Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CamCOPS. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <QMap>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QVariant>
#include "db/fieldref.h"
#include "questionnairelib/quelement.h"
#include "widgets/tickslider.h" // or style sheets + tick marks don't mix
class QLabel;
class QTimer;
class QuSlider : public QuElement
// Offers a slider to choose a numerical value.
// Create a slider ranging from "minimum" to "maximum" with step size
// "step". The slider always uses integers internally, but can display as
// a float (see setConvertForRealField).
QuSlider(FieldRefPtr fieldref, int minimum, int maximum, int step = 1,
QObject* parent = nullptr);
// Set the "page step" size, if the user uses the PgUp/PgDn keys.
// The default is twice the slider's step size.
QuSlider* setBigStep(int big_step);
// Interval between tick marks. (Default is 1.)
QuSlider* setTickInterval(int tick_interval); // 0 for none
// Visually, where are the tick marks (e.g. left/right, above/below)?
QuSlider* setTickPosition(QSlider::TickPosition position);
// When the slider contains a null value, where should the handle sit?
QuSlider* setNullApparentValue(int null_apparent_value);
// Shortcuts for setNullApparentValue():
// - Set null apparent value to the lowest (e.g. leftmost) value
QuSlider* setNullApparentValueMin();
// - Set null apparent value to the highest (e.g. rightmost) value
QuSlider* setNullApparentValueMax();
// - Set null apparent value to the centre value. Prefer this for centred
// visual analogue scales.
QuSlider* setNullApparentValueCentre();
// Choose whether the slider should display its contents as a float
// (convert_for_real_field). If so, the underlying integer (from minimum to
// maximum) is mapped to a float range (from field_minimum to
// field_maximum), and shown with the specified number of decimal places
// (display_dp).
QuSlider* setConvertForRealField(bool convert_for_real_field,
double field_minimum = 0,
double field_maximum = 1,
int display_dp = 2);
// Should the slider be horizontal or vertical?
QuSlider* setHorizontal(bool horizontal);
// Should the slider show its current numerical value?
QuSlider* setShowValue(bool show_value);
// Determine where tick labels should be shown (at which integer values of
// the slider) and the strings used for the tick labels.
// Calling this also (effectively) calls setUseDefaultTickLabels(false).
QuSlider* setTickLabels(const QMap<int, QString>& labels);
// Visually, where are the tick labels (e.g. left/right, above/below)?
QuSlider* setTickLabelPosition(QSlider::TickPosition position);
// Chooses whether default labels should be shown. Default labels are
// integers from the minimum to the maximum, spaced by the tick interval
// (or if there isn't one, the "big" step).
// See also setTickLabels().
QuSlider* setUseDefaultTickLabels(bool use_default);
// Should the far left/right labels be edged in visually so that they don't
// overspill the boundaries of the slider?
QuSlider* setEdgeInExtremeLabels(bool edge_in_extreme_labels);
// Should the slider be symmetric, with no colour below (vertical) or to
// the left (horizontal) of the slider handle? If not, the slider will
// show red left/below and white right/above, so the higher the value, the
// more red is shown.
QuSlider* setSymmetric(bool symmetric);
// Invert the direction of the slider.
// Default is left (low) -> right (high), and bottom (low) -> top (high).
QuSlider* setInverted(bool inverted);
// Sets the absolute length of the slider's active range, in cm.
// - Use this to say "make the slider exactly 10cm".
// - Beware on small screens!
// - If can_shrink is true, the slider can get smaller (for small screens).
// - If a value <= 0 is passed, the slider returns to its normal sizing
// behaviour.
QuSlider* setAbsoluteLengthCm(qreal abs_length_cm,
bool can_shrink = true);
// Sets the widget state from our fieldref.
void setFromField();
virtual QPointer<QWidget> makeWidget(Questionnaire* questionnaire) override;
virtual FieldRefPtrList fieldrefs() const override;
// Return the slider's integer position corresponding to a value in
// "field space".
int sliderValueFromField(const QVariant& field_value) const;
// Return the field's intended value given our slider's position.
QVariant fieldValueFromSlider(int slider_value) const;
virtual void closing() override;
protected slots:
// "The slider has been moved."
void sliderValueChanged(int slider_value);
// "The slider finished moving a while ago; write the data."
void completePendingFieldWrite();
// "The field's data has changed."
void fieldValueChanged(const FieldRef* fieldref,
const QObject* originator = nullptr);
// Core
FieldRefPtr m_fieldref; // our field
int m_minimum; // minimum value in slider space
int m_maximum; // maximum value in slider space
int m_step; // step size in slider space
int m_big_step; // "big step" (PgUp/PgDn) in slider space
bool m_convert_for_real_field; // translate to real numbers in slider space?
double m_field_minimum; // minimum in "real number field" space
double m_field_maximum; // maximum in "real number field" space
int m_display_dp; // number of decimal places to display value in "real number field" space
int m_null_apparent_value; // where (in slider space) should the slider be when the field is NULL?
// Visuals
bool m_horizontal; // horizontal, not vertical?
bool m_show_value; // show the numerical value too?
int m_tick_interval; // intertick interval (in slider space)
QSlider::TickPosition m_tick_position; // ticks above/below/both/none, or left/right/both/none?
bool m_use_default_labels; // use default numerical labels?
QMap<int, QString> m_tick_labels; // manually specified position/label pairs
QSlider::TickPosition m_tick_label_position; // labels above/below/both/none, or left/right/both/none?
bool m_edge_in_extreme_labels; // see setEdgeInExtremeLabels() above
bool m_symmetric; // see setSymmetric() above
bool m_inverted; // inverted direction? See setInverted() above.
qreal m_abs_length_cm; // absolute length in cm, or <=0 for default size
bool m_abs_length_can_shrink;
// ... if an absolute length is set, can we shrink smaller if we have
// to? May be preferable on physically small screens.
// Internals
QPointer<QWidget> m_container_widget; // outer widget
QPointer<QLabel> m_value_label; // value indicator
QPointer<TickSlider> m_slider; // slider
bool m_field_write_pending; // is a field writes pending?
int m_field_write_slider_value; // the value to be written when m_timer expires
QSharedPointer<QTimer> m_timer; // timer to delay writes for visual performance