Source code for camcops_server.tasks.ceca



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

import cardinal_pythonlib.rnc_web as ws
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Boolean, Float, Integer, UnicodeText

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import CssClass
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_summaryelement import SummaryElement
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import (

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

FREQUENCY_COMMENT = "Frequency (0 never - 3 often)"

[docs]class CecaQ3(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the CECA-Q3 task. """ __tablename__ = "cecaq3" shortname = "CECA-Q3" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 1(A) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s1a_motherfigure_birthmother = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_birthmother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, birth mother?", ) s1a_motherfigure_stepmother = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_stepmother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, stepmother?", ) s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, female relative?", ) s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative_detail = Column( "s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Raised by, maternal, female relative, detail", ) s1a_motherfigure_familyfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_familyfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, family friend?", ) s1a_motherfigure_fostermother = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_fostermother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, foster mother?", ) s1a_motherfigure_adoptivemother = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_adoptivemother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, adoptive mother?", ) s1a_motherfigure_other = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_motherfigure_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, maternal, other?", ) s1a_motherfigure_other_detail = Column( "s1a_motherfigure_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Raised by, maternal, other, detail", ) s1a_fatherfigure_birthfather = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_birthfather", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, birth father?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_stepfather = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_stepfather", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, stepfather?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, male relative?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative_detail = Column( "s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Raised by, paternal, male relative, detail", ) s1a_fatherfigure_familyfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_familyfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, family friend?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_fosterfather = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_fosterfather", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, foster father?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_adoptivefather = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_adoptivefather", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, adoptive father?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_other = CamcopsColumn( "s1a_fatherfigure_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Raised by, paternal, other?", ) s1a_fatherfigure_other_detail = Column( "s1a_fatherfigure_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Raised by, paternal, other, detail", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 1(B) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s1b_institution = CamcopsColumn( "s1b_institution", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="In institution before 17?", ) s1b_institution_time_years = CamcopsColumn( "s1b_institution_time_years", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="In institution, time (years)", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 1(C) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s1c_mother_died = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_mother_died", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Mother died before 17?", ) s1c_father_died = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_father_died", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Father died before 17?", ) s1c_mother_died_subject_aged = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_mother_died_subject_aged", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Age when mother died (years)", ) s1c_father_died_subject_aged = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_father_died_subject_aged", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Age when father died (years)", ) s1c_separated_from_mother = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_separated_from_mother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Separated from mother for >=1y before 17?", ) s1c_separated_from_father = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_separated_from_father", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Separated from father for >=1y before 17?", ) s1c_first_separated_from_mother_aged = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_first_separated_from_mother_aged", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Maternal separation, age (years)", ) s1c_first_separated_from_father_aged = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_first_separated_from_father_aged", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Paternal separation, age (years)", ) s1c_mother_how_long_first_separation_years = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_mother_how_long_first_separation_years", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Maternal separation, how long first separation (y)", ) s1c_father_how_long_first_separation_years = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_father_how_long_first_separation_years", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Paternal separation, how long first separation (y)", ) s1c_mother_separation_reason = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_mother_separation_reason", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=6), comment="Maternal separation, reason " "(1 illness, 2 work, 3 divorce/separation, 4 never knew, " "5 abandoned, 6 other)", ) s1c_father_separation_reason = CamcopsColumn( "s1c_father_separation_reason", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=6), comment="Paternal separation, reason " "(1 illness, 2 work, 3 divorce/separation, 4 never knew, " "5 abandoned, 6 other)", ) s1c_describe_experience = Column( "s1c_describe_experience", UnicodeText, comment="Loss of/separation from parent, description", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 2(A) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s2a_which_mother_figure = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_which_mother_figure", Integer, permitted_value_checker=PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=5), comment="Mother figure, which one (0 none/skip, 1 birth mother, " "2 stepmother, 3 other relative, 4 other non-relative, " "5 other)", ) s2a_which_mother_figure_other_detail = Column( "s2a_which_mother_figure_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Mother figure, other, detail", ) s2a_q1 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q1", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, difficult to please (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q2 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q2", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, concerned re my worries (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q3 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q3", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, interested re school (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q4 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q4", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, made me feel unwanted (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q5 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q5", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, better when upset (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q6 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q6", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, critical (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q7 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q7", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, unsupervised <10y (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q8 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q8", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, time to talk (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q9 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q9", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, nuisance (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q10 