Source code for camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes



    Copyright (C) 2012, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry.
    Created by Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of CamCOPS.

    CamCOPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CamCOPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CamCOPS. If not, see <>.


**SQLAlchemy column types used by CamCOPS.**

Note these built-in SQLAlchemy types

    =============== ===========================================================
    SQLAlchemy type Comment
    =============== ===========================================================
    BigInteger      MySQL: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
                    9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (64-bit)
                    (compare NHS number: up to 9,999,999,999)
    Integer         MySQL: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32-bit)
    Interval        For ``datetime.timedelta``
    LargeBinary     Under MySQL, maps to ``BLOB``
    MatchType       For the return type of the ``MATCH`` operator
    Numeric         For fixed-precision numbers like ``NUMERIC`` or ``DECIMAL``
    String          ``VARCHAR``
    Text            Variably sized string type.
                    (Under MySQL, renders as ``TEXT``.)
    Unicode         Implies that the underlying column explicitly supports
    UnicodeText     Variably sized version of Unicode
                    (Under MySQL, renders as ``TEXT`` too.)
    =============== ===========================================================

Not supported across all platforms:

    =============== ===========================================================
    SQL type        Comment
    =============== ===========================================================
    BIGINT UNSIGNED MySQL: 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (64-bit).
                    Use ``sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.BIGINT(unsigned=True)``.
    INT UNSIGNED    MySQL: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (32-bit).
                    Use ``sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True)``.
    =============== ===========================================================

Other MySQL sizes:

    =============== ===========================================================
    MySQL type      Comment
    =============== ===========================================================
    TINYBLOB        2^8 bytes = 256 bytes
    BLOB            2^16 bytes = 64 KiB
    MEDIUMBLOB      2^24 bytes = 16 MiB
    LONGBLOB        2^32 bytes = 4 GiB
    TINYTEXT        255 (2^8 - 1) bytes
    TEXT            65,535 bytes (2^16 - 1) = 64 KiB
    MEDIUMTEXT      16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) bytes = 16 MiB
    LONGTEXT        4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes = 4 GiB
    =============== ===========================================================


Also notes:

- Columns may need their character set specified explicitly under MySQL:

"""  # noqa

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================

import json
import logging
from typing import (
import uuid

from cardinal_pythonlib.datetimefunc import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.lists import chunks
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter
from cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc import auto_repr
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dialect import SqlaDialectName
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.orm_inspect import (
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.sqlfunc import (
from isodate.isoerror import ISO8601Error
from pendulum import DateTime as Pendulum, Duration
from pendulum.parsing.exceptions import ParserError
import phonenumbers
from semantic_version import Version
from sqlalchemy import util
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
from sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces import Dialect
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.orm.relationships import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import conv
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import text
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import FunctionElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import (
from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeDecorator

from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_constants import PV, StringLengths
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects import IdNumReference
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqlalchemy import (
from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_version import make_version

    from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import ClauseElement
    from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import SQLCompiler
    from camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_db import (

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# =============================================================================
# Debugging options
# =============================================================================


if any(
    log.warning("Debugging options enabled!")

# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================

[docs]class RelationshipInfo(object): """ Used as keys the ``info`` (user-defined) dictionary parameter to SQLAlchemy ``relationship`` calls; see """ IS_ANCILLARY = "is_ancillary" IS_BLOB = "is_blob"
# ============================================================================= # Simple derivative column types # ============================================================================= # If you insert something too long into a VARCHAR, it just gets truncated. AuditSourceColType = String(length=StringLengths.AUDIT_SOURCE_MAX_LEN) # BigIntUnsigned = Integer().with_variant(mysql.BIGINT(unsigned=True), 'mysql') # ... partly because Alembic breaks on variants (Aug 2017), and partly because # it's nonstandard and unnecessary, changed all BigIntUnsigned to # BigInteger (2017-08-25). Base32ColType = String(length=StringLengths.BASE32_MAX_LEN) CharColType = String(length=1) CharsetColType = String(length=StringLengths.CHARSET_MAX_LEN) CurrencyColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.CURRENCY_MAX_LEN) DatabaseTitleColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.DATABASE_TITLE_MAX_LEN) DeviceNameColType = String(length=StringLengths.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN) DiagnosticCodeColType = String(length=StringLengths.DIAGNOSTIC_CODE_MAX_LEN) EmailAddressColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.EMAIL_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN) EraColType = String(length=StringLengths.ISO8601_DATETIME_STRING_MAX_LEN) ExportRecipientNameColType = String( length=StringLengths.EXPORT_RECIPIENT_NAME_MAX_LEN ) ExportTransmissionMethodColType = String( length=StringLengths.SENDING_FORMAT_MAX_LEN ) FilterTextColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.FILTER_TEXT_MAX_LEN) FileSpecColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.FILESPEC_MAX_LEN) FullNameColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.FULLNAME_MAX_LEN) GroupDescriptionColType = Unicode( length=StringLengths.GROUP_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN ) GroupNameColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) HashedPasswordColType = String(length=StringLengths.HASHED_PW_MAX_LEN) # ... You might think that we must ensure case-SENSITIVE comparison on this # field. That would require the option collation='utf8mb4_bin' to String(), # for MySQL. However, that is MySQL-specific, and SQLAlchemy currently (Oct # 2017) doesn't support database-specific *per-column* collations. SQLite # accepts COLLATE commands but chokes on 'utf8mb4_bin'. Now, the hashed # password from bcrypt() is case-sensitive. HOWEVER, the important thing is # that we always retrieve the string from the database and do a case-sensitive # comparison in Python (see calls to is_password_valid()). So the database # collation doesn't matter. So we don't set it. # See further notes in HL7AssigningAuthorityType = String(length=StringLengths.HL7_AA_MAX_LEN) HL7IdTypeType = String(length=StringLengths.HL7_ID_TYPE_MAX_LEN) HostnameColType = String(length=StringLengths.HOSTNAME_MAX_LEN) IdDescriptorColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.ID_DESCRIPTOR_MAX_LEN) IdPolicyColType = String(length=StringLengths.ID_POLICY_MAX_LEN) # IntUnsigned = Integer().with_variant(mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), 'mysql') IPAddressColType = String(length=StringLengths.IP_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN) # This is a plain string. # See also e.g. # noqa LanguageCodeColType = String(length=StringLengths.LANGUAGE_CODE_MAX_LEN) # Large BLOB: # # noqa # One of these: # noinspection PyTypeChecker LongBlob = LargeBinary().with_variant(mysql.LONGBLOB, "mysql") # LongBlob = LargeBinary(length=LONGBLOB_LONGTEXT_MAX_LEN) # doesn't translate to SQL Server # noqa # noinspection PyTypeChecker LongText = UnicodeText().with_variant(mysql.LONGTEXT, "mysql") # LongText = UnicodeText(length=LONGBLOB_LONGTEXT_MAX_LEN) # doesn't translate to SQL Server # noqa MfaMethodColType = String(length=StringLengths.MFA_METHOD_MAX_LEN) MimeTypeColType = String(length=StringLengths.MIMETYPE_MAX_LEN) PatientNameColType = Unicode(length=StringLengths.PATIENT_NAME_MAX_LEN) Rfc2822DateColType = String(length=StringLengths.RFC_2822_DATE_MAX_LEN) SessionTokenColType = String(length=StringLengths.SESSION_TOKEN_MAX_LEN) SexColType = String(length=1) SummaryCategoryColType = String( length=StringLengths.TASK_SUMMARY_TEXT_FIELD_DEFAULT_MAX_LEN ) # ... pretty generic TableNameColType = String(length=StringLengths.TABLENAME_MAX_LEN) UrlColType = String(length=StringLengths.URL_MAX_LEN) UserNameCamcopsColType = String(length=StringLengths.USERNAME_CAMCOPS_MAX_LEN) UserNameExternalColType = String( length=StringLengths.USERNAME_EXTERNAL_MAX_LEN ) # ============================================================================= # Helper operations for PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType # ============================================================================= # Database string format is e.g. # 2013-07-24T20:04:07.123456+01:00 # 2013-07-24T20:04:07.123+01:00 # 0 1 2 3 } position in string; 1-based # 12345678901234567890123456789012 } # # So: rightmost 6 characters are time zone; rest is date/time. # leftmost 23 characters are time up to millisecond precision. # overall length is typically 29 (milliseconds) or 32 (microseconds) _TZ_LEN = 6 # length of the timezone part of the ISO8601 string _UTC_TZ_LITERAL = "'+00:00'" _SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT_FOR_PYTHON = "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f'" _MYSQL_DATETIME_LEN = 19 _SQLSERVER_DATETIME_LEN = 19 _SQLSERVER_DATETIME2_LEN = 27 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime(FunctionElement): """ Used as an SQL operation by :class:`PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType`. Creates an SQL expression wrapping a field containing our ISO-8601 text, making a ``DATETIME`` out of it, in the UTC timezone. Implemented for different SQL dialects. """ type = DateTime() name = "isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime" inherit_cache = False
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime) def isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_default( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> None: """ Default implementation for :class:`isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime`: fail. """ fail_unknown_dialect(compiler, "perform isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime")
