Source code for camcops_server.tasks.cardinal_expdetthreshold



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



import math
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from cardinal_pythonlib.maths_numpy import inv_logistic, logistic
import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy as np
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Float, Integer, Text, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_db import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import get_yes_no_none, tr_qa
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import Base
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import Task, TaskHasPatientMixin
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_text import SS

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "logits: L(X) = intercept + slope * X; "
    "probability: P = 1 / (1 + exp(-intercept - slope * X))"
DP = 3

# =============================================================================
# CardinalExpDetThreshold
# =============================================================================

[docs]class CardinalExpDetThresholdTrial( GenericTabletRecordMixin, TaskDescendant, Base ): __tablename__ = "cardinal_expdetthreshold_trials" cardinal_expdetthreshold_id = Column( "cardinal_expdetthreshold_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment="FK to CardinalExpDetThreshold", ) trial = Column( "trial", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Trial number (0-based)" ) # Results trial_ignoring_catch_trials = Column( "trial_ignoring_catch_trials", Integer, comment="Trial number, ignoring catch trials (0-based)", ) target_presented = Column( "target_presented", Integer, comment="Target presented? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) target_time = Column( "target_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Target presentation time (ISO-8601)", ) intensity = Column( "intensity", Float, comment="Target intensity (0.0-1.0)" ) choice_time = Column( "choice_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Time choice offered (ISO-8601)", ) responded = Column( "responded", Integer, comment="Responded? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) response_time = Column( "response_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Time of response (ISO-8601)", ) response_latency_ms = Column( "response_latency_ms", Integer, comment="Response latency (ms)" ) yes = Column( "yes", Integer, comment="Subject chose YES? (0 didn't, 1 did)" ) no = Column("no", Integer, comment="Subject chose NO? (0 didn't, 1 did)") caught_out_reset = Column( "caught_out_reset", Integer, comment="Caught out on catch trial, thus reset? (0 no, 1 yes)", ) trial_num_in_calculation_sequence = Column( "trial_num_in_calculation_sequence", Integer, comment="Trial number as used for threshold calculation", ) @classmethod def get_html_table_header(cls) -> str: return f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Trial# (0-based)</th> <th>Trial# (ignoring catch trials) (0-based)</th> <th>Target presented?</th> <th>Target time</th> <th>Intensity</th> <th>Choice time</th> <th>Responded?</th> <th>Response time</th> <th>Response latency (ms)</th> <th>Yes?</th> <th>No?</th> <th>Caught out (and reset)?</th> <th>Trial# in calculation sequence</th> </tr> """ def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return ("<tr>" + "<td>{}</td>" * 13 + "</th>").format( self.trial, self.trial_ignoring_catch_trials, self.target_presented, self.target_time, ws.number_to_dp(self.intensity, DP), self.choice_time, self.responded, self.response_time, self.response_latency_ms, self.yes,, ws.webify(self.caught_out_reset), ws.webify(self.trial_num_in_calculation_sequence), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return CardinalExpDetThreshold
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["CardinalExpDetThreshold"]: return CardinalExpDetThreshold.get_linked( self.cardinal_expdetthreshold_id, self )
[docs]class CardinalExpDetThreshold(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the Cardinal_ExpDetThreshold task. """ __tablename__ = "cardinal_expdetthreshold" shortname = "Cardinal_ExpDetThreshold" use_landscape_for_pdf = True # Config modality = Column( "modality", Integer, comment="Modality (0 auditory, 1 visual)" ) target_number = Column( "target_number", Integer, comment="Target number (within available targets of that modality)", ) background_filename = CamcopsColumn( "background_filename", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Filename of media used for background", ) target_filename = CamcopsColumn( "target_filename", Text, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Filename of media used for target", ) visual_target_duration_s = Column( "visual_target_duration_s", Float, comment="Visual target duration (s)" ) background_intensity = Column( "background_intensity", Float, comment="Intensity of background (0.0-1.0)", ) start_intensity_min = Column( "start_intensity_min", Float, comment="Minimum starting intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) start_intensity_max = Column( "start_intensity_max", Float, comment="Maximum starting intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) initial_large_intensity_step = Column( "initial_large_intensity_step", Float, comment="Initial, large, intensity step (0.0-1.0)", ) main_small_intensity_step = Column( "main_small_intensity_step", Float, comment="Main, small, intensity