.. docs/source/administrator/server_config_file.rst .. Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry. Created by Rudolf Cardinal (rnc1001@cam.ac.uk). . This file is part of CamCOPS. . CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CamCOPS. If not, see . .. _Apache: https://httpd.apache.org/ .. _CherryPy: https://cherrypy.org/ .. _FHIR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Healthcare_Interoperability_Resources .. _Google Authenticator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Authenticator .. _Gunicorn: https://gunicorn.org/ .. _HTTPS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS .. _ISO 8601: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 .. _Kapow: https://www.kapow.co.uk/ .. _Pyramid: https://trypyramid.com/ .. _RFC 4226: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4226 .. _RFC 5322: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2 .. _RFC 6238: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6238 .. _SMART: https://smarthealthit.org/ .. _SMS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS .. _TCP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol .. _Twilio Authy: https://authy.com/ .. _Twilio SMS: https://www.twilio.com/sms .. _WSGI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface .. |use_trusted_headers| replace:: It is generally easiest to leave this blank and set TRUSTED_PROXY_HEADERS_ instead. .. _server_config_file: The CamCOPS server configuration file ===================================== CamCOPS needs a configuration file. Under Linux, this is normally something that you create at `/etc/camcops/camcops.conf`, from a template produced by CamCOPS. It is the configuration file that points to your database. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 Databases and configuration files --------------------------------- In general, it is best to have a single CamCOPS database and a single CamCOPS configuration file. This is simple. You can add :ref:`groups ` dynamically, and use :ref:`group security ` to manage data access. Groups can be entirely isolated from each other, which mimics having multiple databases, but they can also overlap in useful ways. It’s also possible, of course, to have multiple CamCOPS databases, each with its own configuration file. If you do operate with multiple databases/configuration files, you may want to use the :ref:`camcops_server_meta ` tool, which allows you to run the same :ref:`camcops_server ` command over multiple configuration files in one go (for example, to upgrade the databases for a new version of CamCOPS). Format of the configuration file -------------------------------- - The config file is in standard `INI file format `_. - **UTF-8 encoding.** Use this! The file is explicitly opened in UTF-8 mode. - **Comments.** Hashes (``#``) and semicolons (``;``) denote comments. - **Sections.** Sections are indicated with: ``[section]`` - **Name/value (key/value) pairs.** The parser used is `ConfigParser `_. It allows ``name=value`` or ``name:value``. - **Avoid indentation of parameters.** (Indentation is used to indicate the continuation of previous parameters.) - **Parameter types,** referred to below, are: - **String.** Single-line strings are simple. - **Multiline string.** Here, a series of lines is read and split into a list of strings (one for each line). You should indent all lines except the first beyond the level of the parameter name, and then they will be treated as one parameter value. - **Integer.** Simple. - **Boolean.** For Boolean options, true values are any of: ``1, yes, true, on`` (case-insensitive). False values are any of: ``0, no, false, off``. - **Loglevel.** Possible log levels are (case-insensitive): ``debug``, ``info``, ``warning `` (equivalent: ``warn``), ``error``, and ``critical`` (equivalent: ``fatal``). - **Date.** Dates are in the format ``YYYY-MM-DD``, e.g. ``2013-12-31``, or blank for "no date". - **Date/time.** Date/time values are in the format ``YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM`` or other `ISO 8601`_-compatible syntax, e.g. ``2013-12-31T09:00``, or blank for "no date/time". Note regarding Docker --------------------- If you are using CamCOPS with Docker, see :ref:`The CamCOPS configuration file for Docker ` as there are a few special requirements. Relevant sections are also marked below. Config file sections -------------------- - The main CamCOPS site settings are in ``[site]``. - Options for configuring the web server aspects are in ``[server]``. - A list of export recipients is in the ``[recipients]`` section. - Each export recipient is defined in a section named ``[recipient:RECIPIENT_NAME]`` where *RECIPIENT_NAME* is the user-defined name of that recipient. .. _config_site: Options for the "[site]" section -------------------------------- Database connection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _DB_URL: DB_URL ###### *String.* The SQLAlchemy connection URL for the CamCOPS database. See https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html. Examples: - MySQL under Linux via mysqlclient: .. code-block:: none $ pip install mysqlclient DB_URL = mysql+mysqldb://:@:/?charset=utf8 (The default MySQL port is 3306, and 'localhost' is often the right host.) - MySQL under Linux via pymysql: .. code-block:: none $ pip install pymysql DB_URL = mysql+pymysql://:@:/?charset=utf8 - SQL Server under Windows via ODBC and username/password authentication. .. code-block:: none C:\> pip install pyodbc DB_URL = mssql+pyodbc://:@ - ... or via Windows authentication: .. code-block:: none DB_URL = mssql+pyodbc://@ For our notes on database drivers for a different software package, see https://crateanon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/database_drivers.html. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst DB_ECHO ####### *Boolean.* Echo all SQL? URLs and paths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. outdated: .. First, a quick note on absolute and relative URLs, and how CamCOPS is mounted. .. Suppose your CamCOPS site is visible at .. .. code-block:: none .. https://www.somewhere.ac.uk/camcops_smith_lab/webview ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ +------+| |+----------------+| | | +-----------------+| +------+ | | | | 1 2 3 4 .. Part 1 is the protocol, and part 2 the machine name. Part 3 is the mount point. The main server (e.g. Apache) knows where the CamCOPS script is mounted (in this case ``/camcops_smith_lab``). It does NOT tell the script via the script's WSGI environment. Therefore, if the script sends HTML including links, the script can operate only in relative mode. For it to operate in absolute mode, it would need to know (3). Part 4 is visible to the CamCOPS script (as the WSGI ``PATH_INFO`` variable). .. If CamCOPS emitted URLs starting with '/', it would need to be told at least part (3). To use absolute URLs, it would need to know all of (1), (2), (3). We will follow others (e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2005079) and use only relative URLs. LOCAL_INSTITUTION_URL ##################### *String.* Clicking on your institution's logo in the CamCOPS menu will take you to this URL. Edit this to point to your institution. LOCAL_LOGO_FILE_ABSOLUTE ######################## *String.* Specify the full path to your institution's logo file, e.g. ``/var/www/logo_local_myinstitution.png``. It's used for PDF generation; HTML views use the fixed string ``static/logo_local.png``, aliased to your file via the Apache configuration file). Edit this setting to point to your local institution's logo file. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst Your logo will be scaled to 45% of the active page width. You may need to add blank space to the left if it looks funny. See picture below. .. image:: images/scaling_logos.png CAMCOPS_LOGO_FILE_ABSOLUTE ########################## *String.* As for ``LOCAL_LOGO_FILE_ABSOLUTE``, but for the CamCOPS logo. It's fine not to specify this; a default will be used. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _EXTRA_STRING_FILES: EXTRA_STRING_FILES ################## *Multiline string.* A multiline list of filenames (with absolute paths), read by the server, and used as EXTRA STRING FILES. Should **as a minimum** point to the string file ``camcops.xml``. May use "glob" pattern-matching (see https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/glob.html). .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _RESTRICTED_TASKS: RESTRICTED_TASKS ################ *Multiline string.* This option allows you to have restricted task content on your server, and to permit tasks only to specific groups (typically, the ones that have paid for a licence). We don't want to do anything to inhibit the uploading of data. Therefore, this option restricts the provision, by the server to the clients, of task strings for restricted tasks (i.e. a client cannot download strings from a restricted task unless they are a member of an authorized group). Each line is in the format: .. code-block:: none : , , ... That is, an XML task name is mapped to a comma-separated list of group names. These groups are the AUTHORIZED groups; any group that does not appear is not authorized. (If a blank list is specified, no groups are authorized! That would be a bit odd; why not just remove it from EXTRA_STRING_FILES_?) If a task's name is not in this list, the task is not restricted. The XML task name is usually, but not always, the same as the task's table name. See C++ tasks that implement ``xstringTaskname()``, or equivalently Python tasks that implement ``extrastring_taskname``, for examples that deviate from this general rule. LANGUAGE ######## *String.* Default: ``en_GB``. This setting determines the language in which the server operates for users who have not set a language preference, or who are not logged in. This language also applies to "back-end" work, like exporting tasks. The language code is in the format ``en_GB`` (two-letter language code, underscore, two- or three-letter country code). If the language is not recognized, a warning is given and the server switches to its default. .. _SNOMED_TASK_XML_FILENAME: SNOMED_TASK_XML_FILENAME ######################## *String.* Filename of special XML file containing SNOMED CT codes used by CamCOPS tasks. This file is OK to use in the UK, but not necessarily elsewhere. See :ref:`SNOMED CT `. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst SNOMED_ICD9_XML_FILENAME ######################## *String.* Name of XML file mapping ICD-9-CM codes to SNOMED-CT. Created by ``camcops_server convert_athena_icd_snomed_to_xml``; see :ref:`SNOMED CT `. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst SNOMED_ICD10_XML_FILENAME ######################### *String.* Name of XML file mapping ICD-10[-CM] codes to SNOMED-CT. Created by ``camcops_server convert_athena_icd_snomed_to_xml``; see :ref:`SNOMED CT `. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst WKHTMLTOPDF_FILENAME #################### *String.* For the pdfkit PDF engine, specify a filename for wkhtmltopdf (https://wkhtmltopdf.org/) that incorporates any need for an X Server (not the default ``/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf``). See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9604625/ . A suitable one is bundled with CamCOPS, so you shouldn't have to alter this default. A blank parameter here usually ends up calling ``/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf`` Server geographical location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGION_CODE ########### *String.* Default: GB. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 region code. Currently used for parsing telephone numbers. Login and session configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET ##################### *String.* Secret used for HTTP cookie signing via Pyramid. Put something random in here and keep it secret. (When you make a new CamCOPS demo config, the value shown is fresh and random.) .. _SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES: SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES ####################### *Integer.* Default: 30. Time (in minutes) after which a session will expire. .. _SESSION_CHECK_USER_IP: SESSION_CHECK_USER_IP ##################### *Boolean.* Default: true. If true: CamCOPS checks the user's IP address on every request, and prohibits the user from changing IP address within a session. (A change of IP address will require them to log in again.) If False, the IP address is not checked and is permitted to change. Setting this to True is more conservative as a security setting, but can cause problems if user IP addresses (as seen by the CamCOPS server) change due to e.g. a load balancer, or the user switching networks. Set it to False if users are being logged out before SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES_ is reached. PASSWORD_CHANGE_FREQUENCY_DAYS ############################## *Integer.* Force password changes (at webview login) with this frequency (0 for never). Note that password expiry will not prevent uploads from tablets, but when the user next logs on, a password change will be forced before they can do anything else. LOCKOUT_THRESHOLD ################# *Integer.* Default: 10. Lock user accounts after every *n* login failures. LOCKOUT_DURATION_INCREMENT_MINUTES ################################## *Integer.* Default: 10. Account lockout time increment. Suppose ``LOCKOUT_THRESHOLD = 10`` and ``LOCKOUT_DURATION_INCREMENT_MINUTES = 20``. Then: - After the first 10 failures, the account will be locked for 20 minutes. - After the next 10 failures, the account will be locked for 40 minutes. - After the next 10 failures, the account will be locked for 60 minutes, and so on. Time and administrators can unlock accounts. .. _DISABLE_PASSWORD_AUTOCOMPLETE: DISABLE_PASSWORD_AUTOCOMPLETE ############################# *Boolean.* Default: true. If set to true, asks browsers not to autocomplete the password field on the main login page. The correct setting for maximum security is debated (don't cache passwords, versus allow a password manager so that users can use better/unique passwords). Note that some browsers (e.g. Chrome v34 and up) may ignore this. .. _MFA_METHODS: MFA_METHODS ########### *Multiline string.* A multiline list of enabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods. Users can choose from the options that you enable here. The possible values are: - ``totp``: Use an app such as `Google Authenticator`_ or `Twilio Authy`_. - ``hotp_email``: Send a code by email. - ``hotp_sms``: Send a code by SMS_ (text message). For this option, you must also configure SMS_BACKEND_. - ``no_mfa``: permit login with no MFA (i.e. just with a username/password combination). To enforce multi-factor authentication on the server, do not include ``no_mfa`` in this list (but include at least one other). If you don't specify anything, only ``no_mfa`` is used. Open MFA standards are defined in `RFC 4226`_ (HOTP: An HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm) and in `RFC 6238`_ (TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm). MFA_TIMEOUT_S ############# *Integer.* Default: 600. Seconds the user has to enter their six-digit code during multi-factor authentication. Zero means never time out. Suggested filenames for saving PDFs from the web view ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try these with Chrome, Firefox. Internet Explorer may be less obliging. .. _PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS: PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS ######################### *String.* For anonymous tasks, this fixed string is used as the patient descriptor (see also PATIENT_SPEC_ below). Typically "anonymous". .. _PATIENT_SPEC: PATIENT_SPEC ############ *String.