Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_string



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.


**Manage the "extra strings" that the server reads from XML files. The server
uses these for displaying tasks, and provides them to client devices.**


import glob
import logging
from typing import Dict, List
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree

# ... cElementTree is a faster implementation
# ...
# ...
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.text import unescape_newlines

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_cache import cache_region_static, fkg
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_config import get_config
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_exception import raise_runtime_error

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))


# =============================================================================
# XML helper functions
# =============================================================================

[docs]def text_contents(e: Element, plain: bool = False, strip: bool = True) -> str: """ Extract the exact text contents of an XML element, including any XML/HTML tags within it. A normal string looks like .. code-block:: xml <string name="stringname">words words words</string> and we extract its contents ("words words words") with .. code-block:: python e.text However, for this: .. code-block:: xml <string name="stringname">words <b>bold words</b> words</string> we want to extract ``words <b>bold words</b> words`` and that"s a little trickier. This function does that. Args: e: the :class:`Element` to read plain: remove all HTML/XML tags? strip: strip leading/trailing whitespace? Returns: the text contents of the element """ n_children = len(e) if n_children == 0: result = e.text or "" elif plain: result = "".join(e.itertext()) # e.g. "words bold words words" else: result = ( (e.text or "") + "".join(tostring(child, encoding="unicode") for child in e) + (e.tail or "") ) if strip: return result.strip() else: return result
# ============================================================================= # Localization strings # ============================================================================= # In a change to thinking... Pyramid emphasizes: NO MUTABLE GLOBAL STATE. # # noqa # This is a good thing. But it means that: # - because we configure our XML files in our config... # - and in principle even two different threads coming here may have different # configs... # - ... that string requests need to be attached to a Pyramid Request.
[docs]class AS(object): """ List of appstrings present in ``camcops.xml``. Should match ``appstrings.cpp`` in the client, and of course ``camcops.xml`` itself. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NHS Data Dictionary elements # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_S = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_S" NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_M = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_M" NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_D = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_D" NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_W = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_W" NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_P = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_P" NHS_PERSON_MARITAL_STATUS_CODE_N = "nhs_person_marital_status_code_N" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_A = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_A" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_B = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_B" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_C = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_C" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_D = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_D" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_E = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_E" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_F = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_F" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_G = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_G" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_H = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_H" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_J = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_J" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_K = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_K" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_L = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_L" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_M = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_M" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_N = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_N" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_P = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_P" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_R = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_R" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_S = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_S" NHS_ETHNIC_CATEGORY_CODE_Z = "nhs_ethnic_category_code_Z" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # String elements for specific restricted tasks (see camcops.xml) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDI_WHICH_SCALE = "bdi_which_scale" GAF_SCORE = "gaf_score" HADS_ANXIETY_SCORE = "hads_anxiety_score" HADS_DEPRESSION_SCORE = "hads_depression_score" IESR_A_PREFIX = "iesr_a" WSAS_A_PREFIX = "wsas_a" ZBI_A_PREFIX = "zbi_a" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Strings shared across several tasks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA_COLLECTION_ONLY = "data_collection_only" DATE_PERTAINS_TO = "date_pertains_to" ICD10_SYMPTOMATIC_DISCLAIMER = "icd10_symptomatic_disclaimer" SATIS_BAD_Q = "satis_bad_q" SATIS_BAD_S = "satis_bad_s" SATIS_GOOD_Q = "satis_good_q" SATIS_GOOD_S = "satis_good_s" SATIS_PT_RATING_Q = "satis_pt_rating_q" SATIS_REF_GEN_RATING_Q = "satis_ref_gen_rating_q" SATIS_REF_SPEC_RATING_Q = "satis_ref_spec_rating_q" SATIS_RATING_A_PREFIX = "satis_rating_a" SATIS_SERVICE_BEING_RATED = "satis_service_being_rated"
