Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskindex



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.


**Server-side task index.**

Note in particular that if you, as a developer, change the ``is_complete()``
criteria for a task, you should cause the server index to be rebuilt (because
it caches ``is_complete()`` information).


import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc import simple_repr
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.session import get_engine_from_session
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.schema import table_exists
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.sqlserver import (
from pendulum import DateTime as Pendulum
import pyramid.httpexceptions as exc
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Session as SqlASession
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_, exists, join, literal, select
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column, ForeignKey, Table
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import BigInteger, Boolean, DateTime, Integer

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_client_api_core import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import ERA_NOW
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_idnumdef import IdNumDefinition
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patient import Patient
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum import PatientIdNum
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import Base
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_user import User

    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request import CamcopsRequest

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Helper functions
# =============================================================================

[docs]def task_factory_unfiltered( dbsession: SqlASession, basetable: str, serverpk: int ) -> Optional[Task]: """ Load a task from the database and return it. No permission filtering is performed. (Used by :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskindex.TaskIndexEntry`.) Args: dbsession: a :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` basetable: name of the task's base table serverpk: server PK of the task Returns: the task, or ``None`` if the PK doesn't exist Raises: :exc:`HTTPBadRequest` if the table doesn't exist """ d = tablename_to_task_class_dict() try: cls = d[basetable] # may raise KeyError except KeyError: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(f"No such task table: {basetable!r}") # noinspection PyProtectedMember q = dbsession.query(cls).filter(cls._pk == serverpk) return q.first()
# ============================================================================= # PatientIdNumIndexEntry # =============================================================================
[docs]class PatientIdNumIndexEntry(Base): """ Represents a server index entry for a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum.PatientIdNum`. - Only current ID numbers are indexed. """ __tablename__ = "_idnum_index" idnum_pk = Column( "idnum_pk", Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, comment="Server primary key of the PatientIdNum " "(and of the PatientIdNumIndexEntry)", ) indexed_at_utc = Column( "indexed_at_utc", DateTime, nullable=False, comment="When this index entry was created", ) # noinspection PyProtectedMember patient_pk = Column( "patient_pk", Integer, ForeignKey(Patient._pk), index=True, comment="Server primary key of the Patient", ) which_idnum = Column( "which_idnum", Integer, ForeignKey(IdNumDefinition.which_idnum), nullable=False, index=True, comment="Which of the server's ID numbers is this?", ) idnum_value = Column( "idnum_value", BigInteger, comment="The value of the ID number" ) # Relationships: patient = relationship(Patient) def __repr__(self) -> str: return simple_repr( self, ["idnum_pk", "patient_pk", "which_idnum", "idnum_value"] ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def make_from_idnum(cls, idnum: PatientIdNum) -> "PatientIdNumIndexEntry": """ Returns an ID index entry for the specified :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum.PatientIdNum`. The returned index requires inserting into a database session. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember assert idnum._current, "Only index current PatientIdNum objects" index = cls() index.idnum_pk = index.patient_pk = idnum.get_patient_server_pk() index.which_idnum = idnum.which_idnum index.idnum_value = idnum.idnum_value index.indexed_at_utc = return index
[docs] @classmethod def index_idnum(cls, idnum: PatientIdNum, session: SqlASession) -> None: """ Indexes an ID number and inserts the index into the database. Args: idnum: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum.PatientIdNum` session: an SQLAlchemy Session """ index = cls.make_from_idnum(idnum) session.add(index)
