Source code for camcops_server.tasks.cardinal_expectationdetection



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.



import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
import numpy
import scipy.stats  #
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Float, Integer

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_db import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_html import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import Base
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_summaryelement import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import Task, TaskHasPatientMixin

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

CONVERT_0_P_TO = 0.001  # for Z-transformed ROC plot
CONVERT_1_P_TO = 0.999  # for Z-transformed ROC plot

NRATINGS = 5  # numbered 0-4 in the database
# -- to match DETECTION_OPTIONS.length in the original task
N_CUES = 8  # to match magic number in original task

    <div class="{CssClass.ERROR}">Can't draw figure: rating out of range</div>
    <div class="{CssClass.WARNING}">Insufficient data</div>
    <div class="{CssClass.WARNING}">One or more ratings are missing</div>
    f"ROC in Z coordinates (0/1 first mapped to "


[docs]def a(x: Any) -> str: """Answer formatting for this task.""" return answer(x, formatter_answer=identity, default="")
# ============================================================================= # Cardinal_ExpectationDetection # =============================================================================
[docs]class ExpDetTrial(GenericTabletRecordMixin, TaskDescendant, Base): __tablename__ = "cardinal_expdet_trials" cardinal_expdet_id = Column( "cardinal_expdet_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment="FK to cardinal_expdet", ) trial = Column( "trial", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Trial number (0-based)" ) # Config determines these (via an autogeneration process): block = Column("block", Integer, comment="Block number (0-based)") group_num = Column("group_num", Integer, comment="Group number (0-based)") cue = Column("cue", Integer, comment="Cue number (0-based)") raw_cue_number = Column( "raw_cue_number", Integer, comment="Raw cue number (following counterbalancing) (0-based)", ) target_modality = Column( "target_modality", Integer, comment="Target modality (0 auditory, 1 visual)", ) target_number = Column( "target_number", Integer, comment="Target number (0-based)" ) target_present = Column( "target_present", Integer, comment="Target present? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) iti_length_s = Column( "iti_length_s", Float, comment="Intertrial interval (s)" ) # Task determines these (on the fly): pause_given_before_trial = Column( "pause_given_before_trial", Integer, comment="Pause given before trial? (0 no, 1 yes)", ) pause_start_time = Column( "pause_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Pause start time (ISO-8601)", ) pause_end_time = Column( "pause_end_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Pause end time (ISO-8601)", ) trial_start_time = Column( "trial_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Trial start time (ISO-8601)", ) cue_start_time = Column( "cue_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Cue start time (ISO-8601)", ) target_start_time = Column( "target_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Target start time (ISO-8601)", ) detection_start_time = Column( "detection_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Detection response start time (ISO-8601)", ) iti_start_time = Column( "iti_start_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Intertrial interval start time (ISO-8601)", ) iti_end_time = Column( "iti_end_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Intertrial interval end time (ISO-8601)", ) trial_end_time = Column( "trial_end_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Trial end time (ISO-8601)", ) # Subject decides these: responded = Column( "responded", Integer, comment="Responded? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) response_time = Column( "response_time", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, comment="Response time (ISO-8601)", ) response_latency_ms = Column( "response_latency_ms", Integer, comment="Response latency (ms)" ) rating = Column( "rating", Integer, comment="Rating (0 definitely not - 4 definitely)" ) correct = Column( "correct", Integer, comment="Correct side of the middle rating? (0 no, 1 yes)", ) points = Column("points", Integer, comment="Points earned this trial") cumulative_points = Column( "cumulative_points", Integer, comment="Cumulative points earned" ) @classmethod def get_html_table_header(cls) -> str: return f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Trial# (0-based)</th> <th>Block# (0-based)</th> <th>Group# (0-based)</th> <th>Cue</th> <th>Raw cue</th> <th>Target modality</th> <th>Target#</th> <th>Target present?</th> <th>ITI (s)</th> <th>Pause before trial?</th> </tr> <tr class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL2}"> <th>...</th> <th>Pause start@</th> <th>Pause end@</th> <th>Trial start@</th> <th>Cue@</th> <th>Target@</th> <th>Detection start@</th> <th>ITI start@</th> <th>ITI end@</th> <th>Trial end@</th> </tr> <tr class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL2}"> <th>...</th> <th>Responded?</th> <th>Responded@</th> <th>Response latency (ms)</th> <th>Rating</th> <th>Correct?</th> <th>Points</th> <th>Cumulative points</th> </tr> """ # ratings: 0, 1 absent -- 2 don't know -- 3, 4 present def judged_present(self) -> Optional[bool]: if not self.responded: return None elif self.rating >= 3: return True else: return False def judged_absent(self) -> Optional[bool]: if not self.responded: return None elif self.rating <= 1: return True else: return False def didnt_know(self) -> Optional[bool]: if not self.responded: return None return self.rating == 2 def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return ( tr( a(self.trial), a(self.block), a(self.group_num), a(self.cue), a(self.raw_cue_number), a(self.target_modality), a(self.target_number), a(self.target_present), a(self.iti_length_s), a(self.pause_given_before_trial), ) + tr( "...", a(self.pause_start_time), a(self.pause_end_time), a(self.trial_start_time), a(self.cue_start_time), a(self.target_start_time), a(self.detection_start_time), a(self.iti_start_time), a(self.iti_end_time), a(self.trial_end_time), tr_class=CssClass.EXTRADETAIL2, ) + tr( "...", a(self.responded), a(self.response_time), a(self.response_latency_ms), a(self.rating), a(self.correct), a(self.points), a(self.cumulative_points), tr_class=CssClass.EXTRADETAIL2, ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return CardinalExpectationDetection
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["CardinalExpectationDetection"]: return CardinalExpectationDetection.get_linked( self.cardinal_expdet_id, self )
[docs]class ExpDetTrialGroupSpec(GenericTabletRecordMixin, TaskDescendant, Base): __tablename__ = "cardinal_expdet_trialgroupspec" cardinal_expdet_id = Column( "cardinal_expdet_id", Integer, nullable=False, comment="FK to cardinal_expdet", ) group_num = Column( "group_num", Integer, nullable=False, comment="Group number (0-based)" ) # Group spec cue = Column("cue", Integer, comment="Cue number (0-based)") target_modality = Column( "target_modality", Integer, comment="Target modality (0 auditory, 1 visual)", ) target_number = Column( "target_number", Integer, comment="Target number (0-based)" ) n_target = Column( "n_target", Integer, comment="Number of trials with target present" ) n_no_target = Column( "n_no_target", Integer, comment="Number of trials with target absent" ) DP = 3 @classmethod def get_html_table_header(cls) -> str: return f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Group# (0-based)</th> <th>Cue (0-based)</th> <th>Target modality (0 auditory, 1 visual)</th> <th>Target# (0-based)</th> <th># target trials</th> <th># no-target trials</th> </tr> """ def get_html_table_row(self) -> str: return tr( a(self.group_num), a(self.cue), a(self.target_modality), a(self.target_number), a(self.n_target), a(self.n_no_target), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TaskDescendant overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def task_ancestor_class(cls) -> Optional[Type["Task"]]: return CardinalExpectationDetection
[docs] def task_ancestor(self) -> Optional["CardinalExpectationDetection"]: return CardinalExpectationDetection.get_linked( self.cardinal_expdet_id, self )