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.MYSQL) def isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_mysql( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime` for MySQL. For format, see Note the use of "%i" for minutes. Things after ``func.`` get passed to the database engine as literal SQL functions; """ x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) # Let's do this in a clear way: date_time_part = f"LEFT({x}, LENGTH({x}) - {_TZ_LEN})" # ... drop the rightmost 6 chars (the timezone component) fmt = compiler.process(text("'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%S.%f'")) # ... the text() part deals with the necessary escaping of % for the DBAPI the_date_time = f"STR_TO_DATE({date_time_part}, {fmt})" # ... STR_TO_DATE() returns a DATETIME if the string contains both date and # time components. old_timezone = f"RIGHT({x}, {_TZ_LEN})" result_utc = ( f"CONVERT_TZ({the_date_time}, {old_timezone}, {_UTC_TZ_LITERAL})" ) # log.debug(result_utc) return result_utc
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.SQLITE) def isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_sqlite( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime` for SQLite. - - - Get an SQL expression for the timezone adjustment in hours. Note that if a time is 12:00+01:00, that means e.g. midday BST, which is 11:00+00:00 or 11:00 UTC. So you SUBTRACT the displayed timezone from the time, which I've always thought is a bit odd. Ha! Was busy implementing this, but SQLite is magic; if there's a timezone at the end, ``STRFTIME()`` will convert it to UTC automatically! Moreover, the format is the OUTPUT format that a Python datetime will recognize, so no 'T'. The output format is like this: ``2018-06-01 00:00:00.000``. Note that SQLite provides millisecond precision only (in general and via the ``%f`` argument to ``STRFTIME``). See also SQLAlchemy's DATETIME support for SQLite: - ... but that doesn't support timezones, so that doesn't help us. One further problem -- see :class:`camcops_server.tasks.core10.Core10ReportDateRangeTests` -- is that comparisons are done by SQLite as text, so e.g. .. code-block:: sql SELECT '2018-06-01 00:00:00.000' >= '2018-06-01 00:00:00.000000'; -- 0, false SELECT '2018-06-01 00:00:00.000' >= '2018-06-01 00:00:00.000'; -- 1, true and therefore we need to ensure either that the SQLite side gets translated to 6dp, or the bind param gets translated to 3dp. I don't think we can always have control over the bind parameter. So we append '000' to the SQLite side. """ # noqa x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) fmt = compiler.process(text(_SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT_FOR_PYTHON)) result = f"(STRFTIME({fmt}, {x}) || '000')" # log.debug(result) return result
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.SQLSERVER) def isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_sqlserver( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime` for SQL Server. **Converting strings to DATETIME values** - ``CAST()``: Part of ANSI SQL. - ``CONVERT()``: Not part of ANSI SQL; has some extra formatting options. Both methods work: .. code-block:: sql SELECT CAST('2001-01-31T21:30:49.123' AS DATETIME) AS via_cast, CONVERT(DATETIME, '2001-01-31T21:30:49.123') AS via_convert; ... fine on SQL Server 2005, with milliseconds in both cases. However, going beyond milliseconds doesn't fail gracefully, it causes an error (e.g. "...21:30.49.123456") both for CAST and CONVERT. The ``DATETIME2`` format accepts greater precision, but requires SQL Server 2008 or higher. Then this works: .. code-block:: sql SELECT CAST('2001-01-31T21:30:49.123456' AS DATETIME2) AS via_cast, CONVERT(DATETIME2, '2001-01-31T21:30:49.123456') AS via_convert; So as not to be too optimistic: ``CAST(x AS DATETIME2)`` ignores (silently) any timezone information in the string. So does ``CONVERT(DATETIME2, x, {0 or 1})``. **Converting between time zones** NO TIME ZONE SUPPORT in SQL Server 2005. e.g. .. code-block:: none TODATETIMEOFFSET(expression, time_zone): expression: something that evaluates to a DATETIME2 value time_zone: integer minutes, or string hours/minutes e.g. "+13.00" -> produces a DATETIMEOFFSET value Available from SQL Server 2008 ( .. code-block:: none SWITCHOFFSET -> converts one DATETIMEOFFSET value to another, preserving its UTC time, but changing the displayed (local) time zone. ... however, is that unnecessary? We want a plain ``DATETIME2`` in UTC, and .conversion to UTC is automatically achieved by ``CONVERT(DATETIME2, .some_datetimeoffset, 1)`` ... ... but not by ``CAST(some_datetimeoffset AS DATETIME2)``, and not by ``CONVERT(DATETIME2, some_datetimeoffset, 0)`` ... and styles 0 and 1 are the only ones permissible from SQL Server 2012 and up (empirically, and documented for the reverse direction at ... this is not properly documented re UTC conversion, as far as I can see. Let's use ``SWITCHOFFSET -> CAST`` to be explicit and clear. ``AT TIME ZONE``: From SQL Server 2016 only. **Therefore** - We need to require SQL Server 2008 or higher. - Therefore we can use the ``DATETIME2`` type. - Note that ``LEN()``, not ``LENGTH()``, is ANSI SQL; SQL Server only supports ``LEN``. **Example (tested on SQL Server 2014)** .. code-block:: sql DECLARE @source AS VARCHAR(100) = '2001-01-31T21:30:49.123456+07:00'; SELECT CAST( SWITCHOFFSET( TODATETIMEOFFSET( CAST(LEFT(@source, LEN(@source) - 6) AS DATETIME2), RIGHT(@source, 6) ), '+00:00' ) AS DATETIME2 ) -- 2001-01-31 14:30:49.1234560 """ # noqa x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) date_time_part = f"LEFT({x}, LEN({x}) - {_TZ_LEN})" # a VARCHAR old_timezone = f"RIGHT({x}, {_TZ_LEN})" # a VARCHAR date_time_no_tz = f"CAST({date_time_part} AS DATETIME2)" # a DATETIME2 date_time_offset_with_old_tz = ( f"TODATETIMEOFFSET({date_time_no_tz}, {old_timezone})" # a DATETIMEOFFSET ) date_time_offset_with_utc_tz = ( f"SWITCHOFFSET({date_time_offset_with_old_tz}, {_UTC_TZ_LITERAL})" # a DATETIMEOFFSET in UTC ) result_utc = f"CAST({date_time_offset_with_utc_tz} AS DATETIME2)" # log.debug(result_utc) return result_utc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unknown_field_to_utcdatetime # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class unknown_field_to_utcdatetime(FunctionElement): """ Used as an SQL operation by :class:`PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType`. Creates an SQL expression wrapping a field containing something unknown, which might be a ``DATETIME`` or an ISO-formatted field, and making a ``DATETIME`` out of it, in the UTC timezone. Implemented for different SQL dialects. """ type = DateTime() name = "unknown_field_to_utcdatetime" inherit_cache = False
