15.2.122. camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms¶
Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk).
This file is part of CamCOPS.
CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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Forms for use by the web front end.
Surprisingly tricky.
Nodes must be validly intialized with NO USER-DEFINED PARAMETERS to __init__; the Deform framework clones them.
A null appstruct is used to initialize nodes as Forms are created. Therefore, the “default” value must be acceptable to the underlying type’s serialize() function. Note in particular that “default = None” is not acceptable to Integer. Having no default is fine, though.
In general, flexible inheritance is very hard to implement.
Note that this error:
AttributeError: 'EditTaskFilterSchema' object has no attribute 'typ'
means you have failed to call super().__init__() properly from __init__().
When creating a schema, its members seem to have to be created in the class declaration as class properties, not in __init__().
We often want to be able to access the request for translation purposes, or sometimes more specialized reasons.
Forms are created dynamically as simple Python objects. So, for a
, just add a request
parameter to the constructor,
and pass it when you create the form. An example is
For a colander.Schema
and colander.SchemaNode
, construction
is separate from binding. The schema nodes are created as part of a schema
class, not a schema instance. The schema is created by the form, and then bound
to a request. Access to the request is therefore via the after_bind()
callback function, offered by colander, via the kw
parameter or
. We use Binding.REQUEST
as a standard key for this
dictionary. The bindings are also available in validator()
and similar
functions, as self.bindings
All forms containing any schema that needs to see the request should have this
sort of __init__
class SomeForm(...):
def __init__(...):
schema = schema_class().bind(request=request)
The simplest thing, therefore, is for all forms to do this. Some of our forms
use a form superclass that does this via the schema_class
argument (which
is not part of colander, so if you see that, the superclass should do the work
of binding a request).
For translation, throughout there will be _ = self.gettext
or _ =
Form titles need to be dynamically written via
or similar.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddCancelForm(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with “add” and “cancel” buttons.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddGroupForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add a group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddGroupSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add a group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddIdDefinitionForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddIdDefinitionSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddSpecialNoteForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add a special note to a task.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddSpecialNoteSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add a special note to a task.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddUserGroupadminForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add a user. Version for group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddUserGroupadminSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add a user. Version for group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddUserSuperuserForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add a user. Version for superusers.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AddUserSuperuserSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add a user. Version for superusers.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AdministeredGroupsSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to offer a choice of the groups administered by the requestor.
Typical use: (non-superuser) group administrator assigns group memberships to a user.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AllGroupsSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to offer a choice of all possible groups.
Typical use: superuser assigns group memberships to a user.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AllOtherGroupsSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to offer a choice of all possible OTHER groups (as determined relative to the group specified in
).Typical use: superuser assigns group permissions to another group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AllowedGroupsSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to offer a choice of all the groups the user is allowed to see.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ApplyCancelForm(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with “apply” and “cancel” buttons.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AuditTrailForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to filter and then view audit trail entries.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AuditTrailSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to filter audit trail entries.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.AutocompleteAttrValues[source]¶
Some values for the HTML “autocomplete” attribute, as per https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/autocomplete. Not all are used.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.Binding[source]¶
Keys used for binding dictionaries with Colander schemas (schemata).
Must match
of calls tobind()
function of eachSchema
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.BootstrapCssClasses[source]¶
Constants from Bootstrap to control display.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.BugfixSelectWidget(multiple=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Fixes a bug where newer versions of Chameleon (e.g. 3.8.0) render Deform’s
multiple = False
) as this, which is wrong:<select name="which_idnum" id="deformField2" class=" form-control " multiple="False"> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <option value="1">CPFT RiO number</option> <option value="2">NHS number</option> <option value="1000">MyHospital number</option> </select>
… whereas previous versions of Chameleon (e.g. 3.4) omitted the tag. (I think it’s a Chameleon change, anyway! And it’s probably a bugfix in Chameleon that exposed a bug in Deform.)
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.CSRFSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Base class for form schemas that use CSRF (XSRF; cross-site request forgery) tokens.
You can’t put the call to
at the end of__init__()
, becausebind()
with no arguments andclone()
ends up calling__init__()`
…The item name should be one that the ZAP penetration testing tool expects, or you get:
No known Anti-CSRF token [anticsrf, CSRFToken, __RequestVerificationToken, csrfmiddlewaretoken, authenticity_token, OWASP_CSRFTOKEN, anoncsrf, csrf_token, _csrf, _csrfSecret] was found in the following HTML form: [Form 1: "_charset_" "__formid__" "deformField1" "deformField2" "deformField3" "deformField4" ].
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.CSRFToken(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to embed a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention token in a form.