* A string, into which substitutions will be made, that defines the ``patient`` element available for substitution into the ``*_FILENAME_SPEC`` variables (see below). Possible substitutions: +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``surname`` | Patient's surname in upper case | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``forename`` | Patient's forename in upper case | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``dob`` | Patient's date of birth (format ``%Y-%m-%d``, e.g. | | | ``2013-07-24``) | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``sex`` | Patient's sex (F, M, X) | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``idshortdesc1``, | Short description of the relevant ID number, if that ID | | ``idshortdesc2``, | number is not blank; otherwise blank | | ... | | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``idnum1``, | Actual patient ID numbers | | ``idnum2``, | | | ... | | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | ``allidnums`` | All available ID numbers in "shortdesc-value" pairs | | | joined by ``_``. For example, if ID numbers 1, 4, and 5 | | | are non-blank, this would have the format | | | ``-_-_ | | | -`` | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ Use braces for substituted variables, e.g. ``{forename}_{surname}``. .. _TASK_FILENAME_SPEC: TASK_FILENAME_SPEC ################## *String.* Filename specification used for task downloads (e.g. PDFs). Substitutions will be made to determine the filename to be used for each file. Possible substitutions: +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``patient`` | Patient string. If the task is anonymous, this is the | | | config variable ``PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS``; otherwise, | | | it is defined by ``PATIENT_SPEC`` above. | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``created`` | Date/time of task creation. Dates/times are in the format | | | ``%Y-%m-%dT%H%M``, e.g. ``2013-07-24T2004``. They are | | | expressed in the timezone of creation (but without the | | | timezone information for filename brevity). | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``now`` | Time of access/download (i.e. time now), in local timezone. | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``tasktype`` | Base table name of the task (e.g. "phq9"). May contain an | | | underscore. Blank for trackers/CTVs. | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``serverpk`` | Server's primary key. (In combination with tasktype, this | | | uniquely identifies not just a task but a version of that | | | task.) Blank for trackers/CTVs. | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``filetype`` | e.g. ``pdf``, ``html``, ``xml`` (lower case) | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``anonymous`` | Evaluates to the config variable | | | ``PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS`` if anonymous, otherwise to | | | a blank string | +---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ ... plus all those substitutions applicable to PATIENT_SPEC_. Use braces for substituted variables, e.g. ``{patient}_{created}``. After these substitutions have been made, the entire filename is then processed to ensure that only characters generally acceptable to filenames are used (see :func:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_filename.convert_string_for_filename` in the CamCOPS source code). Specifically: - Unicode is converted to 7-bit ASCII (will mangle, e.g. removing accents) - spaces are converted to underscores - characters are removed *unless* they are one of the following: - all alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z); - ``-``, ``_``, ``.``, and the operating-system-specific directory separator (Python's ``os.sep``, a forward slash ``/`` on UNIX or a backslash ``\`` under Windows). TRACKER_FILENAME_SPEC ##################### *String.* Filename specification used for tracker downloads; see TASK_FILENAME_SPEC_. CTV_FILENAME_SPEC ################# *String.* Filename specification used for clinical text view downloads; see TASK_FILENAME_SPEC_. Email options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These options control the sending of e-mails by the CamCOPS server. EMAIL_HOST ########## *String.* Hostname of e-mail (SMTP) server. EMAIL_PORT ########## *Integer.* Default: 587. Port number of e-mail (SMTP) server. The standard SMTP port is 25, but 587 is the default for using TLS, which is more secure (see below). EMAIL_USE_TLS ############# *Boolean.* Default: true. Use a TLS (secure) connection to talk to the SMTP server? The default is true; turn this off for an insecure connection. This is used for explicit TLS connections, usually on port 587 (in which the connection is opened and then a ``STARTTLS`` command is issued). EMAIL_HOST_USERNAME ################### *String.* Username on e-mail server. (Surprisingly, some e-mail servers allow this to be blank. Be wary of them!) EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD ################### *String.* Password on e-mail server. (Not stored in database.) EMAIL_FROM ########## *String.* "From:" address used in e-mails. See `RFC 5322`_. Only one is permitted here. EMAIL_SENDER ############ "Sender:" address used in e-mails. See `RFC 5322`_. Only one is permitted. EMAIL_REPLY_TO ############## *String.* "Reply-To:" address used in e-mails. See `RFC 5322`_. SMS options ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _SMS_BACKEND: SMS_BACKEND ########### *String.* Default: ``console``. Back-end service to send `SMS`_ (text) messages as part of multi-factor authentication (see MFA_METHODS_). Options are: - ``kapow`` - ``twilio`` - ``console`` The ``console`` option is only for testing; it prints the SMS to the server's console log, but does nothing useful. Supported backends are Kapow_ and `Twilio SMS`_. A paid account is needed for these services, which are then configured as follows: .. code-block:: ini [sms_backend:kapow] USERNAME = PASSWORD = [sms_backend:twilio] SID = TOKEN = FROM_PHONE_NUMBER = User download options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERMIT_IMMEDIATE_DOWNLOADS ########################## *Boolean.* Default: false. Should the system allow users to use the front end web service to create and download files? This might be convenient, but a disadvantage is that if the file to be downloaded is large, it will take a long time. Also if you close your web browser or lose your internet connection, the download will be lost. A further disadvantage is that it "ties up" one web front end process in creating the download (whereas creating file for later download, as below, uses a pool of back-end worker processes and does not; this may have some performance implications for your web site). .. _USER_DOWNLOAD_DIR: USER_DOWNLOAD_DIR ################# *String.* Default: none. Root directory for storing temporary user downloads (when the user asks for files to be created for later download). Within this, a directory will be created for every user as required (whose name is the user's ID number). If this is not set, queued downloads are not offered. USER_DOWNLOAD_FILE_LIFETIME_MIN ############################### *Integer.* Default: 60. When users create files on the server for later download, how long should these files "live" before being deleted? USER_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SPACE_MB ########################## *Integer.* Default: 100. Maximum amount of space that each user is permitted to use for short-term download storage on the server. If this is zero, queued downloads are not offered. Debugging options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEBVIEW_LOGLEVEL ################ *Loglevel.* Default: ``info``. Set the level of detail provided from the webview to ``stderr`` (e.g. to the Apache server log). Note that for "debug"-level information to show up, you must also provide the ``--verbose`` argument to ``camcops_server``. CLIENT_API_LOGLEVEL ################### *Loglevel.* Default: ``info``. Set the log level for the tablet client database access script. Note that for "debug"-level information to show up, you must also provide the ``--verbose`` argument to ``camcops_server``. ALLOW_INSECURE_COOKIES ###################### *Boolean.