[docs] @classmethod def unindex_patient(cls, patient: Patient, session: SqlASession) -> None: """ Removes all ID number indexes from the database for a patient. Args: patient: :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patient.Patient` session: an SQLAlchemy Session """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idxtable = cls.__table__ # type: Table idxcols = idxtable.columns # noinspection PyProtectedMember session.execute( idxtable.delete().where(idxcols.patient_pk == patient._pk) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regenerate index # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def rebuild_idnum_index( cls, session: SqlASession, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum ) -> None: """ Rebuilds the index entirely. Uses SQLAlchemy Core (not ORM) for speed. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC """"Rebuilding patient ID number index") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences indextable = PatientIdNumIndexEntry.__table__ # type: Table indexcols = indextable.columns # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idnumtable = PatientIdNum.__table__ # type: Table idnumcols = idnumtable.columns # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences patienttable = Patient.__table__ # type: Table patientcols = patienttable.columns # Delete all entries with if_sqlserver_disable_constraints_triggers( session, ): session.execute(indextable.delete()) # Create new ones # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyPep8 session.execute( indextable.insert().from_select( # Target: [ indexcols.idnum_pk, indexcols.indexed_at_utc, indexcols.patient_pk, indexcols.which_idnum, indexcols.idnum_value, ], # Source: ( select( [ idnumcols._pk, literal(indexed_at_utc), patientcols._pk, idnumcols.which_idnum, idnumcols.idnum_value, ] ) .select_from( join( idnumtable, patienttable, and_( idnumcols._device_id == patientcols._device_id, idnumcols._era == patientcols._era, idnumcols.patient_id ==, ), ) ) .where(idnumcols._current == True) # noqa: E712 .where(idnumcols.idnum_value.isnot(None)) .where(patientcols._current == True) # noqa: E712 ), ) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check index # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def check_index( cls, session: SqlASession, show_all_bad: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Checks the index. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session show_all_bad: show all bad entries? (If false, return upon the first) Returns: bool: is the index OK? """ ok = True "Checking all patient ID number indexes represent valid entries" ) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember q_idx_without_original = session.query(PatientIdNumIndexEntry).filter( ~exists() .select_from( PatientIdNum.__table__.join( Patient.__table__, == PatientIdNum.patient_id, Patient._device_id == PatientIdNum._device_id, Patient._era == PatientIdNum._era, ) ) .where( and_( PatientIdNum._pk == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_pk, PatientIdNum._current == True, # noqa: E712 PatientIdNum.which_idnum == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.which_idnum, PatientIdNum.idnum_value == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_value, Patient._pk == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.patient_pk, Patient._current == True, # noqa: E712 ) ) ) for index in q_idx_without_original: log.error( "Patient ID number index without matching " "original: {!r}", index, ) ok = False if not show_all_bad: return ok"Checking all patient ID numbers have an index") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember q_original_with_idx = session.query(PatientIdNum).filter( PatientIdNum._current == True, # noqa: E712 PatientIdNum.idnum_value.isnot(None), ~exists() .select_from(PatientIdNumIndexEntry.__table__) .where( and_( PatientIdNum._pk == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_pk, PatientIdNum.which_idnum == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.which_idnum, PatientIdNum.idnum_value == PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_value, ) ), ) for orig in q_original_with_idx: log.error("ID number without index entry: {!r}", orig) ok = False if not show_all_bad: return ok return ok
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update index at the point of upload from a device # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def update_idnum_index_for_upload( cls, session: SqlASession, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum, tablechanges: UploadTableChanges, ) -> None: """ Updates the index for a device's upload. - Deletes index entries for records that are on the way out. - Creates index entries for records that are on the way in. - Should be called after both the Patient and PatientIdNum tables are committed; see special ordering in :func:`camcops_server.cc_modules.client_api.commit_all`. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC tablechanges: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_client_api_core.UploadTableChanges` object describing the changes to a table """ # noqa # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences indextable = PatientIdNumIndexEntry.__table__ # type: Table indexcols = indextable.columns # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idnumtable = PatientIdNum.__table__ # type: Table idnumcols = idnumtable.columns # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences patienttable = Patient.__table__ # type: Table patientcols = patienttable.columns # Delete the old removal_pks = tablechanges.idnum_delete_index_pks if removal_pks: log.debug( "Deleting old ID number indexes: server PKs {}", removal_pks ) session.execute( indextable.delete().where( indextable.c.idnum_pk.in_(removal_pks) ) ) # Create the new addition_pks = tablechanges.idnum_add_index_pks if addition_pks: log.debug("Adding ID number indexes: server PKs {}", addition_pks) # noinspection PyPep8,PyProtectedMember session.execute( indextable.insert().from_select( # Target: [ indexcols.idnum_pk, indexcols.indexed_at_utc, indexcols.patient_pk, indexcols.which_idnum, indexcols.idnum_value, ], # Source: ( select( [ idnumcols._pk, literal(indexed_at_utc), patientcols._pk, idnumcols.which_idnum, idnumcols.idnum_value, ] ) .select_from( join( idnumtable, patienttable, and_( idnumcols._device_id == patientcols._device_id, idnumcols._era == patientcols._era, idnumcols.patient_id ==, ), ) ) .where(idnumcols._pk.in_(addition_pks)) .where(patientcols._current == True) # noqa: E712 ), ) )