As per https://deformdemo.repoze.org/pyramid_csrf_demo/, modified for a more recent Colander API.
NOTE that this makes use of colander.SchemaNode.bind; this CLONES the Schema, and resolves any deferred values by means of the keywords passed to bind(). Since the Schema is created at module load time, but since we’re asking the Schema to know about the request’s CSRF values, this is the only mechanism (https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/colander/en/latest/api.html#colander.SchemaNode.bind).
From https://deform2000.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basics.html:
“The default of a schema node indicates the value to be serialized if a value for the schema node is not found in the input data during serialization. It should be the deserialized representation. If a schema node does not have a default, it is considered “serialization required”.”
“The missing of a schema node indicates the value to be deserialized if a value for the schema node is not found in the input data during deserialization. It should be the deserialized representation. If a schema node does not have a missing value, a colander.Invalid exception will be raised if the data structure being deserialized does not contain a matching value.”
RNC: Serialized values are always STRINGS.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChangeOtherPasswordForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to change another user’s password.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChangeOtherPasswordSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to change another user’s password.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChangeOwnPasswordForm(request: CamcopsRequest, must_differ: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to change one’s own password.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChangeOwnPasswordSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to change one’s own password.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChooseTrackerForm(request: CamcopsRequest, as_ctv: bool, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to select a tracker or CTV.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ChooseTrackerSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to select a tracker or CTV.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DangerousForm(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], submit_action: str, submit_title: str, request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with one “submit” button (with user-specifiable title text and action name), in a CSS class indicating that it’s a dangerous operation, plus a “Cancel” button.
- __init__(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], submit_action: str, submit_title: str, request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
args – other positional arguments to
dynamic_descriptions – use dynamic descriptions?
dynamic_titles – use dynamic titles?
kwargs – other keyword arguments to
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DatabaseDialectSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to choice an SQL dialect (for viewing DDL).
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteCancelForm(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with a “delete” button (visually marked as dangerous) and a “cancel” button.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteGroupForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to delete a group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteGroupSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteIdDefinitionForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to add an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteIdDefinitionSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeletePatientChooseForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to delete a patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeletePatientChooseSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeletePatientConfirmForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to confirm deletion of a patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeletePatientConfirmSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to confirm deletion of a patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteServerCreatedPatientForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to delete a patient created on the server
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteServerCreatedPatientSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a patient created on the server.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteSpecialNoteForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to delete (hide) a special note.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteSpecialNoteSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to add a special note to a task.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteTaskScheduleForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to delete a task schedule.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteTaskScheduleItemForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to delete a task schedule item.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteTaskScheduleItemSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a task schedule item.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteTaskScheduleSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a task schedule.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteUserForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to delete a user.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeleteUserSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to delete a user.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DeliveryModeNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mode of delivery of data downloads.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DevicesSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to capture multiple client devices (for task filters: “uploaded by one of the following devices…”).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DisableMfaNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: disable multi-factor authentication
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DumpTypeSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select the filtering method for a data dump.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DurationType[source]¶
Custom colander schema type to convert between Pendulum Duration objects and months, weeks and days.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DurationWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Widget for entering a duration as a number of months, weeks and days. The default template renders three text input fields. Total days = (months * 30) + (weeks * 7) + days.
- deserialize(field: Field, pstruct: Union[Dict[str, Any], colander._null]) Dict[str, int] [source]¶
method of a widget must deserialize a pstruct value to a cstruct value and return the cstruct value. Thepstruct
argument is a value resulting from theparse
method of the Peppercorn package. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached.
