12.8. CamCOPS command-line tools

12.8.1. camcops_server

The camcops_server command is the main interface to the CamCOPS server. Options (output from camcops_server --allhelp):

USAGE: camcops_server [-h] [--allhelp] [--version] [-v] [--no_log]

CamCOPS server, created by Rudolf Cardinal; version 2.4.18.
Use 'camcops_server <COMMAND> --help' for more detail on each command.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --allhelp             show help for all commands and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose
  --no_log              Disable log (stderr) entirely.

  Valid CamCOPS commands are as follows.

                        Specify one command.
    docs                Launch the main documentation (CamCOPS manual)
                        Print a demo CamCOPS config file
                        Print a demo 'supervisor' config file for CamCOPS
    demo_apache_config  Print a demo Apache config file section for CamCOPS
    upgrade_db          Upgrade database to most recent version (via Alembic)
    dev_upgrade_db      (DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Upgrade a database to a
                        specific revision.
    dev_downgrade_db    (DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Downgrades a database to a
                        specific revision. May DESTROY DATA.
    dev_add_dummy_data  (DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Populates the database with a
                        set of dummy patients and tasks for testing.
    show_db_title       Show database title
    show_db_schema      Show the database schema as PlantUML +/- PNG
    merge_db            Merge in data from an old or recent CamCOPS database
    create_db           Create CamCOPS database from scratch (AVOID; use the
                        upgrade facility instead)
    ddl                 Print database schema (data definition language; DDL)
    reindex             Recreate task index
    check_index         Check index validity (exit code 0 for OK, 1 for bad)
    make_superuser      Make superuser, or give superuser status to an
                        existing user
    reset_password      Reset a user's password
    enable_user         Re-enable a locked user account
    export              Trigger pending exports
    show_export_queue   View outbound export queue (without sending)
    crate_dd            Make draft data dictionary for CRATE anonymisation
    cris_dd             Make draft data dictionary for CRIS anonymisation tool
    serve_cherrypy      Start web server via CherryPy
    serve_gunicorn      Start web server via Gunicorn (not available under
    serve_pyramid       Start test web server via Pyramid (single-thread,
                        single-process, HTTP-only; for development use only)
                        Fetch SNOMED-CT codes for ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 from the
                        Athena OHDSI data set (https://athena.ohdsi.org/) and
                        write them to the CamCOPS XML format
    launch_workers      Launch Celery workers, for background processing
    launch_scheduler    Launch Celery Beat scheduler, to schedule background
    launch_monitor      Launch Celery Flower monitor, to monitor background
    housekeeping        Run housekeeping tasks (remove stale sessions, etc.)
    purge_jobs          Purge any outstanding background (back-end, worker)
    dev_cli             Developer command-line interface, with config loaded
                        as 'config'.
    list_tasks          List supported tasks.

Help for command 'docs'
USAGE: camcops_server docs [-h] [-v]

Launch the main documentation (CamCOPS manual)

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Be verbose (default: False)

Help for command 'demo_camcops_config'
USAGE: camcops_server demo_camcops_config [-h] [-v] [--docker]

Print a demo CamCOPS config file

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Be verbose (default: False)
  --docker       Use settings for Docker (default: False)

Help for command 'demo_supervisor_config'
USAGE: camcops_server demo_supervisor_config [-h] [-v]

Print a demo 'supervisor' config file for CamCOPS

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Be verbose (default: False)

Help for command 'demo_apache_config'
USAGE: camcops_server demo_apache_config [-h] [-v] [--path PATH]

Print a demo Apache config file section for CamCOPS

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Be verbose (default: False)
  --path PATH    Path where CamCOPS should appear on the server e.g. 'camcops'
                 for https://example.com/camcops (default: )

Help for command 'upgrade_db'
USAGE: camcops_server upgrade_db [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG [--show_sql_only]

Upgrade database to most recent version (via Alembic)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --show_sql_only  Show SQL only (to stdout); don't execute it (default:
  --no_reindex     Don't recreate the task index (default: False)

  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (default: None)

Help for command 'dev_upgrade_db'
USAGE: camcops_server dev_upgrade_db [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG
                                     DESTINATION_DB_REVISION [--show_sql_only]

(DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Upgrade a database to a specific revision.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --destination_db_revision DESTINATION_DB_REVISION
                        The target database revision (default: None)
  --show_sql_only       Show SQL only (to stdout); don't execute it (default:

  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (default: None)

Help for command 'dev_downgrade_db'
USAGE: camcops_server dev_downgrade_db [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG

(DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Downgrades a database to a specific revision. May