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q10", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, picked on unfairly (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q11 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q11", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, there if needed (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q12 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q12", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, interested in friends (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q13 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q13", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, concerned re whereabouts (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q14 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q14", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, cared when ill (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q15 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q15", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, neglected basic needs (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_q16 = CamcopsColumn( "s2a_q16", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, preferred siblings (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s2a_extra = Column( "s2a_extra", UnicodeText, comment="Mother figure, extra detail" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 2(B) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s2b_q1 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q1", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, tease me (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q2 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q2", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, made me keep secrets (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q3 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q3", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, undermined confidence (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q4 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q4", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, contradictory (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q5 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q5", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, played on fears (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q6 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q6", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, liked to see me suffer (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q7 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q7", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, humiliated me (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q8 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q8", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, shamed me before others (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q9 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q9", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, rejecting (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q10 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q10", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, took things I cherished (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q11 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q11", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, eat disliked until sick (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q12 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q12", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, deprived light/food/company (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q13 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q13", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, wouldn't let me mix (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q14 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q14", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, obedience through guilt (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q15 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q15", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, threatened to hurt people dear to me " "(0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q16 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q16", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, forced to break law (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q17 = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q17", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Mother figure, said wanted me dead (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s2b_q1_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q1_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q2_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q2_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q3_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q3_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q4_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q4_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q5_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q5_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q6_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q6_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q7_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q7_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q8_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q8_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q9_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q9_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q10_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q10_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q11_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q11_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q12_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q12_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q13_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q13_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q14_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q14_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q15_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q15_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q16_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q16_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_q17_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_q17_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s2b_age_began = CamcopsColumn( "s2b_age_began", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Age these experienced began (years)", ) s2b_extra = Column("s2b_extra", UnicodeText, comment="Extra detail") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 3(A) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s3a_which_father_figure = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_which_father_figure", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, which one (0 none/skip, 1 birth father, " "2 stepfather, 3 other relative, 4 other non-relative, " "5 other)", ) s3a_which_father_figure_other_detail = Column( "s3a_which_father_figure_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Father figure, other, detail", ) s3a_q1 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q1", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, difficult to please (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q2 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q2", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, concerned re my worries (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q3 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q3", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, interested re school (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q4 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q4", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, made me feel unwanted (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q5 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q5", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, better when upset (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q6 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q6", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, critical (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q7 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q7", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, unsupervised <10y (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q8 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q8", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, time to talk (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q9 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q9", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, nuisance (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q10 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q10", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, picked on unfairly (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q11 