- serialize(field: Field, cstruct: Union[Dict[str, Any], None, colander._null], **kw: Any) Any [source]¶
method of a widget must serialize a cstruct value to an HTML rendering. A cstruct value is the value which results from a Colander schema serialization for the schema node associated with this widget.serialize
should return the HTML rendering: the result of this method should always be a string containing HTML. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached. The**kw
argument allows a caller to pass named arguments that might be used to influence individual widget renderings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.DynamicDescriptionsNonceForm(*args, dynamic_descriptions: bool = True, dynamic_titles: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Similarly; see
.todo: if Deform is updated, work this into
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditFinalizedPatientForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to edit a finalized patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditGroupForm(request: CamcopsRequest, group: camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_group.Group, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a group.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, group: camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_group.Group, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditGroupSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit a group.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditIdDefinitionForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditIdDefinitionSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit an ID number definition.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditOtherUserMfaForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to reset multi-factor authentication for another user.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditOtherUserMfaSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to reset multi-factor authentication for another user.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditPatientSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit a patient.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditServerCreatedPatientForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to add or edit a patient not yet on the device (for scheduled tasks)
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditServerSettingsForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit the global settings for the server.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditServerSettingsSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the global settings for the server.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterAdminSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the “admin” parts of a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterForm(request: CamcopsRequest, open_who: bool = False, open_what: bool = False, open_when: bool = False, open_admin: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterWhatSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the “what” parts of a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterWhenSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the “when” parts of a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskFilterWhoSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the “who” parts of a task filter.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskScheduleForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditTaskScheduleItemForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserFullForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a user. Full version for superusers.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserFullSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit a user. Version for superusers; can also make the user a superuser.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserGroupAdminForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a user. Version for group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserGroupAdminSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit a user. Version for group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserGroupMembershipGroupAdminForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a user’s permissions within a group. Version for group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EditUserGroupPermissionsFullForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit a user’s permissions within a group. Version for superusers.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EndDateTimeSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to select an end date/time (in UTC).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EndPendulumSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to select an end date/time.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EraseTaskForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to erase a task.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.EraseTaskSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to erase a task.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ExportedTaskListForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to filter and then view exported task logs.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ExportedTaskListSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to filter HL7 message logs.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.FHIRIdSystemUrlNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to capture the URL for a FHIR ID system:
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ForciblyFinalizeChooseDeviceForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to force-finalize records from a device.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ForciblyFinalizeChooseDeviceSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to force-finalize records from a device.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ForciblyFinalizeConfirmForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to confirm force-finalizing of a device.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ForciblyFinalizeConfirmSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to confirm force-finalizing of a device.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.FormInlineCssMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Modification to a Deform form that makes it display “inline” via CSS. This has the effect of wrapping everything horizontally.
Should PRECEDE the
(or something derived from it) in the inheritance order.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.GroupIpUseWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
- deserialize(field: Field, pstruct: Union[Dict[str, Any], colander._null]) Dict[str, bool] [source]¶
method of a widget must deserialize a pstruct value to a cstruct value and return the cstruct value. Thepstruct
argument is a value resulting from theparse
method of the Peppercorn package. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached.
- serialize(field: Field, cstruct: Union[Dict[str, Any], None, colander._null], **kw: Any) Any [source]¶
method of a widget must serialize a cstruct value to an HTML rendering. A cstruct value is the value which results from a Colander schema serialization for the schema node associated with this widget.serialize
should return the HTML rendering: the result of this method should always be a string containing HTML. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached. The**kw
argument allows a caller to pass named arguments that might be used to influence individual widget renderings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.GroupNameNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to capture a CamCOPS group name, and check it’s valid as a string.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.GroupsSequenceBase(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence schema to capture zero or more non-duplicate groups.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.HardWorkConfirmationSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to make it hard to do something. We require a pattern of yes/no answers before we will proceed.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.HiddenDownloadFilenameNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Note to encode a hidden filename.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.HiddenRedirectionUrlNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Note to encode a hidden URL, for redirection.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.Hl7AssigningAuthorityNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to capture the name of an HL7 Assigning Authority.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.Hl7IdTypeNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to capture the name of an HL7 Identifier Type code.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.HorizontalFormMixin(schema: colander.Schema, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Modification to a Deform form that displays itself with horizontal layout, using custom templates via
. Not fantastic.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.HorizontalFormWidget(**kw)[source]¶
Widget to render a form horizontally, with custom templates.
, which explains how strings are resolved to Chameleon ZPT (Zope) templates.See
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IdDefinitionDescriptionNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to capture the description of an ID number type.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IdDefinitionShortDescriptionNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to capture the short description of an ID number type.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IdNumSequenceAnyCombination(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to capture multiple ID numbers (as type/value pairs).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IdNumSequenceUniquePerWhichIdnum(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to capture multiple ID numbers (as type/value pairs) but with only up to one per ID number type.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IdValidationMethodNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to choose a build-in ID number validation method.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IncludeBlobsNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: should BLOBs be included (for downloads)?
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.IncludeSchemaNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: should INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS be included (for downloads)?
False by default – adds about 350 kb to an ODS download, for example.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.InformationalCheckedPasswordWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
A more verbose version of Deform’s CheckedPasswordWidget which provides advice on good passwords.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.InformativeNonceForm(schema, action='', method='POST', buttons=(), formid='deform', use_ajax=False, ajax_options='{}', autocomplete=None, focus='on', **kw)[source]¶
A Form class to use our modifications to Deform, as per https://github.com/Pylons/deform/issues/512, to pass a nonce value through to the
tags in the Deform templates.todo: if Deform is updated, work this into
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.JsonSettingsNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Note to edit raw JSON.
