Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_policy



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.


**Represents ID number policies.**

Note that the upload script should NOT attempt to verify patients against the
ID policy, not least because tablets are allowed to upload task data (in a
separate transaction) before uploading patients; referential integrity would be
very hard to police. So the tablet software deals with ID compliance. (Also,
the superuser can change the server's ID policy retrospectively!)

Both the client and the server do policy tokenizing and can check patient info
against policies. The server has additional code to answer questions like "is
this policy valid?" (in general and in the context of the server's


import io
import logging
import tokenize
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from cardinal_pythonlib.dicts import reversedict
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc import auto_repr

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects import BarePatientInfo

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Tokens
# =============================================================================


TK_AND = -3
TK_OR = -4
TK_NOT = -5
TK_SEX = -10
TK_DOB = -11
TK_GP = -13
TK_EMAIL = -15

# Tokens for ID numbers are from 1 upwards.

    "(": TK_LPAREN,
    ")": TK_RPAREN,
    "AND": TK_AND,
    "OR": TK_OR,
    "NOT": TK_NOT,
    "SEX": TK_SEX,
    "DOB": TK_DOB,
    "GP": TK_GP,



[docs]def is_info_token(token: int) -> bool: """ Is the token a kind that represents information, not (for example) an operator? """ return token > 0 or token in NON_IDNUM_INFO_TOKENS
[docs]def token_to_str(token: int) -> str: """ Returns a string version of the specified token. """ if token < 0: return TOKEN_POLICY_DICT.get(token) else: return TOKEN_IDNUM_PREFIX + str(token)
# ============================================================================= # Quad-state logic # ============================================================================= class QuadState(object): def __str__(self) -> str: if self is Q_TRUE: return "QTrue" elif self is Q_FALSE: return "QFalse" elif self is Q_DONT_CARE: return "QDontCare" else: return "QError" Q_TRUE = QuadState() Q_FALSE = QuadState() Q_ERROR = QuadState() Q_DONT_CARE = QuadState() def bool_to_quad(x: bool) -> QuadState: return Q_TRUE if x else Q_FALSE def quad_not(x: QuadState) -> QuadState: # Boolean logic if x is Q_TRUE: return Q_FALSE elif x is Q_FALSE: return Q_TRUE # Unusual logic elif x is Q_DONT_CARE: return Q_DONT_CARE else: return Q_ERROR def quad_and(x: QuadState, y: QuadState) -> QuadState: either = (x, y) # Unusual logic if Q_ERROR in either: return Q_ERROR elif Q_DONT_CARE in either: other = either[1] if either[0] == Q_DONT_CARE else either[0] return other # Boolean logic elif x is Q_TRUE and y is Q_TRUE: return Q_TRUE else: return Q_FALSE def quad_or(x: QuadState, y: QuadState) -> QuadState: either = (x, y) # Unusual logic if Q_ERROR in either: return Q_ERROR elif Q_DONT_CARE in either: other = either[1] if either[0] == Q_DONT_CARE else either[0] return other # Boolean logic elif x is Q_TRUE or y is Q_TRUE: return Q_TRUE else: return Q_FALSE def debug_wrapper(fn: Callable, name: str) -> Callable: def wrap(*args, **kwargs) -> QuadState: result = fn(*args, **kwargs) arglist = [str(x) for x in args] + [ f"{k}={v}" for k, v in kwargs.items() ] log.critical("{}({}) -> {}".format(name, ", ".join(arglist), result)) return result return wrap DEBUG_QUAD_STATE_LOGIC = False if DEBUG_QUAD_STATE_LOGIC: quad_not = debug_wrapper(quad_not, "quad_not") quad_and = debug_wrapper(quad_and, "quad_and") quad_or = debug_wrapper(quad_or, "quad_or") # ============================================================================= # PatientInfoPresence # =============================================================================
[docs]class PatientInfoPresence(object): """ Represents simply the presence/absence of different kinds of information about a patient. """
[docs] def __init__( self, present: Dict[int, QuadState] = None, default: QuadState = Q_FALSE, ) -> None: """ Args: present: map from token to :class:`QuadState` default: default :class:`QuadState` to return if unspecified """ self.present = present or {} # type: Dict[int, QuadState] self.default = default for t in self.present.keys(): assert is_info_token(t)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return auto_repr(self)
