGAIN elif self.answered(q, v): r.decide("No weight gain, or weight gain but pregnant.") jump_to(CQ.GP_YEAR) elif q == CQ.WEIGHT5_GAINED_LOTS: if ( v == V_WEIGHT5_WTGAIN_GE_HALF_STONE and r.weight_change == WTCHANGE_NONDELIBERATE_WTLOSS_OR_WTGAIN ): # ... redundant check on weight_change, I think! r.decide("Weight gain ≥0.5 st in past month.") r.weight_change = WTCHANGE_WTGAIN_GE_HALF_STONE # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Somatic symptoms # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.GP_YEAR: # Score the preceding block: if ( r.weight_change == WTCHANGE_WTLOSS_GE_HALF_STONE and self.answer_is_yes(CQ.APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH) ): r.decide( "Appetite loss and weight loss ≥0.5st in past month. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 if ( r.weight_change == WTCHANGE_WTGAIN_GE_HALF_STONE and self.answer_is_yes(CQ.APPETITE2_INCREASE_PAST_MONTH) ): r.decide( "Appetite gain and weight gain ≥0.5st in past month. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 elif q == CQ.DISABLE: if self.answer_is_no(q): r.decide("No longstanding illness/disability/infirmity.") jump_to(CQ.SOMATIC_MAND1_PAIN_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.ILLNESS: pass elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_MAND1_PAIN_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q): r.decide("No aches/pains in past month.") jump_to(CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT) elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: if v == V_SOMATIC_PAIN1_NEVER: r.decide("Pains never exacerbated by low mood/anxiety/stress.") jump_to(CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT) elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No pain in last 7 days.") jump_to(CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Pain on >=4 of last 7 days. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Pain for >3h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN4_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Pain 'unpleasant' or worse in past week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_PAIN5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Pain interrupted an interesting activity in past " "week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 r.decide("There was pain, so skip 'discomfort' section.") jump_to(CQ.SOMATIC_DUR) # skip SOMATIC_MAND2 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_MAND2_DISCOMFORT: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No discomfort.") jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_DIS1_PSYCHOL_EXAC: if v == V_SOMATIC_DIS1_NEVER: r.decide( "Discomfort never exacerbated by being " "low/anxious/stressed." ) jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_DIS2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No discomfort in last 7 days.") jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Discomfort on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_DIS3_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Discomfort for >3h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_DIS4_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Discomfort 'unpleasant' or worse in past week. " "Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 elif q == CQ.SOMATIC_DIS5_INTERRUPTED_INTERESTING: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Discomfort interrupted an interesting activity in " "past " "week. Incrementing somatic_symptoms." ) r.somatic_symptoms += 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fatigue/energy # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_MAND1_TIRED_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("Not tired.") jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE1_TIRED: if v == V_FATIGUE_CAUSE_EXERCISE: r.decide("Tired due to exercise. Move on.") jump_to(CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("Not tired in past week.") jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Tired on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Tired for >3h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED3_HAD_TO_PUSH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Tired enough to have to push self during past week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_TIRED4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Tired during an enjoyable activity during past " "week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 r.decide("There was tiredness, so skip 'lack of energy' section.") jump_to(CQ.FATIGUE_DUR) # skip FATIGUE_MAND2 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_MAND2_LACK_ENERGY_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("Not lacking in energy.") jump_to(CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_CAUSE2_LACK_ENERGY: if v == V_FATIGUE_CAUSE_EXERCISE: r.decide("Lacking in energy due to exercise. Move on.") jump_to(CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("Not lacking in energy during last week.") jump_to(CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Lacking in energy on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY2_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Lacking in energy for >3h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY3_HAD_TO_PUSH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Lacking in energy enough to have to push self during " "past week. Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_ENERGY4_DURING_ENJOYABLE: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Lacking in energy during an enjoyable activity " "during " "past week. Incrementing fatigue." ) r.fatigue += 1 elif q == CQ.FATIGUE_DUR: # Score preceding: if r.somatic_symptoms >= 2 and r.fatigue >= 2: r.decide( "somatic >= 2 and fatigue >= 2. " "Incrementing neurasthenia." ) r.neurasthenia += 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Concentration/memory # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH: # Score preceding: if r.fatigue >= 2: r.decide( "fatigue >= 2. " "Incrementing depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy." ) r.