Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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**XML helper functions/classes.**


import base64
import datetime
import logging
from typing import Any, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import xml.sax.saxutils

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc import auto_repr
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.orm_inspect import gen_columns
import pendulum  # avoid name confusion with Date
from pendulum import DateTime as Pendulum
from semantic_version.base import Version
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeEngine

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects import XmlSimpleValue
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import gen_camcops_blob_columns

    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import (
    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_summaryelement import (

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

XML_NAME_SNOMED_CODES = "snomed_ct_codes"

    ' xmlns:xsi=""'
    # ' xmlns:dt=""'
    # ... actual URL unimportant

[docs]class XmlDataTypes(object): """ Constants representing standard XML data types. """ BASE64BINARY = "base64Binary" BOOLEAN = "boolean" DATE = "date" DATETIME = "dateTime" DOUBLE = "double" INTEGER = "integer" STRING = "string" TIME = "time"
# ============================================================================= # XML element # =============================================================================
[docs]class XmlElement(object): """ Represents XML data in a tree. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, value: Any = None, datatype: str = None, comment: str = None, literal: str = None, ) -> None: """ Args: name: name of this XML element value: value of this element: may be a raw value or a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement` objects (default: ``None``) datatype: data type of this element (default: ``None``) comment: description of this element (default: ``None``) literal: literal XML; overrides all other options """ # Special: boolean requires lower case "true"/"false" (or 0/1) if datatype == XmlDataTypes.BOOLEAN and value is not None: value = str(value).lower() = name self.value = value self.datatype = datatype self.comment = comment self.literal = literal
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Shows just this element. """ return auto_repr(self, with_addr=True)
[docs]class XmlLiteral(XmlElement): """ Represents literal XML. """
[docs] def __init__(self, literal: str) -> None: super().__init__(name="", literal=literal)
# ============================================================================= # Some literals # ============================================================================= XML_COMMENT_ANCILLARY = XmlLiteral("<!-- Ancillary records -->") XML_COMMENT_ANONYMOUS = XmlLiteral("<!-- Anonymous task; no patient info -->") XML_COMMENT_BLOBS = XmlLiteral("<!-- Associated BLOBs -->") XML_COMMENT_CALCULATED = XmlLiteral("<!-- Calculated fields -->") XML_COMMENT_PATIENT = XmlLiteral("<!-- Associated patient details -->") XML_COMMENT_SNOMED_CT = XmlLiteral("<!-- SNOMED-CT codes -->") XML_COMMENT_SPECIAL_NOTES = XmlLiteral("<!-- Any special notes added -->") XML_COMMENT_STORED = XmlLiteral("<!-- Stored fields -->") # ============================================================================= # XML processing # ============================================================================= # The xml.etree.ElementTree and lxml libraries can both do this sort of thing. # However, they do look quite fiddly and we only want to create something # simple. Therefore, let's roll our own:
[docs]def make_xml_branches_from_columns( obj, skip_fields: List[str] = None ) -> List[XmlElement]: """ Returns a list of XML branches, each an :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement`, from an SQLAlchemy ORM object, using the list of SQLAlchemy Column objects that define/describe its fields. Args: obj: the SQLAlchemy ORM object skip_fields: database column names to skip """ skip_fields = skip_fields or [] # type: List[str] branches = [] # type: List[XmlElement] for attrname, column in gen_columns(obj): # log.debug("make_xml_branches_from_columns: {!r}", attrname) colname = if colname in skip_fields: continue branches.append( XmlElement( name=colname, value=getattr(obj, attrname), datatype=get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column(column), comment=column.comment, ) ) return branches
[docs]def make_xml_branches_from_summaries( summaries: List["SummaryElement"], skip_fields: List[str] = None, sort_by_name: bool = True, ) -> List[XmlElement]: """ Returns a list of XML branches, each an :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement`, from a list of summary data provided by a task. Args: summaries: list of :class:`SummaryElement` objects skip_fields: summary element names to skip sort_by_name: sort branches by element name? """ skip_fields = skip_fields or [] branches = [] for s in summaries: name = if name in skip_fields: continue branches.append( XmlElement( name=name, value=s.value, datatype=get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column_type(s.coltype), comment=s.comment, ) ) if sort_by_name: branches.sort(key=lambda el: return branches
[docs]def make_xml_branches_from_blobs( req: "CamcopsRequest", obj, skip_fields: List[str] = None ) -> List[XmlElement]: """ Return XML branches from those attributes of an SQLAlchemy ORM object (e.g. task) that represent BLOBs. Args: req: the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` obj: the SQLAlchemy ORM object skip_fields: database column names to skip Returns: a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement` objects """ skip_fields = skip_fields or [] # type: List[str] branches = [] # type: List[XmlElement] for id_attrname, column in gen_camcops_blob_columns(obj): colname = if colname in skip_fields: continue relationship_attr = column.blob_relationship_attr_name blob = getattr(obj, relationship_attr) branches.append( XmlElement( name=relationship_attr, value=None if blob is None else blob.get_xml_element(req), comment=column.comment, ) ) return branches