* **DANGEROUS** option that removes the requirement that cookies be HTTPS (SSL) only. Options for the "[server]" section ------------------------------------- Common web server options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CamCOPS incorporates a Python web server. You can choose which one to launch: - CherryPy_: a "proper" one; multithreaded; works on Windows and Linux. - Gunicorn_: a "proper" one; multiprocess; Linux/UNIX only. - Pyramid_: a "toy" one for debugging. (CamCOPS is written using Pyramid as its web framework; Pyramid is excellent, but other software is generally better for use as the web server.) You may also want to configure a CamCOPS server behind a "front-end" web server such as Apache_. Further options to help with this are described below. .. _HOST: HOST #### *String.* Default: ````. TCP/IP hostname to listen on. (See also UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_.) Note some variations. For example, if your machine has an IP (v4) address of ````, then under Linux you will find the following: - Using ```` will make the CamCOPS web server directly visible to the network. - Using ```` will make it invisible to the network and visible only to other processes on the same computer. - Using ``localhost`` will trigger a lookup from ``localhost`` to an IP address, typically ````. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _PORT: PORT #### *Integer.* Default: 8000. TCP_ port number to listen on. (See also UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_.) .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET: UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET ################## *String.* Default: none. Filename of a UNIX domain socket (UDS) to listen on (rather than using TCP/IP). UDS is typically faster than TCP (see e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14973942/tcp-loopback-connection-vs-unix-domain-socket-performance). If specified, this overrides the TCP options, HOST_ and PORT_. For example, ``/run/camcops/camcops.socket`` (as per the `Filesystem Hierarchy Standard `_). (Not applicable to the Pyramid test web server; CherryPy/Gunicorn only.) .. note:: The socket "file" is a pseudo-file that is created by CamCOPS during operation, and vanishes when CamCOPS stops. You don't have to create it -- but you need to ensure that CamCOPS can write to the directory where it lives. If you look at the file with ``ls -l``, you will see this: .. code-block:: none srwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 21 11:05 camcops.socket ^ | The setuid bit: an indication that this is not a normal file! .. _SSL_CERTIFICATE: SSL_CERTIFICATE ############### *String.* Default: none. SSL certificate file for HTTPS_ (e.g. ``/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem``). (Not applicable to the Pyramid test web server; CherryPy/Gunicorn only.) If you host CamCOPS behind Apache, it's likely that you'll want Apache to handle HTTPS and CamCOPS to operate unencrypted behind a reverse proxy, in which case don't set this or SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _SSL_PRIVATE_KEY: SSL_PRIVATE_KEY ############### *String.* Default: none. SSL private key file for HTTPS_ (e.g. ``/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key``). (Not applicable to the Pyramid test web server; CherryPy/Gunicorn only.) .. include:: include_docker_config.rst STATIC_CACHE_DURATION_S ####################### *Integer.* Default 86400 seconds (1 day). Time, in seconds, for which to cache static content (e.g. logos, static scripts). WSGI options ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section controls how CamCOPS creates its WSGI_ application. They apply to all Python web servers provided (CherryPy, Gunicorn, Pyramid). These options are particularly relevant if you are reverse-proxying CamCOPS behind a front-end web server such as Apache_. DEBUG_REVERSE_PROXY ################### *Boolean.* Default: false. If a reverse proxy configuration is in use, show debugging information for it as WSGI variable are rewritten? A reverse proxy configuration will be used if any of the following are set (see :meth:`cardinal_pythonlib.wsgi.reverse_proxied_mw.ReverseProxiedConfig.necessary`): .. code-block:: none PROXY_HTTP_HOST PROXY_REMOTE_ADDR PROXY_REWRITE_PATH_INFO PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME PROXY_SERVER_NAME PROXY_SERVER_PORT PROXY_URL_SCHEME TRUSTED_PROXY_HEADERS DEBUG_TOOLBAR ############# *Boolean.* Default: false. Enable the Pyramid debug toolbar? **This should not be enabled for production systems; it carries security risks.** It will not operate via Gunicorn_, which has an incompatible process model. .. _SHOW_REQUESTS: SHOW_REQUESTS ############# *Boolean.* Default: false. Write incoming HTTP(S) requests to the server's log stream? SHOW_REQUEST_IMMEDIATELY ######################## *Boolean.* Default: false. [Only applicable if SHOW_REQUESTS_ is true.] Show the request immediately, so it's written to the log before the WSGI app does its processing, and is guaranteed to be visible even if the WSGI app hangs? The only reason to use ``False`` is probably if you intend to show response and/or timing information and you want to minimize the number of lines written to the log; in this case, only a single line is written to the log (after the wrapped WSGI app has finished processing). SHOW_RESPONSE ############# *Boolean.* Default: false. [Only applicable if SHOW_REQUESTS_ is true.] Write the HTTP response code to the server's log? SHOW_TIMING ########### *Boolean.* Default: false. [Only applicable if SHOW_REQUESTS_ is true.] Write the time taken by the CamCOPS WSGI app to the server's log? PROXY_HTTP_HOST ############### *String.* Default: none. Option to set the WSGI HTTP host directly. This affects the WSGI variable ``HTTP_HOST``. If not specified, the variables ``HTTP_X_HOST, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST`` will be used, if trusted. |use_trusted_headers| PROXY_REMOTE_ADDR ################# *String.* Default: none. Option to set the WSGI remote address directly. This affects the WSGI variable ``REMOTE_ADDR``. If not specified, the variables ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_X_REAL_IP`` will be used, if trusted. |use_trusted_headers| PROXY_REWRITE_PATH_INFO ####################### *Boolean.* Default: false. If ``SCRIPT_NAME`` is rewritten, this option causes ``PATH_INFO`` to be rewritten, if it starts with ``SCRIPT_NAME``, to strip off ``SCRIPT_NAME``. Appropriate for some front-end web browsers with limited reverse proxying support (but do not use for Apache with ``ProxyPass``, because that rewrites incoming URLs properly). .. _PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME: PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME ################# *String.* Default: none. Path at which this script is mounted. Set this if you are hosting this CamCOPS instance at a non-root path, unless you set trusted WSGI headers instead. For example, if you are running an Apache server and want this instance of CamCOPS to appear at ``/somewhere/camcops``, then (a) configure your Apache instance to proxy requests to ``/somewhere/camcops/...`` to this server (e.g. via an internal TCP/IP port or UNIX socket) and (b) specify this option. If this option is not set, then the OS environment variable ``SCRIPT_NAME`` will be checked as well. If that is not set, the variables within ``HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCRIPT_NAME`` will be used, if they are trusted. This option affects the WSGI variables ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and ``PATH_INFO``. |use_trusted_headers| PROXY_SERVER_NAME ################# *String.* Default: none. Option to set the WSGI server name directly. This affects the WSGI variable ``SERVER_NAME``. If not specified, the variable ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER`` will be used, if trusted. |use_trusted_headers| PROXY_SERVER_PORT ################# *Integer.