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy += 1 elif q == CQ.CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no( CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH ) and self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No problems with concentration or forgetfulness.") jump_to(CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.CONC1_CONC_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No concentration/memory problems in past week.") jump_to(CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Problems with concentration/memory problems on >=4 " "days in past week. Incrementing concentration_poor." ) r.concentration_poor += 1 if self.answer_is_no( CQ.CONC_MAND1_POOR_CONC_PAST_MONTH ) and self.answer_is_yes(CQ.CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH): r.decide( "Forgetfulness, not concentration, problems; skip " "over more detailed concentration questions." ) jump_to( CQ.CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT ) # skip CONC2, CONC3, CONC_DUR elif q == CQ.CONC2_CONC_FOR_TV_READING_CONVERSATION: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide( "Couldn't concentrate on at least one of {TV, " "newspaper, " "conversation}. Incrementing concentration_poor." ) r.concentration_poor += 1 elif q == CQ.CONC3_CONC_PREVENTED_ACTIVITIES: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Problems with concentration stopped usual/desired " "activity. Incrementing concentration_poor." ) r.concentration_poor += 1 elif q == CQ.CONC_DUR: if self.answer_is_no(CQ.CONC_MAND2_FORGETFUL_PAST_MONTH): jump_to(CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.CONC4_FORGOTTEN_IMPORTANT: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Forgotten something important in past week. " "Incrementing concentration_poor." ) r.concentration_poor += 1 elif q == CQ.FORGET_DUR: pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sleep # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.SLEEP_MAND1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH: # Score previous block: if r.concentration_poor >= 2: r.decide( "concentration >= 2. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 # This question: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide( "No problems with sleep loss in past month. " "Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.SLEEP_MAND2_GAIN_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.SLEEP_LOSE1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No problems with sleep in past week. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Problems with sleep on >=4 nights in past week. " "Incrementing sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 1 elif q == CQ.SLEEP_LOSE2_DIS_WORST_DURATION: if v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_LT_15_MIN: r.decide( "Less than 15min maximum delayed initiation of sleep " "in past week. Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_15_MIN_TO_1_H: r.decide( "15min-1h maximum delayed initiation of sleep in past " "week. Incrementing sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 1 elif v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_1_TO_3_H or v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_GT_3_H: r.decide( ">=1h maximum delayed initiation of sleep in past " "week. Adding 2 to sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 2 elif q == CQ.SLEEP_LOSE3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_DIS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( ">=4 nights in past week with >=3h delayed " "initiation of " "sleep. Incrementing sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 1 elif q == CQ.SLEEP_EMW_PAST_WEEK: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "EMW of >2h in past week. " "Setting sleep_change to SLEEPCHANGE_EMW. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) # Was: SLEEPCH += answer - 1 (which only does anything for a # "yes" (2) answer). # ... but at this point, SLEEPCH is always 0. r.sleep_change = SLEEPCHANGE_EMW # LIKELY REDUNDANT. r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 if r.sleep_problems >= 1: r.decide( "EMW of >2h in past week and sleep_problems >= 1; " "setting sleep_change to SLEEPCHANGE_EMW." ) r.sleep_change = SLEEPCHANGE_EMW elif self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No EMW of >2h in past week.") if r.sleep_problems >= 1: r.decide( "No EMW of >2h in past week, and sleep_problems " ">= 1. Setting sleep_change to " "SLEEPCHANGE_INSOMNIA_NOT_EMW." ) r.sleep_change = SLEEPCHANGE_INSOMNIA_NOT_EMW elif q == CQ.SLEEP_CAUSE: r.decide("Problems with sleep loss; skipping over sleep gain.") jump_to(CQ.SLEEP_DUR) elif q == CQ.SLEEP_MAND2_GAIN_PAST_MONTH: if ( v == V_SLEEP_MAND2_NO or v == V_SLEEP_MAND2_YES_BUT_NOT_A_PROBLEM ): r.decide("No problematic sleep gain. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.SLEEP_GAIN1_NIGHTS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No nights with sleep problems [gain] in past week.") jump_to(CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Problems with sleep [gain] on >=4 nights in past " "week. Incrementing sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 1 elif q == CQ.SLEEP_GAIN2_EXTRA_ON_LONGEST_NIGHT: if v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_LT_15_MIN: r.decide("Sleep gain <15min. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_SLEEP_CHANGE_15_MIN_TO_1_H: r.decide("Sleep gain 15min-1h. Incrementing sleep_problems.") r.sleep_problems += 1 elif v >= V_SLEEP_CHANGE_1_TO_3_H: r.decide( "Sleep gain >=1h. " "Adding 2 to sleep_problems. " "Setting sleep_change to SLEEPCHANGE_INCREASE." ) r.sleep_problems += 2 r.sleep_change = SLEEPCHANGE_INCREASE # Note that in the original, if the answer was 3 # (V_SLEEP_CHANGE_1_TO_3_H) or greater, first 2 was added to # sleep, and then if sleep was >=1, sleepch [sleep_change] was set # noqa # to 3. However, sleep is never decremented/set below 0, so that # noqa # was a redundant test (always true). elif q == CQ.SLEEP_GAIN3_NIGHTS_GT_3H_EXTRA_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_NIGHTS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Sleep gain of >3h on >=4 nights in past week. " "Incrementing sleep_problems." ) r.sleep_problems += 1 elif q == CQ.SLEEP_DUR: pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Irritability # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.IRRIT_MAND1_PEOPLE_PAST_MONTH: # Score previous block: if r.sleep_problems >= 2: r.decide( "sleep_problems >= 2. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 # This bit erroneously lived under IRRIT_DUR in the original; see # discussion there: if r.sleep_problems >= 2 and r.fatigue >= 2: r.decide( "sleep_problems >=2 and fatigue >=2. " "Incrementing neurasthenia." ) r.neurasthenia += 1 # This question: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Irritability (people) in past month; exploring " "further." ) jump_to(CQ.IRRIT1_DAYS_PER_WEEK) elif q == CQ.IRRIT_MAND2_THINGS_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_IRRIT_MAND2_NO: r.decide("No irritability. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH) elif self.answered(q, v): r.decide( "Irritability (things) in past month; exploring " "further." ) elif q == CQ.IRRIT1_DAYS_PER_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No irritability in past week. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Irritable on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing irritability." ) r.irritability += 1 elif q == CQ.IRRIT2_GT_1H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Irritable for >1h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing irritability." ) r.irritability += 1 elif q == CQ.IRRIT3_WANTED_TO_SHOUT: if v >= V_IRRIT3_SHOUTING_WANTED_TO: r.decide("Wanted to or did shout. Incrementing irritability.") r.irritability += 1 elif q == CQ.IRRIT4_ARGUMENTS: if v == V_IRRIT4_ARGUMENTS_YES_UNJUSTIFIED: r.decide( "Arguments without justification. " "Incrementing irritability." ) r.irritability += 1 elif q == CQ.IRRIT_DUR: # Score recent things: if r.irritability >= 2 and r.fatigue >= 2: r.decide( "irritability >=2 and fatigue >=2. " "Incrementing neurasthenia." ) r.neurasthenia += 1 # In the original, we had the rule "sleep_problems >=2 and # fatigue >=2 -> incrementing neurasthenia" here, but that would mean # noqa # we would fail to score sleep if the patient didn't report # irritability (because if you say no at IRRIT_MAND2, you jump beyond # noqa # this point to HYPO_MAND1). Checked with Glyn Lewis 2017-12-04, who # noqa # agreed on 2017-12-05. Therefore, moved to IRRIT_MAND1 as above. # Note that the only implication would have been potential small # mis-scoring of the CFS criterion (not any of the diagnoses that # the CIS-R reports as its primary/secondary diagnoses). # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hypochondriasis # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.HYPO_MAND1_WORRIED_RE_HEALTH_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "No worries about physical health in past month. " "Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.HYPO1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK) elif q == CQ.HYPO_MAND2_WORRIED_RE_SERIOUS_ILLNESS: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide( "No worries about having a serious illness. " "Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.HYPO1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide( "No days in past week worrying about health. " "Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Worries about health on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing hypochondria." ) r.hypochondria += 1 elif q == CQ.HYPO2_WORRY_TOO_MUCH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Worrying too much about health. " "Incrementing hypochondria." ) r.hypochondria += 1 elif q == CQ.HYPO3_HOW_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Worrying re health 'unpleasant' or worse in past " "week. Incrementing hypochondria." ) r.hypochondria += 1 elif q == CQ.HYPO4_CAN_DISTRACT: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide( "Cannot take mind off health worries by doing " "something else. Incrementing hypochondria." ) r.hypochondria += 1 elif q == CQ.HYPO_DUR: pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Depression # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("Mood not low in past month. Moving to anhedonia.") jump_to(CQ.DEPR_MAND2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK: pass elif q == CQ.DEPR_MAND2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_ANHEDONIA_ENJOYING_NORMALLY and self.answer_is_no( CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK ): r.decide( "Neither low mood nor anhedonia in past month. " "Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.DEPR2_ENJOYMENT_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_ANHEDONIA_ENJOYING_NORMALLY and self.answer_is_no( CQ.DEPR_MAND1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_MONTH ): r.decide( "No anhedonia in past week and no low mood in past " "month. Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH) elif v >= V_ANHEDONIA_ENJOYING_LESS: r.decide( "Partial or complete anhedonia in past week. " "Incrementing depression. " "Incrementing depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.depression += 1 r.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy += 1 r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPR3_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Low mood or anhedonia on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing depression." ) r.depression += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPR4_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Low mood or anhedonia for >3h/day on at least one " "day in past week. Incrementing depression." ) r.depression += 1 if self.int_value_for_question( CQ.DEPR3_DAYS_PAST_WEEK ) and self.answer_is_yes(CQ.DEPR1_LOW_MOOD_PAST_WEEK): r.decide( "(A) Low mood in past week, and " "(B) low mood or anhedonia for >3h/day on at " "least one day in past week, and " "(C) low mood or anhedonia on >=4 days in past " "week. " "Incrementing depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy." ) r.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPR_CONTENT: pass elif q == CQ.DEPR5_COULD_CHEER_UP: if v >= V_DEPR5_COULD_CHEER_UP_SOMETIMES: r.decide( "'Sometimes' or 'never' cheered up by nice things. " "Incrementing depression. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.depression += 1 r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPR_DUR: if v >= V_DURATION_2W_6M: r.decide( "Depressive symptoms for >=2 weeks. " "Setting depression_at_least_2_weeks." ) r.depression_at_least_2_weeks = True # This code was at the start of DEPTH1, but involves skipping over # DEPTH1; since we never get to DEPTH1 without coming here, we can # move it here: if r.depression == 0: r.decide( "Score for 'depression' is 0; skipping over " "depressive thought content questions." ) jump_to(CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.DEPTH1_DIURNAL_VARIATION: if ( v == V_DEPTH1_DMV_WORSE_MORNING or v == V_DEPTH1_DMV_WORSE_EVENING ): r.decide("Diurnal mood variation present.") r.diurnal_mood_variation = ( DIURNAL_MOOD_VAR_WORSE_MORNING if v == V_DEPTH1_DMV_WORSE_MORNING else DIURNAL_MOOD_VAR_WORSE_EVENING ) if v == V_DEPTH1_DMV_WORSE_MORNING: r.decide( "Diurnal mood variation, worse in the mornings. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH2_LIBIDO: if v == V_DEPTH2_LIBIDO_DECREASED: r.decide( "Libido decreased over past month. " "Setting libido_decreased. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.libido_decreased = True r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH3_RESTLESS: if self.answer_is_yes(q): r.decide("Psychomotor agitation.") r.psychomotor_changes = PSYCHOMOTOR_AGITATION elif q == CQ.DEPTH4_SLOWED: if self.answer_is_yes(q): r.decide("Psychomotor retardation.") r.psychomotor_changes = PSYCHOMOTOR_RETARDATION if r.psychomotor_changes > PSYCHOMOTOR_NONE: r.decide( "Psychomotor agitation or retardation. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui. " "Incrementing depr_crit_3_somatic_synd." ) r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 r.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH5_GUILT: if v >= V_DEPTH5_GUILT_SOMETIMES: r.decide( "Feel guilty when not at fault sometimes or often. " "Incrementing depressive_thoughts. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depressive_thoughts += 1 r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH6_WORSE_THAN_OTHERS: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Feeling not as good as other people. " "Incrementing depressive_thoughts. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depressive_thoughts += 1 r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH7_HOPELESS: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Hopelessness. " "Incrementing depressive_thoughts. " "Setting suicidality to " "SUICIDE_INTENT_HOPELESS_NO_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS." ) r.depressive_thoughts += 1 r.suicidality = SUICIDE_INTENT_HOPELESS_NO_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS elif q == CQ.DEPTH8_LNWL: if v == V_DEPTH8_LNWL_NO: r.decide( "No thoughts of life not being worth living. " "Skipping to end of depression section." ) jump_to(CQ.DEPR_OUTRO) elif v >= V_DEPTH8_LNWL_SOMETIMES: r.decide( "Sometimes or always feeling life isn't worth living. " "Incrementing depressive_thoughts. " "Setting suicidality to " "SUICIDE_INTENT_LIFE_NOT_WORTH_LIVING." ) r.depressive_thoughts += 1 r.suicidality = SUICIDE_INTENT_LIFE_NOT_WORTH_LIVING elif q == CQ.DEPTH9_SUICIDE_THOUGHTS: if v == V_DEPTH9_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS_NO: r.decide( "No thoughts of suicide. Skipping to end of " "depression section." ) jump_to(CQ.DEPR_OUTRO) if v >= V_DEPTH9_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS_YES_BUT_NEVER_WOULD: r.decide( "Suicidal thoughts present. " "Setting suicidality to " "SUICIDE_INTENT_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS." ) r.suicidality = SUICIDE_INTENT_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS if v == V_DEPTH9_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS_YES_BUT_NEVER_WOULD: r.decide( "Suicidal thoughts present but denies would ever act. " "Skipping to talk-to-doctor section." ) jump_to(CQ.DOCTOR) if v == V_DEPTH9_SUICIDAL_THOUGHTS_YES: r.decide( "Thoughts of suicide in past week. " "Incrementing depressive_thoughts. " "Incrementing depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui." ) r.depressive_thoughts += 1 r.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui += 1 elif q == CQ.DEPTH10_SUICIDE_METHOD: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Suicidal thoughts without denying might ever act. " "Setting suicidality to " "SUICIDE_INTENT_SUICIDAL_PLANS." ) r.suicidality = SUICIDE_INTENT_SUICIDAL_PLANS elif q == CQ.DOCTOR: if v == V_DOCTOR_YES: r.decide( "Has spoken to doctor about suicidality. Skipping " "exhortation to do so." ) jump_to(CQ.DEPR_OUTRO) elif q == CQ.DOCTOR2_PLEASE_TALK_TO: pass elif q == CQ.DEPR_OUTRO: pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Worry/anxiety # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.WORRY_MAND1_MORE_THAN_NEEDED_PAST_MONTH: if v >= V_NSO_SOMETIMES: r.decide( "Worrying excessively 'sometimes' or 'often'. " "Exploring further." ) jump_to(CQ.WORRY_CONT1) elif q == CQ.WORRY_MAND2_ANY_WORRIES_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No worries at all in the past month. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.WORRY_CONT1: pass elif q == CQ.WORRY1_INFO_ONLY: pass elif q == CQ.WORRY2_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide( "Worry [other than re physical health] on 0 days in " "past week. Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Worry [other than re physical health] on >=4 days in " "past week. Incrementing worry." ) r.worry += 1 elif q == CQ.WORRY3_TOO_MUCH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide("Worrying too much. Incrementing worry.") r.worry += 1 elif q == CQ.WORRY4_HOW_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Worry [other than re physical health] 'unpleasant' " "or worse in past week. Incrementing worry." ) r.worry += 1 elif q == CQ.WORRY5_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Worry [other than re physical health] for >3h on any " "day in past week. Incrementing worry." ) r.worry += 1 elif q == CQ.WORRY_DUR: pass elif q == CQ.ANX_MAND1_ANXIETY_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Anxious/nervous in past month. " "Skipping tension question." ) jump_to(CQ.ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.ANX_MAND2_TENSION_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_NSO_NO: r.decide( "No tension in past month (and no anxiety, from " "previous question). Moving on." ) jump_to(CQ.PHOBIAS_MAND_AVOIDANCE_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): r.decide("No phobias. Moving on to general anxiety.") jump_to(CQ.ANX2_GENERAL_DAYS_PAST_WEEK) elif self.answer_is_yes(q, v): # This was in ANX_PHOBIA2; PHOBIAS_FLAG was set by arriving # there (but that only happens when we get a 'yes' answer # here). r.decide("Phobias. Exploring further. Setting phobias flag.") r.phobias_flag = True elif q == CQ.ANX_PHOBIA2_SPECIFIC_OR_GENERAL: if v == V_ANX_PHOBIA2_ALWAYS_SPECIFIC: r.decide( "Anxiety always specific. " "Skipping generalized anxiety." ) jump_to(CQ.PHOBIAS_TYPE1) elif q == CQ.ANX1_INFO_ONLY: pass elif q == CQ.ANX2_GENERAL_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: if r.phobias_flag: r.decide( "No generalized anxiety in past week. " "Skipping further