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q11", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, there if needed (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q12 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q12", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, interested in friends (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q13 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q13", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, concerned re whereabouts (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q14 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q14", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, cared when ill (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q15 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q15", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, neglected basic needs (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_q16 = CamcopsColumn( "s3a_q16", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, preferred siblings (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3a_extra = Column( "s3a_extra", UnicodeText, comment="Father figure, extra detail" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 3(B) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s3b_q1 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q1", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, tease me (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q2 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q2", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, made me keep secrets (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q3 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q3", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, undermined confidence (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q4 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q4", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, contradictory (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q5 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q5", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, played on fears (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q6 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q6", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, liked to see me suffer (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q7 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q7", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, humiliated me (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q8 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q8", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, shamed me before others (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q9 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q9", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, rejecting (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q10 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q10", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, took things I cherished (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q11 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q11", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, eat disliked until sick (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q12 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q12", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, deprived light/food/company (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q13 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q13", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, wouldn't let me mix (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q14 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q14", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, obedience through guilt (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q15 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q15", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, threatened to hurt people dear to me " "(0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q16 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q16", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, forced to break law (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q17 = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q17", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Father figure, said wanted me dead (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3b_q1_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q1_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q2_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q2_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q3_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q3_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q4_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q4_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q5_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q5_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q6_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q6_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q7_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q7_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q8_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q8_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q9_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q9_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q10_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q10_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q11_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q11_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q12_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q12_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q13_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q13_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q14_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q14_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q15_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q15_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q16_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q16_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_q17_frequency = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_q17_frequency", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER, comment=FREQUENCY_COMMENT, ) s3b_age_began = CamcopsColumn( "s3b_age_began", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Age these experienced began (years)", ) s3b_extra = Column("s3b_extra", UnicodeText, comment="Extra detail") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 3(C) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s3c_q1 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q1", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Responsibility (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q2 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q2", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Housework (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q3 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q3", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Look after young siblings (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q4 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q4", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Cooking/cleaning (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q5 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q5", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Miss school for domestic responsibilities (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q6 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q6", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Miss seeing friends for domestic responsibilities " "(1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q7 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q7", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents said they couldn't cope (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q8 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q8", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents looked to you for help (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q9 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q9", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents coped if you were hurt/ill (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q10 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q10", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents confided their problems (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q11 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q11", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents relied on you for emotional support (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q12 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q12", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents cried in front of you (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q13 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q13", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Concerned/worried