* Default: none. Option to set the WSGI server port directly. This affects the WSGI variable ``SERVER_PORT``. If not specified, the variable ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT`` will be used, if trusted. |use_trusted_headers| PROXY_URL_SCHEME ################ *String.* Default: none. Option to set the WSGI scheme (e.g. http, https) directly. This affects the WSGI variable ``wsgi.url_scheme``. If not specified, a variable from the following will be used, if trusted: ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME, HTTP_X_SCHEME`` (which can specify a protocol) or ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HTTPS, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL, HTTP_X_HTTPS`` (which can contain Boolean information about which protocol is in use). |use_trusted_headers| .. _TRUSTED_PROXY_HEADERS: TRUSTED_PROXY_HEADERS ##################### *Multiline string.* A multiline list of strings indicating WSGI environment variables that CamCOPS should trust. Use these when CamCOPS is behind a reverse proxy (e.g. an Apache front-end web server) and you can guarantee that these variables have been set by Apache and can be trusted. Possible values: .. code-block:: none HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HTTPS HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCRIPT_NAME HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL HTTP_X_HOST HTTP_X_HTTPS HTTP_X_REAL_IP HTTP_X_SCHEME HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME Variables that are not marked as trusted will not be used by the reverse-proxy middleware. .. _config_external_url: Determining the externally accessible CamCOPS URL for back-end work ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you browse to the CamCOPS web interface, CamCOPS can work out its own URL address, even if you are hosting CamCOPS behind a proxy (see e.g. PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME_). However, CamCOPS also has a "back end", used for scheduled and/or slow jobs like exporting tasks. If this part of CamCOPS needs to know its own address, it can't work that out dynamically. You have to tell it. Currently, this is primarily applicable to :ref:`FHIR exports `. The components of the URL are specified like this: For a CamCOPS server hosted at the root path (e.g. directly), leave EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_NAME_ blank: .. code-block:: none https://camcops.mydomain:443/path_within_camcops_application ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ | | | | | | | | EXTERNAL_SERVER_PORT | EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME EXTERNAL_URL_SCHEME For a CamCOPS server hosted at a non-root path (e.g. via Apache as one of many pages/applications on a single web site), specify EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_NAME_: .. code-block:: none https://camcops.mydomain:443/camcops/path_within_camcops_application ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ | | | | | | | EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_NAME | | EXTERNAL_SERVER_PORT | EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME EXTERNAL_URL_SCHEME .. _EXTERNAL_URL_SCHEME: EXTERNAL_URL_SCHEME ################### *String.* Default: ``https``. See :ref:`external URL configuration `. EXTERNAL_SERVER_NAME #################### *String.* Default: the value of HOST_. See :ref:`external URL configuration `. EXTERNAL_SERVER_PORT #################### *Integer.* Default: the value of PORT_. See :ref:`external URL configuration `. EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_NAME #################### *String.* Default: none. See :ref:`external URL configuration `. CherryPy options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional options for the CherryPy web server. .. _CHERRYPY_SERVER_NAME: CHERRYPY_SERVER_NAME #################### *String.* Default: ``localhost``. CherryPy's ``SERVER_NAME`` environment entry. CHERRYPY_THREADS_START ###################### *Integer.* Default: 10. Number of threads for server to start with. CHERRYPY_THREADS_MAX #################### *Integer.* Default: 100. Maximum number of threads for server to use (-1 for no limit). **BEWARE exceeding the permitted number of database connections.** CHERRYPY_LOG_SCREEN ################### *Boolean.* Default: true. Log access requests etc. to the terminal (stdout/stderr)? CHERRYPY_ROOT_PATH ################## *String.* Default: ``/``. Root path to serve CRATE at, WITHIN this CherryPy web server instance. There is unlikely to be a reason to use something other than ``/``; do not confuse this with the mount point within a wider, e.g. Apache, configuration, which is set instead by the WSGI variable ``SCRIPT_NAME``; see the TRUSTED_PROXY_HEADERS_ and PROXY_SCRIPT_NAME_ options. Gunicorn options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional options for the Gunicorn web server. GUNICORN_NUM_WORKERS #################### *Integer.* Default: twice the number of CPUs in your server. Number of worker processes for the Gunicorn server to use. GUNICORN_DEBUG_RELOAD ##################### *Boolean.* Default: false. Debugging option: reload Gunicorn upon code change? .. _GUNICORN_TIMEOUT_S: GUNICORN_TIMEOUT_S ################## *Integer.* Default: 30. Gunicorn worker timeout (s). DEBUG_SHOW_GUNICORN_OPTIONS ########################### *Boolean.* Default: false. Debugging option: show possible Gunicorn settings. .. _export_options: Options for the "[export]" section ---------------------------------- CamCOPS defines **export recipients**. Each export recipient defines what to export, and how to export it. For example, you might create an export recipient called ``perinatal_admin_team`` that e-mails PDFs of tasks from your perinatal psychiatry group to your perinatal psychiatry administrative team (including immediately on receipt), for manual export to a clinical records system that doesn't support incoming electronic messages. You might create another called ``smith_neutrophil_study`` that sends XML data via HL7 v2 message, and a third called ``regular_database_dump`` that exports the entire CamCOPS database to a database on disk. Most export recipients will use **incremental export**. Once CamCOPS has sent a task to a recipient, it won't send the same task again (unless you force it to). Exports can happen in several ways: - You can trigger an export **manually,** e.g. via ``camcops_server export --recipients regular_database_dump``. - You can mark a recipient as a **"push"** recipient. Whenever a relevant task is uploaded to CamCOPS, CamCOPS will export it immediately. - You can **schedule** an export. Obviously, you can do this by putting the "manual" export call (as above) into an operating system schedule, such as *crontab(5)* (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron). However, CamCOPS also provides its own *crontab*-style scheduler, so you could have the ``smith_neutrophil_study`` export run every Tuesday at 2am. Export control options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE_DATABASE ############################# *String.* Filename used by CamCOPS as the Celery Beat scheduler database. Celery may append ``.db`` (see ``celery beat --help``). CELERY_BEAT_EXTRA_ARGS ###################### *Multiline string.* Each line of this multiline string is an extra option to the ``celery beat`` command used by ``camcops_server launch_scheduler``, after ``celery worker --app camcops_server --loglevel ``. .. _CELERY_BROKER_URL: CELERY_BROKER_URL ################# *String.* Default: ``amqp://``. Broker URL for Celery. See http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/configuration.html#conf-broker-settings. Once you have enabled security in your broker, such as RabbitMQ, you will need to set this to a more secure URL (e.g. with username/password authentication). For RabbitMQ URLs, see e.g. https://www.rabbitmq.com/uri-spec.html. .. include:: include_docker_config.rst .. _CELERY_WORKER_EXTRA_ARGS: CELERY_WORKER_EXTRA_ARGS ######################## *Multiline string.