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(unknown_field_to_utcdatetime) def unknown_field_to_utcdatetime_default( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> None: """ Default implementation for :class:`unknown_field_to_utcdatetime`: fail. """ fail_unknown_dialect(compiler, "perform unknown_field_to_utcdatetime")
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(unknown_field_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.MYSQL) def unknown_field_to_utcdatetime_mysql( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`unknown_field_to_utcdatetime` for MySQL. If it's the length of a plain ``DATETIME`` e.g. ``2013-05-30 00:00:00`` (19), leave it as a ``DATETIME``; otherwise convert ISO -> ``DATETIME``. """ x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) converted = isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_mysql(element, compiler, **kw) result = f"IF(LENGTH({x}) = {_MYSQL_DATETIME_LEN}, {x}, {converted})" # log.debug(result) return result
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(unknown_field_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.SQLITE) def unknown_field_to_utcdatetime_sqlite( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`unknown_field_to_utcdatetime` for SQLite. """ x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) fmt = compiler.process(text(_SQLITE_DATETIME_FMT_FOR_PYTHON)) result = f"STRFTIME({fmt}, {x})" # log.debug(result) return result
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]@compiles(unknown_field_to_utcdatetime, SqlaDialectName.SQLSERVER) def unknown_field_to_utcdatetime_sqlserver( element: "ClauseElement", compiler: "SQLCompiler", **kw ) -> str: """ Implementation of :class:`unknown_field_to_utcdatetime` for SQL Server. We should cope also with the possibility of a ``DATETIME2`` field, not just ``DATETIME``. It seems consistent that ``LEN(DATETIME2) = 27``, with precision tenth of a microsecond, e.g. ``2001-01-31 21:30:49.1234567`` (27). So, if it looks like a ``DATETIME`` or a ``DATETIME2``, then we leave it alone; otherwise we put it through our ISO-to-datetime function. Importantly, note that neither ``_SQLSERVER_DATETIME_LEN`` nor ``_SQLSERVER_DATETIME2_LEN`` are the length of any of our ISO strings. """ x = fetch_processed_single_clause(element, compiler) # # noqa converted = isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime_sqlserver(element, compiler, **kw) result = ( f"CASE WHEN LEN({x}) IN " f"({_SQLSERVER_DATETIME_LEN}, {_SQLSERVER_DATETIME2_LEN}) THEN {x} " f"ELSE {converted} " f"END" ) # log.debug(result) return result
# ============================================================================= # Custom date/time field as ISO-8601 text including timezone, using # pendulum.DateTime on the Python side. # =============================================================================
[docs]class PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType(TypeDecorator): """ Stores date/time values as ISO-8601, in a specific format. Uses Pendulum on the Python side. """ impl = String(length=StringLengths.ISO8601_DATETIME_STRING_MAX_LEN) # ... underlying SQL type cache_ok = False _coltype_name = "PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType" @property def python_type(self) -> type: """ The Python type of the object. """ return Pendulum
[docs] @staticmethod def pendulum_to_isostring(x: PotentialDatetimeType) -> Optional[str]: """ From a Python datetime to an ISO-formatted string in our particular format. """ # # noqa x = coerce_to_pendulum(x) try: mainpart = x.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f" ) # microsecond accuracy timezone = x.strftime("%z") # won't have the colon in return mainpart + timezone[:-2] + ":" + timezone[-2:] except AttributeError: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def isostring_to_pendulum(x: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Pendulum]: """ From an ISO-formatted string to a Python Pendulum, with timezone. """ try: return coerce_to_pendulum(x) except (ParserError, ValueError): log.warning("Bad ISO date/time string: {!r}", x) return None
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Optional[Pendulum], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self.pendulum_to_isostring(value) if DEBUG_DATETIME_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_bind_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_literal_param( self, value: Optional[Pendulum], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert literals on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self.pendulum_to_isostring(value) if DEBUG_DATETIME_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_literal_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_result_value( self, value: Optional[str], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[Pendulum]: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ retval = self.isostring_to_pendulum(value) if DEBUG_DATETIME_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_result_value(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class comparator_factory(TypeDecorator.Comparator): """ Process SQL for when we are comparing our column, in the database, to something else. We make this dialect-independent by calling functions like .. code-block:: none unknown_field_to_utcdatetime isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime ... which we then specialize for specific dialects. This function itself does not appear to be able to access any information about the dialect. """
[docs] def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): assert len(other) == 1 assert not kwargs other = other[0] try: processed_other = convert_datetime_to_utc( coerce_to_pendulum(other) ) # - If you try to call a dialect-specialized FunctionElement, # it processes the clause to "?" (meaning "attach bind # parameter here"); it's not the value itself. # - For our SQLite "milliseconds only" comparator problem (see # above), we can't do very much here without knowing the # dialect. So we make the SQLite side look like it has # microseconds by appending "000"... except (AttributeError, ParserError, TypeError, ValueError): # OK. At this point, "other" could be a plain DATETIME field, # or a PendulumDateTimeAsIsoTextColType field (or potentially # something else that we don't really care about). If it's a # DATETIME, then we assume it is already in UTC. processed_other = unknown_field_to_utcdatetime(other) if DEBUG_DATETIME_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "operate(self={!r}, op={!r}, other={!r})", self, op, other ) log.debug("self.expr = {!r}", self.expr) log.debug("processed_other = {!r}", processed_other) # traceback.print_stack() return op(isotzdatetime_to_utcdatetime(self.expr), processed_other)