[docs] def is_present(self, token: int, default: QuadState = None) -> QuadState: """ Is information represented by a particular token present? Args: token: token to check for; e.g. :data:`TK_FORENAME` default: default :class:`QuadState` to return if unspecified; if this is None, ``self.default`` is used. Returns: a :class:`QuadState` """ return self.present.get(token, default or self.default)
@property def forename_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_FORENAME) @property def surname_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_SURNAME) @property def sex_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_SEX) @property def dob_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_DOB) @property def address_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_ADDRESS) @property def email_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_EMAIL) @property def gp_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_GP) @property def otherdetails_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_OTHER_DETAILS) @property def otheridnum_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_OTHER_IDNUM) @property def special_anyidnum_present(self) -> QuadState: return self.is_present(TK_ANY_IDNUM)
[docs] def idnum_present(self, which_idnum: int) -> QuadState: """ Is the specified ID number type present? """ assert which_idnum > 0 return self.is_present(which_idnum)
[docs] def any_idnum_present(self) -> QuadState: """ Is at least one ID number present? """ for k, v in self.present.items(): if k > 0 and v is Q_TRUE: return Q_TRUE return self.special_anyidnum_present
[docs] @classmethod def make_from_ptinfo( cls, ptinfo: BarePatientInfo, policy_mentioned_idnums: List[int] ) -> "PatientInfoPresence": """ Returns a :class:`PatientInfoPresence` representing whether different kinds of information about the patient are present or not. """ presences = { TK_FORENAME: bool_to_quad(bool(ptinfo.forename)), TK_SURNAME: bool_to_quad(bool(ptinfo.surname)), TK_SEX: bool_to_quad(bool(, TK_DOB: bool_to_quad(ptinfo.dob is not None), TK_ADDRESS: bool_to_quad(bool(ptinfo.address)), TK_EMAIL: bool_to_quad(bool(, TK_GP: bool_to_quad(bool(, TK_OTHER_DETAILS: bool_to_quad(bool(ptinfo.otherdetails)), TK_OTHER_IDNUM: Q_FALSE, # may change } # type: Dict[int, QuadState] for iddef in ptinfo.idnum_definitions: this_idnum_present = iddef.idnum_value is not None presences[iddef.which_idnum] = bool_to_quad(this_idnum_present) if iddef.which_idnum not in policy_mentioned_idnums: presences[TK_OTHER_IDNUM] = Q_TRUE return cls(presences, default=Q_FALSE)
[docs] @classmethod def make_uncaring(cls) -> "PatientInfoPresence": """ Makes a :class:`PatientInfoPresence` that doesn't care about anything. """ return cls({}, default=Q_DONT_CARE)
[docs] def set_idnum_presence(self, which_idnum: int, present: QuadState) -> None: """ Set the "presence" state for one ID number type. Args: which_idnum: which ID number type present: its state of being present (or not, or other states) """ self.present[which_idnum] = present
[docs] @classmethod def make_uncaring_except( cls, token: int, present: QuadState ) -> "PatientInfoPresence": """ Make a :class:`PatientInfoPresence` that is uncaring except for one thing, specified by token. """ assert is_info_token(token) pip = cls.make_uncaring() pip.present[token] = present return pip
# ============================================================================= # More constants # ============================================================================= CONTENT_TOKEN_PROCESSOR_TYPE = Callable[[int], QuadState] # ============================================================================= # TokenizedPolicy # =============================================================================
[docs]class TokenizedPolicy(object): """ Represents a tokenized ID policy. A tokenized policy is a policy represented by a sequence of integers; 0 means "bad token"; negative numbers represent fixed things like "forename" or "left parenthesis" or "and"; positive numbers represent ID number types. """
[docs] def __init__(self, policy: str) -> None: self.tokens = self.get_tokenized_id_policy(policy) self._syntactically_valid = None # type: Optional[bool] self.valid_idnums = None # type: Optional[List[int]] self._valid_for_idnums = None # type: Optional[bool]