generalized anxiety questions." ) jump_to(CQ.PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK) else: r.decide("No generalized anxiety in past week. Moving on.") jump_to(CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Generalized anxiety on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing anxiety." ) r.anxiety += 1 elif q == CQ.ANX3_GENERAL_HOW_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Anxiety 'unpleasant' or worse in past week. " "Incrementing anxiety." ) r.anxiety += 1 elif q == CQ.ANX4_GENERAL_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Physical symptoms of anxiety. " "Setting anxiety_physical_symptoms. " "Incrementing anxiety." ) r.anxiety_physical_symptoms = True r.anxiety += 1 elif q == CQ.ANX5_GENERAL_GT_3H_ANY_DAY: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Anxiety for >3h on any day in past week. " "Incrementing anxiety." ) r.anxiety += 1 elif q == CQ.ANX_DUR_GENERAL: if v >= V_DURATION_2W_6M: r.decide( "Anxiety for >=2 weeks. " "Setting anxiety_at_least_2_weeks." ) r.anxiety_at_least_2_weeks = True if r.phobias_flag: r.decide("Phobias flag set. Exploring further.") jump_to(CQ.PHOBIAS_TYPE1) else: if r.anxiety <= 1: r.decide("Anxiety score <=1. Moving on to compulsions.") jump_to(CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH) else: r.decide("Anxiety score >=2. Exploring panic.") jump_to(CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS_MAND_AVOIDANCE_PAST_MONTH: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): if r.anxiety <= 1: r.decide("Anxiety score <=1. Moving on to compulsions.") jump_to(CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH) else: r.decide("Anxiety score >=2. Exploring panic.") jump_to(CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS_TYPE1: if v in ( V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_ALONE_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT, V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_FAR_FROM_HOME, V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_CROWDED_SHOPS, ): r.decide("Phobia type category: agoraphobia.") r.phobias_type = PHOBIATYPES_AGORAPHOBIA elif v in ( V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_PUBLIC_SPEAKING_EATING, V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_BEING_WATCHED, ): r.decide("Phobia type category: social.") r.phobias_type = PHOBIATYPES_SOCIAL elif v == V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_BLOOD: r.decide("Phobia type category: blood/injury.") r.phobias_type = PHOBIATYPES_BLOOD_INJURY elif v in ( V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_ANIMALS, V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_ENCLOSED_SPACES_HEIGHTS, ): r.decide( "Phobia type category: animals/enclosed spaces/" "heights." ) r.phobias_type = PHOBIATYPES_ANIMALS_ENCLOSED_HEIGHTS elif v == V_PHOBIAS_TYPE1_OTHER: r.decide("Phobia type category: other.") r.phobias_type = PHOBIATYPES_OTHER else: pass elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Phobic anxiety on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing phobias_score." ) r.phobias_score += 1 elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS2_PHYSICAL_SYMPTOMS: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Physical symptoms during phobic anxiety in past " "week. Incrementing phobias_score." ) r.phobias_score += 1 elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS3_AVOIDANCE: if self.answer_is_no(q, v): # no avoidance in past week if r.anxiety <= 1 and r.phobias_score == 0: r.decide( "No avoidance in past week; " "anxiety <= 1 and phobias_score == 0. " "Finishing anxiety section." ) jump_to(CQ.ANX_OUTRO) else: r.decide( "No avoidance in past week; " "anxiety >= 2 or phobias_score >= 1. " "Moving to panic section." ) jump_to(CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH) elif self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide("Setting phobic_avoidance.") r.phobic_avoidance = True elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS4_AVOIDANCE_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_1_TO_3: r.decide( "Phobic avoidance on 1-3 days in past week. " "Incrementing phobias_score." ) r.phobias_score += 1 elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Phobic avoidance on >=4 days in past week. " "Adding 2 to phobias_score." ) r.phobias_score += 2 if ( r.anxiety <= 1 and self.int_value_for_question(CQ.PHOBIAS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK) == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0 ): r.decide( "anxiety <= 1 and no phobic anxiety in past week. " "Finishing anxiety section." ) jump_to(CQ.ANX_OUTRO) elif q == CQ.PHOBIAS_DUR: pass elif q == CQ.PANIC_MAND_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_NSO_NO: r.decide( "No panic in the past month. Finishing anxiety " "section." ) jump_to(CQ.ANX_OUTRO) elif q == CQ.PANIC1_NUM_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_PANIC1_N_PANICS_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No panic in past week. Finishing anxiety section.") jump_to(CQ.ANX_OUTRO) elif v == V_PANIC1_N_PANICS_PAST_WEEK_1: r.decide("One panic in past week. Incrementing panic.") r.panic += 1 elif v == V_PANIC1_N_PANICS_PAST_WEEK_GT_1: r.decide( "More than one panic in past week. Adding 2 to panic." ) r.panic += 2 elif q == CQ.PANIC2_HOW_UNPLEASANT: if v >= V_HOW_UNPLEASANT_UNPLEASANT: r.decide( "Panic 'unpleasant' or worse in past week. " "Incrementing panic." ) r.panic += 1 elif q == CQ.PANIC3_PANIC_GE_10_MIN: if v == V_PANIC3_WORST_GE_10_MIN: r.decide( "Worst panic in past week lasted >=10 min. " "Incrementing panic." ) r.panic += 1 elif q == CQ.PANIC4_RAPID_ONSET: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Rapid onset of panic symptoms. " "Setting panic_rapid_onset." ) r.panic_rapid_onset = True elif q == CQ.PANSYM: # Multi-way answer. All are scored 1=no, 2=yes. n_panic_symptoms = 0 for panic_fn in PANIC_SYMPTOM_FIELDNAMES: panic_symptom = getattr(self, panic_fn) or 0 # force to int yes_present = panic_symptom == 2 if yes_present: n_panic_symptoms += 1 r.decide( f"{n_panic_symptoms} out of " f"{NUM_PANIC_SYMPTOMS} specific panic symptoms endorsed." ) # The next bit was coded in PANIC5, but lives more naturally here: if self.answer_is_no(CQ.ANX_PHOBIA1_SPECIFIC_PAST_MONTH): jump_to(CQ.PANIC_DUR) elif q == CQ.PANIC5_ALWAYS_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER: pass elif q == CQ.PANIC_DUR: pass elif q == CQ.ANX_OUTRO: pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compulsions and obsessions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.COMP_MAND1_COMPULSIONS_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_NSO_NO: r.decide("No compulsions in past month. Moving to obsessions.") jump_to(CQ.OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH) elif q == CQ.COMP1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No compulsions in past week. Moving to obesssions.") jump_to(CQ.OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Obsessions on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing compulsions." ) r.compulsions += 1 elif q == CQ.COMP2_TRIED_TO_STOP: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Attempts to stop compulsions in past week. " "Setting compulsions_tried_to_stop. " "Incrementing compulsions." ) r.compulsions_tried_to_stop = True r.compulsions += 1 elif q == CQ.COMP3_UPSETTING: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Compulsions upsetting/annoying. " "Incrementing compulsions." ) r.compulsions += 1 elif q == CQ.COMP4_MAX_N_REPETITIONS: if v == V_COMP4_MAX_N_REPEATS_GE_3: r.decide("At worst, >=3 repeats. Incrementing compulsions.") r.compulsions += 1 elif q == CQ.COMP_DUR: if v >= V_DURATION_2W_6M: r.decide( "Compulsions for >=2 weeks. " "Setting compulsions_at_least_2_weeks." ) r.compulsions_at_least_2_weeks = True elif q == CQ.OBSESS_MAND1_OBSESSIONS_PAST_MONTH: if v == V_NSO_NO: r.decide("No obsessions in past month. Moving on.") jump_to(r.get_final_page()) elif q == CQ.OBSESS_MAND2_SAME_THOUGHTS_OR_GENERAL: if v == V_OBSESS_MAND1_GENERAL_WORRIES: r.decide( "Worrying about something in general, not the same " "thoughts over and over again. Moving on." ) jump_to(r.get_final_page()) elif q == CQ.OBSESS1_DAYS_PAST_WEEK: if v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_0: r.decide("No obsessions in past week. Moving on.") jump_to(r.get_final_page()) elif v == V_DAYS_IN_PAST_WEEK_4_OR_MORE: r.decide( "Obsessions on >=4 days in past week. " "Incrementing obsessions." ) r.obsessions += 1 elif q == CQ.OBSESS2_TRIED_TO_STOP: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Tried to stop obsessional thoughts in past week. " "Setting obsessions_tried_to_stop. " "Incrementing obsessions." ) r.obsessions_tried_to_stop = True r.obsessions += 1 elif q == CQ.OBSESS3_UPSETTING: if self.answer_is_yes(q, v): r.decide( "Obsessions upsetting/annoying in past week. " "Incrementing obsessions." ) r.obsessions += 1 elif q == CQ.OBSESS4_MAX_DURATION: if v == V_OBSESS4_GE_15_MIN: r.decide( "Obsessions lasting >=15 min in past week. " "Incrementing obsessions." ) r.obsessions += 1 elif q == CQ.OBSESS_DUR: if v >= V_DURATION_2W_6M: r.decide( "Obsessions for >=2 weeks. " "Setting obsessions_at_least_2_weeks." ) r.obsessions_at_least_2_weeks = True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # End # -------------------------------------------------------------------- elif q == CQ.OVERALL1_INFO_ONLY: pass elif q == CQ.OVERALL2_IMPACT_PAST_WEEK: if self.answered(q, v): r.functional_impairment = v - 1 r.decide( f"Setting functional_impairment to " f"{r.functional_impairment}" ) elif q == CQ.THANKS_FINISHED: pass elif q == CQ.END_MARKER: # this is not a page # we've reached the end; no point thinking further return CQ.END_MARKER else: pass if next_q == -1: # Nothing has expressed an overriding preference, so increment... next_q = enum_to_int(q) + 1 return int_to_enum(next_q) def get_result(self, record_decisions: bool = False) -> CisrResult: # internal_q = CQ.START_MARKER internal_q = CQ.APPETITE1_LOSS_PAST_MONTH # skip the preamble etc. result = CisrResult(record_decisions) while (not result.incomplete) and internal_q != CQ.END_MARKER: internal_q = self.next_q(internal_q, result) # loop until we reach the end or have incomplete data result.finalize() return result
[docs] def get_clinical_text(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[CtvInfo]: res = self.get_result() if res.incomplete: return CTV_INCOMPLETE return [ CtvInfo( content=( f"Probable primary diagnosis: " f"{bold(res.diagnosis_1_name())} " f"({res.diagnosis_1_icd10_code()})" ) ), CtvInfo( content=( f"Probable secondary diagnosis: " f"{bold(res.diagnosis_2_name())} " f"({res.diagnosis_2_icd10_code()})" ) ), CtvInfo( content=( f"CIS-R suicide intent: " f"{self.get_suicide_intent(req, res, with_warning=False)}" ) ), ]
[docs] def get_summaries(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[SummaryElement]: result = self.get_result() return self.standard_task_summary_fields() + [ # Diagnoses SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_1_code", coltype=Integer(), value=result.diagnosis_1, comment="Probable primary diagnosis (CIS-R code)", ), SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_1_text", coltype=UnicodeText(), value=result.diagnosis_1_name(), comment="Probable primary diagnosis (text)", ), SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_1_icd10", coltype=UnicodeText(), value=result.diagnosis_1_icd10_code(), comment="Probable primary diagnosis (ICD-10 code/codes)", ), SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_2_code", coltype=Integer(), value=result.diagnosis_2, comment="Probable secondary diagnosis (CIS-R code)", ), SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_2_text", coltype=UnicodeText(), value=result.diagnosis_2_icd10_code(), comment="Probable secondary diagnosis (text)", ), SummaryElement( name="diagnosis_2_icd10", coltype=UnicodeText(), value=result.diagnosis_2_icd10_code(), comment="Probable secondary diagnosis (ICD-10 code/codes)", ), # Suicidality/doctell: directly encoded in data # Total score SummaryElement( name="score_total", coltype=Integer(), value=result.get_score(), comment=f"CIS-R total score (max. {MAX_TOTAL})", ), # Functional impairment: directly encoded in data # Subscores SummaryElement( name="score_somatic_symptoms", coltype=Integer(), value=result.somatic_symptoms, comment="Score: somatic symptoms (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_hypochondria", coltype=Integer(), value=result.hypochondria, comment="Score: worry over physical health (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_irritability", coltype=Integer(), value=result.irritability, comment="Score: irritability (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_concentration_poor", coltype=Integer(), value=result.concentration_poor, comment="Score: poor concentration (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_fatigue", coltype=Integer(), value=result.fatigue, comment="Score: fatigue (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_sleep_problems", coltype=Integer(), value=result.sleep_problems, comment="Score: sleep problems (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_depression", coltype=Integer(), value=result.depression, comment="Score: depression (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_depressive_thoughts", coltype=Integer(), value=result.depressive_thoughts, comment="Score: depressive ideas (max. 5)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_phobias", coltype=Integer(), value=result.phobias_score, comment="Score: phobias (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_worry", coltype=Integer(), value=result.worry, comment="Score: worry (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_anxiety", coltype=Integer(), value=result.anxiety, comment="Score: anxiety (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_panic", coltype=Integer(), value=result.panic, comment="Score: panic (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_compulsions", coltype=Integer(), value=result.compulsions, comment="Score: compulsions (max. 4)", ), SummaryElement( name="score_obsessions", coltype=Integer(), value=result.obsessions, comment="Score: obsessions (max. 4)", ), # Other SummaryElement( name="sleep_change", coltype=Integer(), value=result.sleep_change, comment=DESC_SLEEP_CHANGE, ), SummaryElement( name="weight_change", coltype=Integer(), value=result.weight_change, comment=DESC_WEIGHT_CHANGE, ), SummaryElement( name="depcrit1_score", coltype=Integer(), value=result.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy, comment=DESC_DEPCRIT1, ), SummaryElement( name="depcrit2_score", coltype=Integer(), value=result.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui, comment=DESC_DEPCRIT2, ), SummaryElement( name="depcrit3_score", coltype=Integer(), value=result.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd, comment=DESC_DEPCRIT3, ), SummaryElement( name="depcrit3_met_somatic_syndrome", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.has_somatic_syndrome(), comment=DESC_DEPCRIT3_MET, ), SummaryElement( name="neurasthenia_score", coltype=Integer(), value=result.neurasthenia, comment=DESC_NEURASTHENIA_SCORE, ), # Disorder flags SummaryElement( name="disorder_ocd", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.obsessive_compulsive_disorder, comment=DISORDER_OCD, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_depression_mild", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.depression_mild, comment=DISORDER_DEPR_MILD, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_depression_moderate", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.depression_moderate, comment=DISORDER_DEPR_MOD, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_depression_severe", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.depression_severe, comment=DISORDER_DEPR_SEV, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_cfs", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.chronic_fatigue_syndrome, comment=DISORDER_CFS, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_gad", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.generalized_anxiety_disorder, comment=DISORDER_GAD, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_agoraphobia", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.phobia_agoraphobia, comment=DISORDER_AGORAPHOBIA, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_social_phobia", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.phobia_social, comment=DISORDER_SOCIAL_PHOBIA, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_specific_phobia", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.phobia_specific, comment=DISORDER_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA, ), SummaryElement( name="disorder_panic_disorder", coltype=Boolean(), value=result.panic_disorder, comment=DISORDER_PANIC, ), ]
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: result = self.get_result() return not result.incomplete
def diagnosis_name(self, req: CamcopsRequest, diagnosis_code: int) -> str: xstring_name = f"diag_{diagnosis_code}_desc" return self.wxstring(req, xstring_name) def diagnosis_reason( self, req: CamcopsRequest, diagnosis_code: int ) -> str: xstring_name = f"diag_{diagnosis_code}_explan" return self.wxstring(req, xstring_name) def get_suicide_intent( self, req: CamcopsRequest, result: CisrResult, with_warning: bool = True, ) -> str: if result.incomplete: html = "TASK INCOMPLETE. SO FAR: " else: html = "" html += self.wxstring(req, f"suicid_{result.suicidality}") if ( with_warning and result.suicidality >= SUICIDE_INTENT_LIFE_NOT_WORTH_LIVING ): html += f" <i>{self.wxstring(req, 'suicid_instruction')}</i>" if result.suicidality != SUICIDE_INTENT_NONE: html = bold(html) return html def get_doctell(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: if is None: return "" return self.xstring(req, f"doctell_{}") # ... xstring() as may use HTML def get_sleep_change(self, req: CamcopsRequest, result: CisrResult) -> str: if result.sleep_change == SLEEPCHANGE_NONE: return "" return self.wxstring(req, f"sleepch_{result.sleep_change}") def get_weight_change( self, req: CamcopsRequest, result: CisrResult ) -> str: if result.weight_change in ( WTCHANGE_NONE_OR_APPETITE_INCREASE, WTCHANGE_APPETITE_LOSS, ): return "" return self.wxstring(req, f"wtchange_{result.weight_change}") def get_impairment(self, req: CamcopsRequest, result: CisrResult) -> str: return self.wxstring(req, f"impair_{result.functional_impairment}")
