Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_filename



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.


**Functions for handling filenames, and some associated constants.**


import logging
import os
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING

from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.stringfunc import mangle_unicode_to_ascii
from pendulum import Date, DateTime as Pendulum

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import DateFormat
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_exception import STR_FORMAT_EXCEPTIONS

    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum import (
    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import (

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Ancillary functions for export filenames
# =============================================================================

[docs]class PatientSpecElementForFilename(object): """ Parts of the patient information that can be used to autogenerate the "patient" part of a filename specification. """ SURNAME = "surname" FORENAME = "forename" DOB = "dob" SEX = "sex" ALLIDNUMS = "allidnums" IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX = "idshortdesc" # special IDNUM_PREFIX = "idnum" # special
[docs]class FilenameSpecElement(object): """ Types of informatino that can be used to autogenerate a filename. """ PATIENT = "patient" CREATED = "created" NOW = "now" TASKTYPE = "tasktype" SERVERPK = "serverpk" FILETYPE = "filetype" ANONYMOUS = "anonymous"
# ... plus all those from PatientSpecElementForFilename
[docs]def patient_spec_for_filename_is_valid( patient_spec: str, valid_which_idnums: List[int] ) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if the ``patient_spec`` appears valid; otherwise ``False``. """ pse = PatientSpecElementForFilename testdict = { pse.SURNAME: "surname", pse.FORENAME: "forename", pse.DOB: "dob", pse.SEX: "sex", pse.ALLIDNUMS: "allidnums", } for n in valid_which_idnums: nstr = str(n) testdict[pse.IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX + nstr] = pse.IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX + nstr testdict[pse.IDNUM_PREFIX + nstr] = pse.IDNUM_PREFIX + nstr try: # Legal substitutions only? patient_spec.format(**testdict) return True except STR_FORMAT_EXCEPTIONS: # duff patient_spec; details unimportant return False
[docs]def filename_spec_is_valid( filename_spec: str, valid_which_idnums: List[int] ) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if the ``filename_spec`` appears valid; otherwise ``False``. """ pse = PatientSpecElementForFilename fse = FilenameSpecElement testdict = { # As above: pse.SURNAME: "surname", pse.FORENAME: "forename", pse.DOB: "dob", pse.SEX: "sex", pse.ALLIDNUMS: "allidnums", # Plus: fse.PATIENT: "patient", fse.CREATED: "created", fse.NOW: "now", fse.TASKTYPE: "tasktype", fse.SERVERPK: "serverpk", fse.FILETYPE: "filetype", fse.ANONYMOUS: "anonymous", } for n in valid_which_idnums: nstr = str(n) testdict[pse.IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX + nstr] = pse.IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX + nstr testdict[pse.IDNUM_PREFIX + nstr] = pse.IDNUM_PREFIX + nstr try: # Legal substitutions only? filename_spec.format(**testdict) return True except STR_FORMAT_EXCEPTIONS: # duff filename_spec; details unimportant return False
[docs]def get_export_filename( req: "CamcopsRequest", patient_spec_if_anonymous: str, patient_spec: str, filename_spec: str, filetype: str, is_anonymous: bool = False, surname: str = None, forename: str = None, dob: Date = None, sex: str = None, idnum_objects: List["PatientIdNum"] = None, creation_datetime: Pendulum = None, basetable: str = None, serverpk: int = None, skip_conversion_to_safe_filename: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Get filename, for file exports/transfers. Also used for e-mail headers and bodies. Args: req: :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` patient_spec_if_anonymous: patient specification to be used for anonymous tasks patient_spec: patient specification to be used for patient-identifiable tasks filename_spec: specification to use to create the filename (may include patient information from the patient specification) filetype: task output format and therefore file type (e.g. HTML, PDF, XML) is_anonymous: is it an anonymous task? surname: patient's surname forename: patient's forename dob: patient's date of birth sex: patient's sex idnum_objects: list of :class:`PatientIdNum` objects for the patient creation_datetime: date/time the task was created basetable: name of the task's base table serverpk: server PK of the task skip_conversion_to_safe_filename: don't bother converting the result to a safe filename (because it'll be used for something else, like an e-mail subject) Returns: the generated filename """ idnum_objects = idnum_objects or [] # type: List['PatientIdNum'] pse = PatientSpecElementForFilename fse = FilenameSpecElement d = { pse.SURNAME: surname or "", pse.FORENAME: forename or "", pse.DOB: ( format_datetime(dob, DateFormat.FILENAME_DATE_ONLY, "") if dob else "" ), pse.SEX: sex or "", } all_id_components = [] for idobj in idnum_objects: if idobj.which_idnum is not None: nstr = str(idobj.which_idnum) has_num = idobj.idnum_value is not None d[pse.IDNUM_PREFIX + nstr] = ( str(idobj.idnum_value) if has_num else "" ) d[pse.IDSHORTDESC_PREFIX + nstr] = ( idobj.short_description(req) or "" ) if has_num and idobj.short_description(req): all_id_components.append(idobj.get_filename_component(req)) d[pse.ALLIDNUMS] = "_".join(all_id_components) if is_anonymous: patient = patient_spec_if_anonymous else: try: patient = str(patient_spec).format(**d) except STR_FORMAT_EXCEPTIONS: log.warning( "Bad patient_spec: {!r}; dictionary was {!r}", patient_spec, d ) patient = "invalid_patient_spec" d.update( { fse.PATIENT: patient, fse.CREATED: format_datetime( creation_datetime, DateFormat.FILENAME, "" ), fse.NOW: format_datetime( get_now_localtz_pendulum(), DateFormat.FILENAME ), fse.TASKTYPE: str(basetable or ""), fse.SERVERPK: str(serverpk or ""), fse.FILETYPE: filetype.lower(), fse.ANONYMOUS: patient_spec_if_anonymous if is_anonymous else "", } ) try: formatted = str(filename_spec).format(**d) except STR_FORMAT_EXCEPTIONS: log.warning("Bad filename_spec: {!r}", filename_spec) formatted = "invalid_filename_spec" if skip_conversion_to_safe_filename: return formatted return convert_string_for_filename(formatted, allow_paths=True)
[docs]def convert_string_for_filename(s: str, allow_paths: bool = False) -> str: """ Remove characters that don't play nicely in filenames across multiple operating systems. """ # # ... modified s = mangle_unicode_to_ascii(s) s = s.replace(" ", "_") keepcharacters = [".", "_", "-"] if allow_paths: keepcharacters.extend([os.sep]) # '/' under UNIX; '\' under Windows s = "".join(c for c in s if c.isalnum() or c in keepcharacters) return s
[docs]def change_filename_ext(filename: str, new_extension_with_dot: str) -> str: """ Replaces the extension, i.e. the part of the filename after its last '.'. """ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) # ... converts "blah.blah.txt" to ("blah.blah", ".txt") return root + new_extension_with_dot