[docs] def reverse_operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): assert False, "I don't think this is ever being called"
# ============================================================================= # Custom duration field as ISO-8601 text, using pendulum.Duration on the Python # side. # =============================================================================
[docs]class PendulumDurationAsIsoTextColType(TypeDecorator): """ Stores time durations as ISO-8601, in a specific format. Uses :class:`pendulum.Duration` on the Python side. """ impl = String(length=StringLengths.ISO8601_DURATION_STRING_MAX_LEN) # ... underlying SQL type cache_ok = False _coltype_name = "PendulumDurationAsIsoTextColType" @property def python_type(self) -> type: """ The Python type of the object. """ return Duration
[docs] @staticmethod def pendulum_duration_to_isostring(x: Optional[Duration]) -> Optional[str]: """ From a :class:`pendulum.Duration` (or ``None``) an ISO-formatted string in our particular format (or ``NULL``). """ if x is None: return None return duration_to_iso( x, permit_years_months=True, minus_sign_at_front=True )
[docs] @staticmethod def isostring_to_pendulum_duration(x: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Duration]: """ From an ISO-formatted string to a Python Pendulum, with timezone. """ if not x: # None (NULL) or blank string return None try: return duration_from_iso(x) except (ISO8601Error, ValueError): log.warning("Bad ISO duration string: {!r}", x) return None
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Optional[Pendulum], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self.pendulum_duration_to_isostring(value) if DEBUG_DURATION_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_bind_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_literal_param( self, value: Optional[Pendulum], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert literals on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self.pendulum_duration_to_isostring(value) if DEBUG_DURATION_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_literal_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_result_value( self, value: Optional[str], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[Pendulum]: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ retval = self.isostring_to_pendulum_duration(value) if DEBUG_DURATION_AS_ISO_TEXT: log.debug( "{}.process_result_value(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
# No comparator_factory; we do not use SQL to compare ISO durations. # ============================================================================= # Semantic version column type # =============================================================================
[docs]class SemanticVersionColType(TypeDecorator): """ Stores semantic versions in the database. Uses :class:`semantic_version.Version` on the Python side. """ impl = String(length=147) # cache_ok = False _coltype_name = "SemanticVersionColType" @property def python_type(self) -> type: """ The Python type of the object. """ return Version
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Optional[Version], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = str(value) if value is not None else None if DEBUG_SEMANTIC_VERSION: log.debug( "{}.process_bind_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_literal_param( self, value: Optional[Version], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert literals on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = str(value) if value is not None else None if DEBUG_SEMANTIC_VERSION: log.debug( "{}.process_literal_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> !r", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_result_value( self, value: Optional[str], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[Version]: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ if value is None: retval = None else: # Here we do some slightly fancier conversion to deal with all # sorts of potential rubbish coming in, so we get a properly # ordered Version out: retval = make_version(value) if DEBUG_SEMANTIC_VERSION: log.debug( "{}.process_result_value(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
''' # noinspection PyPep8Naming class comparator_factory(TypeDecorator.Comparator): """ Process SQL for when we are comparing our column, in the database, to something else. See .. warning:: I'm not sure this is either (a) correct or (b) used; it may produce a string comparison of e.g. ``14.0.0`` versus ``2.0.0``, which will be alphabetical and therefore wrong. Disabled on 2019-04-28. """ # noqa def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): assert len(other) == 1 assert not kwargs other = other[0] if isinstance(other, Version): processed_other = str(Version) else: processed_other = other return op(self.expr, processed_other) def reverse_operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): assert False, "I don't think this is ever being called" '''
# ============================================================================= # IdNumReferenceListColType # =============================================================================
[docs]class IdNumReferenceListColType(TypeDecorator): """ Stores a list of IdNumReference objects. On the database side, uses a comma-separated list of integers. """ impl = Text() _coltype_name = "IdNumReferenceListColType" @property def python_type(self) -> type: """ The Python type of the object. """ return list @staticmethod def _idnumdef_list_to_dbstr( idnumdef_list: Optional[List[IdNumReference]], ) -> str: """ Converts an optional list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.IdNumReference` objects to a CSV string suitable for storing in the database. """ if not idnumdef_list: return "" elements = [] # type: List[int] for idnumdef in idnumdef_list: elements.append(idnumdef.which_idnum) elements.append(idnumdef.idnum_value) return ",".join(str(x) for x in elements) @staticmethod def _dbstr_to_idnumdef_list(dbstr: Optional[str]) -> List[IdNumReference]: """ Converts a CSV string (from the database) to a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_simpleobjects.IdNumReference` objects. """ idnumdef_list = [] # type: List[IdNumReference] try: intlist = [int(numstr) for numstr in dbstr.split(",")] except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): return [] length = len(intlist) if length == 0 or length % 2 != 0: # enforce pairs return [] for which_idnum, idnum_value in chunks(intlist, n=2): if which_idnum < 0 or idnum_value < 0: # enforce positive integers return [] idnumdef_list.append( IdNumReference( which_idnum=which_idnum, idnum_value=idnum_value ) ) return idnumdef_list