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: # Iterate only once, for efficiency, so don't use get_result(). def qa_row(q_: CisrQuestion, qtext: str, a_: Optional[str]) -> str: return tr( f"{q_.value}. {qtext}", answer(a_, formatter_answer=bold) ) def max_text(maxval: int) -> str: return f" (max. {maxval})" demographics_html_list = [] # type: List[str] question_html_list = [] # type: List[str] q = CQ.ETHNIC # type: CisrQuestion result = CisrResult(record_decisions=True) while (not result.incomplete) and q != CQ.END_MARKER: # Iterate until we get to the end or the result declares itself # incomplete. # noinspection PyTypeChecker target_list = ( demographics_html_list if q.value < CQ.HEALTH_WELLBEING.value else question_html_list ) if q in QUESTIONS_PROMPT_ONLY: question = self.wxstring(req, QUESTIONS_PROMPT_ONLY[q]) target_list.append(qa_row(q, question, NOT_APPLICABLE_TEXT)) elif q == CQ.PANSYM: # special! target_list.append( qa_row( q, self.wxstring(req, "pansym_q_prefix"), NOT_APPLICABLE_TEXT, ) ) for fieldname in PANIC_SYMPTOM_FIELDNAMES: question = self.wxstring(req, fieldname + "_q") value = getattr(self, fieldname) a = get_yes_no_none( req, value == 2 if value is not None else None ) target_list.append(qa_row(q, question, a)) else: fieldname = fieldname_for_q(q) assert fieldname, f"No fieldname for question {q}" question = self.wxstring(req, fieldname + "_q") a = self.get_textual_answer(req, q) target_list.append(qa_row(q, question, a)) q = self.next_q(q, result) # loop until we reach the end or have incomplete data result.finalize() is_complete = not result.incomplete is_complete_html_td = """{}<b>{}</b></td>""".format( ( "<td>" if is_complete else f"""<td class="{CssClass.INCOMPLETE}">""" ), get_yes_no(req, is_complete), ) summary_rows = [ subheading_spanning_two_columns("Diagnoses"), tr( "Probable primary diagnosis", ( bold(self.diagnosis_name(req, result.diagnosis_1)) + ( f" ({result.diagnosis_1_icd10_code()})" if result.has_diagnosis_1() else "" ) ), ), tr( italic("... summary of reasons/description"), italic(self.diagnosis_reason(req, result.diagnosis_1)), ), tr( "Probable secondary diagnosis", ( bold(self.diagnosis_name(req, result.diagnosis_2)) + ( f" ({result.diagnosis_2_icd10_code()})" if result.has_diagnosis_2() else "" ) ), ), tr( italic("... summary of reasons/description"), italic(self.diagnosis_reason(req, result.diagnosis_2)), ), subheading_spanning_two_columns("Suicidality"), tr( td(self.wxstring(req, "suicid_heading")), td(self.get_suicide_intent(req, result)), literal=True, ), tr("... spoken to doctor?", self.get_doctell(req)), subheading_spanning_two_columns("Total score/overall impairment"), tr( f"CIS-R total score (max. {MAX_TOTAL}) <sup>[1]</sup>", result.get_score(), ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "impair_label"), self.get_impairment(req, result), ), subheading_spanning_two_columns( "Subscores contributing to total " "<sup>[2]</sup>" ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "somatic_label") + max_text(MAX_SOMATIC), result.somatic_symptoms, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "hypo_label") + max_text(MAX_HYPO), result.hypochondria, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "irrit_label") + max_text(MAX_IRRIT), result.irritability, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "conc_label") + max_text(MAX_CONC), result.concentration_poor, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "fatigue_label") + max_text(MAX_FATIGUE), result.fatigue, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "sleep_label") + max_text(MAX_SLEEP), result.sleep_problems, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "depr_label") + max_text(MAX_DEPR), result.depression, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "depthts_label") + max_text(MAX_DEPTHTS), result.depressive_thoughts, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "phobias_label") + max_text(MAX_PHOBIAS), result.phobias_score, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "worry_label") + max_text(MAX_WORRY), result.worry, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "anx_label") + max_text(MAX_ANX), result.anxiety, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "panic_label") + max_text(MAX_PANIC), result.panic, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "comp_label") + max_text(MAX_COMP), result.compulsions, ), tr( self.wxstring(req, "obsess_label") + max_text(MAX_OBSESS), result.obsessions, ), subheading_spanning_two_columns("Other"), tr("Sleep change", self.get_sleep_change(req, result)), tr("Weight change", self.get_weight_change(req, result)), tr(DESC_DEPCRIT1, result.depr_crit_1_mood_anhedonia_energy), tr(DESC_DEPCRIT2, result.depr_crit_2_app_cnc_slp_mtr_glt_wth_sui), tr(DESC_DEPCRIT3, result.depr_crit_3_somatic_synd), tr(DESC_DEPCRIT3_MET, result.has_somatic_syndrome()), # RNC tr(DESC_NEURASTHENIA_SCORE, result.neurasthenia), subheading_spanning_two_columns("Disorder flags"), tr(DISORDER_OCD, result.obsessive_compulsive_disorder), tr(DISORDER_DEPR_MILD, result.depression_mild), tr(DISORDER_DEPR_MOD, result.depression_moderate), tr(DISORDER_DEPR_SEV, result.depression_severe), tr(DISORDER_CFS, result.chronic_fatigue_syndrome), tr(DISORDER_GAD, result.generalized_anxiety_disorder), tr(DISORDER_AGORAPHOBIA, result.phobia_agoraphobia), tr(DISORDER_SOCIAL_PHOBIA, result.phobia_social), tr(DISORDER_SPECIFIC_PHOBIA, result.phobia_specific), tr(DISORDER_PANIC, result.panic_disorder), ] return f""" <div class="{CssClass.HEADING}">{self.wxstring(req, "results_1")}</div> <div>{self.wxstring(req, "results_2")}</div> <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <tr> <td width="50%">Completed?</td> {is_complete_html_td} </tr> {"".join(summary_rows)} </table> </div> <div class="{CssClass.FOOTNOTES}"> [1] {self.wxstring(req, "score_note")} [2] {self.wxstring(req, "symptom_score_note")} </div> <div class="{CssClass.HEADING}"> Preamble/demographics (not contributing to diagnosis) </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr> <th width="75%">Page</th> <th width="25%">Answer</td> </tr> {"".join(demographics_html_list)} </table> <div class="{CssClass.HEADING}"> Data considered by algorithm (may be a subset of all data if subject revised answers) </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr> <th width="75%">Page</th> <th width="25%">Answer</td> </tr> {"".join(question_html_list)} </table> <div class="{CssClass.HEADING}">Decisions</div> <pre>{"<br>".join(ws.webify("‣ " + x) for x in result.decisions)}</pre> <div class="{CssClass.COPYRIGHT}"> • Original papers: ▶ Lewis G, Pelosi AJ, Aray R, Dunn G (1992). Measuring psychiatric disorder in the community: a standardized assessment for use by lay interviewers. Psychological Medicine 22: 465-486. {pmid(1615114)}. ▶ Lewis G (1994). Assessing psychiatric disorder with a human interviewer or a computer. J Epidemiol Community Health 48: 207-210. {pmid(8189180)}. • Source/copyright: Glyn Lewis. ▶ The task itself is not in the reference publications, so copyright presumed to rest with the authors (not the journals). ▶ “There are no copyright issues with the CISR so please adapt it for use.” — Prof. Glyn Lewis, personal communication to Rudolf Cardinal, 27 Oct 2017. </div> """ # noqa