def __str__(self) -> str: policy = " ".join(token_to_str(t) for t in self.tokens) policy = policy.replace("( ", "(") policy = policy.replace(" )", ")") return policy # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ID number info # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_valid_idnums(self, valid_idnums: List[int]) -> None: """ Make a note of which ID number types are currently valid. Caches "valid for these ID numbers" information. Args: valid_idnums: list of valid ID number types """ sorted_idnums = sorted(valid_idnums) if sorted_idnums != self.valid_idnums: self.valid_idnums = sorted_idnums self._valid_for_idnums = None # clear cache
[docs] def require_valid_idnum_info(self) -> None: """ Checks that set_valid_idnums() has been called properly, or raises :exc:`AssertionError`. """ assert ( self.valid_idnums is not None ), "Must call set_valid_idnums() first! Currently: {!r}"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tokenize # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def name_to_token(name: str) -> int: """ Converts an upper-case string token name (such as ``DOB``) to an integer token. """ if name in POLICY_TOKEN_DICT: return POLICY_TOKEN_DICT[name] if name.startswith(TOKEN_IDNUM_PREFIX): nstr = name[len(TOKEN_IDNUM_PREFIX) :] try: return int(nstr) except (TypeError, ValueError): return BAD_TOKEN return BAD_TOKEN
[docs] @classmethod def get_tokenized_id_policy(cls, policy: str) -> TOKENIZED_POLICY_TYPE: """ Takes a string policy and returns a tokenized policy, meaning a list of integer tokens, or ``[]``. """ if policy is None: return [] # string_index = 1 # single line, upper case: policy = " ".join(policy.strip().upper().splitlines()) try: tokenstrings = list( token[string_index] for token in tokenize.generate_tokens( io.StringIO(policy).readline ) if token[string_index] ) except tokenize.TokenError: # something went wrong return [] tokens = [cls.name_to_token(k) for k in tokenstrings] if any(t == BAD_TOKEN for t in tokens): # There's something bad in there. return [] return tokens
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validity checks # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_syntactically_valid(self) -> bool: """ Is the policy syntactically valid? This is a basic check. """ if self._syntactically_valid is None: # Cache it if not self.tokens: self._syntactically_valid = False else: # Evaluate against a dummy patient info object. If we get None, # it's gone wrong. pip = PatientInfoPresence() value = self._value_for_pip(pip) self._syntactically_valid = value is not Q_ERROR return self._syntactically_valid
[docs] def is_valid( self, valid_idnums: List[int] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Is the policy valid in the context of the ID types available in our database? Args: valid_idnums: optional list of valid ID number types verbose: report reasons to debug log """ if valid_idnums is not None: self.set_valid_idnums(valid_idnums) if self._valid_for_idnums is None: # Cache information self.require_valid_idnum_info() self._valid_for_idnums = self.is_valid_for_idnums( self.valid_idnums, verbose=verbose ) return self._valid_for_idnums
[docs] def is_valid_for_idnums( self, valid_idnums: List[int], verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Is the policy valid, given a list of valid ID number types? Checks the following: - valid syntax - refers only to ID number types defined on the server - is compatible with the tablet ID policy Args: valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server verbose: report reasons to debug log """ # First, syntax: if not self.is_syntactically_valid(): if verbose: log.debug("is_valid_for_idnums(): Not syntactically valid") return False # Second, all ID numbers referred to by the policy exist: for token in self.tokens: if token > 0 and token not in valid_idnums: if verbose: log.debug( "is_valid_for_idnums(): Refers to ID number type " "{}, which does not exist", token, ) return False if not self._compatible_with_tablet_id_policy(verbose=verbose): if verbose: log.debug( "is_valid_for_idnums(): Less restrictive than the " "tablet minimum ID policy; invalid" ) return False return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Information about the ID number types the policy refers to # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def relevant_idnums(self, valid_idnums: List[int]) -> List[int]: """ Which ID numbers are relevant to this policy? Args: valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server Returns: the subset of ``valid_idnums`` that is mentioned somehow in the policy """ if not self.tokens: return [] if TK_ANY_IDNUM in self.tokens or TK_OTHER_IDNUM in self.tokens: # all are relevant return valid_idnums relevant_idnums = [] # type: List[int] for which_idnum in valid_idnums: assert which_idnum > 0, "Silly ID number types" if which_idnum in self.tokens: relevant_idnums.append(which_idnum) return relevant_idnums