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Optional[List[IdNumReference]], dialect: Dialect ) -> str: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self._idnumdef_list_to_dbstr(value) if DEBUG_IDNUMDEF_LIST: log.debug( "{}.process_bind_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_literal_param( self, value: Optional[List[IdNumReference]], dialect: Dialect ) -> str: """ Convert literals on the way from Python to the database. """ retval = self._idnumdef_list_to_dbstr(value) if DEBUG_IDNUMDEF_LIST: log.debug( "{}.process_literal_param(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> !r", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
[docs] def process_result_value( self, value: Optional[str], dialect: Dialect ) -> List[IdNumReference]: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ retval = self._dbstr_to_idnumdef_list(value) if DEBUG_IDNUMDEF_LIST: log.debug( "{}.process_result_value(" "self={!r}, value={!r}, dialect={!r}) -> {!r}", self._coltype_name, self, value, dialect, retval, ) return retval
# ============================================================================= # UUID column type # =============================================================================
[docs]class UuidColType(TypeDecorator): # Based on: # # noqa: E501 # which will use postgresql UUID if relevant, not doing that here impl = CHAR(32) cache_ok = False @property def python_type(self) -> type: return str
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: uuid.UUID, dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ if value is None: return None return "%.32x" %
[docs] def process_result_value( self, value: Optional[str], dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ if value is None: return None return uuid.UUID(value)
# ============================================================================= # JSON column type # =============================================================================
[docs]class JsonColType(TypeDecorator): # Unlike # # does not use vendor-specific JSON type impl = UnicodeText cache_ok = False @property def python_type(self) -> type: return str
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Any, dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ if value is None: return None return json.dumps(value)
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value: str, dialect: Dialect) -> Any: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ if value is None: return None return json.loads(value)
# ============================================================================= # Phone number column type # =============================================================================
[docs]class PhoneNumberColType(TypeDecorator): impl = Unicode(length=StringLengths.PHONE_NUMBER_MAX_LEN) cache_ok = False @property def python_type(self) -> type: return str
[docs] def process_bind_param( self, value: Any, dialect: Dialect ) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert parameters on the way from Python to the database. """ if value is None: return None return phonenumbers.format_number( value, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164 )
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value: str, dialect: Dialect) -> Any: """ Convert things on the way from the database to Python. """ if not value: return None # Should be stored as E164 so no need to pass a region return phonenumbers.parse(value, None)
# ============================================================================= # PermittedValueChecker: used by CamcopsColumn # =============================================================================
[docs]class PermittedValueChecker(object): """ Represents permitted values (in columns belonging to CamCOPS tasks), and checks a value against them. """
[docs] def __init__( self, not_null: bool = False, minimum: Union[int, float] = None, maximum: Union[int, float] = None, permitted_values: Sequence[Any] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: not_null: must the value not be NULL? minimum: if specified, a numeric minimum value maximum: if specified, a numeric maximum value permitted_values: if specified, a list of permitted values """ self.not_null = not_null self.minimum = minimum self.maximum = maximum self.permitted_values = permitted_values
[docs] def is_ok(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Does the value pass our tests? """ if value is None: return not self.not_null # If not_null is True, then the value is not OK; return False. # If not_null is False, then a null value passes all other tests. if ( self.permitted_values is not None and value not in self.permitted_values ): return False if self.minimum is not None and value < self.minimum: return False if self.maximum is not None and value > self.maximum: return False return True
[docs] def failure_msg(self, value: Any) -> str: """ Why does the value not pass our tests? """ if value is None: if self.not_null: return "value is None and NULL values are not permitted" else: return "" # value is OK if ( self.permitted_values is not None and value not in self.permitted_values ): return ( f"value {value!r} not in permitted values " f"{self.permitted_values!r}" ) if self.minimum is not None and value < self.minimum: return f"value {value!r} less than minimum of {self.minimum!r}" if self.maximum is not None and value > self.maximum: return f"value {value!r} more than maximum of {self.maximum!r}" return ""
def __repr__(self): return auto_repr(self)
[docs] def permitted_values_inc_minmax(self) -> Tuple: """ Returns permitted values, either specified directly or via a minimum/maximum. """ if self.permitted_values: return tuple(self.permitted_values) # Take a punt that integer minima/maxima mean that only integers are # permitted... if isinstance(self.minimum, int) and isinstance(self.maximum, int): return tuple(range(self.minimum, self.maximum + 1)) return ()
[docs] def permitted_values_csv(self) -> str: """ Returns a CSV representation of the permitted values. Primarily used for CRIS data dictionaries. """ return ",".join(str(x) for x in self.permitted_values_inc_minmax())