re parent (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q14 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q14", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Tried to support/care for parent (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q15 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q15", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Try to make parent smile when upset (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q16 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q16", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Parents made you feel guilty for their sacrifices " "(1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_q17 = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_q17", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER, comment="Had to keep secrets for parent (1 no - 5 yes)", ) s3c_which_parent_cared_for = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_which_parent_cared_for", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, comment="Which parent did you have to provide care for (0 none, " "1 mother, 2 father, 3 both, 4 other)", ) s3c_parent_mental_problem = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_parent_mental_problem", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Parent/s had emotional/mental health problems (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s3c_parent_physical_problem = CamcopsColumn( "s3c_parent_physical_problem", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Parent/s had disability/physical illness (0 no - 2 yes)", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 4(A) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s4a_adultconfidant = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_mother = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_mother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, mother?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_father = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_father", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, father?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_otherrelative = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_otherrelative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, other relative?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_familyfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_familyfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, family friend?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_responsibleadult = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_responsibleadult", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, teacher/vicar/etc.?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_other = CamcopsColumn( "s4a_adultconfidant_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Adult confidant, other?", ) s4a_adultconfidant_other_detail = Column( "s4a_adultconfidant_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Adult confidant, other, detail", ) s4a_adultconfidant_additional = Column( "s4a_adultconfidant_additional", UnicodeText, comment="Adult confidant, additional notes", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 4(B) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s4b_childconfidant = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant?", ) s4b_childconfidant_sister = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_sister", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, sister?", ) s4b_childconfidant_brother = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_brother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, brother?", ) s4b_childconfidant_otherrelative = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_otherrelative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, other relative?", ) s4b_childconfidant_closefriend = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_closefriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, close friend?", ) s4b_childconfidant_otherfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_otherfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, other less close friend(s)?", ) s4b_childconfidant_other = CamcopsColumn( "s4b_childconfidant_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Child confidant, other person?", ) s4b_childconfidant_other_detail = Column( "s4b_childconfidant_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Child confidant, other person, detail", ) s4b_childconfidant_additional = Column( "s4b_childconfidant_additional", UnicodeText, comment="Child confidant, additional notes", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 4(C) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s4c_closest_mother = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_mother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: mother?", ) s4c_closest_father = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_father", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: father?", ) s4c_closest_sibling = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_sibling", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: sibling?", ) s4c_closest_otherrelative = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_otherrelative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: other relative?", ) s4c_closest_adultfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_adultfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: adult family friend?", ) s4c_closest_childfriend = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_childfriend", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: friend your age?", ) s4c_closest_other = CamcopsColumn( "s4c_closest_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Two closest people include: other?", ) s4c_closest_other_detail = Column( "s4c_closest_other_detail", UnicodeText, comment="Two closest people include: other, detail", ) s4c_closest_additional = Column( "s4c_closest_additional", UnicodeText, comment="Two closest people include: additional notes", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 5(C) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s5c_physicalabuse = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_physicalabuse", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse?", ) s5c_abused_by_mother = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_abused_by_mother", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by mother?", ) s5c_abused_by_father = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_abused_by_father", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by father?", ) s5c_mother_abuse_age_began = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_mother_abuse_age_began", Float, comment="Physical abuse, by mother, age began (y)", ) s5c_father_abuse_age_began = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_father_abuse_age_began", Float, comment="Physical abuse, by father, age began (y)", ) s5c_mother_hit_more_than_once = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_mother_hit_more_than_once", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by mother, hit on >1 occasion", ) s5c_father_hit_more_than_once = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_father_hit_more_than_once", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by father, hit on >1 occasion", ) s5c_mother_hit_how = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_mother_hit_how", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by mother, hit how (1 belt/stick, " "2 punched/kicked, 3 hit with hand, 4 other)", ) s5c_father_hit_how = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_father_hit_how", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by father, hit how (1 belt/stick, " "2 punched/kicked, 3 hit with hand, 4 other)", ) s5c_mother_injured = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_mother_injured", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by mother, injured?", ) s5c_father_injured = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_father_injured", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by father, injured?", ) s5c_mother_out_of_control = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_mother_out_of_control", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by mother, out of control?", ) s5c_father_out_of_control = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_father_out_of_control", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by father, out of control?", ) s5c_parental_abuse_description = Column( "s5c_parental_abuse_description", UnicodeText, comment="Physical abuse, description", ) s5c_abuse_by_nonparent = CamcopsColumn( "s5c_abuse_by_nonparent", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Physical abuse, by anyone else in household?", ) s5c_nonparent_abuse_description = Column( "s5c_nonparent_abuse_description", UnicodeText, comment="Physical abuse, nonparent, description", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section 6 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience = CamcopsColumn( # Prior to 2.1.0: was cctype="BOOL" on the server, but this gave # TINYINT(1), which can store -128 to 128. Corrected to