[docs]def xml_header(eol: str = "\n") -> str: """ XML declaration header. """ return f'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>{eol}'
[docs]def get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column_type(coltype: TypeEngine) -> str: """ Returns the XML schema datatype from an SQLAlchemy column type, such as ``Integer``. Compare :func:`get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column`. """ # # pt = coltype.python_type # pt is a *type*, not an *instance* of that type, so we use issubclass: # Watch the order. Move from more specific to less specific. # For example, issubclass(bool, int) == True, so do bool first. if issubclass(pt, datetime.datetime) or issubclass(pt, Pendulum): return XmlDataTypes.DATETIME if issubclass(pt, or issubclass(pt, pendulum.Date): return XmlDataTypes.DATE if issubclass(pt, datetime.time) or issubclass(pt, pendulum.Time): return XmlDataTypes.TIME if issubclass(pt, bool): return XmlDataTypes.BOOLEAN if issubclass(pt, int): return XmlDataTypes.INTEGER if issubclass(pt, float): return XmlDataTypes.DOUBLE if issubclass(pt, str) or issubclass(pt, Version): return XmlDataTypes.STRING # BLOBs are handled separately. raise NotImplementedError( f"Don't know XML type for SQLAlchemy type {coltype!r} with Python " f"type {pt!r}" )
[docs]def get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column(column: Column) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the XML schema datatype from an SQLAlchemy Column, such as ``Integer()``. Compare :func:`get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column_type`. """ coltype = column.type # type: TypeEngine return get_xml_datatype_from_sqla_column_type(coltype)
[docs]def get_xml_blob_element( name: str, blobdata: Optional[bytes], comment: str = None ) -> XmlElement: """ Returns an XmlElement representing a base-64-encoded BLOB. Args: name: XML element name blobdata: the raw binary, or ``None`` comment: XML comment """ if blobdata: # blobdata is raw binary b64bytes = base64.b64encode(blobdata) b64str = b64bytes.decode("ascii") value = b64str else: value = None return XmlElement( name=name, value=value, datatype=XmlDataTypes.BASE64BINARY, comment=comment, )
[docs]def xml_escape_value(value: str) -> str: """ Escape a value for XML. """ # # return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(value)
[docs]def xml_quote_attribute(attr: str) -> str: """ Escapes and quotes an attribute for XML. More stringent than value escaping. """ return xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(attr)
[docs]def get_xml_tree( element: Union[ XmlElement, XmlSimpleValue, List[Union[XmlElement, XmlSimpleValue]] ], level: int = 0, indent_spaces: int = 4, eol: str = "\n", include_comments: bool = False, ) -> str: # noinspection HttpUrlsUsage """ Returns an :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement` as text. Args: element: root :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement` level: starting level/depth (used for recursion) indent_spaces: number of spaces to indent formatted XML eol: end-of-line string include_comments: include comments describing each field? We will represent NULL values with ``xsi:nil``, but this requires a namespace: - - Comments: - - Regarding newlines: - We do nothing special, i.e. newlines are provided in raw format. - However, some browsers may fail to display them correctly (i.e. they look like they're missing) -- e.g. Firefox, Chrome -- see Just try saving and inspecting the results with a text editor, or use the browser's "View Source" function (which, for Chrome, shows both newlines and line numbers too). """ # noqa xmltext = "" prefix = " " * level * indent_spaces if isinstance(element, XmlElement): if element.literal: # A user-inserted piece of XML. Insert, but indent. xmltext += prefix + element.literal + eol else: # Attributes namespaces = [] if level == 0: # root # Apply namespace to root element (will inherit): namespaces.extend(XML_NAMESPACES) if include_comments: namespaces.extend(XML_IGNORE_NAMESPACES) namespace = " ".join(namespaces) if element.datatype: dt = f' xsi:type="{element.datatype}"' else: # log.warning("XmlElement has no datatype: {!r}", element) dt = "" cmt = "" if include_comments and element.comment: cmt = f" ignore:comment={xml_quote_attribute(element.comment)}" attributes = f"{namespace}{dt}{cmt}" # Assemble if element.value is None: # NULL handling xmltext += ( f"{prefix}<{}{attributes} " f'xsi:nil="true"/>{eol}' ) else: complex_value = isinstance( element.value, XmlElement ) or isinstance(element.value, list) value_to_recurse = ( element.value if complex_value else XmlSimpleValue(element.value) ) # ... XmlSimpleValue is a marker that subsequently # distinguishes things that were part of an XmlElement from # user-inserted raw XML. nl = eol if complex_value else "" pr2 = prefix if complex_value else "" v = get_xml_tree( value_to_recurse, level=level + 1, indent_spaces=indent_spaces, eol=eol, include_comments=include_comments, ) xmltext += ( f"{prefix}<{}{attributes}>{nl}" f"{v}{pr2}</{}>{eol}" ) elif isinstance(element, list): for subelement in element: xmltext += get_xml_tree( subelement, level, indent_spaces=indent_spaces, eol=eol, include_comments=include_comments, ) # recursive elif isinstance(element, XmlSimpleValue): # The lowest-level thing a value. No extra indent. xmltext += xml_escape_value(str(element.value)) else: raise ValueError(f"Bad value to get_xml_tree: {element!r}") return xmltext
[docs]def get_xml_document( root: XmlElement, indent_spaces: int = 4, eol: str = "\n", include_comments: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Returns an entire XML document as text, given the root :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement`. Args: root: root :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_xml.XmlElement` indent_spaces: number of spaces to indent formatted XML eol: end-of-line string include_comments: include comments describing each field? """ if not isinstance(root, XmlElement): raise AssertionError( "get_xml_document: root not an XmlElement; " "XML requires a single root" ) return xml_header(eol) + get_xml_tree( root, indent_spaces=indent_spaces, eol=eol, include_comments=include_comments, )