# ============================================================================= # TaskIndexEntry # =============================================================================
[docs]class TaskIndexEntry(Base): """ Represents a server index entry for a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task`. - Only current tasks are indexed. This simplifies direct linking to patient PKs. """ __tablename__ = "_task_index" index_entry_pk = Column( "index_entry_pk", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, comment="Arbitrary primary key of this index entry", ) indexed_at_utc = Column( "indexed_at_utc", DateTime, nullable=False, comment="When this index entry was created", ) # The next two fields link to our task: task_table_name = Column( "task_table_name", TableNameColType, index=True, comment="Table name of the task's base table", ) task_pk = Column( "task_pk", Integer, index=True, comment="Server primary key of the task", ) # We can probably even represent this with an SQLAlchemy ORM relationship. # This is polymorphic loading (we'll return objects of different types) # based on concrete table inheritance (each type of object -- each task -- # has its own standalone table). # However, there are warnings about the inefficiency of this; see # # and we are trying to be efficient. So let's do via task() below. # This links to the task's patient, if there is one: # noinspection PyProtectedMember patient_pk = Column( "patient_pk", Integer, ForeignKey(Patient._pk), index=True, comment="Server primary key of the patient (if applicable)", ) # These fields allow us to filter tasks efficiently: device_id = Column( "device_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True, comment="ID of the source tablet device", ) era = Column( "era", EraColType, nullable=False, index=True, comment="Era (_era) field of the source record", ) when_created_utc = Column( "when_created_utc", DateTime, nullable=False, index=True, comment="Date/time this task instance was created (UTC)", ) when_created_iso = Column( "when_created_iso", PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType, nullable=False, index=True, comment="Date/time this task instance was created (ISO 8601)", ) # Pendulum on the Python side when_added_batch_utc = Column( "when_added_batch_utc", DateTime, nullable=False, index=True, comment="Date/time this task index was uploaded (UTC)", ) adding_user_id = Column( "adding_user_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), comment="ID of user that added this task", ) group_id = Column( "group_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True, comment="ID of group to which this task belongs", ) task_is_complete = Column( "task_is_complete", Boolean, nullable=False, comment="Is the task complete (as judged by the server when the index " "entry was created)?", ) # Relationships: patient = relationship(Patient) _adding_user = relationship(User) def __repr__(self) -> str: return simple_repr( self, [ "index_entry_pk", "task_table_name", "task_pk", "patient_pk", "device_id", "era", "when_created_utc", "when_created_iso", "when_added_batch_utc", "adding_user_id", "group_id", "task_is_complete", ], ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fetch the task # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def task(self) -> Optional[Task]: """ Returns: the associated :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task`, or ``None`` if none exists. Raises: :exc:`HTTPBadRequest` if the table doesn't exist """ dbsession = SqlASession.object_session(self) assert dbsession, ( "TaskIndexEntry.task called on a TaskIndexEntry " "that's not yet in a database session" ) return task_factory_unfiltered( dbsession, self.task_table_name, self.task_pk ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other properties mirroring those of Task, for duck typing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def is_anonymous(self) -> bool: """ Is the task anonymous? """ return self.patient_pk is None
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: """ Is the task complete? """ return self.task_is_complete
@property def _current(self) -> bool: """ All task index entries represent complete tasks, so this always returns ``True``. """ return True @property def pk(self) -> int: """ Return's the task's server PK. """ return self.task_pk @property def tablename(self) -> str: """ Returns the base table name of the task. """ return self.task_table_name @property def shortname(self) -> str: """ Returns the task's shortname. """ d = tablename_to_task_class_dict() taskclass = d[self.task_table_name] return taskclass.shortname
[docs] def is_live_on_tablet(self) -> bool: """ Is the task live on the source device (e.g. tablet)? """ return self.era == ERA_NOW
@property def when_created(self) -> Pendulum: """ Returns the creation date/time as a Pendulum DateTime object. """ return self.when_created_iso
[docs] def any_patient_idnums_invalid(self, req: "CamcopsRequest") -> bool: """ Do we have a patient who has any invalid ID numbers? Args: req: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` """ idnums = self.get_patient_idnum_objects() for idnum in idnums: if not idnum.is_fully_valid(req): return True return False