[docs]class CardinalExpectationDetection(TaskHasPatientMixin, Task): """ Server implementation of the Cardinal_ExpDet task. """ __tablename__ = "cardinal_expdet" shortname = "Cardinal_ExpDet" use_landscape_for_pdf = True # Config num_blocks = Column("num_blocks", Integer, comment="Number of blocks") stimulus_counterbalancing = Column( "stimulus_counterbalancing", Integer, comment="Stimulus counterbalancing condition", ) is_detection_response_on_right = Column( "is_detection_response_on_right", Integer, comment='Is the "detection" response on the right? (0 no, 1 yes)', ) pause_every_n_trials = Column( "pause_every_n_trials", Integer, comment="Pause every n trials" ) # ... cue cue_duration_s = Column( "cue_duration_s", Float, comment="Cue duration (s)" ) visual_cue_intensity = Column( "visual_cue_intensity", Float, comment="Visual cue intensity (0.0-1.0)" ) auditory_cue_intensity = Column( "auditory_cue_intensity", Float, comment="Auditory cue intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) # ... ISI isi_duration_s = Column( "isi_duration_s", Float, comment="Interstimulus interval (s)" ) # .. target visual_target_duration_s = Column( "visual_target_duration_s", Float, comment="Visual target duration (s)" ) visual_background_intensity = Column( "visual_background_intensity", Float, comment="Visual background intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) visual_target_0_intensity = Column( "visual_target_0_intensity", Float, comment="Visual target 0 intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) visual_target_1_intensity = Column( "visual_target_1_intensity", Float, comment="Visual target 1 intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) auditory_background_intensity = Column( "auditory_background_intensity", Float, comment="Auditory background intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) auditory_target_0_intensity = Column( "auditory_target_0_intensity", Float, comment="Auditory target 0 intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) auditory_target_1_intensity = Column( "auditory_target_1_intensity", Float, comment="Auditory target 1 intensity (0.0-1.0)", ) # ... ITI iti_min_s = Column( "iti_min_s", Float, comment="Intertrial interval minimum (s)" ) iti_max_s = Column( "iti_max_s", Float, comment="Intertrial interval maximum (s)" ) # Results aborted = Column( "aborted", Integer, comment="Was the task aborted? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) finished = Column( "finished", Integer, comment="Was the task finished? (0 no, 1 yes)" ) last_trial_completed = Column( "last_trial_completed", Integer, comment="Number of last trial completed", ) # Relationships trials = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="CardinalExpectationDetection", ancillary_class_name="ExpDetTrial", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="cardinal_expdet_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="trial", ) # type: List[ExpDetTrial] groupspecs = ancillary_relationship( parent_class_name="CardinalExpectationDetection", ancillary_class_name="ExpDetTrialGroupSpec", ancillary_fk_to_parent_attr_name="cardinal_expdet_id", ancillary_order_by_attr_name="group_num", ) # type: List[ExpDetTrialGroupSpec]
[docs] @staticmethod def longname(req: "CamcopsRequest") -> str: _ = req.gettext return _("Cardinal RN – Expectation–Detection task")
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: return bool(self.finished)
[docs] def get_summaries(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> List[SummaryElement]: return self.standard_task_summary_fields() + [ SummaryElement( name="final_score", coltype=Integer(), value=self.get_final_score(), ), SummaryElement( name="overall_p_detect_present", coltype=Float(), value=self.get_overall_p_detect_present(), ), SummaryElement( name="overall_p_detect_absent", coltype=Float(), value=self.get_overall_p_detect_absent(), ), SummaryElement( name="overall_c", coltype=Float(), value=self.get_overall_c() ), SummaryElement( name="overall_d", coltype=Float(), value=self.get_overall_d() ), ]
def get_final_score(self) -> Optional[int]: trialarray = self.trials if not trialarray: return None return trialarray[-1].cumulative_points def get_group_html(self) -> str: grouparray = self.groupspecs html = ExpDetTrialGroupSpec.get_html_table_header() for g in grouparray: html += g.get_html_table_row() html += """</table>""" return html @staticmethod def get_c_dprime( h: Optional[float], fa: Optional[float], two_alternative_forced_choice: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]: if h is None or fa is None: return None, None # In this task, we're only presenting a single alternative. if fa == 0: fa = CONVERT_0_P_TO if fa == 1: fa = CONVERT_1_P_TO if h == 0: h = CONVERT_0_P_TO if h == 1: h = CONVERT_1_P_TO z_fa = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(fa) z_h = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(h) if two_alternative_forced_choice: dprime = (1.0 / numpy.sqrt(2)) * (z_h - z_fa) else: dprime = z_h - z_fa c = -0.5 * (z_h + z_fa) # c is zero when FA rate and miss rate (1 - H) are equal # c is negative when FA > miss # c is positive when miss > FA return c, dprime @staticmethod def get_sdt_values( count_stimulus: Sequence[int], count_nostimulus: Sequence[int] ) -> Dict: # Probabilities and cumulative probabilities sum_count_stimulus = numpy.sum(count_stimulus) sum_count_nostimulus = numpy.sum(count_nostimulus) if sum_count_stimulus == 0 or sum_count_nostimulus == 0: fa = [] h = [] z_fa = [] z_h = [] else: p_stimulus = count_stimulus / sum_count_stimulus p_nostimulus = count_nostimulus / sum_count_nostimulus # ... may produce a RuntimeWarning in case of division by zero cump_stimulus = numpy.cumsum(p_stimulus) # hit rates cump_nostimulus = numpy.cumsum(p_nostimulus) # false alarm rates # We're interested in all pairs except the last: fa = cump_stimulus[:-1] h = cump_nostimulus[:-1] # WHICH WAY ROUND YOU ASSIGN THESE DETERMINES THE ROC'S APPEARANCE. # However, it's arbitrary, in the sense that the left/right # assignment of the ratings is arbitrary. To make the ROC look # conventional (top left), assign this way round, so that "fa" # starts low and grows, and "h" starts high and falls. Hmm... fa[fa == 0] = CONVERT_0_P_TO fa[fa == 1] = CONVERT_1_P_TO h[h == 0] = CONVERT_0_P_TO h[h == 1] = CONVERT_1_P_TO z_fa = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(fa) z_h = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(h) # log.debug("p_stimulus: " + str(p_stimulus)) # log.debug("p_nostimulus: " + str(p_nostimulus)) # log.debug("cump_stimulus: " + str(cump_stimulus)) # log.debug("cump_nostimulus: " + str(cump_nostimulus)) # log.debug("h: " + str(h)) # log.debug("fa: " + str(fa)) # log.debug("z_h: " + str(z_h)) # log.debug("z_fa: " + str(z_fa)) return {"fa": fa, "h": h, "z_fa": z_fa, "z_h": z_h} def plot_roc( self, req: CamcopsRequest, ax: Axes, count_stimulus: Sequence[int], count_nostimulus: Sequence[int], show_x_label: bool, show_y_label: bool, plainroc: bool, subtitle: str, ) -> None: extraspace = 0.05 sdtval = self.get_sdt_values(count_stimulus, count_nostimulus) # Calculate d' for all pairs but the last if plainroc: x = sdtval["fa"] y = sdtval["h"] xlabel = "FA" ylabel = "H" ax.set_xlim(0 - extraspace, 1 + extraspace) ax.set_ylim(0 - extraspace, 1 + extraspace) else: x = sdtval["z_fa"] y = sdtval["z_h"] xlabel = "Z(FA)" ylabel = "Z(H)" # Plot ax.plot( x, y, marker=MatplotlibConstants.MARKER_PLUS, color=MatplotlibConstants.COLOUR_BLUE, linestyle=MatplotlibConstants.LINESTYLE_SOLID, ) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel if show_x_label else "", fontdict=req.fontdict) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel if show_y_label else "", fontdict=req.fontdict) ax.set_title(subtitle, fontdict=req.fontdict) req.set_figure_font_sizes(ax) @staticmethod def get_roc_info( trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], blocks: List[int], groups: Optional[List[int]], ) -> Dict: # Collect counts (Macmillan & Creelman p61) total_n = 0 count_stimulus = numpy.zeros(NRATINGS) count_nostimulus = numpy.zeros(NRATINGS) rating_missing = False rating_out_of_range = False for t in trialarray: if t.rating is None: rating_missing = True continue if t.rating < 0 or t.rating >= NRATINGS: rating_out_of_range = True break if groups and t.group_num not in groups: continue if blocks and t.block not in blocks: continue total_n += 1 if t.target_present: count_stimulus[t.rating] += 1 else: count_nostimulus[t.rating] += 1 return { "total_n": total_n, "count_stimulus": count_stimulus, "count_nostimulus": count_nostimulus, "rating_missing": rating_missing, "rating_out_of_range": rating_out_of_range, } def get_roc_figure_by_group( self, req: CamcopsRequest, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], grouparray: List[ExpDetTrialGroupSpec], plainroc: bool, ) -> str: if not trialarray or not grouparray: return WARNING_INSUFFICIENT_DATA figsize = ( PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH * 2, PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH, ) html = "" fig = req.create_figure(figsize=figsize) warned = False for groupnum in range(len(grouparray)): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 4, groupnum + 1) # ... rows, cols, plotnum (in reading order