[docs] def specifically_mentioned_idnums(self) -> List[int]: """ Returns the ID number tokens for all ID numbers mentioned in the policy, as a list. """ return [x for x in self.tokens if x > 0]
[docs] def contains_specific_idnum(self, which_idnum: int) -> bool: """ Does the policy refer specifically to the given ID number type? Args: which_idnum: ID number type to test """ assert which_idnum > 0 return which_idnum in self.tokens
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # More complex attributes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def find_critical_single_numerical_id( self, valid_idnums: List[int] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Optional[int]: """ If the policy involves a single mandatory ID number, return that ID number; otherwise return None. Args: valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server verbose: report reasons to debug log Returns: int: the single critical ID number type, or ``None`` """ if not self.is_valid(valid_idnums): if verbose: log.debug("find_critical_single_numerical_id(): invalid") return None relevant_idnums = self.specifically_mentioned_idnums() possible_critical_idnums = [] # type: List[int] for which_idnum in relevant_idnums: pip_with = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( which_idnum, Q_TRUE ) satisfies_with_1 = self._value_for_pip(pip_with) pip_with.present[TK_OTHER_IDNUM] = Q_FALSE satisfies_with_2 = self._value_for_pip(pip_with) pip_without = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( which_idnum, Q_FALSE ) satisfies_without_1 = self._value_for_pip(pip_without) pip_with.present[TK_OTHER_IDNUM] = Q_TRUE satisfies_without_2 = self._value_for_pip(pip_without) if verbose: log.debug( "... {}: satisfies_with={}, satisfies_without_1={}, " "satisfies_without_2={}", which_idnum, satisfies_with_1, satisfies_without_1, satisfies_without_2, ) if ( satisfies_with_1 is Q_TRUE and satisfies_with_2 is Q_TRUE and satisfies_without_1 is Q_FALSE and satisfies_without_2 is Q_FALSE ): possible_critical_idnums.append(which_idnum) if verbose: log.debug( "find_critical_single_numerical_id(): " "possible_critical_idnums = {}", possible_critical_idnums, ) if len(possible_critical_idnums) == 1: return possible_critical_idnums[0] return None
[docs] def is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy( self, which_idnum: int, valid_idnums: List[int], verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Is the ID number mandatory in the specified policy? Args: which_idnum: ID number type to test valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server verbose: report reasons to debug log """ if which_idnum is None or which_idnum < 1: if verbose: log.debug("is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): bad ID type") return False if not self.contains_specific_idnum(which_idnum): if verbose: log.debug( "is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): policy does not " "contain ID {}, so not mandatory", which_idnum, ) return False self.set_valid_idnums(valid_idnums) if not self.is_valid(): if verbose: log.debug("is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): policy invalid") return False pip_with = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( which_idnum, Q_TRUE ) satisfies_with = self._value_for_pip(pip_with) if satisfies_with != Q_TRUE: if verbose: log.debug( "is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): policy not " "satisfied by presence of ID {}, so not mandatory", which_idnum, ) return False pip_without = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( which_idnum, Q_FALSE ) satisfies_without = self._value_for_pip(pip_without) if satisfies_without != Q_FALSE: if verbose: log.debug( "is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): policy satisfied " "without presence of ID {}, so not mandatory", which_idnum, ) return False # Thus, if we get here, the policy is unhappy with the absence of our # ID number type, but happy with it; therefore it is mandatory. if verbose: log.debug( "is_idnum_mandatory_in_policy(): ID {} is mandatory", which_idnum, ) return True