Integer. "s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Any unwanted sexual experiences (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s6_unwanted_intercourse = CamcopsColumn( # Prior to 2.1.0: was cctype="BOOL" on the server, but this gave # TINYINT(1), which can store -128 to 128. Corrected to Integer. "s6_unwanted_intercourse", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Unwanted intercourse before 17yo (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority = CamcopsColumn( # Prior to 2.1.0: was cctype="BOOL" on the server, but this gave # TINYINT(1), which can store -128 to 128. Corrected to Integer. "s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority", Integer, permitted_value_checker=ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER, comment="Upsetting sexual experiences under 17yo with " "related adult or someone in authority (0 no - 2 yes)", ) s6_first_age = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_age", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, age it began", ) s6_other_age = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_age", Float, permitted_value_checker=MIN_ZERO_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, age it began", ) s6_first_person_known = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_person_known", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, knew the person?", ) s6_other_person_known = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_person_known", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, knew the person?", ) s6_first_relative = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_relative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, person was a relative?", ) s6_other_relative = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_relative", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, person was a relative?", ) s6_first_in_household = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_in_household", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, person lived in household?", ) s6_other_in_household = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_in_household", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, person lived in household?", ) s6_first_more_than_once = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_more_than_once", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, happened more than once?", ) s6_other_more_than_once = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_more_than_once", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, happened more than once?", ) s6_first_touch_privates_subject = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_touch_privates_subject", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, touched your private parts?", ) s6_other_touch_privates_subject = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_touch_privates_subject", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, touched your private parts?", ) s6_first_touch_privates_other = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_touch_privates_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, touched their private parts?", ) s6_other_touch_privates_other = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_touch_privates_other", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, touched their private parts?", ) s6_first_intercourse = CamcopsColumn( "s6_first_intercourse", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, first experience, sexual intercourse?", ) s6_other_intercourse = CamcopsColumn( "s6_other_intercourse", Boolean, permitted_value_checker=BIT_CHECKER, comment="Sexual abuse, other experience, sexual intercourse?", ) s6_unwanted_sexual_description = Column( "s6_unwanted_sexual_description", UnicodeText, comment="Sexual abuse, description", ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- any_other_comments = CamcopsColumn( "any_other_comments", UnicodeText, comment="Any other comments" )
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire")
[docs] def get_summaries(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[SummaryElement]: return self.standard_task_summary_fields() + [ SummaryElement( name="parental_loss_risk", coltype=Boolean(), value=self.parental_loss_risk(), comment="Parental loss risk factor?", ), SummaryElement( name="parental_loss_high_risk", coltype=Boolean(), value=self.parental_loss_high_risk(), comment="Parental loss higher risk factor?", ), SummaryElement( name="mother_antipathy", coltype=Integer(), value=self.mother_antipathy(), comment="Maternal antipathy score (8-40)", ), SummaryElement( name="mother_neglect", coltype=Integer(), value=self.mother_neglect(), comment="Maternal neglect score (8-40)", ), SummaryElement( name="mother_psychological_abuse", coltype=Integer(), value=self.mother_psychological_abuse(), comment="Maternal psychological abuse score (0-85)", ), SummaryElement( name="father_antipathy", coltype=Integer(), value=self.father_antipathy(), comment="Paternal antipathy score (8-40)", ), SummaryElement( name="father_neglect", coltype=Integer(), value=self.father_neglect(), comment="Paternal neglect score (8-40)", ), SummaryElement( name="father_psychological_abuse", coltype=Integer(), value=self.father_psychological_abuse(), comment="Paternal psychological abuse score (0-85)", ), SummaryElement( name="role_reversal", coltype=Integer(), value=self.role_reversal(), comment="Role reversal score (17-85)", ), SummaryElement( name="physical_abuse_screen", coltype=Integer(), value=self.physical_abuse_screen(), comment="Physical abuse screen (0-1)", ), SummaryElement( name="physical_abuse_severity_mother", coltype=Integer(), value=self.physical_abuse_severity_mother(), comment="Maternal physical abuse severity score (0-4)", ), SummaryElement( name="physical_abuse_severity_father", coltype=Integer(), value=self.physical_abuse_severity_father(), comment="Paternal physical abuse severity score (0-4)", ), SummaryElement( name="sexual_abuse_screen", coltype=Integer(), value=self.sexual_abuse_screen(), comment="Sexual abuse screen (0-3)", ), SummaryElement( name="sexual_abuse_score_first", coltype=Integer(), value=self.sexual_abuse_score_first(), comment="First sexual abuse severity score (0-7)", ), SummaryElement( name="sexual_abuse_score_other", coltype=Integer(), value=self.sexual_abuse_score_other(), comment="Other sexual abuse severity score (0-7)", ), ]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Complete? # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return ( self.complete_1a() and self.complete_1b() and self.complete_1c() and self.complete_2a() and self.complete_2b() and self.complete_3a() and self.complete_3b() and self.complete_3c() and self.complete_4a() and self.complete_4b() and self.complete_4c() and self.complete_5() and self.complete_6() and self.field_contents_valid() )
def is_at_least_one_field_true(self, fields: List[str]) -> bool: for f in fields: if getattr(self, f): return True return True def complete_1a(self) -> bool: if not self.is_at_least_one_field_true( [ "s1a_motherfigure_birthmother", "s1a_motherfigure_stepmother", "s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative", "s1a_motherfigure_familyfriend", "s1a_motherfigure_fostermother", "s1a_motherfigure_adoptivemother", "s1a_motherfigure_other", "s1a_fatherfigure_birthfather", "s1a_fatherfigure_stepfather", "s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative", "s1a_fatherfigure_familyfriend", "s1a_fatherfigure_fosterfather", "s1a_fatherfigure_adoptivefather", "s1a_fatherfigure_other", ] ): return False if ( self.s1a_motherfigure_other and not self.s1a_motherfigure_other_detail ): return False if ( self.s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative and not self.s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative_detail ): return False if ( self.s1a_fatherfigure_other and not self.s1a_fatherfigure_other_detail ): return False if ( self.s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative and not self.s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative_detail ): return False return True def complete_1b(self) -> bool: if self.s1b_institution is None: return False if self.s1b_institution and self.s1b_institution_time_years is None: return False return True def complete_1c(self) -> bool: if self.s1c_mother_died is None or self.s1c_father_died is None: return False if self.s1c_mother_died and self.s1c_mother_died_subject_aged is None: return False if self.s1c_father_died and self.s1c_father_died_subject_aged is None: return False if ( self.s1c_separated_from_mother is None or self.s1c_separated_from_father is None ): return False if self.s1c_separated_from_mother: if self.any_fields_none( [ "s1c_first_separated_from_mother_aged", "s1c_mother_how_long_first_separation_years", "s1c_mother_separation_reason", ] ): return False if self.s1c_separated_from_father: if self.any_fields_none( [ "s1c_first_separated_from_father_aged", "s1c_father_how_long_first_separation_years", "s1c_father_separation_reason", ] ): return False return True def complete_2a(self) -> bool: if self.s2a_which_mother_figure is None: return False if self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 0: return True if ( self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 