- schema_type¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.JsonWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Widget supporting jsoneditor https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor
- deserialize(field: Field, pstruct: Union[str, colander._null]) Union[str, colander._null] [source]¶
method of a widget must deserialize a pstruct value to a cstruct value and return the cstruct value. Thepstruct
argument is a value resulting from theparse
method of the Peppercorn package. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached.
- serialize(field: Field, cstruct: Union[str, colander._null], **kw: Any) Any [source]¶
method of a widget must serialize a cstruct value to an HTML rendering. A cstruct value is the value which results from a Colander schema serialization for the schema node associated with this widget.serialize
should return the HTML rendering: the result of this method should always be a string containing HTML. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached. The**kw
argument allows a caller to pass named arguments that might be used to influence individual widget renderings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.LanguageSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to choose a language code, from those supported by the server.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.LinkingIdNumSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Convenience node: pick a single ID number, with title/description indicating that it’s the ID number to link on.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.LoginForm(request: CamcopsRequest, autocomplete_password: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to capture login details.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.LoginSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to capture login details.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryDeviceIdSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mandatory node to select a client device ID.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorAdministeredGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups from GROUPS ADMINISTERED BY REQUESTOR. Used by groupadmins: “add user to one of my groups”.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorAllGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups from ALL POSSIBLE GROUPS. Used by superusers: “add user to any group”.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorAllowedGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups from THOSE THE USER IS ALLOWED TO SEE. Used for task filters.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorOtherGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups THAT ARE NOT THE SPECIFIED GROUP (as specified in
). Used by superusers: “which other groups can this group see?”
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorPatientGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups the user can manage patients in. Used when managing patients: “add patient to one of my groups”.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryGroupIdSelectorUserGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups from THOSE THE USER IS A MEMBER OF. Used for: “which of your groups do you want to upload into?”
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryIdNumNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mandatory node to capture an ID number type and the associated actual ID number (value).
This is also where we apply ID number validation rules (e.g. NHS number).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryIdNumValue(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mandatory node to capture an ID number value.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryPhoneNumberNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
- default = None¶
- missing = None¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatorySexSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mandatory node to choose sex.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatorySingleTaskSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to pick one task type.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryUserIdSelectorUsersAllowedToSee(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Mandatory node to choose a user, from the users that the requesting user is allowed to see.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MandatoryWhichIdNumSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to enforce the choice of a single ID number type (e.g. “NHS number” or “study Blah ID number”).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaHotpEmailForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to change a user’s email address for multi-factor authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaHotpEmailSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to change a user’s email address for multi-factor authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaHotpSmsForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to change a user’s phone number for multi-factor authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaHotpSmsSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to change a user’s phone number for multi-factor authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaMethodForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to change one’s own Multi-factor Authentication settings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaMethodSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit Multi-factor Authentication method.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaMethodSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select type of authentication
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaSecretNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to display the TOTP (authorization app) secret as a QR code and alphanumeric string.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaSecretWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Display the TOTP (authorization app) secret as a QR code and alphanumeric string.
- serialize(field: Field, cstruct: str, **kw: Any) Any [source]¶
method of a widget must serialize a cstruct value to an HTML rendering. A cstruct value is the value which results from a Colander schema serialization for the schema node associated with this widget.serialize
should return the HTML rendering: the result of this method should always be a string containing HTML. Thefield
argument is the field object to which this widget is attached. The**kw
argument allows a caller to pass named arguments that might be used to influence individual widget renderings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaTotpForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to set up Multi-factor Authentication with authentication app.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MfaTotpSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to set up Multi-factor Authentication with authentication app.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MultiTaskSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select multiple task types.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.MustChangePasswordNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: must the user change their password?
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.NewPasswordNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to enter a new password.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferBasicDumpForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to offer a basic (TSV/ZIP) data dump.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferBasicDumpSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to choose the settings for a basic (TSV/ZIP) data dump.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferDumpManualSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to offer the “manual” settings for a data dump (groups, task types).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferSqlDumpForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to choose the settings for an SQL data dump.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferSqlDumpSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to choose the settings for an SQL data dump.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferTermsForm(request: CamcopsRequest, agree_button_text: str, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to offer terms and ask the user to accept them.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OfferTermsSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to offer terms and ask the user to accept them.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OkForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with a button that says “OK”.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OldUserPasswordCheck(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to capture an old password (for when a password is being changed).
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalAuditSourceNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalExportRecipientNameSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to pick an export recipient name from those present in the database.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalGroupIdSelectorUserGroups(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Offers a picklist of groups from THOSE THE USER IS A MEMBER OF. Used for “which do you want to upload into?”. Optional.