from 1) rocinfo = self.get_roc_info(trialarray, [], [groupnum]) if rocinfo["rating_out_of_range"]: return ERROR_RATING_OUT_OF_RANGE if rocinfo["rating_missing"] and not warned: html += WARNING_RATING_MISSING warned = True show_x_label = groupnum > 3 show_y_label = groupnum % 4 == 0 subtitle = f"Group {groupnum} (n = {rocinfo['total_n']})" self.plot_roc( req, ax, rocinfo["count_stimulus"], rocinfo["count_nostimulus"], show_x_label, show_y_label, plainroc, subtitle, ) title = PLAIN_ROC_TITLE if plainroc else Z_ROC_TITLE fontprops = req.fontprops fontprops.set_weight("bold") fig.suptitle(title, fontproperties=fontprops) html += req.get_html_from_pyplot_figure(fig) return html def get_roc_figure_firsthalf_lasthalf( self, req: CamcopsRequest, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], plainroc: bool, ) -> str: if not trialarray or not self.num_blocks: return WARNING_INSUFFICIENT_DATA figsize = ( PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH, PlotDefaults.FULLWIDTH_PLOT_WIDTH / 2, ) html = "" fig = req.create_figure(figsize=figsize) warned = False for half in range(2): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, half + 1) # ... rows, cols, plotnum (in reading order from 1) blocks = list( range( half * self.num_blocks // 2, self.num_blocks // (2 - half) ) ) rocinfo = self.get_roc_info(trialarray, blocks, None) if rocinfo["rating_out_of_range"]: return ERROR_RATING_OUT_OF_RANGE if rocinfo["rating_missing"] and not warned: html += WARNING_RATING_MISSING warned = True show_x_label = True show_y_label = half == 0 subtitle = "First half" if half == 0 else "Second half" self.plot_roc( req, ax, rocinfo["count_stimulus"], rocinfo["count_nostimulus"], show_x_label, show_y_label, plainroc, subtitle, ) title = PLAIN_ROC_TITLE if plainroc else Z_ROC_TITLE fontprops = req.fontprops fontprops.set_weight("bold") fig.suptitle(title, fontproperties=fontprops) html += req.get_html_from_pyplot_figure(fig) return html def get_trial_html(self) -> str: trialarray = self.trials html = ExpDetTrial.get_html_table_header() for t in trialarray: html += t.get_html_table_row() html += """</table>""" return html
[docs] def get_task_html(self, req: CamcopsRequest) -> str: grouparray = self.groupspecs trialarray = self.trials # THIS IS A NON-EDITABLE TASK, so we *ignore* the problem # of matching to no-longer-current records. # (See for a task that does it properly.) # Provide HTML # HTML h = f""" <div class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> <table class="{CssClass.SUMMARY}"> {self.get_is_complete_tr(req)} </table> </div> <div class="{CssClass.EXPLANATION}"> Putative assay of propensity to hallucinations. </div> <table class="{CssClass.TASKCONFIG}"> <tr> <th width="50%">Configuration variable</th> <th width="50%">Value</th> </tr> """ h += tr_qa("Number of blocks", self.num_blocks) h += tr_qa("Stimulus counterbalancing", self.stimulus_counterbalancing) h += tr_qa( "“Detection” response on right?", self.is_detection_response_on_right, ) h += tr_qa( "Pause every <i>n</i> trials (0 = no pauses)", self.pause_every_n_trials, ) h += tr_qa("Cue duration (s)", self.cue_duration_s) h += tr_qa("Visual cue intensity (0–1)", self.visual_cue_intensity) h += tr_qa("Auditory cue intensity (0–1)", self.auditory_cue_intensity) h += tr_qa("ISI duration (s)", self.isi_duration_s) h += tr_qa("Visual target duration (s)", self.visual_target_duration_s) h += tr_qa( "Visual background intensity", self.visual_background_intensity ) h += tr_qa( "Visual target 0 (circle) intensity", self.visual_target_0_intensity, ) h += tr_qa( "Visual target 1 (“sun”) intensity", self.visual_target_1_intensity ) h += tr_qa( "Auditory background intensity", self.auditory_background_intensity ) h += tr_qa( "Auditory target 0 (tone) intensity", self.auditory_target_0_intensity, ) h += tr_qa( "Auditory target 1 (“moon”) intensity", self.auditory_target_1_intensity, ) h += tr_qa("ITI minimum (s)", self.iti_min_s) h += tr_qa("ITI maximum (s)", self.iti_max_s) h += f""" </table> <table class="{CssClass.TASKDETAIL}"> <tr><th width="50%">Measure</th><th width="50%">Value</th></tr> """ h += tr_qa("Aborted?", get_yes_no_none(req, self.aborted)) h += tr_qa("Finished?", get_yes_no_none(req, self.finished)) h += tr_qa("Last trial completed", self.last_trial_completed) h += ( """ </table> <div> Trial group specifications (one block is a full set of all these trials): </div> """ + self.get_group_html() + """ <div> Detection probabilities