def _requires_prohibits( self, token: int, verbose: bool = False ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Does this policy require, and/or prohibit, a particular token? Args: token: token to check verbose: report reasons to debug log Returns: tuple: requires, prohibits """ pip_with = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except(token, Q_TRUE) satisfies_with = self._value_for_pip(pip_with) pip_without = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except(token, Q_FALSE) satisfies_without = self._value_for_pip(pip_without) requires = satisfies_with is Q_TRUE and satisfies_without is Q_FALSE prohibits = satisfies_with is Q_FALSE and satisfies_without is Q_TRUE if verbose: log.debug( "_requires_prohibits({t}): " "satisfies_with={sw}, " "satisfies_without={swo}, " "requires={r}, " "prohibits={p}", t=token_to_str(token), sw=satisfies_with, swo=satisfies_without, r=requires, p=prohibits, ) return requires, prohibits def _requires_sex(self, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """ Does this policy require sex to be present? Args: verbose: report reasons to debug log """ requires, _ = self._requires_prohibits(TK_SEX, verbose=verbose) return requires def _requires_an_idnum(self, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """ Does this policy require an ID number to be present? Args: verbose: report reasons to debug log """ if verbose: log.debug("_requires_an_idnum():") for token in self.specifically_mentioned_idnums() + [ TK_ANY_IDNUM, TK_OTHER_IDNUM, ]: requires, _ = self._requires_prohibits(token, verbose=verbose) if requires: if verbose: log.debug( "... requires ID number '{}'", token_to_str(token) ) return True return False # def _less_restrictive_than(self, other: "TokenizedPolicy", # valid_idnums: List[int], # verbose: bool = False) -> bool: # """ # Is this ("self") policy less restrictive than the "other" policy? # # "More restrictive" means "requires more information". # "Less restrictive" means "requires or enforces less information". # # Therefore, we must return True if we can find a situation where # "self" is satisfied but "other" is not. # # Args: # other: the other policy # valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server # verbose: report reasons to debug log # # This is very difficult. Abandoned this generic attempt in favour of a # specific hard-coded check for the tablet policy. # """ # if verbose: # log.debug("_less_restrictive_than(): self={}, other={}", # self, other) # possible_tokens = valid_idnums + NON_IDNUM_INFO_TOKENS # for token in possible_tokens: # # Self # self_requires, self_prohibits = self._requires_prohibits( # token, valid_idnums) # # Other # pip_with = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( # token, Q_TRUE, valid_idnums) # other_satisfies_with = other._value_for_pip(pip_with) # pip_without = PatientInfoPresence.make_uncaring_except( # token, Q_FALSE, valid_idnums) # other_satisfies_without_1 = other._value_for_pip(pip_without) # pip_without.special_anyidnum_present = Q_TRUE # other_satisfies_without_2 = other._value_for_pip(pip_without) # other_requires = ( # other_satisfies_with is Q_TRUE and # other_satisfies_without_1 is Q_FALSE and # other_satisfies_without_2 is Q_FALSE # ) # other_prohibits = ( # other_satisfies_with is Q_FALSE and # other_satisfies_without_1 is Q_TRUE and # other_satisfies_without_2 is Q_TRUE # ) # if verbose: # log.debug( # "... for {t}: " # "self_requires={sr}, " # "self_prohibits={sp}, " # "other_satisfies_with={osw}, " # "other_satisfies_without_1={oswo1}, " # "other_satisfies_without_2={oswo2}, " # "other_requires={or_}", # "other_prohibits={op}", # t=token_to_str(token), # sr=self_requires, # sp=self_prohibits, # osw=other_satisfies_with, # oswo1=other_satisfies_without_1, # oswo2=other_satisfies_without_2, # or_=other_requires, # op=other_prohibits, # ) # # if other_requires and not self_requires: # # The "self" policy is LESS RESTRICTIVE (requires less info). # if verbose: # log.debug( # "... self does not require ID type {}, but other does " # noqa # "require it; therefore self is less restrictive", # token) # return True # # if self_prohibits and not other_prohibits: # # # The "self" policy is LESS RESTRICTIVE (enforces less info). # noqa # # if verbose: # # log.debug( # # "... self prohibits ID type {}, but other does not " # noqa # # "prohibit it; therefore self is less restrictive", # # token) # # return True # if verbose: # log.debug( # "... by elimination, self [{}] not less " # "restrictive than other [{}]", # self, other # ) # return False def _compatible_with_tablet_id_policy(self, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """ Is this policy compatible with :data:`TABLET_ID_POLICY`? The "self" policy may be MORE restrictive than the tablet minimum ID policy, but may not be LESS restrictive. Args: verbose: report reasons to debug log