Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
- QTcpSocket can run via an event-driven system using the readyRead() signal,
or a blocking system using waitForReadyRead(). The docs warn that
waitForReadyRead() can fail randomly under Windows, so that means we must
use readyRead() [https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.5/qabstractsocket.html#waitForReadyRead].
- We must presume that the end user will run the task on the GUI thread (which
is the worst-case scenario; if a separate thread is used, it can do what it
likes, but if it uses the GUI thread, it mustn't sit there and spin-wait).
- The Whisker side of things mustn't care which thread the user decides to run
the task on, though. That means that if the task calls a function to send
data, that data must cross to a socket-owning thread.
For the main socket, the simplest thing is to use Qt signals/slots, since
they handle the thread boundary. So that means something like:
class WhiskerController {
void eventReceived(const QString& event);
void sendToServer(const QString& command);
- Then the tricky bit is the blocking call:
QString sendImmediateGetReply(const QString& command);
- Remember that there are several ways to use a QThread:
- let the QThread do its default run(), which runs a Qt event loop, and
give it (via QObject::moveToThread()) objects that do useful things via
signals; or
- override run().
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.5/qthread.html.
- So the simplest way will be to have a WhiskerWorker that's derived from
QObject, and for WhiskerManager to put that into a new thread.
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSize>
#include <QThread>
#include "whisker/whiskerapi.h"
#include "whisker/whiskercallbackhandler.h"
#include "whisker/whiskerconstants.h"
#include "whisker/whiskerconnectionstate.h"
class CamcopsApp;
class WhiskerInboundMessage;
class WhiskerOutboundCommand;
class WhiskerWorker;
class WhiskerManager : public QObject
// High-level object to communicate with a Whisker server, and provide its
// API. Owned by the GUI thread. (Uses a worker thread for socket
// communications.)
// Constructor.
WhiskerManager(QObject* parent = nullptr,
const QString& sysevent_prefix = "sys");
// Destructor.
// Send a message via the main socket.
void sendMain(const QString& command);
void sendMain(const QStringList& args);
void sendMain(std::initializer_list<QString> args);
// Send a message via the immediate socket, ignoring the reply.
void sendImmediateIgnoreReply(const QString& command);
// Send a message via the immediate socket, returning the reply.
WhiskerInboundMessage sendImmediateGetReply(const QString& command);
QString immResp(const QString& command);
QString immResp(const QStringList& args);
QString immResp(std::initializer_list<QString> args);
// Send a message via the immediate socket, returning "did the reply
// indicate success?"
bool immBool(const QString& command, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool immBool(const QStringList& args, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool immBool(std::initializer_list<QString> args, bool ignore_reply = false);
// Connect to a Whisker server.
void connectToServer(const QString& host, quint16 main_port);
// Are we fully connected.
bool isConnected() const;
// Are we fully disconnected?
bool isFullyDisconnected() const;
// Provide a user alert that we are not connected.
void alertNotConnected() const;
// Calls disconnectAllWhiskerSignals(), then emits disconnectFromServer().
void disconnectServerAndSignals(QObject* receiver);
// this -> worker: "please disconnect from the Whisker server".
void disconnectFromServer();
// Worker -> this -> world: "Whisker connection state has changed".
void connectionStateChanged(WhiskerConnectionState state);
// Worker -> this -> world: "Fully connected to Whisker server."
void onFullyConnected();
// "Whisker message received."
void messageReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Whisker event received."
void eventReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Whisker key event received."
void keyEventReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Whisker client-to-client message received."
void clientMessageReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Warning received from Whisker."
void warningReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Syntax error received from Whisker."
void syntaxErrorReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Error received from Whisker."
void errorReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// "Ping acknowledgement received from Whisker."
void pingAckReceived(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// this -> worker: "please connect to the Whisker server".
void internalConnectToServer(const QString& host, quint16 main_port);
// this -> worker: "send message to the Whisker server".
void internalSend(const WhiskerOutboundCommand& cmd);
public slots:
// worker -> this: "Message received from server main socket."
void internalReceiveFromMainSocket(const WhiskerInboundMessage& msg);
// Worker -> this -> world: "Whisker socket error has occurred."
void onSocketError(const QString& msg);
// Disconnect all signals from "this" to "receiver".
void disconnectAllWhiskerSignals(QObject* receiver);
// Return a new event name for a system event.
