15.2.269. server/camcops_server/extra_strings/cpft_covid_medical.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <task name="cpft_covid_medical">
    <!-- CPFT Post-Covid Clinic Medical Questionnaire -->

    <string name="q_how_and_when_symptoms">In relation to the symptoms you are attending the post-COVID clinic about, how and when did your symptoms start?</string>
    <string name="how_and_when_symptoms_option0">They were present before I tested positive for COVID-19</string>
    <string name="how_and_when_symptoms_option1">They started within 6 weeks of testing positive for COVID-19</string>
    <string name="how_and_when_symptoms_option2">They started between 6 weeks and 6 months of testing positive for COVID-19</string>
    <string name="how_and_when_symptoms_option3">They started following an immunisation for COVID-19</string>