by block and group (c &gt; 0 when miss rate &gt; false alarm rate; c &lt; 0 when false alarm rate &gt; miss rate): </div> """ + self.get_html_correct_by_group_and_block(trialarray) + "<div>Detection probabilities by block:</div>" + self.get_html_correct_by_block(trialarray) + "<div>Detection probabilities by group:</div>" + self.get_html_correct_by_group(trialarray) + """ <div> Detection probabilities by half and high/low association probability: </div> """ + self.get_html_correct_by_half_and_probability( trialarray, grouparray ) + """ <div> Detection probabilities by block and high/low association probability: </div> """ + self.get_html_correct_by_block_and_probability( trialarray, grouparray ) + """ <div> Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves by group: </div> """ + self.get_roc_figure_by_group(req, trialarray, grouparray, True) + self.get_roc_figure_by_group(req, trialarray, grouparray, False) + "<div>First-half/last-half ROCs:</div>" + self.get_roc_figure_firsthalf_lasthalf(req, trialarray, True) + "<div>Trial-by-trial results:</div>" + self.get_trial_html() ) return h
def get_html_correct_by_group_and_block( self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial] ) -> str: if not trialarray: return div(italic("No trials")) html = f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Block</th> """ for g in range(N_CUES): # Have spaces around | to allow web browsers to word-wrap html += f""" <th>Group {g} P(detected | present)</th> <th>Group {g} P(detected | absent)</th> <th>Group {g} c</th> <th>Group {g} d'</th> """ html += """ </th> </tr> """ for b in range(self.num_blocks): html += "<tr>" + td(str(b)) for g in range(N_CUES): ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, [b], [g]) html += td(a(p_detected_given_present)) html += td(a(p_detected_given_absent)) html += td(a(c)) html += td(a(dprime)) html += "</tr>\n" html += """ </table> """ return html def get_html_correct_by_half_and_probability( self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], grouparray: List[ExpDetTrialGroupSpec], ) -> str: if (not trialarray) or (not grouparray): return div(italic("No trials or no groups")) n_target_highprob = max([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) n_target_lowprob = min([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) groups_highprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_highprob ] groups_lowprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_lowprob ] html = f""" <div><i> High probability groups (cues): {", ".join([str(x) for x in groups_highprob])}.\n Low probability groups (cues): {", ".join([str(x) for x in groups_lowprob])}.\n </i></div> <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Half (0 first, 1 second)</th> <th>Target probability given stimulus (0 low, 1 high)</th> <th>P(detected | present)</th> <th>P(detected | absent)</th> <th>c</th> <th>d'</th> </tr> """ for half in (0, 1): for prob in (0, 1): blocks = list( range( half * self.num_blocks // 2, self.num_blocks // (2 - half), ) ) groups = groups_lowprob if prob == 0 else groups_highprob ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, blocks, groups) html += tr( half, a(prob), a(p_detected_given_present), a(p_detected_given_absent), a(c), a(dprime), ) html += """ </table> """ return html def get_html_correct_by_block_and_probability( self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], grouparray: List[ExpDetTrialGroupSpec], ) -> str: if (not trialarray) or (not grouparray): return div(italic("No trials or no groups")) n_target_highprob = max([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) n_target_lowprob = min([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) groups_highprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_highprob ] groups_lowprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_lowprob ] html = f""" <div><i> High probability groups (cues): {", ".join([str(x) for x in groups_highprob])}.\n Low probability groups (cues): {", ".join([str(x) for x in groups_lowprob])}.