// The name is of the format <m_sysevent_prefix><m_sysevent_counter><suffix>.
QString getNewSysEvent(const QString& suffix = "");
// Clear all user-defined Whisker event callbacks.
void clearAllCallbacks();
// Send a message to the Whisker server after a delay (using a Whisker
// timer for that delay).
// If the event name is not specified, a new system event name is created.
void sendAfterDelay(unsigned int delay_ms, const QString& msg,
QString event = "");
// Call a user function after a delay, via a Whisker timer event.
// If the event name is not specified, a new system event name is created.
void callAfterDelay(
unsigned int delay_ms,
const WhiskerCallbackDefinition::CallbackFunction& callback,
QString event = "");
QThread m_worker_thread; // worker thread to talk to sockets
QPointer<WhiskerWorker> m_worker; // worker object; lives in worker thread
QString m_sysevent_prefix; // prefix for all "system" events
quint64 m_sysevent_counter; // counter to make system events unique
WhiskerCallbackHandler m_internal_callback_handler; // manages callbacks
// ========================================================================
// Whisker API: see http://www.whiskercontrol.com/
// ========================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: comms, misc
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool setTimestamps(bool on, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool resetClock(bool ignore_reply = false);
QString getServerVersion();
float getServerVersionNumeric();
unsigned int getServerTimeMs();
int getClientNumber();
bool permitClientMessages(bool permit, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool sendToClient(int clientNum, const QString& message, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool setMediaDirectory(const QString& directory, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool reportName(const QString& name, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool reportStatus(const QString& status, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool reportComment(const QString& comment, bool ignore_reply = false);
int getNetworkLatencyMs(); // whiskerconstants::FAILURE_INT for failure
bool ping();
bool shutdown(bool ignore_reply = false);
QString authenticateGetChallenge(const QString& package, const QString& client_name);
bool authenticateProvideResponse(const QString& response, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: logs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool logOpen(const QString& filename, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool logSetOptions(const whiskerapi::LogOptions& options, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool logPause(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool logResume(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool logWrite(const QString& msg, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool logClose(bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: timers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool timerSetEvent(const QString& event, unsigned int duration_ms,
int reload_count = 0, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool timerClearEvent(const QString& event, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool timerClearAllEvents(bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: claiming, relinquishing
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool claimGroup(const QString& group, const QString& prefix = "",
const QString& suffix = "");
bool lineClaim(
unsigned int line_number,
bool output,
const QString& alias = "",
whiskerconstants::ResetState reset_state = whiskerconstants::ResetState::Leave);
bool lineClaim(
const QString& group,
const QString& device,
bool output,
const QString& alias = "",
whiskerconstants::ResetState reset_state = whiskerconstants::ResetState::Leave);
bool lineRelinquishAll(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineSetAlias(unsigned int line_number, const QString& alias,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineSetAlias(const QString& existing_alias, const QString& new_alias,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioClaim(unsigned int device_number, const QString& alias = "");
bool audioClaim(const QString& group, const QString& device,
const QString& alias = "");
bool audioSetAlias(unsigned int device_number, const QString& alias,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioSetAlias(const QString& existing_alias, const QString& new_alias,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioRelinquishAll(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayClaim(unsigned int display_number, const QString& alias = "");
bool displayClaim(const QString& group, const QString& device,
const QString& alias = "");
bool displaySetAlias(unsigned int display_number, const QString& alias,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displaySetAlias(const QString& existing_alias,
const QString& new_alias, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayRelinquishAll(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayCreateDevice(const QString& name,
whiskerapi::DisplayCreationOptions options);
bool displayDeleteDevice(const QString& device, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: lines
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool lineSetState(const QString& line, bool on, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineReadState(const QString& line, bool* ok = nullptr);
bool lineSetEvent(
const QString& line, const QString& event,
whiskerconstants::LineEventType event_type = whiskerconstants::LineEventType::On,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineClearEvent(const QString& event, bool ignore_reply);
bool lineClearEventByLine(const QString& line,
whiskerconstants::LineEventType event_type,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineClearAllEvents(bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineSetSafetyTimer(const QString& line,
unsigned int time_ms,
whiskerconstants::SafetyState safety_state,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool lineClearSafetyTimer(const QString& line, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: audio
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool audioPlayWav(const QString& device, const QString& filename,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioLoadTone(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