[docs]@cache_region_static.cache_on_arguments(function_key_generator=fkg) def all_extra_strings_as_dicts( config_filename: str, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: r""" Returns strings from the all the extra XML string files. The result is cached (via a proper cache). Args: config_filename: a CamCOPS config filename Returns: a dictionary like .. code-block:: none { "task1": { "stringname1": { "en-GB": "a string in British English", "da-DK": "a string in Danish", }, "stringname2": { ... }, }, "task2": { ... }, ... } ... in other words a ``Dict[taskname: str, Dict[stringname: str, Dict[locale: str, stringvalue: str]]]``. For example, .. code-block:: none result["phq9"]["q5"][locale] == "5. Poor appetite or overeating" There is also a top-level dictionary with the key ``APPSTRING_TASKNAME``. **XML format** The extra string files should look like this: .. code-block:: xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resources> <task name="TASK_1" locale="en_GB"> <string name="NAME_1">VALUE</string> <string name="NAME_2">VALUE WITH\nNEWLINE</string> <!-- ... --> </task> <!-- ... --> </resources> If the ``locale`` attribute is not specified, a locale (language) tag of ``""`` is used internally, and will be the fallback position if nothing else is found. """ _ = """ The extra string files looked like this prior to 2019-05-05: .. code-block:: xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resources> <task name="TASK_1"> <string name="NAME_1">VALUE</string> <string name="NAME_2">VALUE WITH\nNEWLINE</string> <!-- ... --> </task> <!-- ... --> </resources> Designing XML: - an "element" looks like ``<thing>blah</thing>``, or ``<thing />``; the "element name" is "thing" in this example, and "blah" is called the "content". - the delimiters of an element are tags: start tags such as ``<thing>``, end tags such as ``</thing>``, or empty-element tags such as ``<thing />``. - an "attribute" is a name-value pair, e.g. ``<tagname attrname=value ...>``; "attrname" in this example is called the "attribute name". - So you can add information via the element structure or the attribute system. So, as we add language support (2019-05-05), we start with: - element names for types of information (task, string) - attribute values for labelling the content - content for the string data There are many ways we could add language information. Adding an attribute to every string seems verbose, though. We could use one of these systems: .. code-block:: xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resources> <task name="TASK_1"> <locale name="en_GB"> <string name="NAME_1">VALUE</string> <string name="NAME_2">VALUE WITH\nNEWLINE</string> <!-- ... --> </locale> </task> <!-- ... --> </resources> .. code-block:: xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resources> <task name="TASK_1" locale="en_GB"> <string name="NAME_1">VALUE</string> <string name="NAME_2">VALUE WITH\nNEWLINE</string> <!-- ... --> </task> <!-- ... --> </resources> The second seems a bit clearer (fewer levels). Let's do that. It also makes all existing XML files automatically compatible (with minor code adaptations). If the ``locale`` parameter is missing, strings go into a "no-locale" state and serve as the default. """ cfg = get_config(config_filename) assert cfg.extra_string_files is not None filenames = [] # type: List [str] for filespec in cfg.extra_string_files: possibles = glob.glob(filespec) filenames.extend(possibles) filenames = sorted(set(filenames)) # just unique ones if not filenames: raise_runtime_error( "No CamCOPS extra string files specified; " "config is misconfigured; aborting" ) allstrings = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] for filename in filenames:"Loading string XML file: {}", filename) parser = ElementTree.XMLParser(encoding="UTF-8") tree = ElementTree.parse(filename, parser=parser) root = tree.getroot() # We"ll search via an XPath. See # # noqa for taskroot in root.findall("./task[@name]"): # ... all elements with the tag "task" that have an attribute named # "name" taskname = taskroot.attrib.get("name") locale = taskroot.attrib.get("locale", MISSING_LOCALE) taskstrings = allstrings.setdefault( taskname, {} ) # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] for e in taskroot.findall("./string[@name]"): # ... all elements with the tag "string" that have an attribute # named "name" stringname = e.attrib.get("name") final_string = unescape_newlines(text_contents(e)) langversions = taskstrings.setdefault( stringname, {} ) # type: Dict[str, str] langversions[locale] = final_string if APPSTRING_TASKNAME not in allstrings: raise_runtime_error( "Extra string files do not contain core CamCOPS strings; " "config is misconfigured; aborting" ) return allstrings