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --destination_db_revision DESTINATION_DB_REVISION
                        The target database revision (default: None)
                        Must specify this too, as a safety measure (default:
  --show_sql_only       Show SQL only (to stdout); don't execute it (default:

  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (default: None)

Help for command 'dev_add_dummy_data'
USAGE: camcops_server dev_add_dummy_data [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG

(DEVELOPER OPTION ONLY.) Populates the database with a set of dummy patients
and tasks for testing.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
                        Must specify this too, as a safety measure (default:

  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (default: None)

Help for command 'show_db_title'
USAGE: camcops_server show_db_title [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Show database title

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'show_db_schema'
USAGE: camcops_server show_db_schema [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                     [--schemastem SCHEMASTEM] [--make_image]
                                     [--java JAVA] [--plantuml PLANTUML]
                                     [--height_width_limit HEIGHT_WIDTH_LIMIT]
                                     [--java_memory_limit_mb JAVA_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB]

Show the database schema as PlantUML +/- PNG

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --schemastem SCHEMASTEM
                        Stem for output filenames (for schema diagrams);
                        '.plantuml' and '.png' are appended (default: schema)
  --make_image          Create a PNG image (impractically large!) (default:
  --java JAVA           Java executable (for schema diagrams) (default: java)
  --plantuml PLANTUML   PlantUML Java .jar file (for schema diagrams)
                        (default: plantuml.jar)
  --height_width_limit HEIGHT_WIDTH_LIMIT
                        Maximum image height/width in pixels (default: 20000)
  --java_memory_limit_mb JAVA_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB
                        Java virtual machine memory limit in Mb (default:

Help for command 'merge_db'
USAGE: camcops_server merge_db [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG
                               [--report_every REPORT_EVERY] [--echo]
                               [--dummy_run] [--info_only]
                               [--default_group_id DEFAULT_GROUP_ID]
                               [--default_group_name DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME] --src
                               SRC --whichidnum_map WHICHIDNUM_MAP
                               --groupnum_map GROUPNUM_MAP

Merge in data from an old or recent CamCOPS database

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --report_every REPORT_EVERY
                        Report progress every n rows (default: 10000)
  --echo                Echo SQL to source database (default: False)
  --dummy_run           Perform a dummy run only; do not alter destination
                        database (default: False)
  --info_only           Show table information only; don't do any work
                        (default: False)
  --default_group_id DEFAULT_GROUP_ID
                        Default group ID (integer) to apply to old records
                        without one. If none is specified, a new group will be
                        created for such records. (default: None)
  --default_group_name DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME
                        If default_group_id is not specified, use this group
                        name. The group will be looked up if it exists, and
                        created if not. (default: None)

  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (default: None)
  --src SRC             Source database (specified as an SQLAlchemy URL). The
                        contents of this database will be merged into the
                        database specified in the config file. (default: None)
  --whichidnum_map WHICHIDNUM_MAP
                        Map to convert ID number types, in the format
                        'from_a:to_a,from_b:to_b,...', where all values are
                        integers. (default: None)
  --groupnum_map GROUPNUM_MAP
                        Map to convert group numbers, in the format
                        'from_a:to_a,from_b:to_b,...', where all values are
                        integers. (default: None)

Help for command 'create_db'
USAGE: camcops_server create_db [-h] [-v] --config CONFIG --confirm_create_db

Create CamCOPS database from scratch (AVOID; use the upgrade facility instead)

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Be verbose (default: False)

  --config CONFIG      Configuration file (default: None)
  --confirm_create_db  Must specify this too, as a safety measure (default:

Help for command 'ddl'
USAGE: camcops_server ddl [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG] [--dialect DIALECT]

Print database schema (data definition language; DDL)

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose      Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG    Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                     variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)
  --dialect DIALECT  SQL dialect (options: firebird, mssql, mysql, oracle,
                     postgresql, sqlite, sybase) (default: mysql)

Help for command 'reindex'
USAGE: camcops_server reindex [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Recreate task index

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'check_index'
USAGE: camcops_server check_index [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG] [--show_all_bad]

Check index validity (exit code 0 for OK, 1 for bad)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)
  --show_all_bad   Show all bad index entries (rather than stopping at the
                   first) (default: False)

Help for command 'make_superuser'
USAGE: camcops_server make_superuser [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                     [--username USERNAME]
                                     [--password PASSWORD]

Make superuser, or give superuser status to an existing user

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG      Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                       variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --username USERNAME  Username of superuser to create/promote (if omitted,
                       you will be asked to type it in) (default: None)
  --password PASSWORD  Password of superuser to create (if omitted, you will
                       be asked to type it in) (default: None)

Help for command 'reset_password'
USAGE: camcops_server reset_password [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                     [--username USERNAME]