step (0.0-1.0)", ) num_trials_in_main_sequence = Column( "num_trials_in_main_sequence", Integer, comment="Number of trials required in main sequence", ) p_catch_trial = Column( "p_catch_trial", Float, comment="Probability of catch trial" ) prompt = CamcopsColumn( "prompt", UnicodeText, exempt_from_anonymisation=True, comment="Prompt given to subject", ) iti_s = Column("iti_s", Float, comment="Intertrial interval (s)") # Results finished = Column( "finished", Integer, comment="Subject finished successfully (0 no, 1 yes)", ) intercept = Column("intercept", Float, comment=EQUATION_COMMENT) slope = Column("slope", Float, comment=EQUATION_COMMENT) k = Column("k", Float, comment=EQUATION_COMMENT + "; k = slope") theta = Column( "theta", Float, comment=EQUATION_COMMENT + "; theta = -intercept/k = -intercept/slope", ) # Relationships trials = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="CardinalExpDetThreshold", ancillary_class_name="CardinalExpDetThresholdTrial", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="cardinal_expdetthreshold_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="trial", ) # type: List[CardinalExpDetThresholdTrial]
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _( "Cardinal RN – Threshold determination for " "Expectation–Detection task" )
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return bool(self.finished)
def _get_figures( self, req: CamcopsRequest ) -> Tuple[Figure, Optional[Figure]]: """ Create and return figures. Returns ``trialfig, fitfig``. """ trialarray = self.trials # Constants jitter_step = 0.02 dp_to_consider_same_for_jitter = 3 y_extra_space = 0.1 x_extra_space = 0.02 figsize = ( PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH / 2, PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH / 2, ) # Figure and axes trialfig = req.create_figure(figsize=figsize) trialax = trialfig.add_subplot(MatplotlibConstants.WHOLE_PANEL) fitfig = None # type: Optional[Figure] # Anything to do? if not trialarray: return trialfig, fitfig # Data notcalc_detected_x = [] notcalc_detected_y = [] notcalc_missed_x = [] notcalc_missed_y = [] calc_detected_x = [] calc_detected_y = [] calc_missed_x = [] calc_missed_y = [] catch_detected_x = [] catch_detected_y = [] catch_missed_x = [] catch_missed_y = [] all_x = [] all_y = [] for t in trialarray: x = t.trial y = t.intensity all_x.append(x) all_y.append(y) if t.trial_num_in_calculation_sequence is not None: if t.yes: calc_detected_x.append(x) calc_detected_y.append(y) else: calc_missed_x.append(x) calc_missed_y.append(y) elif t.target_presented: if t.yes: notcalc_detected_x.append(x) notcalc_detected_y.append(y) else: notcalc_missed_x.append(x) notcalc_missed_y.append(y) else: # catch trial if t.yes: catch_detected_x.append(x) catch_detected_y.append(y) else: catch_missed_x.append(x) catch_missed_y.append(y) # Create trialfig plots trialax.plot( all_x, all_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_NONE, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREY_50, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_SOLID, label=None, ) trialax.plot( notcalc_missed_x, notcalc_missed_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_CIRCLE, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_BLACK, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="miss", ) trialax.plot( notcalc_detected_x, notcalc_detected_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_PLUS, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_BLACK, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="hit", ) trialax.plot( calc_missed_x, calc_missed_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_CIRCLE, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_RED, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="miss, scored", ) trialax.plot( calc_detected_x, calc_detected_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_PLUS, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_BLUE, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="hit, scored", ) trialax.plot( catch_missed_x, catch_missed_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_CIRCLE, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREEN, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="CR", ) trialax.plot( catch_detected_x, catch_detected_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_STAR, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREEN, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, label="FA", ) leg = trialax.legend( numpoints=1, fancybox=True, # for set_alpha (below) loc="best", # bbox_to_anchor=(0.75, 1.05) labelspacing=0, handletextpad=0, prop=req.fontprops, ) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) trialax.set_xlabel("Trial number (0-based)", fontdict=req.fontdict) trialax.set_ylabel("Intensity", fontdict=req.fontdict) trialax.set_ylim(0 - y_extra_space, 1 + y_extra_space) trialax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(trialarray) - 0.5) req.set_figure_font_sizes(trialax) # Anything to do for fitfig? if self.k is None or self.theta is None: return trialfig, fitfig # Create fitfig fitfig = req.create_figure(figsize=figsize) fitax = fitfig.add_subplot(MatplotlibConstants.WHOLE_PANEL) detected_x = [] detected_x_approx = [] detected_y = [] missed_x = [] missed_x_approx = [] missed_y = [] all_x = [] for t in trialarray: if t.trial_num_in_calculation_sequence is not None: all_x.append(t.intensity) approx_x = f"{t.intensity:.