5 and self.s2a_which_mother_figure_other_detail is None ): return False for i in range(1, 16): # not q16 (siblings) if getattr(self, "s2a_q" + str(i)) is None: return False return True def complete_2b(self) -> bool: abuse = False if self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 0: return True for i in range(1, 18): if getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i)) is None: return False if getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i)) != 0: abuse = True if getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency") is None: return False if abuse and self.s2b_age_began is None: return False return True def complete_3a(self): if self.s3a_which_father_figure is None: return False if self.s3a_which_father_figure == 0: return True if ( self.s3a_which_father_figure == 5 and self.s3a_which_father_figure_other_detail is None ): return False for i in range(1, 16): # not q16 (siblings) if getattr(self, "s3a_q" + str(i)) is None: return False return True def complete_3b(self) -> bool: abuse = False if self.s3a_which_father_figure == 0: return True for i in range(1, 18): if getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i)) is None: return False if getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i)) != 0: abuse = True if getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency") is None: return False if abuse and self.s3b_age_began is None: return False return True def complete_3c(self) -> bool: return self.all_fields_not_none( [ "s3c_q1", "s3c_q2", "s3c_q3", "s3c_q4", "s3c_q5", "s3c_q6", "s3c_q7", "s3c_q8", "s3c_q9", "s3c_q10", "s3c_q11", "s3c_q12", "s3c_q13", "s3c_q14", "s3c_q15", "s3c_q16", "s3c_q17", "s3c_which_parent_cared_for", "s3c_parent_mental_problem", "s3c_parent_physical_problem", ] ) def complete_4a(self) -> bool: if self.s4a_adultconfidant is None: return False if not self.s4a_adultconfidant: return True if not self.is_at_least_one_field_true( [ "s4a_adultconfidant_mother", "s4a_adultconfidant_father", "s4a_adultconfidant_otherrelative", "s4a_adultconfidant_familyfriend", "s4a_adultconfidant_responsibleadult", "s4a_adultconfidant_other", ] ): return False if ( self.s4a_adultconfidant_other and not self.s4a_adultconfidant_other_detail ): return False return True def complete_4b(self) -> bool: if self.s4b_childconfidant is None: return False if not self.s4b_childconfidant: return True if not self.is_at_least_one_field_true( [ "s4b_childconfidant_sister", "s4b_childconfidant_brother", "s4b_childconfidant_otherrelative", "s4b_childconfidant_closefriend", "s4b_childconfidant_otherfriend", "s4b_childconfidant_other", ] ): return False if ( self.s4b_childconfidant_other and not self.s4b_childconfidant_other_detail ): return False return True def complete_4c(self) -> bool: n = 0 if self.s4c_closest_mother: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_father: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_sibling: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_otherrelative: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_adultfriend: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_childfriend: n += 1 if self.s4c_closest_other: n += 1 if n < 2: return False if self.s4c_closest_other and not self.s4c_closest_other_detail: return False return True def complete_5(self) -> bool: if self.s5c_physicalabuse is None: return False if self.s5c_physicalabuse == 0: return True if ( self.s5c_abused_by_mother is None or self.s5c_abused_by_father is None or self.s5c_abuse_by_nonparent is None ): return False if self.s5c_abused_by_mother: if self.any_fields_none( [ "s5c_mother_abuse_age_began", "s5c_mother_hit_more_than_once", "s5c_mother_hit_how", "s5c_mother_injured", "s5c_mother_out_of_control", ] ): return False if self.s5c_abused_by_father: if self.any_fields_none( [ "s5c_father_abuse_age_began", "s5c_father_hit_more_than_once", "s5c_father_hit_how", "s5c_father_injured", "s5c_father_out_of_control", ] ): return False if ( self.s5c_abuse_by_nonparent and not self.s5c_nonparent_abuse_description ): return False return True def complete_6(self) -> bool: if ( self.s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience is None or self.s6_unwanted_intercourse is None or self.s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority is None ): return False if ( self.s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience == 0 and self.s6_unwanted_intercourse == 0 and self.s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority == 0 ): return True if self.any_fields_none( [ "s6_first_age", "s6_first_person_known", "s6_first_relative", "s6_first_in_household", "s6_first_more_than_once", "s6_first_touch_privates_subject", "s6_first_touch_privates_other", "s6_first_intercourse", ] ): return False # no checks for "other experience" return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scoring # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def total_sum_abort_if_none(self, fields: List[str]) -> Optional[int]: total = 0 for field in fields: value = getattr(self, field) if value is None: return None total += value return total def total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none( self, fields: Sequence[str] ) -> Optional[int]: total = 0 for field in fields: value = getattr(self, field) if value is None: return None if value: total += 1 return total def parental_loss_risk(self) -> bool: return bool( self.s1c_mother_died or self.s1c_father_died or self.s1c_separated_from_mother or self.s1c_separated_from_father ) def parental_loss_high_risk(self) -> bool: return bool( self.s1c_separated_from_mother and ( self.s1c_mother_separation_reason == 5 or self.s1c_mother_separation_reason == 6 ) or self.s1c_separated_from_father and ( self.s1c_father_separation_reason == 5 or self.s1c_father_separation_reason == 6 ) ) def mother_antipathy(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in (1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16): score = getattr(self, "s2a_q" + str(i)) if i == 16 and score is None: # Q16 is allowed to be blank (if no siblings) score = 0 if score is None: return None if i in (8, 11): score = 6 - score # reverse total += score return total def father_antipathy(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s3a_which_father_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in (1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16): score = getattr(self, "s3a_q" + str(i)) if i == 16 and score is None: # Q16 is allowed to be blank (if no siblings) score = 0 if score is None: return None if i in (8, 11): score = 6 - score # reverse total += score return total def mother_neglect(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in (2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15): score = getattr(self, "s2a_q" + str(i)) if score is None: return None if i in (2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 14): score = 6 - score # reverse total += score return total def father_neglect(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s3a_which_father_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in (2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15): score = getattr(self, "s3a_q" + str(i)) if score is None: return None if i in (2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 14): score = 6 - score # reverse total += score return total def mother_psychological_abuse(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s2a_which_mother_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in range(1, 18): score = getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i)) if score is None: return None total += score freqscore = getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency") if score != 0 and freqscore is None: return None if freqscore is not None: total += freqscore return total def father_psychological_abuse(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.s3a_which_father_figure == 0: return None total = 0 for i in range(1, 18): score = getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i)) if score is None: return None total += score freqscore = getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency") if score != 0 and freqscore is None: return None if freqscore is not None: total += freqscore return total def role_reversal(self) -> Optional[int]: total = 0 for i in range(1, 18): score = getattr(self, "s3c_q" + str(i)) if score is None: return None total += score return total def physical_abuse_screen(self) -> Optional[int]: fields = ( "s5c_physicalabuse", ) # tuple of length 1 -- requires the comma return self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(fields) def physical_abuse_severity_mother(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.physical_abuse_screen() == 0: return 0 if self.s5c_abused_by_mother == 0: return 0 mainfields = ( "s5c_mother_hit_more_than_once", "s5c_mother_injured", "s5c_mother_out_of_control", ) total = self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(mainfields) if total is None: return None if self.s5c_mother_hit_how is None: return None if self.s5c_mother_hit_how == 1 or self.s5c_mother_hit_how == 2: total += 1 return total def physical_abuse_severity_father(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.physical_abuse_screen() == 0: return 0 if