Reset a user's password

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG      Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                       variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --username USERNAME  Username to change password for (if omitted, you will
                       be asked to type it in) (default: None)

Help for command 'enable_user'
USAGE: camcops_server enable_user [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                  [--username USERNAME]

Re-enable a locked user account

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG      Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                       variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --username USERNAME  Username to enable (if omitted, you will be asked to
                       type it in) (default: None)

Help for command 'export'
USAGE: camcops_server export [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                             [--recipients [RECIPIENTS ...]]
                             [--all_recipients] [--disable_task_index]

Trigger pending exports

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --recipients [RECIPIENTS ...]
                        Export recipients (as named in config file) (default:
  --all_recipients      Use all recipients (default: False)
  --disable_task_index  Disable use of the task index (for debugging only)
                        (default: False)
                        Export tasks as a background job (default: False)

Help for command 'show_export_queue'
USAGE: camcops_server show_export_queue [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                        [--recipients [RECIPIENTS ...]]
                                        [--disable_task_index] [--pretty]

View outbound export queue (without sending)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --recipients [RECIPIENTS ...]
                        Export recipients (as named in config file) (default:
  --all_recipients      Use all recipients (default: False)
  --disable_task_index  Disable use of the task index (for debugging only)
                        (default: False)
  --pretty              Pretty (but slower) formatting for tasks (default:
  --debug_show_fhir     Show FHIR output for tasks (default: False)
                        (If --debug_show_fhir) Included FHIR documents? Large.
                        (default: False)

Help for command 'crate_dd'
USAGE: camcops_server crate_dd [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG] --filename FILENAME
                               --recipient RECIPIENT

Make draft data dictionary for CRATE anonymisation tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --filename FILENAME   Output filename (data dictionary to write) (default:
  --recipient RECIPIENT
                        Export recipient (as named in config file) (default:

Help for command 'cris_dd'
USAGE: camcops_server cris_dd [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG] --filename FILENAME
                              --recipient RECIPIENT

Make draft data dictionary for CRIS anonymisation tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --filename FILENAME   Filename of data dictionary to write (default: None)
  --recipient RECIPIENT
                        Export recipient (as named in config file) (default:

Help for command 'serve_cherrypy'
USAGE: camcops_server serve_cherrypy [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Start web server via CherryPy

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'serve_gunicorn'
USAGE: camcops_server serve_gunicorn [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Start web server via Gunicorn (not available under Windows)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'serve_pyramid'
USAGE: camcops_server serve_pyramid [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Start test web server via Pyramid (single-thread, single-process, HTTP-only;
for development use only)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'convert_athena_icd_snomed_to_xml'
USAGE: camcops_server convert_athena_icd_snomed_to_xml [-h] [-v]
                                                       [--config CONFIG]

Fetch SNOMED-CT codes for ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 from the Athena OHDSI data set
(https://athena.ohdsi.org/) and write them to the CamCOPS XML format

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                        variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default:
  --athena_concept_tsv_filename ATHENA_CONCEPT_TSV_FILENAME
                        Path to CONCEPT.csv file from Athena download
                        (default: None)
  --athena_concept_relationship_tsv_filename ATHENA_CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_TSV_FILENAME
                        Path to CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP.csv file from Athena
                        download (default: None)
  --icd9_xml_filename ICD9_XML_FILENAME
                        Filename of ICD-9-CM/SNOMED-CT XML file to write
                        (default: None)
  --icd10_xml_filename ICD10_XML_FILENAME
                        Filename of ICD-10/SNOMED-CT XML file to write
                        (default: None)

Help for command 'launch_workers'
USAGE: camcops_server launch_workers [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Launch Celery workers, for background processing

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'launch_scheduler'
USAGE: camcops_server launch_scheduler [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Launch Celery Beat scheduler, to schedule background jobs

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'launch_monitor'
USAGE: camcops_server launch_monitor [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]
                                     [--address ADDRESS] [--port PORT]

Launch Celery Flower monitor, to monitor background jobs

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose      Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG    Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                     variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)
  --address ADDRESS  Address to use for Flower (default:
  --port PORT        Port to use for Flower (default: 5555)

Help for command 'housekeeping'
USAGE: camcops_server housekeeping [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Run housekeeping tasks (remove stale sessions, etc.)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'purge_jobs'
USAGE: camcops_server purge_jobs [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Purge any outstanding background (back-end, worker) jobs

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'dev_cli'
USAGE: camcops_server dev_cli [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

Developer command-line interface, with config loaded as 'config'.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

Help for command 'list_tasks'
USAGE: camcops_server list_tasks [-h] [-v] [--config CONFIG]

List supported tasks.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose    Be verbose (default: False)
  --config CONFIG  Configuration file (if not specified, the environment
                   variable CAMCOPS_CONFIG_FILE is checked) (default: None)

12.8.2. camcops_server_meta

The camcops_server_meta tool allows you to run CamCOPS over multiple CamCOPS configuration files/databases. It’s less useful than it was, because the dominant mode of “one database per research group” has been replaced by the concept of “a single database with group-level security”.