[docs] def get_patient_idnum_objects(self) -> List[PatientIdNum]: """ Gets all :class:`PatientIdNum` objects for the patient. """ return self.patient.get_idnum_objects() if self.patient else []
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def make_from_task( cls, task: Task, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum ) -> "TaskIndexEntry": """ Returns a task index entry for the specified :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task`. The returned index requires inserting into a database session. Args: task: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task` indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC """ assert indexed_at_utc is not None, "Missing indexed_at_utc" index = cls() index.indexed_at_utc = indexed_at_utc index.task_table_name = task.tablename index.task_pk = patient = task.patient index.patient_pk = if patient else None index.device_id = task.device_id index.era = task.era index.when_created_utc = task.get_creation_datetime_utc() index.when_created_iso = task.when_created # noinspection PyProtectedMember index.when_added_batch_utc = task._when_added_batch_utc index.adding_user_id = task.get_adding_user_id() index.group_id = task.group_id index.task_is_complete = task.is_complete() return index
[docs] @classmethod def index_task( cls, task: Task, session: SqlASession, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum ) -> None: """ Indexes a task and inserts the index into the database. Args: task: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task` session: an SQLAlchemy Session indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC """ index = cls.make_from_task(task, indexed_at_utc=indexed_at_utc) session.add(index)
[docs] @classmethod def unindex_task(cls, task: Task, session: SqlASession) -> None: """ Removes a task index from the database. Args: task: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task` session: an SQLAlchemy Session """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idxtable = cls.__table__ # type: Table idxcols = idxtable.columns tasktablename = task.__class__.tablename session.execute( idxtable.delete() .where(idxcols.task_table_name == tasktablename) .where(idxcols.task_pk == )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regenerate index # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def rebuild_index_for_task_type( cls, session: SqlASession, taskclass: Type[Task], indexed_at_utc: Pendulum, delete_first: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Rebuilds the index for a particular task type. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session taskclass: a subclass of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_task.Task` indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC delete_first: delete old index entries first? Should always be True unless called as part of a master rebuild that deletes everything first. """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idxtable = cls.__table__ # type: Table idxcols = idxtable.columns tasktablename = taskclass.tablename"Rebuilding task index for {}", tasktablename) # Delete all entries for this task if delete_first: session.execute( idxtable.delete().where(idxcols.table_name == tasktablename) ) # Create new entries # noinspection PyPep8,PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember q = ( session.query(taskclass) .filter(taskclass._current == True) # noqa: E712 .order_by(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime(taskclass.when_created)) ) for task in q: cls.index_task(task, session, indexed_at_utc)
[docs] @classmethod def rebuild_entire_task_index( cls, session: SqlASession, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum, skip_tasks_with_missing_tables: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Rebuilds the entire index. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC skip_tasks_with_missing_tables: should we skip over tasks if their tables are not in the database? (This is so we can rebuild an index from a database upgrade, but not crash because newer tasks haven't had their tables created yet.) """"Rebuilding entire task index") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idxtable = cls.__table__ # type: Table # Delete all entries with if_sqlserver_disable_constraints_triggers(session, session.execute(idxtable.delete()) # Now rebuild: for taskclass in Task.all_subclasses_by_tablename(): if skip_tasks_with_missing_tables: basetable = taskclass.tablename engine = get_engine_from_session(session) if not table_exists(engine, basetable): continue cls.rebuild_index_for_task_type( session, taskclass, indexed_at_utc, delete_first=False )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update index at the point of upload from a device # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def update_task_index_for_upload( cls, session: SqlASession, tablechanges: UploadTableChanges, indexed_at_utc: Pendulum, ) -> None: """ Updates the index for a device's upload. - Deletes index entries for records that are on the way out. - Creates index entries for records that are on the way in. - Deletes/recreates index entries for records being preserved. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session tablechanges: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_client_api_core.UploadTableChanges` object describing the changes to a table indexed_at_utc: current time in UTC """ # noqa tasktablename = tablechanges.tablename d = tablename_to_task_class_dict() try: taskclass = d[tasktablename] # may raise KeyError except KeyError: fail_user_error(f"Bug: no such task table: {tasktablename!r}") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences idxtable = cls.