- default = None¶
- missing = None¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalIPAddressNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalSexSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to choose sex.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalSingleTaskSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to pick one task type.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OptionalUserNameSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to select a username, from all possible users.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OtpSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to capture a one-time password for Multi-factor Authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.OtpTokenForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to capture a one-time password for Multi-factor authentication.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.PatientIdPerRowNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: should patient ID information, and other cross-referencing denormalized info, be included per row?
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.PhoneNumberType(request: CamcopsRequest, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.PolicyNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to capture a CamCOPS ID number policy, and make sure it is syntactically valid.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.RefreshTasksForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form for a “refresh tasks” button.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.RefreshTasksSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema for a “refresh tasks” button.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ReportOutputTypeSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select the output format for a report.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ReportParamForm(request: CamcopsRequest, schema_class: Type[camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ReportParamSchema], **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to view a specific report. Often derived from, to configure the report in more detail.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, schema_class: Type[camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ReportParamSchema], **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ReportParamSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to embed a report type (ID) and output format (view type).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.RequestAwareMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Mixin to add Pyramid request awareness to Schema/SchemaNode objects, together with some translations and other convenience functions.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.RowsPerPageSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select how many rows per page are shown.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SelectWidget¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SendEmailForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form for sending email
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ServerPkSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to request an integer, marked as a server PK.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SetUserUploadGroupForm(request: CamcopsRequest, user: User, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to choose the group into which a user uploads.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SetUserUploadGroupSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to choose the group into which a user uploads.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SimpleSubmitForm(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], submit_title: str, request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form with a simple “submit” button.
- __init__(schema_class: Type[colander.Schema], submit_title: str, request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SimplifiedSpreadsheetsNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: simplify basic dump spreadsheets?
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SortTsvByHeadingsNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Boolean node: sort TSV files by column name?
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SpreadsheetFormatSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select a way of downloading an SQLite database.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.SqliteSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select a way of downloading an SQLite database.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.StartDateTimeSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to select a start date/time (in UTC).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.StartPendulumSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Optional node to select a start date/time.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TaskScheduleJsonSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema for the advanced JSON parts of a patient-to-task-schedule mapping.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TaskScheduleNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to edit settings for a patient-to-task-schedule mapping.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TaskScheduleSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Drop-down with all available task schedules
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TaskScheduleSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence for multiple patient-to-task-schedule mappings.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TaskTrackerOutputTypeSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to select the output format for a tracker.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TasksPerPageForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to edit the number of tasks per page, for the task view.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TasksPerPageSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to edit the number of rows per page, for the task view.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TextContentsSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to capture multiple pieces of text (representing text contents for a task filter).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TranslatableDateTimeSelectorNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Translates the “Date” and “Time” labels for the widget, via the request.
TranslatableDateTimeSelectorNode not fully implemented
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TranslatableOptionalPendulumNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Translates the “Date” and “Time” labels for the widget, via the request.
TranslatableOptionalPendulumNode not fully implemented
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TranslatableSequenceWidget(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
SequenceWidget does support translation via _(), but not in a request-specific way.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.TranslatableValidateDangerousOperationNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Translatable version of ValidateDangerousOperationNode.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UploadingUserSequence(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Sequence to capture multiple users (for task filters: “uploaded by one of the following users…”).
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserDownloadDeleteForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form that provides a single button to delete a user download.
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserDownloadDeleteSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to capture details of a file to be deleted.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserFilterForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs: Any)[source]¶
Form to filter the list of users
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserFilterSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to filter the list of users
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserGroupPermissionsFullSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Edit group-specific permissions for a user. For superusers; includes the option to make the user a groupadmin.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UserGroupPermissionsGroupAdminSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Edit group-specific permissions for a user. For group administrators.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.UsernameNode(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to enter a username.
- schema_type¶
alias of
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ViaIndexSelector(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Node to choose whether we use the server index or not. Default is true.
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ViewDdlForm(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs)[source]¶
Form to choose how to view DDL (and then view it).
- __init__(request: CamcopsRequest, **kwargs) None [source]¶
- Parameters
schema_class – class of the Colander
to use as this form’s schemasubmit_title – title (text) to be used for the “submit” button
request –
- class camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.ViewDdlSchema(*args, **kw)[source]¶
Schema to choose how to view DDL.
- camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_forms.add_css_class(kwargs: Dict[str, Any], extra_classes: str, param_name: str = 'css_class') None [source]¶
Modifies a kwargs dictionary to add a CSS class to the
parameter.- Parameters
kwargs – a dictionary
extra_classes – CSS classes to add (as a space-separated string)
param_name – parameter name to modify; by default, “css_class”