USAGE: camcops_server_meta [-h] --filespecs FILESPECS [FILESPECS ...]
                           [--ccargs [CCARGS ...]] [--python PYTHON]
                           [--camcops CAMCOPS] [-d] [-v]

Run commands across multiple CamCOPS databases

  cc_command            Main command to pass to CamCOPS

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --filespecs FILESPECS [FILESPECS ...]
                        List of CamCOPS config files (wildcards OK)
  --ccargs [CCARGS ...]
                        List of CamCOPS arguments, to which '--' will be
  --python PYTHON       Python interpreter (default: /path/to/python)
  --camcops CAMCOPS     CamCOPS server executable (default:
  -d, --dummyrun        Dummy run (show filenames only)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose

12.8.3. camcops_fetch_snomed_codes

Subject to you having the necessary permissions, and access to a SNOMED CT REST API server, this tool will help you find SNOMED CT codes relevant to CamCOPS. See SNOMED CT coding and SNOMED CT licensing.


usage: camcops_fetch_snomed_codes [-h] [--allhelp] [--url URL]
                                  [--edition EDITION] [--release RELEASE]
                                  [--language LANGUAGE]
                                  [--rate_limit_hz RATE_LIMIT_HZ] [--verbose]
                                  {test,fetch} ...

Fetch SNOMED CT codes from a SNOMED CT Snapshot REST API provider

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --allhelp             show help for all commands and exit
  --url URL             URL (protocol, host, API root path) for SNOMED-CT API
                        (default: https://termbrowser.nhs.uk/sct-browser-
  --edition EDITION     SNOMED CT edition (default: uk-edition)
  --release RELEASE     Snomed release identifier (version) (default:
  --language LANGUAGE   Language (default: english)
  --rate_limit_hz RATE_LIMIT_HZ
                        Maximum number of requests per second (default: 1)
  --verbose             Be verbose (default: False)

  {test,fetch}          Specify one command. Use 'camcops_fetch_snomed_codes
                        <command> --help' for more help
    test                Run tests. If you specify no arguments, default tests
                        will be run.
    fetch               Fetch data relevant to CamCOPS and write to XML

Help for command 'test'
USAGE: camcops_fetch_snomed_codes test [-h] [--concept_id [CONCEPT_ID ...]]
                                       [--term [TERM ...]]
                                       [--semantic_area SEMANTIC_AREA]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --concept_id [CONCEPT_ID ...]
                        For tests: Concept ID(s) to test (default: None)
  --term [TERM ...]     For tests: Term(s) to test (default: None)
  --semantic_area SEMANTIC_AREA
                        For tests: semantic area to restrict to (default:

Help for command 'fetch'
USAGE: camcops_fetch_snomed_codes fetch [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --outfile OUTFILE    XML filename to write (default:
  --continue_on_error  Carry on despite errors (default: False)

12.8.4. camcops_backup_mysql_database

This simple tool uses MySQL to dump a MySQL database to a .SQL file (from which you can restore it), and names the file according to the name of the database plus a timestamp.


usage: camcops_backup_mysql_database [-h]
                                     [--max_allowed_packet MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET]
                                     [--mysqldump MYSQLDUMP]
                                     [--username USERNAME]
                                     [--password PASSWORD]
                                     [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--verbose]
                                     databases [databases ...]

Back up a specific MySQL database. The resulting filename has the format
'<DATABASENAME>_<DATETIME><SUFFIX>.sql', where <DATETIME> is of the ISO-8601
format '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S' and <SUFFIX> is either blank or
'_with_drop_create_database'. A typical filename is therefore

positional arguments:
  databases             Database(s) to back up

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --max_allowed_packet MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET
                        Maximum size of buffer (default: 1GB)
  --mysqldump MYSQLDUMP
                        mysqldump executable (default: mysqldump)
  --username USERNAME   MySQL user (default: root)
                        INSECURE; VISIBLE TO OTHER PROCESSES; if you don't use
                        it, you'll be prompted for the password) (default:
                        Include DROP DATABASE and CREATE DATABASE commands,
                        and append a suffix to the output filename as above
                        (default: False)
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory (if not specified, current directory
                        will be used) (default: None)
  --verbose             Verbose output (default: False)