__table__ # type: Table idxcols = idxtable.columns # Delete the old. delete_index_pks = tablechanges.task_delete_index_pks if delete_index_pks: log.debug( "Deleting old task indexes: {}, server PKs {}", tasktablename, delete_index_pks, ) # noinspection PyProtectedMember session.execute( idxtable.delete() .where(idxcols.task_table_name == tasktablename) .where(idxcols.task_pk.in_(delete_index_pks)) ) # Create the new. reindex_pks = tablechanges.task_reindex_pks if reindex_pks: log.debug( "Recreating task indexes: {}, server PKs {}", tasktablename, reindex_pks, ) # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable,PyProtectedMember q = session.query(taskclass).filter(taskclass._pk.in_(reindex_pks)) for task in q: cls.index_task(task, session, indexed_at_utc=indexed_at_utc)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check index # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def check_index( cls, session: SqlASession, show_all_bad: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Checks the index. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session show_all_bad: show all bad entries? (If false, return upon the first) Returns: bool: is the index OK? """ ok = True"Checking all task indexes represent valid entries") for taskclass in Task.all_subclasses_by_tablename(): tasktablename = taskclass.tablename log.debug("Checking {}", tasktablename) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember q_idx_without_original = session.query(TaskIndexEntry).filter( TaskIndexEntry.task_table_name == tasktablename, ~exists() .select_from(taskclass.__table__) .where( and_( TaskIndexEntry.task_pk == taskclass._pk, taskclass._current == True, # noqa: E712 ) ), ) # No check for a valid patient at this time. for index in q_idx_without_original: log.error("Task index without matching original: {!r}", index) ok = False if not show_all_bad: return ok"Checking all tasks have an index") for taskclass in Task.all_subclasses_by_tablename(): tasktablename = taskclass.tablename log.debug("Checking {}", tasktablename) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember q_original_with_idx = session.query(taskclass).filter( taskclass._current == True, # noqa: E712 ~exists() .select_from(TaskIndexEntry.__table__) .where( and_( TaskIndexEntry.task_pk == taskclass._pk, TaskIndexEntry.task_table_name == tasktablename, ) ), ) for orig in q_original_with_idx: log.error("Task without index entry: {!r}", orig) ok = False if not show_all_bad: return ok return ok
# ============================================================================= # Wide-ranging index update functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def reindex_everything( session: SqlASession, skip_tasks_with_missing_tables: bool = False ) -> None: """ Deletes from and rebuilds all server index tables. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session skip_tasks_with_missing_tables: should we skip over tasks if their tables are not in the database? (This is so we can rebuild an index from a database upgrade, but not crash because newer tasks haven't had their tables created yet.) """ now = Pendulum.utcnow()"Reindexing database; indexed_at_utc = {}", now) PatientIdNumIndexEntry.rebuild_idnum_index(session, now) TaskIndexEntry.rebuild_entire_task_index( session, now, skip_tasks_with_missing_tables=skip_tasks_with_missing_tables, )
[docs]def update_indexes_and_push_exports( req: "CamcopsRequest", batchdetails: BatchDetails, tablechanges: UploadTableChanges, ) -> None: """ Update server indexes, if required. Also triggers background jobs to export "new arrivals", if required. Args: req: the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_request.CamcopsRequest` batchdetails: the :class:`BatchDetails` tablechanges: a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_client_api_core.UploadTableChanges` object describing the changes to a table """ # noqa tablename = tablechanges.tablename if tablename == PatientIdNum.__tablename__: # Update idnum index PatientIdNumIndexEntry.update_idnum_index_for_upload( session=req.dbsession, indexed_at_utc=batchdetails.batchtime, tablechanges=tablechanges, ) elif tablename in all_task_tablenames(): # Update task index TaskIndexEntry.update_task_index_for_upload( session=req.dbsession, tablechanges=tablechanges, indexed_at_utc=batchdetails.batchtime, ) # Push exports recipients = req.all_push_recipients uploading_group_id = req.user.upload_group_id for recipient in recipients: recipient_name = recipient.recipient_name for pk in tablechanges.get_task_push_export_pks( recipient=recipient, uploading_group_id=uploading_group_id ): req.add_export_push_request(recipient_name, tablename, pk)
# ... will be transmitted *after* the request performs COMMIT
[docs]def check_indexes(session: SqlASession, show_all_bad: bool = False) -> bool: """ Checks all server index tables. Args: session: an SQLAlchemy Session show_all_bad: show all bad entries? (If false, return upon the first) Returns: bool: are the indexes OK? """ p_ok = PatientIdNumIndexEntry.check_index(session, show_all_bad) if p_ok:"Patient ID number index is good") else: log.error("Patient ID number index is bad") if not show_all_bad: return False t_ok = TaskIndexEntry.check_index(session, show_all_bad) if t_ok:"Task index is good") else: log.error("Task index is bad") return p_ok and t_ok