* Each line of this multiline string is an extra option to the ``celery worker`` command used by ``camcops_server launch_workers``, after ``celery worker --app camcops_server --loglevel ``. Use ``celery worker --help`` to inspect the possible options. However, do not use the following options at any time (because CamCOPS does; see :func:`camcops_server.camcops_server_core.launch_celery_workers`): - ``--app`` - ``-O`` (optimization) - ``--soft-time-limit`` - ``--loglevel`` and do not use these under Windows: - ``--concurrency`` - ``--pool`` An example to limit to a single worker (under Linux): .. code-block:: ini CELERY_WORKER_EXTRA_ARGS = --concurrency=1 An example to prevent the :ref:`Celery-related memory leak `: .. code-block:: ini CELERY_WORKER_EXTRA_ARGS = --max-tasks-per-child=20 CELERY_EXPORT_TASK_RATE_LIMIT ############################# *String.* Default: ``100/m`` The per worker instance rate limit for exporting CamCOPS tasks. Integer or float values are interpreted as exports per second. The rate limits can be specified in seconds, minutes or hours by appending “/s”, “/m” or “/h” to the value. See https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/tasks.html#Task.rate_limit .. _EXPORT_LOCKDIR: EXPORT_LOCKDIR ############## *String.* Directory name used for process locking for export functions. File-based locks are held during export, so that only one export process runs at once for mutually exclusive situations (e.g. exporting the same task to the same recipient). CamCOPS must have permissions to create files in this directory. Under Linux, the CamCOPS installation script will create a lock directory for you. The demonstration config file will show you where this is likely to be on your system. When the server starts, it will attempt to create this directory if it doesn't already exist (helpful if e.g. the directory is within a temporary directory such as ``/var/lock`` under Linux that is deleted on reboot). List of export recipients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECIPIENTS ########## *Multiline string.* This is a list of export recipients. Each recipient is defined in a config file section of its own. For example, if you have .. code-block:: none [export] recipients = recipient_A recipient_B then CamCOPS expects to see, elsewhere in the config file: .. code-block:: none [recipient:recipient_A] # options defining recipient_A [recipient:recipient_B] # options defining recipient_B SCHEDULE_TIMEZONE ################# *String.* Default: ``UTC``. Timezone used by Celery for the *crontab(5)*-style SCHEDULE_ (see below), as per http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/periodic-tasks.html#time-zones. .. _SCHEDULE: SCHEDULE ######## *Multiline string.* Each line is in the format of *crontab(5)*, with five time-related entries (separated by whitespace) followed by a "what to run" entry -- in this case, the name of a single export recipient. Thus: .. code-block:: none minute hour day_of_week day_of_month month_of_year recipient For example: .. code-block:: none 0 1 * * * perinatal_group_email_recipient which will trigger the ``perinatal_group_email_recipient`` recipient at 01:00 every day. Lines beginning with ``#`` are ignored. .. note:: For scheduled exports, you must be running the CamCOPS scheduler (via ``camcops_server launch_scheduler``) and CamCOPS workers (via ``camcops_server launch_workers``). Options for each export recipient section ----------------------------------------- The following options are applicable to a recipient definition section of the config file. Together, they define a single export recipient. .. note:: An export recipient is defined by name. This is particularly important for incremental updates. If you run an incremental export, and then make changes to the recipient definition, tasks that have already been sent will not be re-sent. (A new record will be created in the ``_export_recipients`` table with a new ID but the same recipient name, so the history is transparent.) However, if you rename the export recipient, it will be treated as a new recipient, so any tasks previously sent (via the old name) will be re-sent. This is implemented via :func:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_exportmodels.get_collection_for_export` and :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskcollection.TaskCollection`. Config file section names are case-sensitive (see e.g. https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html#supported-ini-file-structure) and so are CamCOPS export recipient names. How to export ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _TRANSMISSION_METHOD: TRANSMISSION_METHOD ################### *String.* One of the following methods: - ``db``: Exports tasks to a relational database; see :ref:`database exports `. - ``email``: Sends tasks via e-mail; see :ref:`e-mail exports `. - ``fhir``: Sends data via FHIR_; see :ref:`FHIR exports `. - ``file``: Writes files to a local filesystem; see :ref:`file exports `. - ``hl7``: Sends HL7 (v2) messages across a TCP/IP network; see :ref:`HL7 exports `. - ``redcap``: :ref:`Exports tasks to REDCap `. PUSH #### *Boolean.* Treat this as a "push" recipient? All recipients can be exported to via a manual (or automated) ``camcops_server export ...`` command. Push recipients support automatic incremental export when a task is uploaded (i.e. as soon as it's uploaded, it's exported). Not all transmission methods currently support push notifications: currently database export is not supported. .. note:: For push exports to function, you must be running CamCOPS workers (via ``camcops_server launch_workers``). .. note:: For speed, the front end does not check all task criteria against the recipient. It sends some tasks to the back end that the back end will reject (e.g. anonymous, out of time range, freshly finalized but previously exported). This is normal. The back end double-checks all tasks that it's asked to export. TASK_FORMAT ########### *String.* One of the following: - ``pdf`` - ``html`` - ``xml`` Not relevant for REDCap or database exports (see TRANSMISSION_METHOD_). XML_FIELD_COMMENTS ################## *Boolean.* Default: true. If ``TASK_FORMAT = xml``, then ``XML_FIELD_COMMENTS`` determines whether field comments are included. These describe the meaning of each field, so they take space but they provide more information for human readers. What to export ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _ALL_GROUPS: ALL_GROUPS ########## *Boolean.* Default: false. Export from all groups? If not, :ref:`GROUPS ` will come into play (see below). .. _export_GROUPS: GROUPS ###### *Multiline string.* Names of CamCOPS group(s) to export from. Only applicable if ALL_GROUPS_ is false. TASKS ##### *Multiline string.* Default: none (and therefore all tasks). Tasks to export. This is a list of base table names of CamCOPS tasks (e.g. `ace3`, `phq9`) to export. If this option is not specified, all tasks are exported. START_DATETIME_UTC ################## *Date/time. May be blank.* Earliest date/time (in UTC unless otherwise specified) for which tasks will be sent. Assessed against the task's ``when_created`` field, converted to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Blank to apply no start date restriction. The parameter is named ``_UTC`` to remind you that it's UTC if you don't specify it more precisely (and because it's stored as UTC in the database). However, if you want a non-UTC timezone, specify the date/time in `ISO 8601`_ format and it will be autoconverted to UTC. END_DATETIME_UTC ################ *Date/time. May be blank.* Date/time (in UTC unless other specified) at/beyond which no tasks will be sent. Assessed against the task's ``when_created`` field (converted to UTC). Blank to apply no end date restriction. The parameter is named ``_UTC`` to remind you that it's UTC if you don't specify it more precisely (and because it's stored as UTC in the database). However, if you want a non-UTC timezone, specify the date/time in `ISO 8601`_ format and it will be autoconverted to UTC. .. _FINALIZED_ONLY: FINALIZED_ONLY ############## *Boolean.