Internal function -- doesn't used cached information. """ # Method 1: abandoned. # We previously used a version of _less_restrictive_than() that # did a brute-force attempt, but that became prohibitive as ID numbers # got added. # A generic method is very hard (see above) -- not properly succeeded # yet. # # return not self._less_restrictive_than( # TABLET_ID_POLICY, valid_idnums, verbose=verbose) # Method 2: manual. if verbose: log.debug("_compatible_with_tablet_id_policy():") requires_sex = self._requires_sex(verbose=verbose) if requires_sex: if verbose: log.debug("... requires sex") else: if verbose: log.debug("... doesn't require sex; returning False") return False requires_an_idnum = self._requires_an_idnum(verbose=verbose) if requires_an_idnum: if verbose: log.debug("... requires an ID number; returning True") return True if verbose: log.debug("... does not require an ID number; trying alternatives") other_mandatory = [TK_FORENAME, TK_SURNAME, TK_DOB, TK_EMAIL] for token in other_mandatory: requires, _ = self._requires_prohibits(token, verbose=verbose) if not requires: if verbose: log.debug( "... does not require '{}'; returning False", token_to_str(token), ) return False log.debug( "... requires all of {!r}; returning True", [token_to_str(t) for t in other_mandatory], ) return True
[docs] def compatible_with_tablet_id_policy( self, valid_idnums: List[int], verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Is this policy compatible with :data:`TABLET_ID_POLICY`? The "self" policy may be MORE restrictive than the tablet minimum ID policy, but may not be LESS restrictive. Args: valid_idnums: ID number types that are valid on the server verbose: report reasons to debug log """ self.set_valid_idnums(valid_idnums) if not self.is_valid(verbose=verbose): return False return self._compatible_with_tablet_id_policy(verbose=verbose)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if a patient satisfies the policy # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _value_for_ptinfo(self, ptinfo: BarePatientInfo) -> QuadState: """ What does the policy evaluate to for a given patient info object? Args: ptinfo: a `camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.BarePatientInfo` Returns: a :class:`QuadState` quad-state value """ pip = PatientInfoPresence.make_from_ptinfo( ptinfo, self.specifically_mentioned_idnums() ) return self._value_for_pip(pip) def _value_for_pip(self, pip: PatientInfoPresence) -> QuadState: """ What does the policy evaluate to for a given patient info presence object? Args: pip: a `camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.PatientInfoPresence` Returns: a :class:`QuadState` quad-state value """ # noqa def content_token_processor(token: int) -> QuadState: return self._element_value_test_pip(pip, token) return self._chunk_value( self.tokens, content_token_processor=content_token_processor ) # ... which is recursive
[docs] def satisfies_id_policy(self, ptinfo: BarePatientInfo) -> bool: """ Does the patient information in ptinfo satisfy the specified ID policy? Args: ptinfo: a `camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.BarePatientInfo` """ return self._value_for_ptinfo(ptinfo) is Q_TRUE
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for the policy to parse itself and compare itself to a patient # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _chunk_value( self, tokens: TOKENIZED_POLICY_TYPE, content_token_processor: CONTENT_TOKEN_PROCESSOR_TYPE, ) -> QuadState: """ Applies the policy to the patient info in ``ptinfo``. Can be used recursively. Args: tokens: a tokenized policy content_token_processor: a function to be called for each "content" token, which returns its Boolean value, or ``None`` in case of failure Returns: a :class:`QuadState` quad-state value """ want_content = True processing_and = False processing_or = False index = 0 value = None # type: Optional[QuadState] while index < len(tokens): if want_content: nextchunk, index = self._content_chunk_value( tokens, index, content_token_processor ) if nextchunk is Q_ERROR: return Q_ERROR # fail if value is None: value = nextchunk elif processing_and: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # implement logical AND # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ value = quad_and(value, nextchunk) elif processing_or: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # implement logical OR # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ value = quad_or(value, nextchunk) else: # Error; shouldn't get here return Q_ERROR