# Specific instances, to reduce object duplication and magic numbers: MIN_ZERO_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0) BIT_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(permitted_values=PV.BIT) ZERO_TO_ONE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=1) ZERO_TO_TWO_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=2) ZERO_TO_THREE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=3) ZERO_TO_FOUR_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=4) ZERO_TO_FIVE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=5) ZERO_TO_SIX_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=6) ZERO_TO_SEVEN_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=7) ZERO_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=8) ZERO_TO_NINE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=9) ZERO_TO_10_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=10) ZERO_TO_100_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=0, maximum=100) ONE_TO_TWO_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=2) ONE_TO_THREE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=3) ONE_TO_FOUR_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=4) ONE_TO_FIVE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=5) ONE_TO_SIX_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=6) ONE_TO_SEVEN_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=7) ONE_TO_EIGHT_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=8) ONE_TO_NINE_CHECKER = PermittedValueChecker(minimum=1, maximum=9) # ============================================================================= # CamcopsColumn: provides extra functions over Column. # ============================================================================= # Column attributes: COLATTR_PERMITTED_VALUE_CHECKER = "permitted_value_checker" # noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class CamcopsColumn(Column): """ A SQLAlchemy :class:`Column` class that supports some CamCOPS-specific flags, such as: - whether a field is a BLOB reference; - how it should be treated for anonymisation; - which values are permitted in the field (in a soft sense: duff values cause errors to be reported, but they're still stored). """ inherit_cache = True #
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, include_in_anon_staging_db: bool = False, exempt_from_anonymisation: bool = False, identifies_patient: bool = False, is_blob_id_field: bool = False, blob_relationship_attr_name: str = "", permitted_value_checker: PermittedValueChecker = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Args: *args: Arguments to the :class:`Column` constructor. include_in_anon_staging_db: Ensure this is marked for inclusion in data dictionaries for an anonymisation staging database. exempt_from_anonymisation: If true: though this field might be text, it is guaranteed not to contain identifiers (e.g. it might contain only predefined disease severity descriptions) and does not require anonymisation. identifies_patient: If true: contains a patient identifier (e.g. name). is_blob_id_field: If true: this field contains a reference (client FK) to the BLOB table. blob_relationship_attr_name: For BLOB ID fields: the name of the associated relationship attribute (which, when accessed, yields the BLOB itself) in the owning class/object. permitted_value_checker: If specified, a :class:`PermittedValueChecker` that allows soft constraints to be specified on the field's contents. (That is, no constraints are specified at the database level, but we can moan if incorrect data are present.) **kwargs: Arguments to the :class:`Column` constructor. """ self.include_in_anon_staging_db = include_in_anon_staging_db self.exempt_from_anonymisation = exempt_from_anonymisation self.identifies_patient = identifies_patient self.is_blob_id_field = is_blob_id_field self.blob_relationship_attr_name = blob_relationship_attr_name self.permitted_value_checker = permitted_value_checker if is_blob_id_field: assert blob_relationship_attr_name, ( "If specifying a BLOB ID field, must give the attribute name " "of the relationship too" ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _constructor(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CamcopsColumn": """ SQLAlchemy method (not clearly documented) to assist in copying objects. Returns a copy of this object. See """ kwargs["include_in_anon_staging_db"] = self.include_in_anon_staging_db kwargs["exempt_from_anonymisation"] = self.exempt_from_anonymisation kwargs["identifies_patient"] = self.identifies_patient kwargs["is_blob_id_field"] = self.is_blob_id_field kwargs["blob_relationship_attr_name"] = ( self.blob_relationship_attr_name ) kwargs[COLATTR_PERMITTED_VALUE_CHECKER] = self.permitted_value_checker # noinspection PyTypeChecker return self.__class__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: def kvp(attrname: str) -> str: return f"{attrname}={getattr(self, attrname)!r}" elements = [ kvp("include_in_anon_staging_db"), kvp("exempt_from_anonymisation"), kvp("identifies_patient"), kvp("is_blob_id_field"), kvp("blob_relationship_attr_name"), kvp(COLATTR_PERMITTED_VALUE_CHECKER), f"super()={super().__repr__()}", ] return f"CamcopsColumn({', '.join(elements)})"
[docs] def set_permitted_value_checker( self, permitted_value_checker: PermittedValueChecker ) -> None: """ Sets the :class:`PermittedValueChecker` attribute. """ self.permitted_value_checker = permitted_value_checker
# ============================================================================= # Operate on Column/CamcopsColumn properties # =============================================================================
[docs]def gen_columns_matching_attrnames( obj, attrnames: List[str] ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Column], None, None]: """ Find columns of an SQLAlchemy ORM object whose attribute names match a list. Args: obj: SQLAlchemy ORM object to inspect attrnames: attribute names Yields: ``attrname, column`` tuples """ for attrname, column in gen_columns(obj): if attrname in attrnames: yield attrname, column
[docs]def gen_camcops_columns( obj, ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, CamcopsColumn], None, None]: """ Finds all columns of an object that are :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` columns. Args: obj: SQLAlchemy ORM object to inspect Yields: ``attrname, column`` tuples """ for attrname, column in gen_columns(obj): if isinstance(column, CamcopsColumn): yield attrname, column