* If true, only send tasks that are finalized (moved off their originating tablet and not susceptible to later modification). If false, also send tasks that are uploaded but not yet finalized (they will then be sent again if they are modified later). .. warning:: It is unusual, and very likely undesirable, to set FINALIZED_ONLY_ to False. You may end up exporting multiple copies of tasks, all slightly different, if the user makes edits before finalizing. .. _INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS: INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS ################# *Boolean.* Include anonymous tasks? - Note that anonymous tasks cannot be sent via HL7 v2; the HL7 v2 specification is heavily tied to identification. - Note that anonymous tasks cannot be sent via REDCap. - Note also that this setting operates independently of the REQUIRE_PRIMARY_IDNUM_MANDATORY_IN_POLICY_ setting. .. _PRIMARY_IDNUM: PRIMARY_IDNUM ############# *Integer.* Which ID number type should be considered the "internal" (primary) ID number? If specified, only tasks with this ID number present will be exported. - Must be specified for HL7 v2 and FHIR messages. - May be blank for file and e-mail transmission. - For (e.g.) file/e-mail transmission, this does not control the behaviour of anonymous tasks, which are instead controlled by INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_ (see below). .. _REQUIRE_PRIMARY_IDNUM_MANDATORY_IN_POLICY: REQUIRE_PRIMARY_IDNUM_MANDATORY_IN_POLICY ######################################### *Boolean.* Defines behaviour relating to the primary ID number. Applies only if PRIMARY_IDNUM_ is set. - If true, no message sending will be attempted unless the PRIMARY_IDNUM_ is a mandatory part of the finalizing policy (and if FINALIZED_ONLY_ is false, also of the upload policy). - If false, messages will be sent, but ONLY FROM TASKS FOR WHICH THE PRIMARY_IDNUM_ IS PRESENT; others will be ignored. - If you export from multiple groups simultaneously, setting this to true means that the primary ID number must be present (as above) for *all* groups. .. _config_db: Options applicable to database export only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At present, only full (not incremental) database export is supported. .. _EXPORT_DB_URL: DB_URL ###### *String.* SQLAlchemy URL to the receiving database. DB_ECHO ####### *Boolean.* Default: false. Echo SQL sent to the destination database. DB_INCLUDE_BLOBS ################ *Boolean.* Default: true. Include binary large objects (BLOBs) in the export? DB_ADD_SUMMARIES ################ *Boolean.* Default: true. Add summary information (including :ref:`SNOMED CT ` codes if available)? .. _DB_PATIENT_ID_PER_ROW: DB_PATIENT_ID_PER_ROW ##################### *Boolean.* Default: false. Add patient ID numbers to all patient rows? Used, for example, to export a database in a more convenient format for subsequent anonymisation. The extra columns are named ``_patient_idnum1``, ``_patient_idnum2``, etc., according to your ID number definitions (see :ref:`Patient identification `). Additionally, tables that represent "sub-tables" of tasks (e.g. trials within a task, or similar) add the fields ``_task_tablename`` and ``_task_pk`` as part of this denormalization-for-convenience. .. _config_email: Options applicable to e-mail export only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attachment filenames are based on FILE_FILENAME_SPEC_, but only the basename of the path is used. General e-mail sending options are in the :ref:`[site] ` section. EMAIL_TO ######## *Multiline string.* List of "To:" recipients. EMAIL_CC ######## *Multiline string.* List of "CC:" (carbon copy) recipients. EMAIL_BCC ######### *Multiline string.* List of "BCC:" (blind carbon copy) recipients. EMAIL_PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS ############################### *String.* For anonymous tasks, this string is used as the patient descriptor (see EMAIL_PATIENT_SPEC_, EMAIL_SUBJECT_ below). Typically "anonymous". (Thus: as for the main PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS_ option.) .. _EMAIL_PATIENT_SPEC: EMAIL_PATIENT_SPEC ################## *String.* String, into which substitutions will be made, that defines the ``patient`` element available for substitution into the EMAIL_SUBJECT_ (see below). Options are as for the main PATIENT_SPEC_ option. .. _EMAIL_SUBJECT: EMAIL_SUBJECT ############# *String.* Possible substitutions are as for the main TASK_FILENAME_SPEC_ option. EMAIL_BODY_IS_HTML ################## *Boolean.* Is the body HTML, rather than plain text? Default false. EMAIL_BODY ########## *Multiline string.* E-mail body contents. Possible substitutions are as for the main TASK_FILENAME_SPEC_ option. EMAIL_KEEP_MESSAGE ################## *Boolean.* Default: false. Keep the entire message (including attachments). Turning this option on consumes lots of database space! Use only for debugging. .. _config_hl7: Options applicable to HL7 (v2) only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _HL7_HOST: HL7_HOST ######## *String.* HL7 hostname or IP address. .. _HL7_PORT: HL7_PORT ######## *Integer.* Default: 2575. HL7 port. HL7_PING_FIRST ############## *Boolean.* Default: true. If true, requires a successful ping to the server prior to sending HL7 messages. (Note: this is a TCP/IP ping, and tests that the machine is up, not that it is running an HL7 server.) HL7_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_MS ###################### *Integer.* Default: 10000. Network timeout (in milliseconds). HL7_KEEP_MESSAGE ################ *Boolean.* Default: false. Keep a copy of the entire message in the databaase. *WARNING:** may consume significant space in the database. HL7_KEEP_REPLY ############## *Boolean.* Default: false. Keep a copy of the reply (e.g. acknowledgement) message received from the server. **WARNING:** may consume significant space. .. _HL7_DEBUG_DIVERT_TO_FILE: HL7_DEBUG_DIVERT_TO_FILE ######################## *Boolean.* Default: false. Override HL7_HOST_/HL7_PORT_ options and send HL7 messages to a (single) file instead? This is a **debugging option,** allowing you to redirect HL7 messages to a file and inspect them. If chosen, the following options are used: .. code-block:: none FILE_PATIENT_SPEC FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS FILE_FILENAME_SPEC FILE_MAKE_DIRECTORY FILE_OVERWRITE_FILES and the files are named accordingly, but with ``filetype`` set to ``hl7``. HL7_DEBUG_TREAT_DIVERTED_AS_SENT ################################ *Boolean.* Default: false. Any messages that are diverted to a file (using HL7_DEBUG_DIVERT_TO_FILE_) are treated as having been sent (thus allowing the file to mimic an HL7-receiving server that's accepting messages happily). If set to false, a diversion will allow you to preview messages for debugging purposes without "swallowing" them. BEWARE, though: if you have an automatically scheduled job (for example, to send messages every minute) and you divert with this flag set to false, you will end up with a great many message attempts! .. _config_fhir: Options applicable to HL7 FHIR ("FHIR") only ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For an overview of FHIR, see `FHIR Overview `_ from the HL7 site. For an overview of SMART on FHIR, see the SMART_ site, or e.g. `J. Coy (2018) `_. CamCOPS supports exporting to FHIR_ servers. Thus, CamCOPS operates as a FHIR client, or "SMART App" (the system is often called "SMART on FHIR"). The server might be an electronic health record (EHR) system. CamCOPS authenticates using the `SMART App Launch Framework `_ or "SMART on FHIR" system, as a "confidential app". Authentication is via: - a ``client_id``, configured via FHIR_APP_ID_; - a ``client_secret``, configured via FHIR_APP_SECRET_; If you wish the exported "system" URLs to work, ensure the CamCOPS back-end is configured to know its own address: see :ref:`external URL configuration `. For standard ID numbers, like UK NHS numbers, you should set the appropriate :ref:`FHIR ID system URL `. FHIR_API_URL ############ *String.