unsigned int frequency_hz,
whiskerconstants::ToneType tone_type,
unsigned int duration_ms,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioLoadWav(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
const QString& filename, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioPlaySound(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
bool loop = false, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioUnloadSound(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioStopSound(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioSilenceDevice(const QString& device, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioUnloadAll(const QString& device, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioSetSoundVolume(const QString& device, const QString& sound_name,
unsigned int volume, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool audioSilenceAllDevices(bool ignore_reply = false);
unsigned int audioGetSoundDurationMs(const QString& device,
const QString& sound_name,
bool* ok = nullptr);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: display: display operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
QSize displayGetSize(const QString& device);
bool displayScaleDocuments(const QString& device, bool scale = true,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayShowDocument(const QString& device, const QString& doc,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayBlank(const QString& device, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: display: document operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool displayCreateDocument(const QString& doc, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayDeleteDocument(const QString& doc, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displaySetDocumentSize(const QString& doc, const QSize& size,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displaySetBackgroundColour(const QString& doc, const QColor& colour,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayDeleteObject(const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayAddObject(
const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
const whiskerapi::DisplayObject& object_definition,
bool ignore_reply = false);
// ... can be used with any derived class too, e.g. TextObject
bool displaySetEvent(
const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
whiskerconstants::DocEventType event_type,
const QString& event,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayClearEvent(
const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
whiskerconstants::DocEventType event_type,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displaySetObjectEventTransparency(
const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
bool transparent, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayEventCoords(bool on, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayBringToFront(const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displaySendToBack(const QString& doc, const QString& obj,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayKeyboardEvents(
const QString& doc,
whiskerconstants::KeyEventType key_event_type = whiskerconstants::KeyEventType::Down,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayCacheChanges(const QString& doc, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayShowChanges(const QString& doc, bool ignore_reply = false);
QSize displayGetDocumentSize(const QString& doc);
QRect displayGetObjectExtent(const QString& doc, const QString& obj);
bool displaySetBackgroundEvent(
const QString& doc,
whiskerconstants::DocEventType event_type,
const QString& event,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool displayClearBackgroundEvent(
const QString& doc,
whiskerconstants::DocEventType event_type,
bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: display: specific object creation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ... all superseded by calls to displayAddObject().
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whisker command set: display: video extras
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool displaySetAudioDevice(const QString& display_device,
const QString& audio_device,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoPlay(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoPause(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoStop(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoTimestamps(bool on, bool ignore_reply = false);
unsigned int videoGetTimeMs(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
bool* ok = nullptr);
unsigned int videoGetDurationMs(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
bool* ok = nullptr);
bool videoSeekRelative(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
int relative_time_ms, bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoSeekAbsolute(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
unsigned int absolute_time_ms,
bool ignore_reply = false);
bool videoSetVolume(const QString& doc, const QString& video,
unsigned int volume, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shortcuts to Whisker commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shorthand for lineSetState(line, true, ignore_reply).
bool lineOn(const QString& line, bool ignore_reply = false);
// Shorthand for lineSetState(line, false, ignore_reply).
bool lineOff(const QString& line, bool ignore_reply = false);
// Broadcast to all other Whisker clients. Shorthand for
// sendToClient(VAL_BROADCAST_TO_ALL_CLIENTS, message, ignore_reply).
bool broadcast(const QString& message, bool ignore_reply = false);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Line flashing
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Flash" a digital output line "count" times, where the "on" phase lasts
// on_ms and the "off" phase lasts off_ms.
// - Flip on_at_rest for a line that is reversed (on by default and you are
// flashing it "off").
// - Returns the total estimated time, in ms.
unsigned int flashLinePulses(const QString& line,
unsigned int count,
unsigned int on_ms,
unsigned int off_ms,
bool on_at_rest = false);
// Worker function for flashLinePulses().
void flashLinePulsesOn(const QString& line,
unsigned int count,
unsigned int on_ms,
unsigned int off_ms,
bool on_at_rest);
// Worker function for flashLinePulses().
void flashLinePulsesOff(const QString& line,
unsigned int count,
unsigned int on_ms,
unsigned int off_ms,
bool on_at_rest);