[docs]def gen_camcops_blob_columns( obj, ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, CamcopsColumn], None, None]: """ Finds all columns of an object that are :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` columns referencing the BLOB table. Args: obj: SQLAlchemy ORM object to inspect Yields: ``attrname, column`` tuples """ for attrname, column in gen_camcops_columns(obj): if column.is_blob_id_field: if attrname != log.warning( "BLOB field where attribute name {!r} != SQL " "column name {!r}", attrname,, ) yield attrname, column
[docs]def get_column_attr_names(obj) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of column attribute names from an SQLAlchemy ORM object. """ return [attrname for attrname, _ in gen_columns(obj)]
[docs]def get_camcops_column_attr_names(obj) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` column attribute names from an SQLAlchemy ORM object. """ return [attrname for attrname, _ in gen_camcops_columns(obj)]
[docs]def get_camcops_blob_column_attr_names(obj) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` BLOB column attribute names from an SQLAlchemy ORM object. """ return [attrname for attrname, _ in gen_camcops_blob_columns(obj)]
[docs]def permitted_value_failure_msgs(obj) -> List[str]: """ Checks a SQLAlchemy ORM object instance against its permitted value checks (via its :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` columns), if it has any. Returns a list of failure messages (empty list means all OK). If you just want to know whether it passes, a quicker way is via :func:`permitted_values_ok`. """ failure_msgs = [] for attrname, camcops_column in gen_camcops_columns(obj): pv_checker = ( camcops_column.permitted_value_checker ) # type: Optional[PermittedValueChecker] if pv_checker is None: continue value = getattr(obj, attrname) failure_msg = pv_checker.failure_msg(value) if failure_msg: failure_msgs.append(f"Invalid value for {attrname}: {failure_msg}") return failure_msgs
[docs]def permitted_values_ok(obj) -> bool: """ Checks whether an instance passes its permitted value checks, if it has any. If you want to know why it failed, see :func:`permitted_value_failure_msgs`. """ for attrname, camcops_column in gen_camcops_columns(obj): pv_checker = ( camcops_column.permitted_value_checker ) # type: Optional[PermittedValueChecker] if pv_checker is None: continue value = getattr(obj, attrname) if not pv_checker.is_ok(value): return False return True
[docs]def gen_ancillary_relationships( obj, ) -> Generator[ Tuple[str, RelationshipProperty, Type["GenericTabletRecordMixin"]], None, None, ]: """ For an SQLAlchemy ORM object, yields tuples of ``attrname, relationship_property, related_class`` for all relationships that are marked as a CamCOPS ancillary relationship. """ for attrname, rel_prop, related_class in gen_relationships(obj): if, None) is True: yield attrname, rel_prop, related_class
[docs]def gen_blob_relationships( obj, ) -> Generator[ Tuple[str, RelationshipProperty, Type["GenericTabletRecordMixin"]], None, None, ]: """ For an SQLAlchemy ORM object, yields tuples of ``attrname, relationship_property, related_class`` for all relationships that are marked as a CamCOPS BLOB relationship. """ for attrname, rel_prop, related_class in gen_relationships(obj): if, None) is True: yield attrname, rel_prop, related_class
# ============================================================================= # Specializations of CamcopsColumn to save typing # ============================================================================= def _name_type_in_column_args(args: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ SQLAlchemy doesn't encourage deriving from Column. If you do, you have to implement ``__init__()`` and ``_constructor()`` carefully. The ``__init__()`` function will be called by user code, and via SQLAlchemy internals, including via ``_constructor`` (e.g. from ``Column.make_proxy()``). It is likely that ``__init__`` will experience many combinations of the column name and type being passed either in ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``. It must pass them on to :class:`Column`. If you don't mess with the type, that's easy; just pass them on unmodified. But if you plan to mess with the type, as we do in :class:`BoolColumn` below, we must make sure that we don't pass either of ``name`` or ``type_`` in *both* ``args`` and ``kwargs``. This function tells you whether ``name`` and ``type_`` are present in args, using the same method as ``Column.__init__()``. """ name_in_args = False type_in_args = False args = list(args) # make a copy, and make it a list not a tuple if args: if isinstance(args[0], util.string_types): name_in_args = True args.pop(0) if args: coltype = args[0] if hasattr(coltype, "_sqla_type"): type_in_args = True return name_in_args, type_in_args # noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class BoolColumn(CamcopsColumn): """ A :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.CamcopsColumn` representing a boolean value. """ inherit_cache = True #
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # Must pass on all arguments, ultimately to Column, or when using # AbstractConcreteBase, you can get this: # # TypeError: Could not create a copy of this <class 'camcops_server. # cc_modules.cc_sqla_coltypes.BoolColumn'> object. Ensure the class # includes a _constructor() attribute or method which accepts the # standard Column constructor arguments, or references the Column class # itself. # # During internal copying, "type_" can arrive here within kwargs, so # we must make sure that we don't send it on twice to super().__init(). # Also, Column.make_proxy() calls our _constructor() with name and type # in args, so we must handle that, too... _, type_in_args = _name_type_in_column_args(args) self.constraint_name = kwargs.pop( "constraint_name", None ) # type: Optional[str] if not type_in_args: if self.constraint_name: constraint_name_conv = conv(self.constraint_name) # ... see help for ``conv`` else: constraint_name_conv = None kwargs["type_"] = Boolean(name=constraint_name_conv) # The "name" parameter to Boolean() specifies the name of the # (0, 1) constraint. kwargs[COLATTR_PERMITTED_VALUE_CHECKER] = BIT_CHECKER super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if ( not self.constraint_name and len( >= LONG_COLUMN_NAME_WARNING_LIMIT ): log.warning( "BoolColumn with long column name and no constraint " "name: {!r}",, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: def kvp(attrname: str) -> str: return f"{attrname}={getattr(self, attrname)!r}" elements = [kvp("constraint_name"), f"super()={super().__repr__()}"] return f"BoolColumn({', '.join(elements)})" def _constructor(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BoolColumn": """ Make a copy; see """ kwargs["constraint_name"] = self.constraint_name return super()._constructor(*args, **kwargs)