{dp_to_consider_same_for_jitter}f}" if t.yes: detected_y.append( 1 - detected_x_approx.count(approx_x) * jitter_step ) detected_x.append(t.intensity) detected_x_approx.append(approx_x) else: missed_y.append( 0 + missed_x_approx.count(approx_x) * jitter_step ) missed_x.append(t.intensity) missed_x_approx.append(approx_x) # Again, anything to do for fitfig? if not all_x: return trialfig, fitfig fit_x = np.arange(0.0 - x_extra_space, 1.0 + x_extra_space, 0.001) fit_y = logistic(fit_x, self.k, self.theta) fitax.plot( fit_x, fit_y, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREEN, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_SOLID, ) fitax.plot( missed_x, missed_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_CIRCLE, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_RED, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, ) fitax.plot( detected_x, detected_y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_PLUS, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_BLUE, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_NONE, ) fitax.set_ylim(0 - y_extra_space, 1 + y_extra_space) fitax.set_xlim( np.amin(all_x) - x_extra_space, np.amax(all_x) + x_extra_space ) marker_points = [] for y in (LOWER_MARKER, 0.5, UPPER_MARKER): x = inv_logistic(y, self.k, self.theta) marker_points.append((x, y)) for p in marker_points: fitax.plot( [p[0], p[0]], # x [-1, p[1]], # y color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREY_50, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_DOTTED, ) fitax.plot( [-1, p[0]], # x [p[1], p[1]], # y color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_GREY_50, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_DOTTED, ) fitax.set_xlabel("Intensity", fontdict=req.fontdict) fitax.set_ylabel( "Detected? (0=no, 1=yes; jittered)", fontdict=req.fontdict ) req.set_figure_font_sizes(fitax) # Done return trialfig, fitfig
[docs] def get_trial_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: """ Note re plotting markers without lines: .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot([1, 2], [1, 2], marker="+", color="r", linestyle="-") ax.plot([1, 2], [2, 1], marker="o", color="b", linestyle="None") fig.savefig("test.png") # ... the "absent" line does NOT "cut" the red one. Args: req: Returns: """ trialarray = self.trials html = CardinalExpDetThresholdTrial.get_html_table_header() for t in trialarray: html += t.get_html_table_row() html += """</table>""" # Don't add figures if we're incomplete if not self.is_complete(): return html # Add figures trialfig, fitfig = self._get_figures(req) html += f""" <table class="{CssClass.NOBORDER}"> <tr> <td class="{CssClass.NOBORDERPHOTO}"> {req.get_html_from_pyplot_figure(trialfig)} </td> <td class="{CssClass.NOBORDERPHOTO}"> {req.get_html_from_pyplot_figure(fitfig)} </td> </tr> </table> """ return html
def logistic_x_from_p(self, p: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]: try: return (math.log(p / (1 - p)) - self.intercept) / self.slope except (TypeError, ValueError): return None
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: if self.modality == MODALITY_AUDITORY: modality = req.sstring(SS.AUDITORY) elif self.modality == MODALITY_VISUAL: modality = req.sstring(SS.VISUAL) else: modality = None h = f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} </table> </div> <div class="{CssClass.EXPLANATION}"> The ExpDet-Threshold task measures visual and auditory thresholds for stimuli on a noisy background, using a single-interval up/down method. It is intended as a prequel to the Expectation–Detection task. </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKCONFIG}"> <tr> <th width="50%">Configuration variable</th> <th width="50%">Value</th> </tr> """ h += tr_qa("Modality", modality) h += tr_qa("Target number", self.target_number) h += tr_qa("Background filename", ws.webify(self.background_filename)) h += tr_qa("Background intensity", self.background_intensity) h += tr_qa("Target filename", ws.webify(self.target_filename)) h += tr_qa( "(For visual targets) Target duration (s)", self.visual_target_duration_s, ) h += tr_qa("Start intensity (minimum)", self.start_intensity_min) h += tr_qa("Start intensity (maximum)", self.start_intensity_max) h += tr_qa( "Initial (large) intensity step", self.initial_large_intensity_step ) h += tr_qa( "Main (small) intensity step", self.main_small_intensity_step ) h += tr_qa( "Number of trials in main sequence", self.num_trials_in_main_sequence, ) h += tr_qa("Probability of a catch trial", self.p_catch_trial) h += tr_qa("Prompt", self.prompt) h += tr_qa("Intertrial interval (ITI) (s)", self.iti_s) h += f""" </table> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr><th width="50%">Measure</th><th width="50%">Value</th></tr> """ h += tr_qa("Finished?", get_yes_no_none(req, self.finished)) h += tr_qa("Logistic intercept", ws.number_to_dp(self.intercept, DP)) h += tr_qa("Logistic slope", ws.number_to_dp(self.slope, DP)) h += tr_qa("Logistic k (= slope)", ws.number_to_dp(self.k, DP)) h += tr_qa( "Logistic theta (= –intercept/slope)", ws.number_to_dp(self.theta, DP), ) h += tr_qa( f"Intensity for {100 * LOWER_MARKER}% detection", ws.number_to_dp(self.logistic_x_from_p(LOWER_MARKER), DP), ) h += tr_qa( "Intensity for 50% detection", ws.number_to_dp(self.theta, DP) ) h += tr_qa( f"Intensity for {100 * UPPER_MARKER}% detection", ws.number_to_dp(self.logistic_x_from_p(UPPER_MARKER), DP), ) h += """ </table> """ h += self.get_trial_html(req) return h