Source code for camcops_server.tasks.lynall_iam_medical



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Integer, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import Task, TaskHasPatientMixin
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_text import SS

# =============================================================================
# Lynall1MedicalHistory
# =============================================================================

[docs]class LynallIamMedicalHistory(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the Lynall1IamMedicalHistory task. """ __tablename__ = "lynall_1_iam_medical" # historically fixed shortname = "Lynall_IAM_Medical" extrastring_taskname = "lynall_iam_medical" info_filename_stem = extrastring_taskname Q2_N_OPTIONS = 6 Q3_N_OPTIONS = 11 Q4_N_OPTIONS = 5 Q4_OPTION_PSYCH_BEFORE_PHYSICAL = 1 Q4_OPTION_PSYCH_AFTER_PHYSICAL = 2 Q8_N_OPTIONS = 2 Q7B_MIN = 1 Q7B_MAX = 10 q1_age_first_inflammatory_sx = Column( "q1_age_first_inflammatory_sx", Integer, comment="Age (y) at onset of first symptoms of inflammatory disease", ) q2_when_psych_sx_started = CamcopsColumn( "q2_when_psych_sx_started", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker( minimum=1, maximum=Q2_N_OPTIONS ), comment="Timing of onset of psych symptoms (1 = NA, 2 = before " "physical symptoms [Sx], 3 = same time as physical Sx but " "before diagnosis [Dx], 4 = around time of Dx, 5 = weeks or " "months after Dx, 6 = years after Dx)", ) q3_worst_symptom_last_month = CamcopsColumn( "q3_worst_symptom_last_month", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker( minimum=1, maximum=Q3_N_OPTIONS ), comment="Worst symptom in last month (1 = fatigue, 2 = low mood, 3 = " "irritable, 4 = anxiety, 5 = brain fog/confused, 6 = pain, " "7 = bowel Sx, 8 = mobility, 9 = skin, 10 = other, 11 = no Sx " "in past month)", ) q4a_symptom_timing = CamcopsColumn( "q4a_symptom_timing", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker( minimum=1, maximum=Q4_N_OPTIONS ), comment="Timing of brain/psych Sx relative to physical Sx (1 = brain " "before physical, 2 = brain after physical, 3 = same time, " "4 = no relationship, 5 = none of the above)", ) q4b_days_psych_before_phys = Column( "q4b_days_psych_before_phys", Integer, comment="If Q4a == 1, number of days that brain Sx typically begin " "before physical Sx", ) q4c_days_psych_after_phys = Column( "q4c_days_psych_after_phys", Integer, comment="If Q4a == 2, number of days that brain Sx typically begin " "after physical Sx", ) q5_antibiotics = BoolColumn( "q5_antibiotics", comment="Medication for infection (e.g. antibiotics) in past 3 months?" " (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q6a_inpatient_last_y = BoolColumn( "q6a_inpatient_last_y", comment="Inpatient in the last year? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q6b_inpatient_weeks = Column( "q6b_inpatient_weeks", Integer, comment="If Q6a is true, approximate number of weeks spent as an " "inpatient in the past year", ) q7a_sx_last_2y = BoolColumn( "q7a_sx_last_2y", comment="Symptoms within the last 2 years? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q7b_variability = Column( "q7b_variability", Integer, comment="If Q7a is true, degree of variability of symptoms (1-10 " "where 1 = highly variable [from none to severe], 10 = " "there all the time)", ) q8_smoking = Column( "q8_smoking", Integer, comment="Current smoking status (0 = no, 1 = yes but not every day, " "2 = every day)", ) q9_pregnant = BoolColumn( "q9_pregnant", comment="Currently pregnant (0 = no or N/A, 1 = yes)" ) q10a_effective_rx_physical = Column( "q10a_effective_rx_physical", UnicodeText, comment="Most effective treatments for physical Sx", ) q10b_effective_rx_psych = Column( "q10b_effective_rx_psych", UnicodeText, comment="Most effective treatments for brain/psychiatric Sx", ) q11a_ph_depression = BoolColumn( "q11a_ph_depression", comment="Personal history of depression?" ) q11b_ph_bipolar = BoolColumn( "q11b_ph_bipolar", comment="Personal history of bipolar disorder?" ) q11c_ph_schizophrenia = BoolColumn( "q11c_ph_schizophrenia", comment="Personal history of schizophrenia?" ) q11d_ph_autistic_spectrum = BoolColumn( "q11d_ph_autistic_spectrum", comment="Personal history of autism/Asperger's?", ) q11e_ph_ptsd = BoolColumn( "q11e_ph_ptsd", comment="Personal history of PTSD?" ) q11f_ph_other_anxiety = BoolColumn( "q11f_ph_other_anxiety", comment="Personal history of other anxiety disorders?", ) q11g_ph_personality_disorder = BoolColumn( "q11g_ph_personality_disorder", comment="Personal history of personality disorder?", ) q11h_ph_other_psych = BoolColumn( "q11h_ph_other_psych", comment="Personal history of other psychiatric disorder(s)?", ) q11h_ph_other_detail = Column( "q11h_ph_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="If q11h_ph_other_psych is true, this is the free-text " "details field", ) q12a_fh_depression = BoolColumn( "q12a_fh_depression", comment="Family history of depression?" ) q12b_fh_bipolar = BoolColumn( "q12b_fh_bipolar", comment="Family history of bipolar disorder?" ) q12c_fh_schizophrenia = BoolColumn( "q12c_fh_schizophrenia", comment="Family history of schizophrenia?" ) q12d_fh_autistic_spectrum = BoolColumn( "q12d_fh_autistic_spectrum", comment="Family history of autism/Asperger's?", ) q12e_fh_ptsd = BoolColumn( "q12e_fh_ptsd", comment="Family history of PTSD?" ) q12f_fh_other_anxiety = BoolColumn( "q12f_fh_other_anxiety", comment="Family history of other anxiety disorders?", ) q12g_fh_personality_disorder = BoolColumn( "q12g_fh_personality_disorder", comment="Family history of personality disorder?", ) q12h_fh_other_psych = BoolColumn( "q12h_fh_other_psych", comment="Family history of other psychiatric disorder(s)?", ) q12h_fh_other_detail = Column( "q12h_fh_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="If q12h_fh_other_psych is true, this is the free-text " "details field", ) q13a_behcet = BoolColumn( "q13a_behcet", comment="Behçet’s syndrome? (0 = no, 1 = yes)" ) q13b_oral_ulcers = BoolColumn( "q13b_oral_ulcers", comment="(If Behçet’s) Oral ulcers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q13c_oral_age_first = Column( "q13c_oral_age_first", Integer, comment="(If Behçet’s + oral) Age (y) at first oral ulcers", ) q13d_oral_scarring = BoolColumn( "q13d_oral_scarring", comment="(If Behçet’s + oral) Oral scarring? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q13e_genital_ulcers = BoolColumn( "q13e_genital_ulcers", comment="(If Behçet’s) Genital ulcers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", ) q13f_genital_age_first = Column( "q13f_genital_age_first", Integer, comment="(If Behçet’s + genital) Age (y) at first genital ulcers", ) q13g_genital_scarring = BoolColumn( "q13g_genital_scarring", comment="(If Behçet’s + genital) Genital scarring? (0 = no, 1 = yes)", )
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Lynall M-E — 1 — IAM — Medical history")
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: if self.any_fields_none( [ "q1_age_first_inflammatory_sx", "q2_when_psych_sx_started", "q3_worst_symptom_last_month", "q4a_symptom_timing", "q5_antibiotics", "q6a_inpatient_last_y", "q7a_sx_last_2y", "q8_smoking", "q9_pregnant", "q10a_effective_rx_physical", "q10b_effective_rx_psych", "q13a_behcet", ] ): return False if self.any_fields_null_or_empty_str( ["q10a_effective_rx_physical", "q10b_effective_rx_psych"] ): return False q4a = self.q4a_symptom_timing if ( q4a == self.Q4_OPTION_PSYCH_BEFORE_PHYSICAL and self.q4b_days_psych_before_phys is None ): return False if ( q4a == self.Q4_OPTION_PSYCH_AFTER_PHYSICAL and self.q4c_days_psych_after_phys is None ): return False if self.q6a_inpatient_last_y and self.q6b_inpatient_weeks is None: return False if self.q7a_sx_last_2y and self.q7b_variability is None: return False if self.q11h_ph_other_psych and not self.q11h_ph_other_detail: return False if self.q12h_fh_other_psych and not self.q12h_fh_other_detail: return False if self.q13a_behcet: if self.any_fields_none( ["q13b_oral_ulcers", "q13e_genital_ulcers"] ): return False if self.q13b_oral_ulcers: if self.any_fields_none( ["q13c_oral_age_first", "q13d_oral_scarring"] ): return False if self.q13e_genital_ulcers: if self.any_fields_none( ["q13f_genital_age_first", "q13g_genital_scarring"] ): return False return True
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: def plainrow( qname: str, xstring_name: str, value: Any, if_applicable: bool = False, qsuffix: str = "", ) -> str: ia_str = ( f"<i>[{req.wsstring(SS.IF_APPLICABLE)}]</i> " if if_applicable else "" ) q = f"{ia_str}{qname}. {self.wxstring(req, xstring_name)}{qsuffix}" return tr_qa(q, value) def lookuprow( qname: str, xstring_name: str, key: Optional[int], lookup: Dict[int, str], if_applicable: bool = False, qsuffix: str = "", ) -> str: description = lookup.get(key, None) value = None if description is None else f"{key}: {description}" return plainrow( qname, xstring_name, value, if_applicable=if_applicable, qsuffix=qsuffix, ) def boolrow( qname: str, xstring_name: str, value: Optional[bool], lookup: Dict[int, str], if_applicable: bool = False, qsuffix: str = "", ) -> str: v = int(value) if value is not None else None return lookuprow( qname, xstring_name, v, lookup, if_applicable=if_applicable, qsuffix=qsuffix, ) def ynrow( qname: str, xstring_name: str, value: Optional[Union[int, bool]] ) -> str: return plainrow(qname, xstring_name, get_yes_no(req, value)) def ynnrow( qname: str, xstring_name: str, value: Optional[Union[int, bool]], if_applicable: bool = False, ) -> str: return plainrow( qname, xstring_name, get_yes_no_none(req, value), if_applicable=if_applicable, ) q2_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings( req, "q2_option", 1, self.Q2_N_OPTIONS ) q3_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings( req, "q3_option", 1, self.Q3_N_OPTIONS ) q4a_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings( req, "q4a_option", 1, self.Q4_N_OPTIONS ) q7a_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings(req, "q7a_option", 0, 1) _q7b_anchors = [] # type: List[str] for _o in (1, 10): _wxstring = self.wxstring(req, f"q7b_anchor_{_o}") _q7b_anchors.append(f"{_o}: {_wxstring}") q7b_explanation = f" <i>(Anchors: {' // '.join(_q7b_anchors)})</i>" q8_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings( req, "q8_option", 1, self.Q8_N_OPTIONS ) q9_options = self.make_options_from_xstrings(req, "q9_option", 0, 1) return f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} </table> </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr> <th width="60%">{req.sstring(SS.QUESTION)}</th> <th width="40%">{req.sstring(SS.ANSWER)}</th> </tr> {plainrow("1", "q1_question", self.q1_age_first_inflammatory_sx)} {lookuprow("2", "q2_question", self.q2_when_psych_sx_started, q2_options)} {lookuprow("3", "q3_question", self.q3_worst_symptom_last_month, q3_options)} {lookuprow("4a", "q4a_question", self.q4a_symptom_timing, q4a_options)} {plainrow("4b", "q4b_question", self.q4b_days_psych_before_phys, True)} {plainrow("4c", "q4c_question", self.q4c_days_psych_after_phys, True)} {ynnrow("5", "q5_question", self.q5_antibiotics)} {ynnrow("6a", "q6a_question", self.q6a_inpatient_last_y)} {plainrow("6b", "q6b_question", self.q6b_inpatient_weeks, True)} {boolrow("7a", "q7a_question", self.q7a_sx_last_2y, q7a_options)} {plainrow("7b", "q7b_question", self.q7b_variability, True, qsuffix=q7b_explanation)} {lookuprow("8", "q8_question", self.q8_smoking, q8_options)} {boolrow("9", "q9_question", self.q9_pregnant, q9_options)} <tr class="subheading"> <td><i>{self.wxstring(req, "q10_stem")}</i></td> <td></td> </tr> {plainrow("10a", "q10a_question", self.q10a_effective_rx_physical)} {plainrow("10b", "q10b_question", self.q10b_effective_rx_psych)} <tr class="subheading"> <td><i>{self.wxstring(req, "q11_title")}</i></td> <td></td> </tr> {ynrow("11a", "depression", self.q11a_ph_depression)} {ynrow("11b", "bipolar", self.q11b_ph_bipolar)} {ynrow("11c", "schizophrenia", self.q11c_ph_schizophrenia)} {ynrow("11d", "autistic_spectrum", self.q11d_ph_autistic_spectrum)} {ynrow("11e", "ptsd", self.q11e_ph_ptsd)} {ynrow("11f", "other_anxiety", self.q11f_ph_other_anxiety)} {ynrow("11g", "personality_disorder", self.q11g_ph_personality_disorder)} {ynrow("11h", "other_psych", self.q11h_ph_other_psych)} {plainrow("11h", "other_psych", self.q11h_ph_other_detail, True)} <tr class="subheading"> <td><i>{self.wxstring(req, "q12_title")}</i></td> <td></td> </tr> {ynrow("12a", "depression", self.q12a_fh_depression)} {ynrow("12b", "bipolar", self.q12b_fh_bipolar)} {ynrow("12c", "schizophrenia", self.q12c_fh_schizophrenia)} {ynrow("12d", "autistic_spectrum", self.q12d_fh_autistic_spectrum)} {ynrow("12e", "ptsd", self.q12e_fh_ptsd)} {ynrow("12f", "other_anxiety", self.q12f_fh_other_anxiety)} {ynrow("12g", "personality_disorder", self.q12g_fh_personality_disorder)} {ynrow("12h", "other_psych", self.q12h_fh_other_psych)} {plainrow("12h", "other_psych", self.q12h_fh_other_detail, True)} <tr class="subheading"> <td><i>{self.wxstring(req, "q13_title")}</i></td> <td></td> </tr> {ynnrow("13a", "q13a_question", self.q13a_behcet)} {ynnrow("13b", "q13b_question", self.q13b_oral_ulcers, True)} {plainrow("13c", "q13c_question", self.q13c_oral_age_first, True)} {ynnrow("13d", "q13d_question", self.q13d_oral_scarring, True)} {ynnrow("13e", "q13e_question", self.q13e_genital_ulcers, True)} {plainrow("13f", "q13f_question", self.q13f_genital_age_first, True)} {ynnrow("13g", "q13g_question", self.q13g_genital_scarring, True)} </table> """ # noqa