processing_and = False processing_or = False else: # Want operator operator, index = self._op(tokens, index) if operator is None: return Q_ERROR # fail if operator == TK_AND: processing_and = True elif operator == TK_OR: processing_or = True else: # Error; shouldn't get here return Q_ERROR want_content = not want_content if want_content: log.debug("_chunk_value(): ended wanting content; bad policy") return Q_ERROR return value def _content_chunk_value( self, tokens: TOKENIZED_POLICY_TYPE, start: int, content_token_processor: CONTENT_TOKEN_PROCESSOR_TYPE, ) -> Tuple[QuadState, int]: """ Applies part of a policy to ``ptinfo``. The part of policy pointed to by ``start`` represents something -- "content" -- that should return a value (not an operator, for example). Called by :func:`id_policy_chunk` (q.v.). Args: tokens: a tokenized policy (list of integers) start: zero-based index of the first token to check content_token_processor: a function to be called for each "content" token, which returns its Boolean value, or ``None`` in case of failure Returns: tuple: chunk_value, next_index. ``chunk_value`` is ``True`` if the specified chunk is satisfied by the ``ptinfo``, ``False`` if it isn't, and ``None`` if there was an error. ``next_index`` is the index of the next token after this chunk. """ if start >= len(tokens): log.debug( "_content_chunk_value(): " "beyond end of policy; bad policy" ) return Q_ERROR, start token = tokens[start] if token in (TK_RPAREN, TK_AND, TK_OR): log.debug( "_content_chunk_value(): " "chunk starts with ), AND, or OR; bad policy" ) return Q_ERROR, start elif token == TK_LPAREN: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # implement parentheses # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ subchunkstart = start + 1 # exclude the opening bracket # Find closing parenthesis depth = 1 searchidx = subchunkstart while depth > 0: if searchidx >= len(tokens): log.debug( "_content_chunk_value(): " "Unmatched left parenthesis; bad policy" ) return Q_ERROR, start elif tokens[searchidx] == TK_LPAREN: depth += 1 elif tokens[searchidx] == TK_RPAREN: depth -= 1 searchidx += 1 subchunkend = searchidx - 1 # ... to exclude the closing bracket from the analysed subchunk chunk_value = self._chunk_value( tokens[subchunkstart:subchunkend], content_token_processor ) return ( chunk_value, subchunkend + 1, ) # to move past the closing bracket elif token == TK_NOT: next_value, next_index = self._content_chunk_value( tokens, start + 1, content_token_processor ) if next_value is Q_ERROR: return next_value, start # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # implement logical NOT # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return quad_not(next_value), next_index else: # meaningful token return content_token_processor(token), start + 1 @classmethod def _op( cls, policy: TOKENIZED_POLICY_TYPE, start: int ) -> Tuple[Optional[TOKEN_TYPE], int]: """ Returns an operator from the policy, beginning at index ``start``, or ``None`` if there wasn't an operator there. policy: a tokenized policy (list of integers) start: zero-based index of the first token to check Returns: tuple: ``operator, next_index``. ``operator`` is the operator's integer token or ``None``. ``next_index`` gives the next index of the policy to check at. """ if start >= len(policy): log.debug("_op(): beyond end of policy") return None, start token = policy[start] if token in (TK_AND, TK_OR): return token, start + 1 else: log.debug("_op(): not an operator; bad policy") # Not an operator return None, start # Things to do with content tokens 1: are they present in patient info? @staticmethod def _element_value_test_pip( pip: PatientInfoPresence, token: TOKEN_TYPE ) -> QuadState: """ Returns the "value" of a content token as judged against the patient information. For example, if the patient information contains a date of birth, a ``TK_DOB`` token will evaluate to ``True``. Args: pip: a `camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.PatientInfoPresence` token: an integer token from the policy Returns: a :class:`QuadState` quad-state value """ # noqa assert is_info_token(token) if token == TK_ANY_IDNUM: return pip.any_idnum_present() else: return pip.is_present(token)
# ============================================================================= # Tablet ID policy # ============================================================================= TABLET_ID_POLICY_STR = "sex AND ((forename AND surname AND dob) OR anyidnum)" TABLET_ID_POLICY = TokenizedPolicy(TABLET_ID_POLICY_STR)