\n </i></div> <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Block (0-based)</th> <th>Target probability given stimulus (0 low, 1 high)</th> <th>P(detected | present)</th> <th>P(detected | absent)</th> <th>c</th> <th>d'</th> </tr> """ for b in range(self.num_blocks): for prob in (0, 1): groups = groups_lowprob if prob == 0 else groups_highprob ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, [b], groups) html += tr( b, prob, a(p_detected_given_present), a(p_detected_given_absent), a(c), a(dprime), ) html += """ </table> """ return html def get_html_correct_by_group(self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial]) -> str: if not trialarray: return div(italic("No trials")) html = f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Group</th> <th>P(detected | present)</th> <th>P(detected | absent)</th> <th>c</th> <th>d'</th> </tr> """ for g in range(N_CUES): ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, None, [g]) html += tr( g, a(p_detected_given_present), a(p_detected_given_absent), a(c), a(dprime), ) html += """ </table> """ return html def get_html_correct_by_block(self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial]) -> str: if not trialarray: return div(italic("No trials")) html = f""" <table class="{CssClass.EXTRADETAIL}"> <tr> <th>Block</th> <th>P(detected | present)</th> <th>P(detected | absent)</th> <th>c</th> <th>d'</th> </tr> """ for b in range(self.num_blocks): ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, [b], None) html += tr( b, a(p_detected_given_present), a(p_detected_given_absent), a(c), a(dprime), ) html += """ </table> """ return html def get_p_detected( self, trialarray: List[ExpDetTrial], blocks: Optional[List[int]], groups: Optional[List[int]], ) -> Tuple[ Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[float], int ]: n_present = 0 n_absent = 0 n_detected_given_present = 0 n_detected_given_absent = 0 n_trials = 0 for t in trialarray: if ( not t.responded or (blocks is not None and t.block not in blocks) or (groups is not None and t.group_num not in groups) ): continue if t.target_present: n_present += 1 if t.judged_present(): n_detected_given_present += 1 else: n_absent += 1 if t.judged_present(): n_detected_given_absent += 1 n_trials += 1 p_detected_given_present = ( (float(n_detected_given_present) / float(n_present)) if n_present > 0 else None ) p_detected_given_absent = ( (float(n_detected_given_absent) / float(n_absent)) if n_absent > 0 else None ) (c, dprime) = self.get_c_dprime( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent ) # hits: p_detected_given_present # false alarms: p_detected_given_absent return ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, )
[docs] def get_extra_summary_tables( self, req: CamcopsRequest ) -> List[ExtraSummaryTable]: grouparray = self.groupspecs trialarray = self.trials trialarray_auditory = [ x for x in trialarray if x.target_modality == AUDITORY ] blockprob_values = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] halfprob_values = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] if grouparray and trialarray: n_target_highprob = max([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) n_target_lowprob = min([x.n_target for x in grouparray]) groups_highprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_highprob ] groups_lowprob = [ x.group_num for x in grouparray if x.n_target == n_target_lowprob ] for block in range(self.num_blocks): for target_probability_low_high in (0, 1): groups = ( groups_lowprob if target_probability_low_high == 0 else groups_highprob ) ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, [block], groups) ( auditory_p_detected_given_present, auditory_p_detected_given_absent, auditory_c, auditory_dprime, auditory_n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected( trialarray_auditory, [block], groups ) blockprob_values.append( dict( cardinal_expdet_pk=self._pk, # tablename_pk n_blocks_overall=self.num_blocks, block=block, target_probability_low_high=target_probability_low_high, # noqa n_trials=n_trials, p_detect_present=p_detected_given_present, p_detect_absent=p_detected_given_absent, c=c, d=dprime, auditory_n_trials=auditory_n_trials, auditory_p_detect_present=auditory_p_detected_given_present, # noqa auditory_p_detect_absent=auditory_p_detected_given_absent, # noqa auditory_c=auditory_c, auditory_d=auditory_dprime, ) ) # Now another one... for half in range(2): blocks = list( range( half * self.num_blocks // 2, self.num_blocks // (2 - half), ) ) for target_probability_low_high in (0, 1): groups = ( groups_lowprob if target_probability_low_high == 0 else groups_highprob ) ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, blocks, groups) ( auditory_p_detected_given_present, auditory_p_detected_given_absent, auditory_c, auditory_dprime, auditory_n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected( trialarray_auditory, blocks, groups ) halfprob_values.append( dict( cardinal_expdet_pk=self._pk, # tablename_pk half=half, target_probability_low_high=target_probability_low_high, # noqa n_trials=n_trials, p_detect_present=p_detected_given_present, p_detect_absent=p_detected_given_absent, c=c, d=dprime, auditory_n_trials=auditory_n_trials, auditory_p_detect_present=auditory_p_detected_given_present, # noqa auditory_p_detect_absent=auditory_p_detected_given_absent, # noqa auditory_c=auditory_c, auditory_d=auditory_dprime, ) ) blockprob_table = ExtraSummaryTable( tablename="cardinal_expdet_blockprobs", xmlname="blockprobs", columns=self.get_blockprob_columns(), rows=blockprob_values, task=self, ) halfprob_table = ExtraSummaryTable( tablename="cardinal_expdet_halfprobs", xmlname="halfprobs", columns=self.get_halfprob_columns(), rows=halfprob_values, task=self, ) return [blockprob_table, halfprob_table]
@staticmethod def get_blockprob_columns() -> List[Column]: # Must be a function, not a constant, because as SQLAlchemy builds the # tables, it assigns the Table object to each Column. Therefore, a # constant list works for the first request, but fails on subsequent # requests with e.g. "sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column object 'id' # already assigned to Table 'cardinal_expdet_blockprobs'" return [ Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, comment="Arbitrary PK", ), Column( "cardinal_expdet_pk", Integer, ForeignKey("cardinal_expdet._pk"), nullable=False, comment="FK to the source table's _pk field", ), Column( "n_blocks_overall", Integer, comment="Number of blocks (OVERALL)", ), Column("block", Integer, comment="Block number"), Column( "target_probability_low_high", Integer, comment="Target probability given stimulus " "(0 low, 1 high)", ), Column( "n_trials", Integer, comment="Number of trials in this condition", ), Column("p_detect_present", Float, comment="P(detect | present)"), Column("p_detect_absent", Float, comment="P(detect | absent)"), Column( "c", Float, comment="c (bias; c > 0 when miss rate > false alarm rate; " "c < 0 when false alarm rate > miss rate)", ), Column("d", Float, comment="d' (discriminability)"), Column( "auditory_n_trials", Integer, comment="Number of auditory trials in this condition", ), Column( "auditory_p_detect_present", Float, comment="AUDITORY P(detect | present)", ), Column( "auditory_p_detect_absent", Float, comment="AUDITORY P(detect | absent)", ), Column("auditory_c", Float, comment="AUDITORY c"), Column("auditory_d", Float, comment="AUDITORY d'"), ] @staticmethod def get_halfprob_columns() -> List[Column]: return [ Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, comment="Arbitrary PK", ), Column( "cardinal_expdet_pk", Integer, ForeignKey("cardinal_expdet._pk"), nullable=False, comment="FK to the source table's _pk field", ), Column("half", Integer, comment="Half number"), Column( "target_probability_low_high", Integer, comment="Target probability given stimulus " "(0 low, 1 high)", ), Column( "n_trials", Integer, comment="Number of trials in this condition", ), Column("p_detect_present", Float, comment="P(detect | present)"), Column("p_detect_absent", Float, comment="P(detect | absent)"), Column( "c", Float, comment="c (bias; c > 0 when miss rate > false alarm rate; " "c < 0 when false alarm rate > miss rate)", ), Column("d", Float, comment="d' (discriminability)"), Column( "auditory_n_trials", Integer, comment="Number of auditory trials in this condition", ), Column( "auditory_p_detect_present", Float, comment="AUDITORY P(detect | present)", ), Column( "auditory_p_detect_absent", Float, comment="AUDITORY P(detect | absent)", ), Column("auditory_c", Float, comment="AUDITORY c"), Column("auditory_d", Float, comment="AUDITORY d'"), ] def get_overall_p_detect_present(self) -> Optional[float]: trialarray = self.trials ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, None, None) return p_detected_given_present def get_overall_p_detect_absent(self) -> Optional[float]: trialarray = self.trials ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, None, None) return p_detected_given_absent def get_overall_c(self) -> Optional[float]: trialarray = self.trials ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, None, None) return c def get_overall_d(self) -> Optional[float]: trialarray = self.trials ( p_detected_given_present, p_detected_given_absent, c, dprime, n_trials, ) = self.get_p_detected(trialarray, None, None) return dprime