self.s5c_abused_by_father == 0: return 0 mainfields = ( "s5c_father_hit_more_than_once", "s5c_father_injured", "s5c_father_out_of_control", ) total = self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(mainfields) if total is None: return None if self.s5c_father_hit_how is None: return None if self.s5c_father_hit_how == 1 or self.s5c_father_hit_how == 2: total += 1 return total def sexual_abuse_screen(self) -> Optional[int]: fields = ( "s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience", "s6_unwanted_intercourse", "s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority", ) return self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(fields) def sexual_abuse_score_first(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.sexual_abuse_screen() == 0: return 0 fields = ( "s6_first_person_known", "s6_first_relative", "s6_first_in_household", "s6_first_more_than_once", "s6_first_touch_privates_subject", "s6_first_touch_privates_other", "s6_first_intercourse", ) return self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(fields) def sexual_abuse_score_other(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.sexual_abuse_screen() == 0: return 0 fields = ( "s6_other_person_known", "s6_other_relative", "s6_other_in_household", "s6_other_more_than_once", "s6_other_touch_privates_subject", "s6_other_touch_privates_other", "s6_other_intercourse", ) return self.total_nonzero_scores_1_abort_if_none(fields) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTML # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: def wxstring(wstringname: str) -> str: return self.wxstring(req, wstringname) def subheading_from_wstring(wstringname: str) -> str: return subheading_from_string(self.wxstring(req, wstringname)) def subsubheading_from_wstring(wstringname: str) -> str: return subsubheading_from_string(self.wxstring(req, wstringname)) def wstring_boolean(wstring: str, value: Any) -> str: return string_boolean_(req, self.wxstring(req, wstring), value) def wstring_numeric(wstring: str, value: Any) -> str: return string_numeric(self.wxstring(req, wstring), value) def wstring_string(wstring: str, value: str) -> str: return string_string(self.wxstring(req, wstring), value) def wstring_dict(wstring: str, value: Any, d: Dict) -> str: return string_dict(self.wxstring(req, wstring), value, d) def string_boolean(string: str, value: Any) -> str: return string_boolean_(req, string, value) separation_map = { None: None, 1: "1 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason3"), 4: "4 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason4"), 5: "5 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason5"), 6: "6 — " + wxstring("1c_separation_reason6"), } motherfigure_map = { None: None, 0: "0 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option0"), 1: "1 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option3"), 4: "4 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option4"), 5: "5 — " + wxstring("2a_which_option5"), } fatherfigure_map = { None: None, 0: "0 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option0"), 1: "1 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option3"), 4: "4 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option4"), 5: "5 — " + wxstring("3a_which_option5"), } no_yes_5way_map = { None: None, 1: "1 — " + wxstring("options5way_notoyes_1"), 2: "2 — (between not-at-all and unsure)", 3: "3 — " + wxstring("options5way_notoyes_3"), 4: "4 — (between unsure and yes-definitely)", 5: "5 — " + wxstring("options5way_notoyes_5"), } no_yes_3way_map = { None: None, 0: "0 — " + wxstring("options3way_noto_yes_0"), 1: "1 — " + wxstring("options3way_noto_yes_1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("options3way_noto_yes_2"), } frequency_map = { None: None, 0: "0 — " + wxstring("optionsfrequency0"), 1: "1 — " + wxstring("optionsfrequency1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("optionsfrequency2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("optionsfrequency3"), } parent_cared_for_map = { None: None, 0: "0 — " + wxstring("3c_whichparentcaredfor_option0"), 1: "1 — " + wxstring("3c_whichparentcaredfor_option1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("3c_whichparentcaredfor_option2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("3c_whichparentcaredfor_option3"), 4: "4 — " + wxstring("3c_whichparentcaredfor_option4"), } hitting_map = { None: None, 1: "1 — " + wxstring("5_hit_option_1"), 2: "2 — " + wxstring("5_hit_option_2"), 3: "3 — " + wxstring("5_hit_option_3"), 4: "4 — " + wxstring("5_hit_option_4"), } html = ( f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> """ + self.get_is_complete_tr(req) + tr_qa( "Parental loss risk factor? <sup>[1]</sup>", get_yes_no(req, self.parental_loss_risk()), ) + tr_qa( "Parental loss higher risk factor? <sup>[2]</sup>", get_yes_no(req, self.parental_loss_high_risk()), ) + tr_qa( "Maternal antipathy score (8–40) <sup>[3]</sup>", self.mother_antipathy(), ) + tr_qa( "Maternal neglect score (8–40) <sup>[3]</sup>", self.mother_neglect(), ) + tr_qa( "Maternal psychological abuse score (0–85) <sup>[4]</sup>", self.mother_psychological_abuse(), ) + tr_qa( "Paternal antipathy score (8–40) <sup>[3]</sup>", self.father_antipathy(), ) + tr_qa( "Paternal neglect score (8–40) <sup>[3]</sup>", self.father_neglect(), ) + tr_qa( "Paternal psychological abuse score (0–85) <sup>[4]</sup>", self.father_psychological_abuse(), ) + tr_qa( "Role reversal score (17–85) <sup>[5]</sup>", self.role_reversal(), ) + tr_qa( "Physical abuse screen (0–1) <sup>[6]</sup>", self.physical_abuse_screen(), ) + tr_qa( "Maternal physical abuse severity score (0–4) " "<sup>[6]</sup>", self.physical_abuse_severity_mother(), ) + tr_qa( "Paternal physical abuse severity score (0–4) " "<sup>[6]</sup>", self.physical_abuse_severity_father(), ) + tr_qa( "Sexual abuse screen (0–3) <sup>[7]</sup>", self.sexual_abuse_screen(), ) + tr_qa( "First sexual abuse severity score (0–7) <sup>[7]</sup>", self.sexual_abuse_score_first(), ) + tr_qa( "Other sexual abuse severity score (0–7) <sup>[7]</sup>", self.sexual_abuse_score_other(), ) + f""" </table> </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> """ + subheading_spanning_two_columns("1A: " + wxstring("1a_q")) + subsubheading_from_wstring("1a_motherfigures") + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_birthmother", self.s1a_motherfigure_birthmother ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_stepmother", self.s1a_motherfigure_stepmother ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_femalerelative", self.s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative ) + string_string( "(Female relative details)", self.s1a_motherfigure_femalerelative_detail, ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_familyfriend", self.s1a_motherfigure_familyfriend ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_fostermother", self.s1a_motherfigure_fostermother ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_mf_adoptivemother", self.s1a_motherfigure_adoptivemother ) + wstring_boolean("other", self.s1a_motherfigure_other) + string_string( "(Other, details)", self.s1a_motherfigure_other_detail ) + subsubheading_from_wstring("1a_fatherfigures") + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_birthfather", self.s1a_fatherfigure_birthfather ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_stepfather", self.s1a_fatherfigure_stepfather ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_malerelative", self.s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative ) + string_string( "(Male relative details)", self.s1a_fatherfigure_malerelative_detail, ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_familyfriend", self.s1a_fatherfigure_familyfriend ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_fosterfather", self.s1a_fatherfigure_fosterfather ) + wstring_boolean( "1a_ff_adoptivefather", self.s1a_fatherfigure_adoptivefather ) + wstring_boolean("other", self.s1a_fatherfigure_other) + string_string( "(Other, details)", self.s1a_fatherfigure_other_detail ) + subheading_from_string("1B: " + wxstring("1b_q")) + wstring_boolean("1b_q", self.s1b_institution) + wstring_numeric("1b_q_how_long", self.s1b_institution_time_years) + subheading_from_string("1C: " + wxstring("1c_heading")) + subsubheading_from_wstring("mother") + string_boolean("Mother died before age 17", self.s1c_mother_died) + wstring_numeric( "1c_parentdiedage", self.s1c_mother_died_subject_aged ) + string_boolean( "Separated from mother for >1y", self.s1c_separated_from_mother ) + wstring_numeric( "1c_age_first_separated", self.s1c_first_separated_from_mother_aged, ) + wstring_numeric( "1c_how_long_separation", self.s1c_mother_how_long_first_separation_years, ) + wstring_dict( "1c_separation_reason", self.s1c_mother_separation_reason, separation_map, ) + subsubheading_from_wstring("father") + string_boolean("Father died before age 17", self.s1c_father_died) + wstring_numeric( "1c_parentdiedage", self.s1c_father_died_subject_aged ) + string_boolean( "Separated from father for >1y", self.s1c_separated_from_father ) + wstring_numeric( "1c_age_first_separated", self.s1c_first_separated_from_father_aged, ) + wstring_numeric( "1c_how_long_separation", self.s1c_father_how_long_first_separation_years, ) + wstring_dict( "1c_separation_reason", self.s1c_father_separation_reason, separation_map, ) + wstring_string( "please_describe_experience", self.s1c_describe_experience ) + subheading_from_string("2A: " + wxstring("2a_heading")) + wstring_dict( "2a_which", self.s2a_which_mother_figure, motherfigure_map ) + wstring_string( "rnc_if_other_describe", self.s2a_which_mother_figure_other_detail, ) ) for i in range(1, 17): html += string_dict( str(i) + ". " + wxstring("2a_q" + str(i)), getattr(self, "s2a_q" + str(i)), no_yes_5way_map, ) html += wstring_string( "2a_add_anything", self.s2a_extra ) + subheading_from_string("2B: " + wxstring("2b_heading")) for i in range(1, 18): html += tr( str(i) + ". " + wxstring("2b_q" + str(i)), answer( get_from_dict( no_yes_3way_map, getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i)) ) ) + " (" + answer( get_from_dict( frequency_map, getattr(self, "s2b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency"), ) ) + ")", ) html += ( wstring_boolean("if_any_what_age", self.s2b_age_began) + wstring_string("is_there_more_you_want_to_say", self.s2b_extra) + subheading_from_string("3A: " + wxstring("3a_heading")) + wstring_dict( "2a_which", self.s3a_which_father_figure, fatherfigure_map ) + wstring_string( "rnc_if_other_describe", self.s3a_which_father_figure_other_detail, ) ) for i in range(1, 17): html += string_dict( str(i) + ". " + wxstring("3a_q" + str(i)), getattr(self, "s3a_q" + str(i)), no_yes_5way_map, ) html += wstring_string( "3a_add_anything", self.s3a_extra ) + subheading_from_string("3B: " + wxstring("3b_heading")) for i in range(1, 18): html += tr( str(i) + ". " + wxstring("3b_q" + str(i)), answer( get_from_dict( no_yes_3way_map, getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i)) ) ) + " (" + answer( get_from_dict( frequency_map, getattr(self, "s3b_q" + str(i) + "_frequency"), ) ) + ")", ) html += ( wstring_boolean("if_any_what_age", self.s3b_age_began) + wstring_string("is_there_more_you_want_to_say", self.s3b_extra) + subheading_from_string("3C: " + wxstring("3c_heading")) ) for i in range(1, 18): html += string_dict( str(i) + ". " + wxstring("3c_q" + str(i)), getattr(self, "s3c_q" + str(i)), no_yes_5way_map, ) html += ( wstring_dict( "3c_which_parent_cared_for", self.s3c_which_parent_cared_for, parent_cared_for_map, ) + wstring_boolean( "3c_parent_mental_problem", self.s3c_parent_mental_problem ) + wstring_boolean( "3c_parent_physical_problem", self.s3c_parent_physical_problem ) + subheading_from_string("4: " + wxstring("4_heading")) + subsubheading_from_string("(Adult confidant)") + wstring_boolean("4a_q", self.s4a_adultconfidant) + subsubheading_from_wstring("4_if_so_who") + wstring_boolean( "4a_option_mother", self.s4a_adultconfidant_mother ) + wstring_boolean( "4a_option_father", self.s4a_adultconfidant_father ) + wstring_boolean( "4a_option_relative", self.s4a_adultconfidant_otherrelative ) + wstring_boolean( "4a_option_friend", self.s4a_adultconfidant_familyfriend ) + wstring_boolean( "4a_option_responsibleadult", self.s4a_adultconfidant_responsibleadult, ) + wstring_boolean("4a_option_other", self.s4a_adultconfidant_other) + string_string( "(Other, details)", self.s4a_adultconfidant_other_detail ) + wstring_string( "4_note_anything", self.s4a_adultconfidant_additional ) + subsubheading_from_string("(Child confidant)") + wstring_boolean("4b_q", self.s4b_childconfidant) + subsubheading_from_wstring("4_if_so_who") + wstring_boolean( "4b_option_sister", self.s4b_childconfidant_sister ) + wstring_boolean( "4b_option_brother", self.s4b_childconfidant_brother ) + wstring_boolean( "4b_option_relative", self.s4b_childconfidant_otherrelative ) + wstring_boolean( "4b_option_closefriend", self.s4b_childconfidant_closefriend ) + wstring_boolean( "4b_option_otherfriend", self.s4b_childconfidant_otherfriend ) + wstring_boolean("4b_option_other", self.s4b_childconfidant_other) + string_string( "(Other, details)", self.s4b_childconfidant_other_detail ) + wstring_string( "4_note_anything", self.s4b_childconfidant_additional ) + subsubheading_from_wstring("4c_q") + wstring_boolean("4c_option_mother", self.s4c_closest_mother) + wstring_boolean("4c_option_father", self.s4c_closest_father) + string_boolean("4c_option_sibling", self.s4c_closest_sibling) + wstring_boolean( "4c_option_relative", self.s4c_closest_otherrelative ) + wstring_boolean( "4c_option_adultfriend", self.s4c_closest_adultfriend ) + wstring_boolean( "4c_option_youngfriend", self.s4c_closest_childfriend ) + wstring_boolean("4c_option_other", self.s4c_closest_other) + string_string("(Other, details)", self.s4c_closest_other_detail) + wstring_string("4_note_anything", self.s4c_closest_additional) + subheading_from_string("4: " + wxstring("5_heading")) + wstring_boolean("5_mainq", self.s5c_physicalabuse) + subsubheading_from_wstring("5_motherfigure") + wstring_boolean( "5_did_this_person_hurt_you", self.s5c_abused_by_mother ) + wstring_numeric("5_how_old", self.s5c_mother_abuse_age_began) + wstring_boolean( "5_hit_more_than_once", self.s5c_mother_hit_more_than_once ) + wstring_dict("5_how_hit", self.s5c_mother_hit_how, hitting_map) + wstring_boolean("5_injured", self.s5c_mother_injured) + wstring_boolean("5_outofcontrol", self.s5c_mother_out_of_control) + subsubheading_from_wstring("5_fatherfigure") + wstring_boolean( "5_did_this_person_hurt_you", self.s5c_abused_by_father ) + wstring_numeric("5_how_old", self.s5c_father_abuse_age_began) + wstring_boolean( "5_hit_more_than_once", self.s5c_father_hit_more_than_once ) + wstring_dict("5_how_hit", self.s5c_father_hit_how, hitting_map) + wstring_boolean("5_injured", self.s5c_father_injured) + wstring_boolean("5_outofcontrol", self.s5c_father_out_of_control) + wstring_string( "5_can_you_describe_1", self.s5c_parental_abuse_description ) + subsubheading_from_string("(Other in household)") + wstring_boolean("5_anyone_else", self.s5c_abuse_by_nonparent) + wstring_string( "5_can_you_describe_2", self.s5c_nonparent_abuse_description ) + subheading_from_string("6: " + wxstring("6_heading")) + wstring_dict( "6_any_unwanted", self.s6_any_unwanted_sexual_experience, no_yes_3way_map, ) + wstring_dict( "6_intercourse", self.s6_unwanted_intercourse, no_yes_3way_map ) + wstring_dict( "6_upset_adult_authority", self.s6_upsetting_sexual_adult_authority, no_yes_3way_map, ) + subsubheading_from_wstring("6_first_experience") + wstring_numeric("6_q1", self.s6_first_age) + wstring_boolean("6_q2", self.s6_first_person_known) + wstring_boolean("6_q3", self.s6_first_relative) + wstring_boolean("6_q4", self.s6_first_in_household) + wstring_boolean("6_q5", self.s6_first_more_than_once) + wstring_boolean("6_q6", self.s6_first_touch_privates_subject) + wstring_boolean("6_q7", self.s6_first_touch_privates_other) + wstring_boolean("6_q8", self.s6_first_intercourse) + subsubheading_from_wstring("6_other_experience") + wstring_numeric("6_q1", self.s6_other_age) + wstring_boolean("6_q2", self.s6_other_person_known) + wstring_boolean("6_q3", self.s6_other_relative) + wstring_boolean("6_q4", self.s6_other_in_household) + wstring_boolean("6_q5", self.s6_other_more_than_once) + wstring_boolean("6_q6", self.s6_other_touch_privates_subject) + wstring_boolean("6_q7", self.s6_other_touch_privates_other) + wstring_boolean("6_q8", self.s6_other_intercourse) + wstring_string( "5_can_you_describe_1", self.s6_unwanted_sexual_description ) + subheading_from_wstring("any_other_comments") + wstring_string("any_other_comments", self.any_other_comments) + f""" </table> <div class="{CssClass.FOOTNOTES}"> [1] Death of mother/father before age 17 or continuous separation of ≥1 year. [2] Reason for loss ‘abandonment’ or ‘other’. [3] Section 2A and 3A contain antipathy and neglect scales. Antipathy scales: reverse items 8, 11; then sum 1, 4, 6, 8–11, 16. Neglect scales: reverse items 2, 3, 5, 12–14; then sum 2, 3, 5, 7, 12–15. [4] Psychological abuse scores (sections 2B, 3B): sum of items 1–17 (yes=2, unsure=1, no=0) with frequencies (never=0, once=1, rarely=2, often=3). Any score &gt;1 is a risk indicator. [5] Role reversal: sum of scores from section 3C. [6] Physical abuse (section 4): first question (screen item) is scored 0/1. For each parent, score 1 for {{&gt;1 occasion, {{belt/stick/punch/kick}}, injured, out-of-control}}. [7] Sexual abuse (section 6): no=0, unsure=1, yes=1. First three questions are the screen. </div> """ ) return html
# ============================================================================= # More helper functions # ============================================================================= def subheading_from_string(s: str) -> str: return subheading_spanning_two_columns(s) def subsubheading_from_string(s: str) -> str: return f'<tr><td></td><td class="{CssClass.SUBHEADING}">{s}</td></tr>' def row(label: str, value: Any, default: str = "") -> str: return tr_qa(label, value, default=default) def string_boolean_(req: CamcopsRequest, string: str, value: Any) -> str: return row(string, get_yes_no_none(req, value)) def string_numeric(string: str, value: Any) -> str: return row(string, value) def string_string(string: str, value: str) -> str: return row(string, ws.webify(value)) def string_dict(string: str, value: Any, d: Dict) -> str: return row(string, get_from_dict(d, value))