* The base URL of your FHIR server's application programming interface (API), like ``https://my.fhir.server/path/to/api``. The server is expected to support SMART on FHIR. See: - https://doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocv189, describing SMART on FHIR - http://www.hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/, the specification .. _FHIR_APP_ID: FHIR_APP_ID ########### *String.* Default: ``camcops``. A string identifying this "app" (meaning the CamCOPS server) to the FHIR server. (The FHIR server needs to recognize this and the corresponding secret, FHIR_APP_SECRET_.) This is passed as the SMART ``client_id`` parameter (via the Python ``fhirclient`` parameter ``app_id``). .. _FHIR_APP_SECRET: FHIR_APP_SECRET ############### *String.* A secret code that the FHIR server should recognize to identify CamCOPS as a valid client (along with the app identifier, FHIR_APP_ID_). This is passed as the SMART ``client_secret`` parameter (via the Python ``fhirclient`` parameter ``app_secret``). FHIR_LAUNCH_TOKEN ################# *String.* This optional extra token can be passed to the FHIR server to set the context of the request. However, this may not be applicable (as such context-setting tokens may need to be very specific). This is passed as the SMART ``launch`` parameter (via the Python ``fhirclient`` parameter ``launch_token``). FHIR_CONCURRENT ############### *Boolean.* Default: false. Does the FHIR server handle fully concurrent (parallel) transactions? If so, you can set this to ``True``, and CamCOPS might send lots of tasks simultaneously. However, beware: some servers do not support full concurrency safely (see, for example, https://github.com/hapifhir/hapi-fhir/issues/3141). If you leave this setting at the default of ``False``, then CamCOPS will switch to serial, non-concurrent transmission (one task at a time). There is no penalty for leaving it at ``False`` except perhaps a slight reduction in speed. .. _config_file: Options applicable to file transfers and attachments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS: FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS ############################## *String.* For anonymous tasks, this string is used as the patient descriptor (see FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_, FILE_FILENAME_SPEC_ below). Typically "anonymous". (Thus: as for the main PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS_ option.) .. _FILE_PATIENT_SPEC: FILE_PATIENT_SPEC ################# *String.* String, into which substitutions will be made, that defines the ``patient`` element available for substitution into the FILE_FILENAME_SPEC_ (see below). Options are as for the main PATIENT_SPEC_ option. .. _FILE_FILENAME_SPEC: FILE_FILENAME_SPEC ################## *String.* String into which substitutions will be made to determine the filename to be used for each file. (Patient details are determined by FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_ and FILE_PATIENT_SPEC_IF_ANONYMOUS_.) Possible substitutions are as for the main TASK_FILENAME_SPEC_ option. FILE_MAKE_DIRECTORY ################### *Boolean.* Default: false. Make the directory if it doesn't already exist. FILE_OVERWRITE_FILES #################### *Boolean.* Default: false. Whether or not to attempt overwriting existing files of the same name. There is a **DANGER** of inadvertent data loss if you set this to true. (Needing to overwrite a file suggests that your filenames are not task-unique; try ensuring that both the ``tasktype`` and ``serverpk`` attributes are used in the filename.) .. _FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA: FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA ######################## *Boolean.* Default: false. Whether or not to export a metadata file for Servelec's RiO (https://www.servelechsc.com/servelec-hsc/products-services/rio/). Details of this file format are in ``cc_task.py`` and :meth:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task.get_rio_metadata`. The metadata filename is that of its associated file, but with the extension replaced by ``.metadata`` (e.g. ``X.pdf`` is accompanied by ``X.metadata``). If FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA_ is true, the following options also apply: RIO_IDNUM_, RIO_UPLOADING_USER_, RIO_DOCUMENT_TYPE_. FILE_SCRIPT_AFTER_EXPORT ######################## *String.* Optional. Optional filename of a shell script or other executable to run after file export is complete. You might use this script, for example, to move the files to a different location (such as across a network). If the parameter is blank, no script will be run. If no files are exported, the script will not be run. The parameters passed to the script are all the filenames exported for a given task. (This includes any RiO metadata filenames.) Note: - **WARNING:** the script will execute with the same permissions as the instance of CamCOPS that's doing the export (so, for example, if you run CamCOPS from your ``/etc/crontab`` as root, then this script will be run as root; that can pose a risk!). - The script executes while the export lock is still held by CamCOPS (i.e. further exports won't be started until the script is complete). - If the script fails, an error message is recorded, but the file transfer is still considered to have been made (CamCOPS has done all it can and the responsibility now lies elsewhere). - Example test script: suppose this is ``/usr/local/bin/print_arguments``: .. code-block:: bash #!/usr/bin/env bash for f in $$@ do echo "CamCOPS has just exported this file: $$f" done ... then you could set: .. code-block:: none SCRIPT_AFTER_FILE_EXPORT = /usr/local/bin/print_arguments Extra options for RiO metadata for file-based export ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _RIO_IDNUM: RIO_IDNUM ######### *Integer.* Applicable if FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA_ is true. Which of the ID numbers (as above) is the RiO ID? .. _RIO_UPLOADING_USER: RIO_UPLOADING_USER ################## *String.* Applicable if FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA_ is true. RiO username for the uploading user (maximum of 10 characters). .. _RIO_DOCUMENT_TYPE: RIO_DOCUMENT_TYPE ################# *String.* Applicable if FILE_EXPORT_RIO_METADATA_ is true. Document type as defined in the receiving RiO system. This is a code that maps to a human-readable document type; for example, the code "APT" might map to "Appointment Letter". Typically we might want a code that maps to "Clinical Correspondence", but the code will be defined within the local RiO system configuration. .. _redcap_config_options: Extra options for export to REDCap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`REDCap export `. .. _REDCAP_API_URL: REDCAP_API_URL ############## *String.* URL of the API on the redcap instance, such as ``https://domain.of.redcap.server/api/``. .. _REDCAP_API_KEY: REDCAP_API_KEY ############## *String.* API key, as provided by the REDCap instance, for a user who has permissions to import and export data to and from REDCap. In REDCap, open your project, and click "API" to see this key. .. _REDCAP_FIELDMAP_FILENAME: REDCAP_FIELDMAP_FILENAME ######################## *String.* Name of the REDCap XML fieldmap file for CamCOPS. See :ref:`REDCap export `. Demonstration config file ------------------------- Below is a specimen configuration file, generated via the command .. code-block:: bash camcops_server demo_camcops_config > demo_camcops_config.ini Note that if you are using Docker, then the installer will give you a config file with appropriate defaults for the Docker environment (slightly different from what follows). .. literalinclude:: _demo_camcops_config.ini :language: ini